Terri YogaFit

Terri YogaFit

TerriYogaFit is connecting to people through yoga & fitness - Vinyasa Flow strengthening & cardio. Yin yoga yielding stillness yogafit.com.au


Nothing feels better than stepping into your Courage facing your fears and doing it your way.


Radiant energy from Mother Nature. Have you thought about plants in your room? Helps to purify the air and beautiful your space not to mention sitting or laying silently to go within as you focus on the plants beauty and presence. Just 5 mins every day morning and night 🙏🏻💕💙 breath IN breath OUT


Another insight for me as I learn about our countries heritage. No matter what path you follow there’s always time to pause reflect and then respond. The spirit and connection is ever present and unchanging, your guiding force.❤️🌈🙏🏻


Ease into 2022 your happiness lies in the gap of your expectation and reality.

I’ve been taking my time to set up what my year is going to look like after a hard slog in 2021 burnout, stress and long periods of isolation due to Covid lock downs.

This year is going to be different despite the out of control numbers of Covid.

Small steps and wins for my business and my personal life.

Small windows of low risk and great results.

Get a casual job to pay the bills and towards your holiday whilst your planning your yoga offerings ✔️ done

Start back teaching two classes a week in my own space (stay tuned happening soon Tuesday nights)

Have fun and book the holiday to Tasmania you didn’t get to have last year and do it better than the first. March-April (✔️)done.

Small renovations ⬆️ investment

Do things you haven’t done before or for a long time.

Purchased a cook book and made two dishes from recipes out of the book and shared with family and friends 1st Jan 2022 ✔️

Study what will keep developing your path and that your passionate about. Helping others to have the best life that they deserve that’s realistic and feeling healthy and vibrant. (In progress narrowing down)

Yoga Retreat later in the year when I’m ready and short window of risk. Not to be afraid I’ll miss out on finding the best venue to hold my magical retreats. Intention is number one care for my tribe give them an amazing weekend and nurture their bodies, hearts and minds. ❤️🙏🏻🧘‍♂️

This year ultimately is about enjoying exploring and feeling excited about the adventures I set myself to be the best version of myself knowing I am enough regardless of the outcomes. The best relationship you can have is with yourself to love more, care more and know you don’t have to constantly be more.
“I am enough.”

Need help, if so let’s chat to see if I can help out? First step reach out ❤️💪🏻🚶


Happy New Year may this year bring you good health, love and the will to create the best year yet.

When I look back and reflect on 2021 a very volatile year in the macro environment, I have achieved so much in the micro environment, physically, emotionally, mentally and professionally.

So many beautiful treasured moments with my family and also some tough ones. Thankfully the beautiful moments absolutely out weigh the tough ones where we can learn and grow from and sometimes let go for now.

Managed a road trip with my beautiful friend navigating between Covid outbreaks and bad weather but the windows opened to explore some beautiful terrain we had never trod before. State closures postponed our end of year trip, now planning it for first part of 2022 Tassie here we come.

I see that I used the tension of what I couldn’t control to create many fruitful and wonderful things with my family, friends and my yoga tribe.

I’ve learnt not to be afraid of what’s around the corner, keep going to honour my worth and love and only surround myself with people that want to be the best versions of themselves as I do.

Helping others to see that they too have the ability to step up and have the life they deserve and want is an honour to be part of, making time to listen, be present and honest.
Helping to see through the illusions of the minds, perceptions and ones habits.

I managed to get a couple of yoga retreats in, teach my first yin yoga teacher training, taught approx 300 yoga classes, created a yoga program an ebook, videos and voice recordings and developed other yoga trainings for the near future.

It’s clear to say I love my yoga tribe and look forward to marketing my offerings for 2022 soon.

Be Strong, Never give your Power away to anyone, Be Kind, Be Honest, Be Yourself, Step Away from what doesn’t serve you anymore and Don’t be Afraid of what you don’t know yet, that’s where the magic is around the corner.

Bring on 2022 yeah let’s do this together.

Terri xx 🌈🥰🙏🏻



“Get me a gift that disappears”

What would your ultimate gift look like this Christmas?

Mine would be to have my whole family together united in one place healthy and happy. ❤️💚❤️🎄

What can I give you this Christmas?


How good is this labelling couldn’t have described our last two years better and who knows what 2022 is going to bring??

All I do know is I’m taking each day as it comes and living it the best I know how with gratitude. I know that I’m strong, stand up for what I know to be true and trust that my wisdom is guiding me with truth and conviction.

It’s not always easy to follow the Soul’s guidance especially when you think your right on course and a sharp turn is required into the unknown. I have no fear only love and self empowerment to be the best version of myself. To love and be loved the rest will fall into place as it’s meant too.

These three affirmations:

2020 F**k Off - changed our lives forever it seems. Our freedom of choice taken away, first time out of work, government dependant and restricted in movement

2021 For F**ks Sake - changed our habits control, fear, anger, frustration, mental health, loneliness, poverty and division. Covid vaccines rolled out and many variations of news and information spread wide in the community through varied sources media, social media and government, confusing most people and a hot topic of discussion for most!

2022 What’s F**king Next - Right now I’m honestly scared to think about it, let alone plan my schedule. I hope this will change, but with Covid on the rise again and all restrictions eased perhaps to soon?
I have this uneasy feeling that a lock down could be looming once again.

