Liv Health is a health and wellness blog featuring men’s and women’s health, fitness and beauty, nutrition, and travel health content.

Our page will be updated regularly, with comments and feedback very welcome. If you'd like to contribute to LIV with relevant health content, please be in touch via email: [email protected].

Sexual health campaign set to combat rising rates of STIs - LIV Health 16/01/2024

Did you know only one in six Australians will contract an STI in their lifetime?

A Federal health campaign coined ‘Beforeplay’, was launched on January 14, 2024, to curb the rising prevalence of preventable STIs, including syphilis, gonorrhoea & chlamydia.

Cases of infectious syphilis in Australia more than doubled between 2015 & 2020, with over 6,000 cases recorded in the past 12 months.

To learn more, read our blog at:


NSW Government, NSW Health, ACON, Australasian Sexual Health and HIV Nurses Association, ASHM, Family Planning NSW, Healthy Male

Sexual health campaign set to combat rising rates of STIs - LIV Health A ground-breaking awareness campaign is encouraging young people to take action to prevent s*xually transmissible infections (STI) by testing regularly and practising safe s*x. Did you know one in six Australians will contract an STI in their lifetime? According to Federal Health Minister, The Hon.....


The National Diabetes Strategy signed by the government almost three years ago, remains without an implementation plan or dedicated funding as the diabetes epidemic continues to escalate.

Despite Australia’s increasing prevalence of diabetes, which is projected to reach one in 12 by 2050, significant socio-economic disparities, & a lack of well-resourced research, it’s time that we ‘take stock’ of the situation, according to Labor MP and Chair of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Diabetes, Dr Mike Freelander, Sydney

“It is urgent we do something about it because it is overwhelming our health services.

“It’s putting us in a situation where we are failing these families persistently, & consistently, & urgent action is needed,” said Dr Freelander.

Almost three years on, the national plan is yet to move beyond the start line & health services are “overwhelmed”.

RACGP Diabetes Special Interest Network Chair, Dr Gary Deed, Sydney, agrees there has been little progress since the introduction of the national strategy in 2021.

“The focus on the strategy was taken away by COVID for a long time. However, I think there’s no excuse for not moving forward.

“It’s a no-brainer – & it’s called general practice,” Dr Deed said.

“We could optimise the whole pathway of early detection, prevention & optimise management.

“There is an absence of adequate research about what is happening right at the coalface, with people flowing through what is seen to be a very medication-expensive beast,” said Dr Deed.

To learn more about the Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2021 – 2030, head to:


The NSW Government staged a roundtable with education stakeholders in November 2023 to examine solutions for youth va**ng, emphasising the significance of primary care interventions.

How can we implement comprehensive strategies to safeguard the well-being of the next generation?

“Vaping among young people is a community-wide issue that is only increasing in its negative impact,” said the NSW Minister for Education and Early Learning, The Hon. Prue Car MP.

“They smell like fruit, many of them, and they look like little highlighters, but they are dangerous.”

☁️ 😮‍💨 🚭**ng/


The World Health Organization (WHO) carcinogen classification of the in Coke, , as a , sparking concerns for those participating in the Coke break . 🥤

For full story, head to:


👇🏻 Personalised, ray-tracing laser eye technology is moving beyond 20/20 vision, & achieving high-definition (HD) vision, 👁️😮👇🏻according to new research published in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery.👀 👇🏻

New research author, Ophthalmologist & Director of PersonalEYES, Associate Professor Chandra Bala, Sydney, reveals next-generation, ray-tracing laser eye technology is enabling eye surgeons to move beyond 20/20 vision, & in most cases, achieve HD vision for people living with myopia & astigmatism.

“For the first time, we are offering personalised laser eye correction treatment that employs NASA Hubble Space telescope eye tracking technology, allowing the laser to move faster than the eye, simultaneously detecting, and accommodating for any eye movements like never before,” said A/Prof Bala. 🔭✨

In his research, A/Prof Bala found 90 per cent of those who underwent ray-tracing laser eye technology treatment achieved 20/15 vision (better than 20/20 vision)!🤩

“This technology provides the most accurate method currently available for measuring & modelling the eye,” A/Prof Bala said.

Human Resources (HR) specialist, and yoga and pilates enthusiast, Jodie, 31, Sydney, went in search of a permanent corrective eyecare treatment this year, after no longer wanting to rely on glasses and contact lenses to see.

“I started to wear my glasses during my pilates class because I couldn’t see my instructor. But they constantly slid off my face,” Jodie said.

After undergoing permanent, corrective treatment, Jodie now sees the world with new eyes.

