Sari's Natural Medicine

Sari's Natural Medicine

Sari offers ONLINE unique treatments based on Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis: detox and rebuild YOU! Naturopath
Registered Nurse


Elevate your vitality with powerful Bone broth healing properties! ✨Get Enhance Newsletter today and learn how!


Enhance Newsletter is out now!
The new format has been launched!


Enhance Newsletter is almost out.
Get on the subscription list- DM me now so you don't miss another month of awesome health tips, recipes, info and the featured book plus more!





PHONE 0403 320 845 OR MSG ME


Did you know that worldwide, the most notable fish contaminants are mercury, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and biological toxins, such as saxitoxin and ciguatoxin? You don't want these in your body (or your kids).

Choose to eat sardines to get the omega 3s, protein, antioxidants and minerals, and very low levels of contaminants. You see, sardines are a small fish that don't have a long lifespan. This means they don't have long to accumulate all the pollutants in the ocean. They also don't eat other fish and take on all their pollutants.

Happy sardine eating!!


Get $200 off NIR saunas- only until stocks last.
Please use this CODE at checkout: 994KNO82

Photos from Sari's Natural Medicine's post 06/07/2023

Little 'Honey-Joy' our calf has arrived! We are super proud and delighted to share our property with her. Daisy cow is a wonderful mother. 🥰🥰


Want to lose that excess weight? Nutritional Balancing is the answer. Check out this article.


Did you know that 30-50% of infertility cases are caused by endometriosis? Endometriosis is caused by systemic inflammation, autoimmune dysregulation, hormone imbalance and toxins.
Book in today for comprehensive and effective health care to combat this complex disease. 0403320845😀


Chronic inflammation in the body causes heart disease, diabetes, cancer, bowel disease and arthritis.

But what causes chronic inflammation?

😌Low exercise
😌Unresolved infections
😌Poor diet
😌Poor sleep
😌Toxins/ pollution

💙These are things that are in YOUR control.

Need help with managing any symptoms, or want to prevent disease?

💙I'd love to help you. Give me a call: 0403320845


I love autumn. Lots of things in the garden to pick and eat. This is what I picked after a week break... Lots of colours and a variety of nutrients to decrease inflammation in your body.


☠️DON’T DRINK SOFT DRINKS – They contain phytates and are harmful

☠️Phytates are phosphorus compounds. Phytates are harmful because they bind to other minerals in your intestines and prevent these minerals absorption. This leads to a number of other deficiencies.

☠️Where do you find phytates?

☠️Many raw grains are high in phytates. Never eat raw grains (including granola, trail mix or just soaked grains).
☠️Phosphoric acid is in soft drinks also. It is a stimulant, erodes teeth, damages your gut, and destroys bones. DON’T DRINK IT! Sugar is of course terrible in the soft drinks too.

❤️What to do instead?❤️

❤️Cooking or fermenting grains gets rid of phytate content.
❤️Drink good quality water with natural amounts of minerals.

Easy- you can cook your grains, and drink water. I know you can.



💪Phospholipids form the myelin sheaths coating your nerves, and they maintain cell membrane integrity. These are SUPER important, but 85% of your phosphate is actually in your bones. It is an anabolic mineral- meaning it builds up new tissue.

Make sure you get enough phosphate and calcium to protect yourself from developing osteoporosis by eating:
🐟Chicken and Turkey
🐟Cheese, yoghurt and raw milk
🐟Sunflower and pepita seeds

HOWEVER, there’s a bad form of phosphate called phytates. You must AVOID these or it will leach calcium from your bone... More on phytates next post…


Look at this gorgeous purple colour in my cabbages! It's going in Curried Lamb Mince and Cabbage for tonight's dinner.

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine 14/03/2023

🔔 Enrolment for my Fundamentals Challenge closes TODAY 🔔

You have until 5 PM (AEDT) to take the first step on your health journey.

👇 Two weeks ago I said this 👇
You take your health for granted… until you lose it.

And it’s still SO TRUE.

When you’re in the thick of chronic illness, it’s sometimes hard to see a way out.

