Kasey Boorman Nutrition

Kasey Boorman Nutrition

Helping people feel happy & healthy through food, lifestyle changes & education. We do this by educating you and making the program 100% about you.

Kasey Boorman Nutrition focuses on helping people make changes that can be maintainable for life. We take into account your food likes, dislikes, lifestyle, goals and more! We hope to share valuable information, yummy recipes and fun thoughts and ideas to help you find the happiest, healthiest you!


Don't waste your workout!
We all have heard of protein post work out but how much, when and what?!
How much? Did you know that the body can only process 20-40g of protein at a time? Any more than this gets excreted by the body or stored as fat.
When? Ideally we want 20-30g serves of protein 4-6 times per day. One of these serves should be within one hour of your workout
Why? Protein post-workout helps your muscles to recover, repair and grow (reminder that you need protein + resistance exercise to build muscle. Unfortunately just eating protein won't give you big muscles!). Protein is also thermogenic meaning it burns more kilojoules to digest then any other macronutrient. Pair your protein with a carbohydrate to assist recovery and fuel your body.
What? Depending on your food preferences, what time you have available, and how you feel after your workout there are a range of post workout options.
If you are going home for breakfast try 3 eggs scrambled (or 90g tofu scrambled) with spinach, mushroom, avocado and a slice of bread or wrap. If you are on the run try a protein shake, yoghurt and nuts or a banana blended with milk.
Lunch or dinner? Try 100g chicken, beef or salmon with vegetables, rice/noodles and a yoghurt sauce. Yum!
For a personalised plan to meet your goals contact me to schedule a telehealth consult.


How amazing is Farmers Pick?! Perfectly imperfect seasonal fruit and vegetables delivered to your door. Receive fruit and veg that are not accepted by the grocery stores and need a home (for a cheaper price!). And look at this amazing box I just received. So impressed!


It’s finally starting to cool off on the Gold Coast and with the change of weather often comes colds and other illness. Get ahead of the winter nasties and boost your immune system with Zinc, Vitamin C, plenty of fruits and vegetables, fresh air, exercise, sleep and reducing stress where possible. How can I get zinc from food? Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food, followed by beef and poultry. Eggs and dairy products also provide a decent hit. For my vegetarians, you can get zinc from beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains but they are not as well absorbed by the body as they contain phytates. Phytates bind zinc in the intestine and form an insoluble complex that inhibits zinc absorption. Soaking, fermenting or cooking your plant sources of zinc can help reduce phytates and increase absorption.


What is your strangest food combo? I love peanut butter on cheddar cheese. Or peanut butter on Turkey meat. Perhaps peanut butter is the common denominator. Pictured is my 2 girls dipping banana lollies and burger rings into hummus πŸ™ˆ


How much protein do I need? A common question that I get asked. Did you know we can't store protein in our bodies? It's either used by the body for energy and other physiological processes, excreted or stored as fat. The amount each person needs will vary depending on age, gender, weight, exercise level, stress, illness and other conditions but in general you can estimate approximately 20-40g protein 4 to 6 times per day. Complete proteins come in the form of animal products and protein powders. Vegetarian options include legumes, h**p seeds, soy beans and brown rice although you need to ensure you mix and match your plant proteins throughout the day to get the full amino acid profile needed by the body. Contact me for an individualised analysis of what you need for your body and goal


My very studious, motivated nutrition clinic girls Endeavour College of Natural Health celebrating Lexi's birthday

Photos from Kasey Boorman Nutrition's post 24/03/2023

Smoothies are a great option for breakfast on the run and you can pack a whole heap of nutrients in there. Great for adults and kids and easily adaptable. My favourite at the moment is Macro Mike - Clean Treats protein powder in choc hazelnut, coconut water, almond milk, ice, cinnamon, walnuts (or nut butter), chia seeds and a handful of spinach. Avery (almost 2 years old) has the same with milk added. You could also add oats or quinoa flakes for some more carbohydrates. What's your favourite combo?


Did you know pumpkin seeds and chia seeds are among the highest food sources of magnesium? Dark chocolate also packs a decent amount, wahoo! Twitchy eyes, muscles or cramps can all be signs of possible magnesium deficiency. Causes of deficiency could be excessive sweating, alcohol use, vomiting or diarrhoea, malabsorption syndromes such as celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, excessive urination and certain medications.


