ELPIS Foundation of Australia

ELPIS Foundation of Australia

Transforming Futures, One Step at a Time. The ELPIS Foundation of Australia stands as a beacon of hope in the realm of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery.

Together, we can break the stigma and foster a community of support and empowerment.


📸 Fueling Your Recovery Journey 🌱💪

Recovery is more than just breaking free from addiction, it’s about rebuilding and nourishing your body and mind. 🌟

Nutrition and Exercise play a pivotal role in this process: 🥗 Healthy Diet: Replenish Nutrients: Addiction can deplete essential vitamins and minerals. A balanced diet helps restore these vital nutrients.
Boost Mood: Foods rich in omega-3s, antioxidants, and vitamins can improve mental health and emotional stability.
Energy & Vitality: Proper nutrition provides the energy needed to engage in daily activities and therapy sessions. 🏋️‍♀️
Physical Activity: Stress Relief: Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. Improved Sleep: Regular physical activity promotes better sleep patterns, crucial for recovery.
Building Routine: Establishing a workout routine can create structure and purpose in your day.

Remember, recovery is a holistic journey. Embrace a balanced diet and stay active to support your mind, body and soul. 🌿✨


What Are You Grateful For and Why?

Gratitude can be a powerful tool in addiction recovery, helping to shift our focus from what’s missing to what’s present and positive in our lives.

Here are some things many people in recovery find gratitude for: Supportive Relationships: Family, friends and support groups who stand by us, providing love and encouragement.

Health Improvements: The journey to recovery often brings about better physical and mental health. Second Chances: The opportunity to rebuild our lives, pursue dreams and set new goals.

Personal Growth: Recovery allows us to discover our strengths, develop resilience and become more self-aware. Simple Joys: The ability to appreciate the small things—a beautiful sunrise, a good meal, a peaceful moment.

Take a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for today and let it be a source of strength and motivation on your recovery journey. 🌟


The Impact of Addiction on Pregnancy: What Studies Show...

Pregnancy is a crucial time for both mother and baby and addiction can have severe consequences for both. 🌸 🔬

Studies Reveal:

Health Risks: Substance use during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight.

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS): Babies born to mothers with substance use disorders may experience withdrawal symptoms requiring extended hospital stays and specialized care.

Developmental Issues: Exposure to drugs and alcohol in utero can lead to long-term developmental and behavioral problems for the child.

Let’s support and raise awareness about the importance of addiction treatment for pregnant women. Together, we can ensure healthier futures for both mothers and their babies. 💕


Meet Bentley, the British Bulldog, our beloved mascot at the ELPIS Foundation of Australia!

Bentley brings warmth and comfort to those on their journey to recovery. His friendly face and loving nature remind us all that support and companionship are always close by.

Welcome, Bentley! 🩵🫶🙏


Did you know? 🚨 9 out of 10 people with substance problems started using by age 18!

Early exposure significantly increases the risk of developing addiction issues in adulthood!

Let’s spread awareness and support early intervention. Together, we can make a difference and help prevent addiction before it starts! 🙏 Reach out to the ELPIS Foundation of Australia for resources and support.


Many new users begin using via painkiller prescriptions due to a legitimate need for pain management following surgery, injury or chronic pain conditions. However, the powerful effects of these medications, particularly opioids, can lead to physical dependence and misuse. 🙏

Over time, some individuals may escalate their usage to maintain pain relief or achieve euphoric effects, inadvertently starting a cycle of addiction that is difficult to break. 🎯

This trend highlights the importance of careful monitoring, patient education, and the development of alternative pain management strategies to prevent misuse and addiction. ✔️

If you or someone you know needs help with their addiction, reach out to the ELPIS Foundation of Australia for support and guidance.


Addiction is a complex condition marked by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences. Recognizing the warning signs is crucial for early intervention.

Behavioral changes are prominent indicators. Individuals may exhibit an increased preoccupation with the substance or behavior, neglecting responsibilities at work, school, or home. Social withdrawal is common, as addicts often isolate themselves from family and friends to hide their activities or due to feelings of guilt and shame. There can be a noticeable decline in personal hygiene and grooming.