You know my story. You know I suffered from crippling stress, endometriosis, and autoimmune diseases. You know I thought I’d be sick for the rest of my life.

You know I turned to evidence-based natural medicine when mainstream medicine failed me.

You know I’ve BEEN THERE. And you know I got myself out.

So YOU KNOW I can guide you to a healthy, happy version of you in just 12 weeks.

This is what future-you looks like:

✔️ You love life, and you’re genuinely excited for the good times to come.
✔️ You have the energy you need to give your very best self to your loved ones.
✔️ You ooze self-confidence when socialising (and you’re more attractive, too).
✔️ You have the energy needed to seize business opportunities when they arise.
✔️ You’ll never take your health for granted again (and staying healthy is now EZ PZ!).

Are you ready to step into their shoes?

Just go here:

Either way, I trust you’ll choose what feels right for YOU.

You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t looking for change.

Whether that’s with me or on a different path, I wish you all the luck and joy in the world.

Just be sure you take action today. Because tomorrow becomes never too easily.

And you don’t need to live in pain.

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine Through one-on-one consultations, lifestyle and dietary advice, informative videos, and simple yet powerful daily exercises, you’ll learn how to take control of your life.

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine 13/03/2023

⏰ Enrolment for my Fundamentals Challenge closes in 24 HOURS ⏰

🤥 “I’ll eat better tomorrow. I’ll exercise tomorrow. I’ll turn my life around tomorrow.”

Does that sound like you?

Tomorrow becomes next week. And next week becomes NEVER.

In 12 weeks, you could be looking back at the sick, unhappy person you used to be. And you could be thanking them for FINALLY taking action.

But you’ve got to say, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and take that first step.

Not next week. Not tomorrow. Today.

Because tomorrow — literally tomorrow — I’m CLOSING THE DOORS to my 12-week Fundamentals Challenge 🚪

And the Challenge is the easiest first step you could take.

✔️ I have 20+ years of professional experience in the health industry and I’ll guide you every step of the way.
✔️ I’ll tell you WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and WHY it’s beneficial for you.
✔️ You’ll join our 3x one-on-one consultations from the comfort of your home.
✔️ You’ll be able to track your progress easily with the weekly development charts.
✔️ There’s zero financial risk because you’ll get 100% of your money back if you’re not loving the course by the end of Week 2.
✔️ And lastly, the Challenge works.

⭐ “I'm a million times happier. Way more present. I have a much healthier relationship with food, and myself, and my family.” — Challenge graduate Joanna.

⭐ “I didn't feel like I could ever be excited about anything because I was so stuck and in such a rut. But now I'm excited about the future.” — Challenge graduate Jackie.

So don’t let chronic illness win.

Take your life back now:

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine Through one-on-one consultations, lifestyle and dietary advice, informative videos, and simple yet powerful daily exercises, you’ll learn how to take control of your life.


Does my Fundamentals Challenge make sense to you?

Here are some handy-dandy FAQs.


You will create your login username and password for the Challenge Members Portal immediately after you have purchased the course. You’ll find all the information you need on the Challenge Members Portal on my website. I’ll send you an email each Monday letting you know the new week’s module has been automatically unlocked for you as you go.


The consultations are held online via Zoom. The first consultation is held within a week of purchasing the Fundamentals Challenge. The second consultation is during Week 6 and the final consultation is in Week 12. I’ll make every effort to accommodate your availability for these.

For the 3 early bird students, there’ll also be 2 group sessions. I’ll make every effort to accommodate everyone’s availability for these.


You’ll need to set aside:

🕘between 20 minutes and 1 hour to watch the videos per week whenever it suits you
🕘30 minutes for the worksheets and planning per week
🕘time to practice the skills each day (but you’ll swap these healthy habits for existing unhealthy ones, so they shouldn’t require an additional time investment).

You’ll have the whole week to practice the skills I teach you and form healthy habits. By the end of the 12 weeks — assuming you weren’t exercising or setting aside time to relax before starting the Challenge — maintaining your health will take 1 h/our per day.


