

We are highly dedicated and committed to provide YOU with the highest possible expertise, support and accountability.

I coach middle-aged women and men with busy lives and families how to achieve a sustainable and lasting body transformation and help them to get back their confidence, energy, drive and a strong healthy body. Fitmate PT is a results based Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching service specialising in helping busy men and women, mums and dads to be in the best shape of their life. Our aim is to h


What are you willing to change to get where you want to be?

"To get what you've never had, you must do what you've never done." – Anonymous


Focus on getting the basics right, consistently.
It's not how much you know. It's how much you do, consistently.
Experts use the same tools as novices. They just use them better

Timeline photos 07/10/2020

😇that's it

Let’s be honest: Few things motivate healthy choices better than waking up with the meat sweats, heartburn, a hangover, or some other uncomfortable form of bodily rebellion.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠
Perhaps taking a short break from more structured, healthy choices allows us to keep making those choices in future.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠
It's the same way taking a vacation and making full use of the “all inclusive” swim-up bar and breakfast buffet makes you happy to come home, hit the grocery store, and stuff your fridge with green vegetables.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠
Find out the other key lessons overindulgence can teach you:


We always says "Consistency over perfection"

“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”
-John Steinbeck

We always say "Consistency over perfection"

Timeline photos 03/08/2020

Love this. Check it out, it is super helpful 💪😊👍

Whether out of stress, anxiety, sadness, boredom, or grief, it’s understandable why we turn to food for comfort.⁣⁠
Food offers a pretty great—if very temporary—solution to our suffering.⁣⁠
Think of it this way: When you stress eat, you’re using food to solve a problem. Only it’s a problem that food can’t solve.⁣⁠
What’s more, most people who experience emotional eating feel trapped and guilty afterward, which just perpetuates the behavior.⁣⁠
So whether you’re a coach trying to help clients with their stress eating—or you’re looking for solutions for yourself—we have three not-so-obvious strategies that might help.⁣⁠
Creating a nourishment menu is just one of these strategies.

What does your “nourishment menu” include? Let us know in the comments.

P.S. For more strategies, and practical ways to actually use them, head this way:


>>>Consistency is the key


Don’t attack weight loss on an “all or nothing” approach.

This never works. Smaller steps, working on a new ritual and taking massive action to make these steps happened are your best approach.

Pick one thing each week to work on.

Whatever it may be… getting an extra hour of sleep, drinking an extra glass of water per day, consuming more protein… small steps will always allow you to build up to a bigger reward

Timeline photos 24/06/2020


When PN Coach Craig Weller graduated from high school, he joined the Navy and volunteered for a Naval Special Operations unit.⁣

But when he left for boot camp, he didn’t know how to swim.⁣

As you can imagine, swimming is a pretty important skill in Naval Special Operations.⁣

His odds of success were near zero.⁣

Despite this, he learned to swim well enough to pass his screening test by seven seconds on his third and final attempt and begin his selection course.

After two and a half years of suffering, Coach Craig graduated.⁣

Along the way, he watched thousands of people—nearly all better swimmers than him—fail out or quit.⁣

During the process, he learned this important lesson ⬆️ plus the characteristics that help someone succeed.

Keep reading ==>


Positive mindset and mental health play a huge part in our overall health, fitness, and wellbeing. Try to not neglect it. :)

Sometimes doing something for yourself can be as easy as doing absolutely nothing!

The simple act of blocking off time to do NOTHING in your schedule will immediately make you feel a sense of relief.

If you don’t block it off, you’ll end up filling that space with something else.

Even if it’s scheduling in to stop at the park for 15 minutes on your way home from work before you get home.

Be intentional about how you spend every hour of your day.

You can never get your time back, so make sure you spend it wisely!


Quick Thursday Tip:

Never go food shopping hungry.

You’ll be more likely to put anything in your trolley that way.

Make sure to shop right after you’ve eaten, or at least have an apple on the way to the grocery store!🙃😊


Have you ever heard the saying, “To go faster, you must slow down?”