To learn more about A/Prof Bala’s research, or to read more on Jodie’s experience of living with myopia, head to:

To determine whether you, or a loved one may be suitable for ray-tracing, laser eye technology, head to



When you ask someone how many steps they plan to walk each day, a common response is ‘10,000’ – the “golden number” of steps to strive for.

The 10,000 steps-a-day regime has become so entrenched in our popular culture, that reaching 10,000 steps is considered the pinnacle of health & wellness.

But why is this so? Why are we so obsessed with achieving 10,000 steps per day?

Does this number actually hold any scientific validity?
According to new research published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, walking less than half of this figure (4,000 steps per day) is recommended for maintaining an active lifestyle.

But don’t let this figure dissuade you from taking a longer stroll, as the research also found that more movement was best.

To learn more about this research & the origin behind our society’s obsession with achieving 10,000 steps a day, head to:


Photos from LIV's post 19/10/2023

Dual World & Olympic Champion hurdler, Sally Pearson, OAM, is teaming with doctors, patients & politicians today to release key findings from the Healthy Bones Australia ‘Know Your Bones Risk Report’ Third Edition, 2023, at the Parliamentary Friends of Aged Care event in Parliament House, Canberra.

Just prior to World Osteoporosis Day 2023 (Friday, October 20, 2023), the Healthy Bones ambassador, emphasises the importance of understanding the risk factors associated with osteoporosis. Sally drew from her experience of shattering her wrist after clipping a hurdle at an international athletics meet. Fortunately, she recovered quickly, due to her strong bone health.

“This is not the case however, for many Australians living with osteoporosis. We know that too many people are suffering unnecessarily from broken bones that could have been prevented.”

Healthy Bones Australia Chair, Endocrinologist, & Head of the Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health, Professor Peter Ebeling, Melbourne, said the report revealed significant under-investigation & inadequate treatment in those at risk of osteoporosis.

“Of those respondents who reported a fracture, 87 per cent are not taking osteoporosis medication, while the vast majority have lifestyle risk factors.”

Carole, 69, Central Coast, NSW, was diagnosed with osteopenia (low bone density) just after her 50th birthday. Whilst cleaning out the garden drain, she jolted suddenly in response to a lizard that jumped onto her shoulder, causing her to fracture her spine. Then she spent the next three months in hospital, regaining mobility.

“It’s time that people took their bone health very seriously & recognised that by taking action sooner rather than later, painful fractures may be avoided.”

To learn more about the Know Your Bones self-assessment, read our blog here:


Stuck on what to cook for dinner tonight? Or constantly rotating through the same few recipes, week-in, week-out? If your dinner menu needs a refresher, look no further than Women’s Weekly Food for a plethora of ideas that promise to tantalise your tastebuds, & bring excitement back into your meal plan!

Here are 10 great healthy & easy dinners that you can prepare with limited time, minimal fuss, & delicious results:
1. Quinoa tabbouleh – A refreshing twist on a Lebanese classic
2. Tuna mornay bake – This family favourite is super easy to make & tastes great any night of the week
3. Cottage pie – Comfort food classic
4. Roasted pumpkin & fetta pasta – If you have leftover pumpkin to use, this one will be ready in no time
5. Chicken pesto pasta with tomatoes – You’ll love the ease with which this tasty meal can be thrown together
6. Chilli chicken stir fry – Quick, easy & delicious
7. Teriyaki chicken bento – A perfectly balanced meal
8. Sweet & soy pork – A little bit sweet, a little bit salty
9. Spaghetti Bolognese – This dinner winner never fails to delight young & old
10. Slow cooker chicken tikka masala – Just wait for the aroma of this tasty feast!

Seeking more inspiration? Head to:

Timeline photos 14/05/2023

Wishing all mothers & mum-like figures a fabulous Mother’s Day. We hope you are spoilt, loved & appreciated.

Thank you for everything you do. We couldn’t do it without you.


Timeline photos 07/04/2023

Did you know that a morning cup of coffee may be beneficial for weight loss?

Caffeine, the main ingredient in coffee, can increase metabolism, which helps the body to burn more calories. In addition, caffeine is thought to enhance exercise performance because it is a stimulant that can aid reaction time, alertness, & focus.

There is also growing evidence that coffee consumption may reduce the risk of liver disease, Type 2 diabetes & Parkinson’s disease.

Importantly, while coffee may have some weight loss benefits, excessive consumption can however, negatively affect your health.

Experts recommend a maximum consumption of 400mg per day (about 4 cups of coffee). A healthy diet & regular exercise is also key to maintaining good health & weight loss.