After 12 weeks, you’ll have built a foundation for sustainable long-term change. You’ll have made healthy habits a part of your life, and you’ll be able to take your health into your own hands going forward.

You may also consider doing my Nutritional Balancing Program. This tailor-made, one-on-one service is a comprehensive healing journey where we use diagnostic tests like Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and balance your mineral levels for deeper healing.
If you still have questions, please let me know in the comments below.

⏰ Otherwise, the 14th of March is coming up fast ⏰

Take one of the 12 available spots before they’re gone.

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine 11/03/2023

Does my Fundamentals Challenge actually get results? 💪📈😄

Of course I’M going to say YES. But don’t just take it from me…

🎥 Check out these video testimonials from Challenge graduates Joanna and Kenny:

📚 OR, if you prefer reading…

Here’s what 38-year-old Joanna from Melbourne had to say about the Challenge:

💙 I found it really fun. Exactly what I was looking for to help me on my healing journey. I didn't need to search anymore. If I needed to know something, Sari would usually have the answer. My whole life has changed for the better. I am a million times healthier. A million times happier. Way more present. I have a much healthier relationship with food, and myself, and my family 💙

And here’s what 31-year-old Jackie from Wodonga had to say:

💚 I was feeling really depressed and anxious. I was so tired and lethargic all the time and I just didn't have the energy to do the things in my life that I wanted to. I was really struggling at work. I was struggling just getting by. Since working with Sari, I feel like I've got my life back. I feel like things are moving forward. I didn't feel like I could ever be excited about anything because I was so stuck and in such a rut. But now I'm excited about the future 💚

But what about you? Are YOU ready to get your life back and feel “a million times happier”?

If so, my 12-week Fundamentals Challenge is a perfect fit.

⏰ Be sure to enrol before all 12 slots are taken ⏰

Doors close on the 14th of March.

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine Through one-on-one consultations, lifestyle and dietary advice, informative videos, and simple yet powerful daily exercises, you’ll learn how to take control of your life.

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine 10/03/2023

🥳 The Fundamentals Challenge is OPEN!!! 🥳

Take control of your health before it’s too late.

Okayyy, so you MAY have noticed I’ve been all up in your Facebook feed these past 10 days.

And what a 10 days they’ve been.

I hope you loved my Wellness Video Series. I also hope you’re:

🙂 smiling more and feeling more confident and attractive
😴 getting a better night’s rest and feeling energised each morning
🧅 eating more soup — because your body (and wallet) will thank you
🎉 excited about my 12-week FUNDAMENTALS CHALLENGE!

Because you can now ENROL in the Challenge — if you’re quick about it.

(Congrats to all the early birds who snatched up my early bird offer!)

But WHY would you enrol?

Well, because:

🔵 You’re absolutely DONE with feeling sick, stressed, and tired all the time
🔵 want a body that’s strong enough to fight off future illness
🔵 You want the energy you need to nail your career and seize lucrative opportunities when they arise
🔵 Your family is your world and you want to give them the best version of you possible
🔵 You want to be a more exciting, likeable friend
🔵 Looking up health stuff online leads to 😭 information overload 😭 and you want a professional with 20+ years of experience to tell you WHAT to do, HOW to do it, and WHY it’s good for your health

And HOW do you enrol?

That’s easy. Just visit my website 👇

⏰ But be sure to do so by the 14TH OF MARCH because that’s when the door closes.

And be quick, too, because I’m taking on JUST 12 STUDENTS.

Got any questions about the Challenge? I’d love to help.

Just leave a comment below.

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine Through one-on-one consultations, lifestyle and dietary advice, informative videos, and simple yet powerful daily exercises, you’ll learn how to take control of your life.


You don’t need to take GIANT steps to get on top of your health and happiness 🦶

And healthy habits don’t need to be complicated.

In fact, there’s one super simple (and super powerful) dietary habit that NOWHERE NEAR enough people are taking advantage of.

And I went through it in detail in my last video.