Psychological signs include mood swings, anxiety, and irritability. Addicts might experience heightened euphoria when engaging in the addictive behavior, followed by depressive episodes. They often deny the extent of their problem and may become defensive or hostile when confronted.

Physical symptoms vary depending on the substance but can include changes in appetite, weight loss or gain, insomnia, or excessive sleep. In cases of substance addiction, there might be signs of intoxication such as slurred speech, unsteady gait, or bloodshot eyes. Financial issues also arise as individuals may spend excessive money on their addiction, leading to unexplained financial difficulties.

Recognizing these warning signs can prompt timely intervention, offering the individual a better chance at recovery through appropriate treatment and support!


Helping someone who is misusing drugs or alcohol requires a compassionate and structured approach. Begin by educating yourself about substance misuse to understand its complexities and the challenges the person might be facing. Approach them with empathy and without judgment, expressing concern for their well-being rather than focusing on their behaviour.

Encourage open communication, allowing them to share their feelings and experiences without fear of reproach. It’s crucial to listen actively and validate their emotions, which can help build trust. Offer your support by helping them recognize the problem and motivating them to seek professional help.

Be patient and persistent; recovery is a long and often difficult journey 🫶✨


Who Is More at Risk for Addiction?

Addiction remains a complex puzzle of genetic predispositions, environmental influences and psychological factors. Understanding who is more at risk for addiction is paramount in prevention and treatment efforts, as it allows for targeted interventions tailored to vulnerable populations. ✨

While addiction can impact anyone regardless of age, gender, or background, certain groups exhibit heightened susceptibility, shedding light on the multifaceted nature of this issue.

Adolescents and young adults stand at the forefront of vulnerability to addiction. Brain development during these formative years renders them particularly susceptible to the allure of substances. Mental health intertwines intricately with addiction vulnerability. Individuals seeking solace from conditions such as depression, anxiety, or trauma may turn to substances as a form of self-medication, deepening their dependency.⭐️

If addiction has left you or a loved one feeling hopeless or prevented you from moving forward in your life, we are here to help. 🫶


The grim statistics paint a stark picture: lives lost, families shattered and communities in turmoil.

Each year, thousands succumb to opioid overdoses, their lives cut short by the relentless grip of addiction. These statistics are not merely figures on a chart; they represent individuals with dreams, aspirations and loved ones left behind.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, governments worldwide have stepped up their efforts to tackle the opioid crisis. Legislative measures, such as stricter prescribing guidelines and enhanced monitoring of opioid distribution, aim to stem the flow of these potent drugs into communities. Increased funding for addiction treatment and harm reduction programs seeks to provide a lifeline to those struggling with addiction. 🙏

Healthcare providers are on the front lines, treating overdose victims and working to prevent further tragedies. Through initiatives like medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and naloxone distribution programs, they offer a pathway to recovery and a chance at a new beginning. 👏

✔️As the battle against opioid addiction wages on, the seeds of change have been planted and with continued dedication and collaboration, we can turn the tide against this epidemic.
As ELPIS’s vision stipulates, every life saved, every individual who finds recovery, is a victory worth fighting for. 🌈✨


In the quest to alleviate pain, a silent epidemic has taken hold: overprescribing of opioids.

Once hailed as a miracle solution for chronic pain, these potent medications have now emerged as a double-edged sword, contributing to a crisis of addiction and overdose deaths. The response to this crisis has been multifaceted, with initiatives aimed at tackling overprescribing.

Healthcare providers are undergoing a paradigm shift, moving away from a one-size-fits-all approach to pain management and embracing alternative therapies and non-opioid medications. Stringent prescribing guidelines and prescription drug monitoring programs seek to prevent the unnecessary dispensing of opioids, promoting safer prescribing practices.

Despite these efforts, curbing overprescribing remains a formidable challenge. Each prescription written represents a life entrusted into the hands of healthcare providers, a trust that demands diligence and compassion. ⭐️

The team at ELPIS believes by working together to reshape the landscape of pain management, we can forge a path towards a safer, healthier future for all. 🌈


The Neuroscience of Addiction: How Drugs Reshape the Brain Drug addiction is not just a behavioral issue; it’s a profound transformation of the brain’s architecture.

