Winki Wildlife Shelter Torquay

Winki Wildlife Shelter Torquay

Wildlife Shelter and Wildlife Rescue. Torquay and Surf Coast Shire.


Hello Miss Daisy ❤️


We can only imagine the sleeping position of this little one 😂


The raw truth about being a carer for wildlife. RIP Misty Agatha we tried our best 💔


Help us save more orphaned Joeys lives!

To assist Winki Wildlife Shelter please donate to the Australian Fauna Society Inc, via BSB (083-929) and Account Number (249970934).


Good morning cuties 💕


Magpie breakfast 🍳

Miss Misty Agatha gets plenty of choice filled with essential minerals and proteins needed.

Crickets 🦗
Meal worms 🪱
Woodies 🪳
Insectivore/meat mix

Every animal in care has specific dietary requirements this is why they should always be cared for by a trained carer.


Early this morning when little possums are supposed to be tucked away sleeping Mr Jerry was still up waiting to say good morning. How could we say no to this adorable face ♥️


Sleep over at our foster carers but who said anything about sleep ?! 💕 Dawn and Ben are happy and curious after their late nights feed.


For those that have been asking about Agatha Misty the Magpie here’s a little update.

A week ago she came to us after a domestic incident with her husband who sadly attacked her savagely leaving Misty with a head injury and bad concussion. When we got her home we almost lost her but thankfully she is a fighter and pulled through.

The next day she went for a full vet examination and was returned back to us under intensive care instructions.

Concussion can last weeks for some birds (this is why we should never let them go if they hit a window as adrenaline makes them fight but they die later without care) Misty has been making improvements each day and has been taking small standing periods today and yesterday.

We are hopeful she will make a full recovery, for now she is still contained in a humidi crib and will transition soon into a soft crafte for a little more moving space. It’s going to be slow and steady for this Maggie’s healing journey ❤️‍🩹


Jerry and Poppet will be moving into a new home!

Did you know that our volunteer Lucy Cuthbert spends time crafting these beautiful hanging houses for all our possums in care? Each house will become their forever home 🏡 when the time for release comes a suitable tree/area is chosen and the house is mounted so they will always have it to return to should they choose.

Items like this are essential in the care/release of our possum friends.

Thank-you Lucy!


Strike a pose ♥️ who is the most beautiful roo in the world?! Miss Daisy 🦘

Photos from Winki Wildlife Shelter Torquay 's post 09/07/2024

All Wildlife in care have certain requirements for nutrition, medical (Vet visits and follow on medication administration) and enclosure needs. This makes it so important if you find injured, sick or orphaned Wildlife to get in touch with a Wildlife hotline (wildlife Victoria) or your local rescuers without haste.

This little Maggie would have passed away had this process not been followed through quickly and now she is in care. Specific food and medication such as above needs to be given.

Wildlife Victoria
Winki Wildlife Shelter Torquay
Colac Wildlife Rescue Page
Wincheslea Wildlife Rehabilitation


The Winki mob told me "you can't take any more babies in. You have to move some animals on before you take any more"

So meet Forest 🦘😍, another orphan who lost his mumma to a vehicle strike 😪. He came to us last night via Barb Reyland at Winchelsea Wildlife Shelter. He needs us, and I couldn't say no 🥰


Oh little Miss Daisy look how fluffy you are now 🌺


We have a new arrival, a Mumma magpie ♥️ thankfully we have our humidicrib set ups for injured wildlife who need them.

She visited the vet yesterday and is back in care warm, fed and ready to begin her healing journey.

We are looking for a name for her and would love for you to choose?! Comment below what you feel is best for her.



Little Jerry LOVES his new hanging cuddly. I’ve been saving this for awhile and added it for new enrichment play. Happy to say he was straight out exploring before I finished tying it in!

Photos from Winki Wildlife Shelter Torquay 's post 06/07/2024

Gracie and Jalapeño have also been on holiday with local foster carer Cindy Skehan and they look to be having a great time.

Thank-you Cindy always for your support and care ♥️


Little Ben 🦘 with a full lunchtime belly ❤️


Dawn, Squeak and Ben....three happy peas in a pod 🦘🦘🦘


Miss Daisy is finally happy to let Mr Dougley bunk down next to her, today they graduate into the start of their mob ♥️


Our newest arrival 🥰, little Ben from Barongarook. He was found in the middle of a paddock, with mum no where to be found 😔.

Once again, a big thank you to Benny from Colac Wildlife Rescue for transporting this gorgeous little boy to us......we have our hands full with so many little ones in care atm.

Photos from Winki Wildlife Shelter Torquay 's post 01/07/2024

Shout out to our surrogate “Mum and Dad” to the orphans here at Winki Wildlife.

Doing what they do is not an easy task. Not only do they care for the babes here as if they are parents to newborns, they also take care of the rest of animals in care, balance family lives, tend to their own health and lifestyle needs and both work jobs!

It’s certainly not as simple as sitting at home and only tending to the animals and they deserve a pat on the back for all the hard work ♥️


Hands up if you love milk time 🍼♥️


Meet little 900g Dawn and 2.7kg Grace. Both girls arrived last night and are settling in 💞


Peek a boo we see you cutie 🥰


Kit - “What do you mean I’ll have to leave hospital one day, can’t you see human I’m so well fed I can’t move!”


Photos from Winki Wildlife Shelter Torquay 's post 11/06/2024


Winki Wildlife Shelter has reached halfway of its fundraising goal thanks to your generous support and donations !!!

We are absolutely both overwhelmed and humbled by the kindness of your hearts and care for the well-being of our local wildlife.

Due to this we have been able to purchase two new humidi cribs which are absolutely vital for the care and treatment of sick, injured and young orphaned Wildlife. These units raise the survival percentages!

Our goal is to be able to purchase two more, as often the units can be occupied for months with young orphans as they grow, having an extra two will mean any animals critically injured that come in at the time will also have one to be placed in.

Melissa has set up a go-fund me for the last half of our fundraising goal. All donations help big or small and even a share of this post.

Thank-you again from our very touched and grateful hearts ❤️
Team Winki Wildlife Shelter


Todays forage for possum dinner 🍽️

Everyday we go out and find a bunch of yummies for our possums in care. We have to visit different places to ensure the places we visit are not stripped. It’s vital we offer as much as we can find from the Wild for their little bellies.

Tonight on the menu is bottle brush flower, tea tree and eucalyptus tips 💚

Videos (show all)

We can’t save them all
Help us save more orphaned Joeys lives!   To assist Winki Wildlife Shelter please donate to the Australian Fauna Society...
Mr Dougley loves bottle time and his little grabby hands are just the cutest ♥️
Food prep vegetables 🥗🥦🥕prepared by our hardworking volunteers.
Milestone 👣 Mr Dougley ate his first taste of grass today! What a clever boy 👏
Afternoon outside time for Miss Daisy and Mr Dougley 🌸🌞
The Winki mob told me "you can't take any more babies in. You have to move some animals on before you take any more"So m...
Dawn, Squeak and Ben are on holiday at our foster carers place. Morning bottles and ♥️ are on the menu.
Ear rubs are life ♥️🥰
Our newest arrival 🥰, little Ben from Barongarook. He was found in the middle of a paddock, with mum no where to be foun...
Good morning! Baby boggy (bottle 🍼) time ♥️
Dinner time ! Nomnom Jerry says bottle brush wins over all ♥️