The food I’m talking about is all this and more:

🕒 quick and easy to make
💰 cheap to make
👌 delicious
🥦 rich in vitamins and minerals
💪 a great immune system booster
🚽 easy to digest

So if you missed that video and want to take a PROACTIVE step towards better health, here it is again 👇

AND, if in 12 weeks you want to look back at the unhealthy, tired person you used to be and thank them for finally taking action…


Here are 8 facts about the Challenge:

1️⃣ it’ll help you handle stress and anxiety
2️⃣ it’ll help you heal naturally, fight off future diseases, and avoid medical bills
3️⃣ it’ll give you the energy you need to thrive every single day
4️⃣ enrolment opens on the 10th of March and closes on the 14th
5️⃣ there are only 12 to 15 spots available
6️⃣ 🐦 if you’re quick, you can take advantage of my early bird offer and save $$$
7️⃣ you can get 100% of your money back if you’re not happy by the end of Week 2
8️⃣ you can find out more here:

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine 09/03/2023

🤩There is 1 Early Bird offer left for the Fundamentals Challenge at $699! I am extending the Early Bird offer for another 24hours, but then the price goes to full price at $799!

💙And don't forget as part of the 12 week online Fundamentals Challenge you get THREE consultations with ME- an experienced health professional of twenty plus year!

🎉Enrol now:

Fundamentals Challenge – Sari's Natural Medicine Through 3 x one-on-one consultations with Sari Young, qualified Naturopath & Registered Nurse, lifestyle & dietary advice, informative videos, and simple yet powerful daily exercises, you’ll learn how to take control of your life.


In just three months from now, you could be looking back at the unhealthy, tired person you used to be.

And you could be thanking them for finally taking action 🎬

Stress, anxiety, indigestion, stomach aches, eczema, fungal infections — ongoing illnesses like these could be things of the past.

✔️ You can regain your health.
✔️ You can be more present and fun around your family and friends.
✔️ You can have the energy you need to thrive in your career.
✔️ You can make future-you proud.

But you’ve got to take that first step.

And I’ve made that easy-peasy for you to do.

If you want to:

1️⃣ learn about a quick and POWERFUL dietary change you can make right away
2️⃣ learn EXACTLY what my 12-week Fundamentals Challenge is all about


Or if you want to skip ahead to the Fundamentals Challenge go here:

Wellness Video Series Part 2 – Sari's Natural Medicine 07/03/2023

Trying to make MASSIVE changes to your health all at once simply isn’t sustainable.

You’ll likely set the bar too high and end up disappointed and frustrated.

Take it step by step 👣

Start with one healthy habit. Then stack another on top. Then another.

In a recent video, I shared some simple habits that’ll help you get a better night’s rest tonight.

Sleep is important because it:

🌒 helps your immune system function properly, so you can fight off pathogens
🌓 functions as an anti-inflammatory, which helps you heal faster
🌔 reduces fatigue, anxiety, and irritability
🌕 helps prevent attention disorders and impaired concentration

So if you missed that video and want to sleep and live better, here it is again 👇

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Wellness Video Series to get the videos (and more healthy tips and recipes) in your inbox:

Wellness Video Series Part 2 – Sari's Natural Medicine 💪 You worry you won’t have the strength to excel in your job — or leave a mind-numbing job to pursue your true passion.


“I desperately needed help.”

This is how my client Jackie felt before started working with me.

😫 She was tired and anxious all the time.

🧭 She lacked direction and self-confidence.

☢️ To top it off, a toxic relationship, financial concerns, and a dissatisfying job put even more strain on her life.

Overall felt she was functioning just enough to make it through work each day and take care of her young son.

But eventually, Jackie said, “Enough is enough,” and took action 🎬

And I’m so glad she did.

🌟 Because now she wakes up in the morning with energy, feeling so full of life and excited for her day 🌟

If you want to:

✔️ hear what Jackie did to “FEEL 100x BETTER” — directly from Jackie
✔️ learn some healthy habits you can take up to get a good night’s sleep tonight
✔️ learn more about how you can get help from a qualified health professional instead of stumbling through all this “health” stuff on your own


And be sure to subscribe to my Wellness Video Series to get the videos (and more healthy tips and recipes) in your inbox:

Wellness Video Series Part 1 | Sari's Natural Medicine 03/03/2023

Healthy habits stack up. Together, habits help you take control of your life and become a healthier, happier you.