Substance abuse hijacks key regions responsible for decision-making, impulse control and reward processing. Dopamine, the brain’s “feel-good” neurotransmitter, floods these areas, reinforcing drug-seeking behavior while diminishing the brain’s ability to regulate impulses. Chronic drug use leads to structural changes in the brain, rewiring neural circuits and compromising cognitive functions.

This alteration impairs judgment, making it difficult for individuals to resist cravings or make rational choices. Over time, the brain becomes sensitized to drug-related cues, perpetuating the cycle of addiction. Understanding this neurological underpinning underscores the complexity of addiction and emphasizes the need for multifaceted interventions that address both the behavioral and neurological aspects of substance abuse.

By targeting these brain changes, we can develop more effective strategies to combat addiction and support lasting recovery.


Χριστός ἀνέστη!

The ELPIS Family wishes each of you celebrating a blessed and happy Easter filled with joy, peace and love. ❤️⛪


From Highs to Lows: The Destructive Spiral of Addiction Leading to Depression ⭐️

Drug and alcohol addiction can often lead to a vicious cycle of depression. Initially, substances may provide temporary relief from underlying emotional pain or stress, but over time, they exacerbate mental health issues. ✨

The chemical imbalances caused by substance abuse can disrupt neurotransmitter function in the brain, contributing to feelings of sadness, hopelessness and despair. The consequences of addiction, such as strained relationships, financial difficulties and legal problems, can further deepen depressive symptoms.

🫶✔️ Breaking free from this cycle often requires comprehensive treatment addressing both addiction and mental health concerns.

To learn about how the ELPIS Foundation of Australia can help you or a loved one, please reach out to us via our website: https://elpisfoundation.org.au or email us at [email protected].


In Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s initiate dialogues and raise awareness about the crucial significance of mental health for our overall well-being. ⭐️🌻

By coming together, we can foster supportive communities that link individuals grappling with addiction and co-existing mental health conditions to the necessary support systems for their flourishing. ✨

If you would like to learn more information, contacting the ELPIS Foundation could be a valuable step forward! 💙


Shedding Light on Addiction: The ELPIS Foundation of Australia's Mission in Australia

Established with a steadfast commitment to aiding those grappling with addiction, the ELPIS Foundation serves as a guiding light for individuals toward recovery and renewal.

Australia, like many nations, grapples with the pervasive and insidious grip of addiction. From alcohol dependency to substance abuse, the impact reverberates through families, communities and the fabric of society itself. Recognizing the urgent need for intervention and support, the ELPIS Foundation has emerged as a vital ally in this ongoing battle.

At the heart of the foundation's mission lies a deep-seated dedication to holistic care. Understanding that addiction is not merely a symptom, but a complex interplay of biological, psychological and social factors, ELPIS embraces a comprehensive approach to healing. Through a range of tailored programs and initiatives, individuals are provided with the tools, resources and unwavering encouragement needed to navigate the path to recovery.

Central to the foundation's efforts is the promotion of awareness and education surrounding addiction. By fostering open dialogue and dispelling stigmas, ELPIS endeavors to create a supportive environment, wherein individuals feel empowered to seek help without fear or judgment, striving to shine a light on the realities of addiction and the pathways toward healing.

The ELPIS Foundation recognizes the critical importance of collaboration and partnership in addressing addiction. By forging alliances with healthcare professionals, community organizations and government agencies, ELPIS seeks to leverage collective expertise and resources for maximum impact.

Together, we can create a network of support that extends far beyond the confines of individual struggles, offering a lifeline to those in need.

For more information about the ELPIS Foundation and our initiatives, please visit our website or reach out to our dedicated team at https://elpisfoundation.org.au/

With your support, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by addiction, one step at a time!


The misuse of alcohol and other drugs can have a daring and damaging impact on individuals, families and communities. It is important to seek support if you or someone you know needs help to manage a substance use issue.

There are many organisations, services and resources that have further information or support hotlines.

