Eyre Security

Eyre Security

Static Guarding
Door Supervision Farm/ work Site Patrols ,call out Static Guarding. Alert Response


trigger points and solutions sollution


Liability management
"Southampton bouncers will wear body-worn cameras with facial recognition technology to cut down city centre crime in a UK first.

The following report is by Daily Echo:

The three-month trial will see the cameras, fitted with Reveal facial recognition technology, worn by door staff across seven venues to help identify those who have been barred.

GO! Southampton – the city’s Business Improvement District – is the first of its kind in the country to run such a trial."


What were the reasons behind the shift from "bouncer" to "door supervisor" , The Professional Security Officer Magazine 04/02/2024

What were the reasons behind the shift from "bouncer" to "door supervisor" , The Professional Security Officer Magazine The term bouncer has been around for a long time, but the idea of "bouncers" as we know them today really took off in the 1970s. The word originally meant someone who prevented people from entering a place, such as by guarding an entrance or saying no to those without…