In a recent video, I shared a game-changing habit you can take up right now (without spending a cent). This habit:

😊 elevates your mood
💓 lowers your heart rate and blood pressure
🧘 helps you relax
💪 strengthens your immune system
😍 makes you more attractive and approachable
😎 boosts your confidence
💞 strengthens your relationships

So if you missed that video and want all of those benefits, here it is again 👇

Also, be sure to subscribe to my Wellness Video Series to get the videos (and more healthy tips and recipes) in your inbox:

Wellness Video Series Part 1 | Sari's Natural Medicine Feeling constantly stressed and unwell can put a dampener on your entire life. But you don't have to let sickness win. Watch this video.


😀 Are you doing the SMILING Challenge today? 😀

The challenge is to smile at 5 people as a minimum.

Notice how you feel AND how people respond to you.

I bet you were surprised. 🥰

Don't miss out on the rest of the FREE Wellness Video Series by signing up here:


Did you take your health for granted before you got sick? 🤮

Fortunately, you can get it back.

Feeling constantly stressed and unwell can put a dampener on your ENTIRE LIFE.

You can’t be as present and fun around your family and friends.

Your self-confidence crumbles.

And your career takes a hit because you can’t concentrate and don’t have the energy to seize opportunities when they arise.

Whether you’re suffering from fatigue, anxiety, depression, insomnia, indigestion, stomach aches, eczema, or anything else, chronic illnesses drain your zest for life and stop you from being the best that you can be.

👊 But you don’t have to let sickness win 👊

Do you want to know:

✔️ how I defeated chronic illness and regained my love for life?
✔️ one quick and easy skill that’ll change your life right now, for FREE?
✔️ how you can take control of your health with my 12-week Fundamentals Challenge?


And be sure to subscribe to my Wellness Video Series to get the videos (and more healthy tips and recipes) in your inbox:



Oh! Oh! Oh! I can’t believe it is finally here… almost!

My very first Free video series- my new way of helping YOU guys, and the first step in helping many more people access great quality health information to change their life.

Please tell your friends to sign up too.



Everything is nearly finalised- last few things to do- import and embed videos, gather some video testimonials, whip up a few web pages and wah-lah! Can’t wait to get started!



🥺ARE YOU ANXIOUS? 1 in 6 Australians are currently suffering from anxiety. 🥺

Symptoms can include:
👎feeling on edge/ wound-up/ restless
👎difficult concentrating
👎sleep problems
👎difficulty controlling your feelings of worry
👎muscle aches
👎stomach aches

There are ways to reduce this, and even get rid of it altogether without using medications.


Sari’s Natural Medicine: Naturopath and RN

Sari’s Natural Medicine aims to deliver exceptional natural healthcare to increase your health, vitality and happiness.

Sari’s treatments aim to achieve an optimal biochemical balance in your body. In doing so, you and Sari will be treating any dis-ease you have and preventing future illness. Greater health and happiness will be achieved when your body is provided optimal amounts of natural substances it needs via nutrition (food) and supplements. Sari loves good food as it is the most natural and best way to restore your biochemical balance! Every treatment plan for every patient she sees, revolves around food as medicine. Sari practices in a truly holistic manner- utilising mineral, vitamin and herbal medicine; exercise regimes; relaxation techniques, and detoxification procedures. You can expect a high level of support and motivation whilst you conquer your health goals.

Videos (show all)

In just three months from now, you could be looking back at the unhealthy, tired person you used to be.And you could be ...
“I desperately needed help.”This is how my client Jackie felt before started working with me.😫 She was tired and anxious...
Did you take your health for granted before you got sick? 🤮Fortunately, you can get it back.Feeling constantly stressed ...
I love watching our animals exhibit pure joy!


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00