What I do know is that life does go on and there has been many beautiful things and sad things happen in these years above and will continue to as I point my compass to the brightest northern star ⭐️ to live consciously aware, to live my best life, being kind, compassionate, grateful, courageous, empowering and not to waste my time on what I can’t control, let go and trust, you’ve got this.

Sunrise Yoga Dee Why Beach $15 17/12/2021

Merry Christmas 🎄🙏🏻❤️💚

Last Sunrise Yoga classes for 2021 Wednesday 22/12 & Friday 24/12
Come join us and enjoy practicing outdoors by the sea 🌊

Click the link to register:


Sunrise Yoga Dee Why Beach $15 Sunrise Yoga held at Dee Why Beach Cost $15 per class Bring your own mat Style: Slow Flow Vinyasa Suitable for all levels


Why not start now or at least planning for your personal goals of a consistent health and fitness program in 2022.

I can help you achieve your goals and aspirations by motivating you, making you accountable to showing up to sessions and checking in that your making time to exercise and following your health routine in between.

To Understand that nourishing yourself isn’t just the food you eat. It’s seeing yourself truthfully, changing habits that aren’t good for you, your thoughts, words and actions in mindfulness.

I love to blend Yoga and Fitness training a fusion of body heart and mind.

In my own experience it’s the ultimate as there is no use paying me to train you and then you go binge drinking and harm yourself for an example.

If you have the courage and the will to be the change we can work together to achieve your dreams and goals.

See my bio YogaFit website for contact details and look forward to hearing from you. You’ve got this, just one step is all it takes, your worth it.

-diet #2022


Looking forward to practicing with you Friday bright and early. Please register to attend pay on the ☀️🌊

Click on the link below to register-



Honouring your dharma your souls desire. Never give your power away to anyone. Happy Monday weave your light and love upon the world.
Yoga Program www.YogaFit.com.au


No words


From this week I’m now taking 1:1 sessions in Fitness PT and Yoga. DM me for more details.
I can create the perfect session for you and your goal. So many options and if you’d like me to create a fusion of both it works beautifully together


On top of the world - YogaFit Yoga Retreat October 2021 - Blue Mountains - Feeling Free 🙏🏻


My beautiful number 1 turning 15! Feels like something or someone stole a few years off us the years have flown by. Happy Birthday!!!
Love you sooooo much, such a beautiful person, beautiful inside and out.🥰💜🥳 # # #
I’m still taller heeee 🤣 just…


Yes 🙏🏻💙


Miss my family so much but grateful I have these 3 close by 💕💕💙🙏🏻 🙏🏻


In our backyard. What can you hear? So many beautiful places to explore so close to home. One of the beautiful things to come out of lock down is time, slowing down and exploring the space


Ive been working on this meditation to share with everyone I can in hope it may just help you get through a tough bit in this time where we are coping the best way we know how.
It’s deeply relaxing and the music has been made to blend with my voice and compliment the serenity of this meditation by the talented Ryan Dodson
with love Terri 💕🙏🏻

See the link below:



Made me laugh hope it gives you a laugh also 😂


This is definitely not what it takes for a gold medal winning moment in fact the exact opposite, Laziness. The bins weren’t anywhere near full, yet even in a lockdown with much time on our hands, some more than others this is the best you can do!!!
Empathy is to feel for someone else less fortunate and charity begins at the heart to give love and be loved.
Those less fortunate don’t need your old clothes that are dirty nor do they need your pity. They are no less than you and quite possibly much better than you in so many ways.
How do you rate success?
How could someone have acted better, by taking the clothes to the charity bin with .


One of the main reasons I meditate is for exactly this. Sitting in our emotions and allowing time to see through to the truth creates less reaction and enables you to respond in a calmer more balanced way.

This response is less likely to be caught up in the past of old beliefs and experiences that get charged up from so many emotions that simply aren’t true.
This then allows you to see what’s happening in this moment and also to take some responsibility for your part in the situation and often there is nothing left or more clarity of what to discuss or act upon in a more loving and peaceful way.
Time to let go of righteousness, hard arse opinions and victim hood.
These traits are not you, see through to your essential selves loving kind compassionate and caring. The world will only heal if we let go of who we think we are and start to be who we truely are light love creatives of limitless ability and strength to unite not keep dividing and making everything harder than it needs to be right now. I see you and love you 💕⭐️💕


Never in my dreams would I have thought a mask would be part of my Winter wardrobe


Guidance today from the angelic realms “Patience” 💙


It may push you past your comfort zone, know that the Creator doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle. Ask and you shall receive, all the support that you need to bring an idea to fruition.


Do the best you can


Think twice about buying plastic products this is where a lot of these purchases end up.

Videos (show all)

In our backyard. What can you hear? So many beautiful places to explore so close to home. One of the beautiful things to...
Sending love reach out keep safe.#covidlockdown #stayhomestaysafe #exercise  #mentalwellness #togetherwearestronger
Congratulations #yinyogateachertraining #yinyoga #yogaforeveryone #layersonlayers #tcm #meridians #chakras #koshas #seas...
At Mogo Wildlife Park 🦒 giraffes are so beautiful and have so much room to roam amazing, could have stayed there for hou...
Fun Shuffling #tictoc


Opening Hours

Monday 06:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 06:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 06:00 - 19:30
Thursday 06:00 - 19:30
Friday 06:00 - 19:30