It’s an idea that has been around for ages ... because it actually works.

It can be a hard concept to wrap your mind around, but U.S. President Abraham Lincoln summed it up pretty well with this quote:

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

So how does this apply getting results with fitness & wellness?!

Sharpening the axe is mastering the basics.

It’s building a foundation of healthy habits. And it’s so important because everything rests on it!

But the thing with the basics is that they can seem … well, basic. Especially if you’re in a rush!

It can be tempting to get sucked into trying a “hack” to speed things up … or trying the latest trend your friend/coworker/brother-in-law is experimenting with.

Remember: you will get at least 90% (and maybe even 99%) of your results from the basics!


Super Habit for Sustainable Fat Loss and weight management :)

Practice eating until you are 80% full... NOT 100% full.

This will take being more mindful of your body, how you feel and what you are eating. We get easily distracted and usually:

● Eat in front of the TV

● Eat while on the computer

● Eat while checking our phones

● Eat while watching a movie or sporting event

● Eat while driving a car

Before you take each bite check your hunger level. Still hungry? Keep eating. Feeling satisfied? Time to stop. Hunger is not an emergency!

Take control:

● Not on autopilot

● Checking your thoughts that can lead to overeating

● Not multitasking during your meal

● Taking time with your food before you take a bite by noticing the color, appearance, smells, texture

● Enjoying the experience


>>>Consistency is the key



💥👍Make a time

💥👍Walk or jog for five minutes a day

💥👍Do bodyweight strength exercises for five minutes a day

💥👍Plan your next day meals

💥👍Drink more water

💥👍Drink a water the first thing in the morning

💥👍Set a bed time routine

💥👍Play with kids and lough, HAVE FUN

💥👍Go to a bed 30 min earlier

💥👍Stop eating when you are 80% full rather when you are feeling too full

💥👍Add palm size of protein to each meal

💥👍Add a fist of veggies to each meal

💥👍Spend 5 minutes writing down what you're thankful for every day

💥👍Read for five minutes every night before bed

💥👍Spend five minutes a day connecting with a friend in real life (on the phone or in person)

💥👍Chop veggies for five minutes every night to prepare snacks for the next day

💥👍Five minute meditation

💥👍Five minutes of stretching or foam rolling

💥👍Five minutes of journaling

💥👍Drink two bottles of water a day

Lots of options and possibilities. Choose whatever you like. Start with five minutes. Progress not perfection.

With success, confidence will come. When you build confidence, you feel ready to take on a little more.


• Choose one habit at a time. One thing only. Master it,
then build on it or choose something else.
• Make it so easy that you can't fail. Success builds
• Choose something measurable and track it.
• Be consistent. Daily action is what counts and brings results
• Expect setbacks. Things happen. Move on. Do the best
you can.

So what five-minute habit will you chose to better your life, five minutes at a time?


A few tips for today to get started and create momentum :

1. DEFINE YOUR PURPOSE.… Why do you want to get ..... Insert here your goals ..( fit, stronger, lean, etc) ?
2. SET GOALS…. Gives you direction and builds on your purpose.
3. PLAN…. Failing to plan, is planning to fail. Plan and prepare your meals and workouts for the week. What gets scheduled gets done!!
4. BACK TO THE BASICS…. Move your body every day and eat whole foods by filling up on veggies, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats and lean proteins.
5. COMMIT TO YOUR PURPOSE AND YOURSELF - “Do or do not, there is no try.” - Yoda
6. GET COMFORTABLE BEING UNCOMFORTABLE…. This is where the magic happens.
7. POWER OF LESS…. Focus on one habit at a time for an 80% chance of success. Add an additional habit and the success rate drops to 20%.
8. CONSISTENCY IS KEY.… Be consistent with your diet and exercise routine. Every action either takes you closer to or further away from your goals.
9. MAKE IT A HABIT.… it is a way of life, not a quick fix.
10. ACCOUNTABILITY & SUPPORT…. Share your goals and plan with people in your life.
11. STOP DEPRIVING YOURSELF…. Focus on putting good fuel into your body by ADDING in what you need and it will eventually push out what you don’t need.
12. BE EXAMPLE…. Be what you want to see in the world. If it’s a healthier family, it starts with you.