Interested to learn more? See the helpful supports below:

- The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline directs you to your local state alcohol and drug information service for free and confidential advice, as well as referral to services. You can call them on call 1800 250 015 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

- Drug Help from the Australian Government offers information and resources.

- Positive Choices from the Australian Government also provides information, resources and drug education.

- Al-Anon Family Groups Australia offers support to the family and friends of someone struggling with alcohol.

- Self-Help Addiction Recourse Centre (SHARC) provides professional help and practical support to people who are looking after a family member living with addiction.

- Counselling Online is a free, text-based counselling service for people seeking help for their own or a family member’s drug use.

- ReachOut provides information, support and advice to young people.

- Lifeline provides 24-hour phone and online counselling and support. Call them on: 13 11 14.

Do you prefer to read in languages other than English?

'Positive Choices' have information and resources for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

For further trusted information, please visit our website at https://elpisfoundation.org.au/


Diverse paths, common struggle.

Though addiction doesn't discriminate, its grip can vary between genders. Understanding these differences is key to providing effective support and recovery pathways for all.

At the ELPIS Foundation of Australia, we embrace these differences, offering tailored support to every individual on their journey to recovery and leading fulfilling lives. We believe that understanding and empathy are at the heart of healing, regardless of gender.


🌟 Let’s break the silence and end the stigma!
🌈 Addiction affects millions, but shame and stigma too often keep people from seeking help. 🤝

This is one of the reasons the ELPIS Foundation was conceived and brought to life!

Our mission? To provide support, therapy, education and resources to those battling addiction and to change the conversation around it. 📣

Together, we can create a world where seeking help is celebrated, not shamed! To learn further, please visit our website at: https://elpisfoundation.org.au



🌟 At the ELPIS Foundation, we’re not just offering a program; we’re offering a lifeline. 💙 We understand that recovery is a personal journey and every step counts. Whilst our residents have the freedom to leave at any point, we encourage them to stay for the full program duration. 🕊️

Research consistently shows that the longer someone stays, the greater their chances of achieving and maintaining abstinence. 📈 It’s a journey worth taking and we’re here every step of the way. 🫶

Interested to learn more? Visit our website at: https://elpisfoundation.org.au


Picture this: Addiction knows no bounds. 🙏

It’s a silent force that doesn’t care about your age, your background or your bank account. It doesn’t discriminate.✔️

From boardrooms to backstreets, it can touch anyone, anywhere. It’s not just a matter of choice. ⭐️ Addiction is a complex interplay of genetics, environment and mental health. Understanding this reality is key to breaking the stigma and offering support where it’s needed most.

Interested to learn more and support our cause?
Please visit: https://elpisfoundation.org.au

Elpis Foundation Australia – Elpis Foundation Australia 20/04/2024

The Vision Behind ELPIS: In the Words of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia.

The ELPIS Foundation of Australia was founded with a singular, powerful purpose: to extend a lifeline of hope, healing and support to those struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. ELPIS serves as a way to give back to those who are less fortunate in their lives and who have had their lives traumatized by the devastating impact of addiction. Our purpose is to give our strengths and solace to help the greater good and make a positive impact in our communities, walking alongside each individual on their path to recovery.

Join us in our mission, as we strive to make a difference, one life at a time. Together, we can bring hope, healing and restoration to those who need it most and light the way forward for a brighter tomorrow!

To learn more about us, please visit: https://elpisfoundation.org.au/

Elpis Foundation Australia – Elpis Foundation Australia | hope | love | heal | ELPIS Foundation of Australia ELPIS was established by His Eminence, Archbishop MAKARIOS, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in Australia, as a not-for-profit institution to provide Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) Rehabilitation services in a residential setting to men an...


Welcome to the ELPIS Foundation of Australia page! We are thrilled to join the online community and share our mission of hope, healing and recovery with you all.

We are dedicated to providing comprehensive treatment and support services to individuals and families impacted by drug and alcohol addiction.

Join us as we embark on this journey together, sharing stories of resilience, celebrating milestones and spreading awareness about addiction recovery!

Stay tuned for updates, resources and inspiration from the ELPIS Family. To learn more about us, explore our website at https://www.elpisfoundation.org.au