For more info on the potential benefits of coffee, head to:

This Move Works Your Inner Thighs And B***y At The Same Time 31/03/2023

Are you showing your inner thighs enough love? 🦵

When we think of our lower body, we tend to work out our quads, hamstrings & glutes. While they need attention of course, that often means we miss out on exercising an important muscle - our inner thigh.

Our thighs support & sculpt our upper legs. Our thighs support us when we walk, jump & help tostabilise our pelvis. We need our thighs to keep our hips & lower back in a neutral position to avoid over-arching & dealing with the associated aches and pains.

To give your thighs some extra love & keep you fit & injury-free, try the following exercises:

1. Lateral lunge
2. Stability ball hamstring squeeze
3. Supported single-leg deadlift
4. Reverse lunge
5. Lateral lunge with glute pull.

Inner thigh exercises are compound movements, which means they hit more than one muscle group!

If you want to tone a specific muscle group, never isolate the muscles! Your body doesn’t work that way, but instead, as a unit.

To find out more, head to:

This Move Works Your Inner Thighs And B***y At The Same Time Plus, equipment is totally optional.

Thyroid Disease Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of 30/03/2023

Is your thyroid slowing down?

Your thyroid is a small gland in your neck responsible for keeping your metabolism 🧬, heartbeat ❤️ & more in order

If your thyroid gland produces too much, or too little TH, many health problems can ensue.

Here’s what you need to know about the most common symptoms of thyroid diseases!

TH controls many aspects of the human body. Therefore, thyroid diseases cause several different symptoms, such as:

- Fatigue as your bloodstream & cells may not be receiving enough TH
- Changes in appetite caused by hyperthyroidism which increases TH
- A pounding heart
- Sudden weight loss
- Swollen thyroid
- Hand tremors
- Graves’ disease.

Diagnosing a thyroid disorder is difficult given many symptoms are present in other health problems.

If you have a family history of thyroid disease, have any symptoms above, &/or suspect you have a thyroid problem, contact your GP without delay.

To learn more, head to:

Thyroid Disease Symptoms You Should Be Aware Of Symptoms of thyroid disease can include fatigue, constipation, and brain fog. Find out if your symptoms may be linked to a thyroid problem.

Gut & mental health link | Pharmacy Daily 28/03/2023

Did you know your gut health can affect your mental health? 🧠😊😔

A study conducted by Prof Louise Bennett & her team at Monash University’s School of Chemistry has revealed the fermentation of protein in your gut could release toxins into your body’s circulation, affecting your brain’s access to neurotransmitter compounds.

New research published in Frontiers in Nutrition , adds to the volume of work which explores the relationship between diet, the gut microbiota & mental health.

The amino acid, tyrosine, has been found to act as the precursor, & key to the neurotransmitters, dopamine, adrenaline & noradrenaline, which have profound effects on mood, reward behaviour, wakefulness & activity.

According to lead study author, Prof Bennett, her study has shown the depletion of dietary tyrosine heightens one’s chance of experiencing clinical depression.

“Our study found that metabolites of gut-fermented protein & specifically amino acid precursors to neurotransmitters, such as tyrosine, are able to reach the brain, & could influence brain functions.”

When amino acids such as tyrosine are fermented by gut microbes, they may be converted to potentially toxic compounds, such as ammonia, amines, N-nitroso compounds, phenols, & more, rendering them unavailable as neurotransmitter precursors & mimicking the process of dietary depletion.

Prof Bennett’s er research team identified gut microbial metabolism of amino acids from a high intake of resistant protein yield toxic metabolites from fermented protein, disturbing the availability of neurotransmitter precursors to the brain.

To read more, head to: #4

Gut & mental health link | Pharmacy Daily FERMENTATION of protein in the gut could release toxins into the body's circulation and affect the brain's access to neurotransmitter compounds, an international study by Monash University researchers has revealed.

Timeline photos 26/03/2023

How much sleep are you getting?

Most Australians experience insomnia at some point in their lives with roughly 45% of Australians are failing to get adequate sleep. The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention recommended adults get at least seven hours of sleep per night.

To identify some causes of sleep deprivation, & for tips on howto improve your sleep, head to our blog below.

How an Australian medical program is helping kids beat cancer 09/03/2023

In Australia, more than 1,000 children are diagnosed with cancer each year.

There is usually no known of the cause of cancer in children. The most common childhood cancers include brain cancer, leukemia, neuroblastoma, sarcoma & lymphoma,

Tragically, two-in-three children who recover from cancer will have long-term health problems from their treatment, such as organ dysfunction, neurocognitive deficits, memory difficulties, impaired fertility & secondary cancers.