BOTTOM LINE: Living a healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination.

Commit to living it!!


Habit-based coaching:

Don’t attack fat loss on an “all or nothing” approach.

This never works long term.

Daily habits and actions are your best approach.

Pick one major thing or 2-3 small actions each week to work on. Whatever it may be…

- getting an extra hour of sleep, drinking an extra glass of water per day, consuming more protein…

Small steps will always allow you to build up to a bigger reward


Have you heard about this super habit for sustainable, long term weight loss and healthy body weight?

🙂🥑🙆‍♀️Practice eating until you are 80% full NOT 100% full.

This will take being more mindful of your body, how you feel and what you are eating. We are a society of distracted eaters, we:
● Eat in front of the TV
● Eat while on the computer
● Eat while checking our phones
● Eat while watching a movie or sporting event
● Eat while driving a car

See what I mean? We don’t eat to fuel our bodies and we definitely don’t slow down and enjoy our food (until now). Enjoy your food by getting rid of the distractions, be present and notice how you are feeling in the moment:
● Stressed?
● Bored?
● Happy?

No more distracted eating! Instead, create a pleasurable experience by slowing down and enjoying the food you prepared to fuel your body


Whether you are feeling a little stressed/overwhelmed and need to re-focus or things are going well and you want to stay committed to continuing to make nutrition and lifestyle changes, ask these two questions:

1. What’s ONE thing that you can START doing today that if done consistently will make the MOST positive impact on your life?

2. What’s the ONE thing that you can STOP doing today that if you stopped doing it would have the GREATEST positive impact on your life?


Read this today and really really really like it: [Credit to Precision Nutrition,]

"It’s important for us to recognize and reward ourselves. To focus on what we’ve done well. And to stop occasionally, turn around, and look behind us.

When we’re trudging up a mountain, sometimes all we can see is the path rising in front of us. It seems like it’s uphill forever. We often forget to turn around and see how far we’ve climbed."

Remind yourself this every time you feel like quitting or struggle to keep going.


Can’t Get Back Into Training?

Try to schedule a short 5, 10, or 15-minute session today to remind your body and mind how exercise makes you feel.

Do another one tomorrow and so on.

Keep going until you get back on track.

5- 15 minutes is better than none at all. 💪


How about you ban the words "never" and "always" from your health vocabulary? Would you feel better? I think you would.

It's not realistic to say you'll never eat ice cream again or that you will always exercise every day.

In short, give up perfection, but remain focused without it.


Have you thought about what you CAN DO? Stop thinking about why you can't do something and think about how you CAN get it done.

Our Story

Fitmate PT is a results based Personal Training and Nutrition Coaching service specialising in coaching and helping middle-aged women and men with busy lives and families achieve a sustainable and lasting body transformation, help them to get back their confidence, energy, drive and to build a strong healthy body.

Discover possibilities, find your happiness, transform your life while pushing the limits, believing in yourself again and gaining a strong, fit, good looking body.

Videos (show all)

Is this stealing your joy?All too often when we think of ourselves, we are subconsciously comparing us to someone else. ...
Get movin'
Bear Crawl
Forget the russian twist  and do instead this fantastic exercise: Pallof Press
Warm up 3
Dynamic warm up part 1:
Quicky - quick home workout
Slow Mountain Climber
Exercise of the week: >>Resistance Band Horizontal Row
Side Plank


Opening Hours

Monday 05:30 - 20:00
Tuesday 05:30 - 20:00
Wednesday 05:30 - 20:00
Thursday 05:30 - 20:00
Friday 05:30 - 20:00
Saturday 06:00 - 12:00