Crimson moon

Crimson moon

In-depth, Intuitive Tarot readings via video and in-person


*some past, present, future guidance - if it resonates 😊*

Your past may have been guided by tradition and conformity. You may have relied on established institutions and conventional wisdom, seeking guidance from external authorities and unquestioningly following it.

You may now feel at a crossroads, facing a tough decision - to stick with tradition or to follow your own head and heart. The Two of Swords represents your struggle with indecision, but to go your own way will be well worth it.

Your future is one of confidence and independence. The Queen of Wands shows a leadership role in your career or personal life. You may achieve a significant goal, and in turn inspire others. This period will be marked by your ability to lead and make bold, impactful decisions.

Go grab life with both hands!

bek 💗


I’m going to draw some cards for a few of you today . . .

If you’d like one then please “like” and comment - “yes” to this post.


Names will be picked at random (except those who’ve had one recently - you won’t be eligible again just yet).

Please note: you must be a “Follower” of the Crimson Moon page. And please only answer with a simple “yes” or similar. No extra info in comments please.

Look forward to seeing you!



*some guidance - if it resonates 😊*

The two of Swords suggests the refusal of facing a difficult, possibly painful, truth.

This denial is achieving nothing, but hindering growth, and the ability to move ahead in life.

The Four signifies a period of gentle, peaceful contemplation; the creation of some time and space to allow yourself to face, and process what you must, at your own pace, and with self compassion.

Until you do, you may stay stuck in your rut, spinning your wheels, and denying yourself the freedom to embrace a fresh, abundant future.

bek 💗


I’m going to draw some cards for a few of you today . . .

If you’d like one then please “like” and comment - “yes” to this post.


Names will be picked at random (except those who’ve had one recently - you won’t be eligible again just yet).

Please note: you must be a “Follower” of the Crimson Moon page. And please only answer with a simple “yes” or similar. No extra info in comments please.

Look forward to seeing you!



*some guidance - if it resonates 😊*

Try not to despair over a situation causing angst and stress. There is a solution, to be drawn from within.

Pay strong attention to intuition; follow where and to what it guides. Allow what lies inside to awaken.

Such is the message of the High Priestess.




*Some inspiration, if it resonates 😊*

Your determination, self-belief, and commitment to succeed is about to pay off, and in ways you likely have never imagined.

As reward for your perseverance, will, and faith, more doorways will open to you than you could have hoped - all courtesy of Divine Grace and Love.

bek 💗


To all my beautiful Crimson Moon friends 💗


Some *PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE*, guidance - if it resonates 😊

A time of life coming full circle. The past with a focus on self - becoming educated, being filled with ambition, being prepared to step out into, and take on, the world.

This energy splits somewhat as multiple responsibilities bloom from life - added work demands, family demands, personal demands. This is a long stretch and one you’re likely still in, but it’s not here to stay.

Soon enough, things will evolve as others and their needs become less reliant on you, and again you can be centre of your own life.

There is much to look forward to with the future represented by this Queen. Deeply spiritual, creative, and loving, she also knows her own worth. While always acting with awareness and love, she knows what she wants and will do what it takes to get it.

Ahead lies a time of self rediscovery, a time of chances, a time of opportunity. It’s a time of giving and receiving true love, a time of creating what it is you desire. And it’s a time when your intuition will flourish, a perfect time to immerse yourself in spiritually and hone your psychic gifts.

Love and blessings,
bek 💗


I’m going to draw some cards for a few of you today . . .

If you’d like one then please “like” and comment - “yes” to this post.


Names will be picked at random (except those who’ve had one recently - you won’t be eligible again just yet).

Please note: you must be a “Follower” of the Crimson Moon page. And please only answer with a simple “yes” or similar. No extra info in comments please.

Look forward to seeing you!



Feeling some of you are in need of a little guidance/inspiration. If this resonates, it could be for you 😊

If having difficulty finding romantic love, or have hit a rough patch in an existing relationship, the message from the cards today is clear:

Patience, tolerance, and faith are what’s needed. No forcing, no rushing, no giving up, no losing hope.

Patience. Tolerance. Faith.

Love and blessings,
bek 💗


I’d like to draw a card for a few of you today . . .

If you’d like one then please “like” and comment - “yes” to this post.


Names will be picked at random (except those who’ve had one recently - you won’t be eligible again just yet).

Please note: you must be a “Follower” of the Crimson Moon page. And please only answer with a simple “yes” or similar. No extra info in comments please.

Look forward to seeing you!



**Some PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE inspiration - should it resonate 😊**

All that you’ve achieved to date, through work, through family, through personal development, has brought you to a place of simple contentment; a feeling that tells you, although satisfying enough, this is as good as life gets.

But with this year comes a surprise, a gift, from The Divine, and with it happiness akin to that of a child; in which troubles, worries, and fears simply cease to exist . . . in their place, only the truest, purest joy.

A happy and blessed 2024




I’d like to draw a card for a few of you this afternoon.

If you’d like one then please “like” and “comment - yes” to this post.


Names will be picked at random (except those who’ve already had a read recently - you won’t be eligible again just yet).

Please note: you must be a “Follower” of the Crimson Moon page. And please only answer with a simple “yes” or similar. No extra info in comments please.

Look forward to seeing you!



Come say hi . . . This Sunday, the 10th, 9.00 am - 2.00 pm 😊


I’d like to draw a card for a few of you this afternoon.

If you’d like one then please “like” and “comment -yes” to this post over the next ONE HOUR only.

Names will be picked at random (except those who’ve already had a read recently - you won’t be eligible again just yet).

Please note: you must be a “Follower” of the Crimson Moon page. And please only answer with a simple “yes” or similar. No extra info in comments please.

Look forward to seeing you!