Fortunately, for our Aussie kids, we have the Zero Childhood Cancer program – the first & only program in Australia using precision medicine to improve treatment & outcomes for children living with cancer.

Currently, precision medicine is only available to children with high-risk cancers. The great news is, that this program is being extended to all children living with cancer by the end of 2023.

Precision medicine measures & analyses the child’s tumour, looking for any genetic mutations or alterations that could be driving the cancer’s growth.

To seek medical aid for your children, speak to an oncologist (cancer specialist) or local doctor.

For more information, head to:

How an Australian medical program is helping kids beat cancer The Zero Childhood Cancer program is the first and only program in Australia to use precision medicine to help improve treatment and outcomes. Read on to learn more about this childhood cancer program.

You Only Need To Do This Workout Once A Week To Tone Your Upper Bod 08/03/2023

Want to sculpt your shoulders?

Strong shoulders are the foundations of our arm strength! 💪 Stable joints enable our muscles to move around our shoulder blades & are responsible for crucial movements, such as posture, flowing through yoga & lifting. 🏋🏼

To build strong arms, don’t simply start focusing on your biceps & triceps. Instead, start with your shoulders and perform:
1. Upright rows
2. Banded pull a-parts
3. Inverted push ups
4. Extension plank
5. Banded lateral rise.

For more shoulder sculpting inspo, head to:

You Only Need To Do This Workout Once A Week To Tone Your Upper Bod Posture perks and more right this way.

Timeline photos 02/03/2023

Doctors are now taking a more cautious approach to prostate cancer.

In the past, doctors would automatically recommend treatment for all prostate cancer cases, even if their cancer showed limited or no signs of disease progression. However, times have changed. Doctors now favour active surveillance, with PSA checks, follow-up biopsies, & MRIs for low-grade tumours, with treatment only being initiated if the tumour has shown signs of progression or malignancy.

Active surveillance is low risk; the risk of metastasis (cancer spread outside of the prostate) & death for men under active surveillance is 0.1 per cent.

But how do we know which cases require closer monitoring?

New research from John Hopkins University’s School of Medicine has unveiled new insights.

The recent study supported a new way of predicting if a low-grade tumour may become more aggressive & need treatment. Testing for the perineural invasion (PNI) mechanism, a process of prostate cancer growth that allows cancer cells to escape the prostate, might be useful for identifying cases that might become more aggressive.

While PNI is not an absolute predictor of cancer progression, testing for it gives more information to doctors on which patients might need closer monitoring.

For more information on the research, head to:

For general information about prostate cancer, visit

Timeline photos 20/02/2023

Are you constantly overwhelmed by worries about future events, even those beyond your control? Do you set impossibly high standards for yourself at work but still feel unsatisfied even when you meet them? Do you experience intense anxiety over the thought of letting others down & find yourself constantly overthinking things?

If this sounds like you, you may be suffering from high-functioning anxiety.

While not an officially recognised diagnosis, the term has gained popularity online. People with high-functioning anxiety may appear successful & driven but often struggle internally. They may risk their health & well-being, engage in people-pleasing behaviours, limit their social life outside work, experience insomnia & mental fatigue, & exhibit nervous habits such as nail-biting or hair-pulling.

If you suspect you may be experiencing high-functioning anxiety, it is important to seek help. Reach out to a loved one or a doctor, or contact a mental health support service such as Lifeline (13 11 14/ or Beyond Blue (1300 224 636/

Timeline photos 17/02/2023

Happy International Asperger's Day (February 18, 2023) 🥳🎉

Did you know that Asperger's syndrome is a neurodevelopmental condition on the autism spectrum that affects how people act, see & understand the world? People living with Aspergers may have trouble understanding & interacting socially, & struggle with facial expressions, body language, & tone of voice. Hypersensitivities to light, sounds & tastes are also common. This can be frustrating & make it difficult for those with Aspergers to form relationships.

People with Aspergers tend to have unique strengths, such as attention to detail, focus, & a deep passion & interest in specific topics. People with Aspergers usually have advanced vocabularies & intellectual abilities too.
It's important to remember that everyone with Aspergers is different, which is which explains the broad spectrum of the condition.

Today provides a fabulous opportunity to learn more about Aspergers & to emphasise the need for support services, such as peer & interest groups, & therapy services both locally, & internationally.

Importantly, by increasing awareness of Asperger’s, we can create a more inclusive & compassionate society for all.