Feeding children is tough at the best of times. When my girls are having a heavy carbohydrate breakfast (today was vegemite bread - toast is too brown - and grapes) I try to add something small on the side that will give them some protein and good fats to support their brain and mood for the day ahead. Today was what we call a peanut butter lollypop which is just natural peanut butter on a spoon (any nut butter would do). Other options could be some yoghurt, a serve of cheese, a boiled egg, a few nuts (age appropriate), even a piece of chicken - whatever your child prefers and isn't a fight.


What is one Nutrition related topic you would like to know more about? I'd like to help you learn about things that matter to you.


Mondays can be tough! Say no to Mondayitis with some of these natural energy boosters. You can easily combine many of these activities to save time (or get up a little earlier to start the day with a bang). For example while outside in the sun, sip on your lemon water while eating your breakfast OR go for a walk in the sun while sipping on lemon water. Ideally make time for these options (or your own version) every day. What tips can you share for starting the week?


Did you know that 1 cup of red capsicum contains 3 x the Vitamin C of 1 cup of orange? Who would have thought!


It's grocery shopping day tomorrow which means there is not much food in the house. For lunch I raided the fridge to make scrambled eggs - 2 eggs, some 'in it's last days' broccoli, zucchini and capsicum and grated cheese. Topped with avocado (was hard yesterday and overripe and brown today - story of my life) and some salsa because I'm a sucker for condiments. It doesn't look pretty but it tasted good, was quick and easy, was cheap to make and prevented food wastage. It also contains protein, good fats, calcium, fibre, vitamin C and more. A side of wholegrain toast completed the meal giving a good dose of complex carbohydrates. What's your throw together lunch ideas?


Could undereating be the reason you aren't seeing results in your training? Did you know that if you are exercising for 90-120mins you need 5-7g carbohydrates per kg of body weight per day? For example if you weigh 70kg you would need 350-490g per day which would look something like: 2 slices bread, 1 banana protein shake made on 1 cup milk, an apple, 1 cup quinoa, 1 cup brown rice, 1/2 sweet potato, 2 cups mixed vegetables, 200ml yoghurt, 1/2 packet rice crackers and a bread roll. This is for the lower end of the scale (350g) and still needs protein and good fats added to the day. For energy we require fuel - for humans that means food! Timing of these carbohydrates also comes into play and can assist in preventing fatigue, improving performance and muscle gain.

Photos from Kasey Boorman Nutrition's post 11/03/2023

Introducing a new service! I am so excited to bring you the 'WELLNESS ANALYSIS!'
Ever wondered how healthy you are? Send me a 3 day food diary and get a full report including graphs showing you what nutrients you are deficient or in excess of (see pictures for example), how balanced your macronutrients are, if you are eating too much or too little for your weight, exercise level and goals and more! Contact me now to get a deeper look into your internal health.
*Please note no individual advice is provided based on your findings unless a consultation is booked.


I'm back! After a hiatus while on maternity leave and lecturing in Sports Nutrition and Weight Management at Endeavour College I have the capacity to see a few private practice Nutrition clients again - yay! At this stage consultations are via telehealth only. Please share me with your friends or contact me to make an appointment. I see clients for all kinds of nutrition related consultations and have a special interest in weight loss, sports nutrition, children's health and pre and post natal nutrition. I look forward to helping you live your healthiest life soon!

Our Story

A husband and wife team who decided they should work together as well as do everything else together – crazy? Skye and Kasey both have a passion for health and helping others reach their goals. Skye (the husband) is a Personal Trainer who will ensure you have fun, functional, safe and results focused sessions. Kasey (the wife) is a Nutritionist (Bachelor of Health Science, Nutrition) who will ensure your food program is in line with your goals, lifestyle, likes, dislikes and most importantly tastes good. No diets or quick fixes, she focuses on long term results you can maintain for life. Every step. Every rep. We make it count.

Videos (show all)

Could undereating be the reason you aren't seeing results in your training? Did you know that if you are exercising for ...
No more trips to the barber for now so this happened...Kasey is hoping balayage is in style when this is all over
Cooking par-tay
Getting the little one involved in Sunday chores
Warm up with this 30 minute workout. Complete each exercise for 45 seconds and then rest for 15 seconds. Do this 5 times...