*Some guidance - if it resonates 😊*

Something you’ve been aiming for, hoping for, or working towards is soon to be realised in your life.

When it is though, don’t be daunted by the initial, probably unexpected, demands it puts on your already busy life.

It will be a juggle, but don’t give up! And don’t give in to self doubts. It will be just a matter of time until you have worked out how to take it in your already busy stride.

It’s going to be worth it 😊

Love and blessings,
bek 💗


Let’s have some fun!

“Like” AND “comment yes” to this post over the next ONE HOUR and I will select - completely at random - three of you for a single card read.

Note: you must “like” and “follow” the Crimson Moon page to be eligible.

Ready, set, go!


Some guidance - if it resonates 😊

The time for wishing, for willing, for hoping must end. That something you passionately yearn for, that you feel ready to fight for, can be yours if feelings are channeled to action.

The more fierce, more driven, more committed you are in ending procrastination, the more the Universe will help in paving your path to success.

As shown by this Ace, The Divine stands at the ready to back you, now you need to back yourself . . . Best foot forward.

Love and blessings,



Some guidance - should it resonate 😊

A powerful and slightly paradoxical message from the Major Arcana.

The Magician, representing the ability to act, and manifest with the backing of the Divine.

The Hermit, urging a more passive path, of going inward, to focus on the self, and invite wisdom and guidance.

In strong terms, and almost some urgency, these cards direct us to turn from outward influence and distraction. The Universe is speaking, and by commitment to reflection and/or meditation we can receive the answers, the guidance, and the direction It knows we seek.

With love and blessings
bek 💗


Here we go . . .

For the first FOUR of you to like AND comment “yes” to this post, I will draw and read your very own card.

You must “follow” and “like” the Crimson Moon page to be eligible.

All the best!



Stay on the lookout . . . TOMORROW (Thursday), sometime during the morning, I will be doing another *FIRST FOUR* read.

The first four of you to *like* and *comment “yes”* to TOMORROW’S post will have their own card drawn and read.

In the spirit of fairness, those selected for the past couple of reads won’t be eligible for tomorrow’s read.

You must both ‘like’ AND ‘follow’ the Crimson Moon page in order to be included.

So keep an eye out for my post sometime tomorrow - Thursday - morning!

Love as always,



*Some guidance - if it resonates 😊*

The scales are balanced in your favour, The Universe, my friends, is putting you in charge of your own destiny.

If there were any time to generate, cultivate, activate, create, what you truly deserve it’s over the coming week.

What wonderful, empowering, protective, energy is in this read.

Just note, this is for positive vibes only!

Love and blessings as always,
bek 💗


*Starting from now*

The first FOUR of you to like AND comment “yes” to this post will have their very own card drawn and read today.

You must “follow” and “like” the Crimson Moon page to be eligible.

In the spirit of fairness, those who were selected last week won’t be eligible to be chosen today.

Best of luck!



I will be doing another *FIRST FOUR* card read for you tomorrow - Tuesday. Just like last week, the first FOUR of you to *like* and *comment “yes”* to TOMORROW’S post will have their own card drawn and read.

In the spirit of fairness, those who were chosen last week won’t be eligible to be selected for tomorrow’s read.

You must both ‘like’ AND ‘follow’ the Crimson Moon page in order to be included.

So keep an eye out for my post sometime tomorrow - Tuesday - morning!

Love as always,



Let’s have some fun!

For the first FOUR of you to like AND comment “yes” to this post, I will draw and read your very own card.

You must “follow” and “like” the Crimson Moon page to be eligible.

Ready, set, go!



Hello friends!

I’m dipping my toe into post-operative waters and making a staggered come back to reading again.

To celebrate, I’m excited to offer a little surprise, available to all Crimson Moon followers, but only awarded to a quick lucky few.

To be eligible you must follow and like the Crimson Moon page.

Keep your eyes open for my message tomorrow (Tuesday) morning.

I look forward to seeing you.

Much love as always,
bek 💗



Dear Crimson moon friends,

I won’t be around for the coming weeks. After being unwell for a while it turned out I needed some mechanical repair 😊

I look forward to reading for you again.

Until then, blessings and love,



Some guidance - if it resonates 😊

Things may feel bleak, aimless, you, despondent. Life lacks direction and foundation.

Yet, sense your yearning - an eternal flame - to master your life. Heed its prompt that now more than ever: it is time to move on.

You need not know your destination, only to have faith and the direction in which to take your first leap!

Love and blessings,
bek 💗


Some guidance - if it resonates 😊

If it hasn’t happened already it’s happening soon: you have a decision to make. If it hasn’t yet presented itself then when it does it will be clear when it’s the moment the cards speak of.

It will feel heavy, critical, crucial and that’s because it is. Success, prosperity, and contentment ride on it; so much so this is represented by the Queen of Pentacles herself.

Before you feel overwhelmed at the pressure of making the choice the right one, heed the message in the Ace of Swords: this moment of choice is not random. As Aces do, it shows this moment has been planted in your life, like a seed just waiting to sprout.

And as Aces do, it reassures that when your choice is made you won’t make it alone, but with the full backing of The Universe and of The Divine, to ensure it is made in your very best interests.

Blessings and love,
bek 💗


Some guidance - should it resonate 😊

When in the thick of it, back and forth fighting with others can seem necessary to be granted the respect and acknowledgement you know you deserve.

Step back, pause, resist the urge to have that last futile word. Let objectivity clear the mist of resentment and redirect your focus - to you.

This is time to unashamedly indulge in the simple pleasures of life, to remember how it is to feel happy. This you can control. Others’ self-righteousness, you cannot.

Love and blessings,
bek 💗

Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 12:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 12:00 - 17:30
Thursday 12:00 - 17:30
Friday 12:00 - 17:30