Aspergers Victoria

Low fidelity (lofi) music – the secret to productivity success - LIV Health 10/02/2023

Lofi music, drawing in millions of listeners on YouTube and popular streaming platforms, is a musical genre characterised by purposeful imperfections, a low tempo, and musical sampling, which blend together create a soothing jazz effect. While the word “imperfections” might scare some people ] these characteristics can actually improve concentration and creativity by boosting cognitive ability and reducing anxiety- all essential ingredients for productivity success!

The low-tempo drum loops unique to lofi music cause the brain to relax and heart rate to settle. This cancels out other distracting and inconsistent environmental noises, which drain precious brain power.

Research further reveals those who listen to lofi music have significantly better information recall and memory than those who do not, suggesting lofi music may be a valuable tool for productivity for students and professionals alike. According to the study, lofi music usually contains no, or very few lyrics, which has been linked to better information recall and retention.

If that wasn’t enough, the “happy hormones’ – serotonin and dopamine – may be increased in lofi listeners, which comes in handy for student study sessions, boosting memory retention, and reducing work/school-related anxiety.

The hundreds of lofi music options are proof of its popularity, and when considering its fabulous health and wellness benefits, lofi music is the perfect addition to our playlists.

Low fidelity (lofi) music – the secret to productivity success - LIV Health Lofi music, drawing in millions of listeners on YouTube and popular streaming platforms, is a musical genre characterised by purposeful imperfections, a low tempo, and musical sampling, which blend together to create a soothing jazz effect. While the word “imperfections” may scare some people, l...

The AMA calls on the Federal Government to introduce stronger & stricter regulations around va**ng - LIV Health 01/02/2023

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) called on the Federal Government this month to introduce stronger & stricter regulations around va**ng, or risk losing the public health battle if failing to act.

AMA President, Professor Stephen Robson, Deakin, told Pharmacy Daily that Australia has been a leader in to***co & ni****ne control for decades. However, with the rise of va**ng, our nation has since “dropped the ball”.

“Vaping is not harmless, it is not safe, it is not part of to***co control,” Prof Robson explained.

The AMA has formerly advocated for regulations to limit access to NVPs, & to reduce the concentration of ni****ne they contain.

While the TGA consultation focuses on NVPs, the AMA supports the introduction of controls involving the importation of all va**ng products through customs.

“Vaping products have also been found to contain prohibited chemicals that can cause serious harm, like vitamin E acetate and diacetyl, which can cause serious damage to the lungs,” Prof Robson told Pharmacy Daily.

Concerningly, an online survey performed by the Commissioner for Children & Young People (CCYP) – SA in 2022 involving 13 – 19-year-olds living in SA revealed two-in-three respondents had tried va**ng, a substantial one in four of whom reported va**ng most days. The ni****ne in 1 v**e can be equivalent to 50 ci******es & va**ng has been linked to serious lung disease.

To find out more, head to:



The AMA calls on the Federal Government to introduce stronger & stricter regulations around va**ng - LIV Health The Australian Medical Association (AMA) called on the Federal Government this month to introduce stronger & stricter regulations around va**ng, or risk losing the public health battle if failing to act. AMA President, Professor Stephen Robson, Deakin, told Pharmacy Daily that Australia has been a l...

Why taking holidays doesn’t fix burnout! 31/01/2023

Award-winning journalist, broadcaster, author, health & happiness guru, Adjunct Associate Professor Sophie Scott, Sydney, published an interesting blog recently on ‘Why taking holidays doesn’t fix burnout’.

She argues burnout is caused by substantial physical & cognitive changes that cannot be resolved in a short period of time.

Sophie explains the key signs of burnout include waking up & feeling exhausted no matter how much rest you’ve had, struggling to get out of bed, self-doubt, low self-esteem, difficulty focusing, muscle tension & feeling detached.

The Sydney Burnout Study revealed one in three respondents who experienced burnout have trouble concentrating & experience cognitive difficulties, such as chronic stress which impairs the brain’s ability to function.

Prioritising your mental health & wellbeing, exercising self-compassion, & understanding the key steps to burnout recovery, is crucial to managing your health & wellness, according to Sophie. Incorporating meditation & mindful movement into your daily routine, exercising, connecting with nature & those whom you love, & establishing an ongoing support network, also helps to manage your stress levels & create a ‘window of tolerance’.

To learn more, head to:

Why taking holidays doesn’t fix burnout! If you are feeling burnt out, I wanted to explore why taking a holiday may not be enough to get you back to excellent health.

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Carol Ireland, CEO & Managing Director of Epilepsy Action Australia
Kaitlyn Parratt, Consultant neurologist & epileptologist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital & Sharp Neurology, Sydney
Amy, 20, Passionate cellist & Sydney Conservatorium of Music student living with epilepsy,