Soma Vidya

Soma Vidya

A conscious community embodying ancient technologies for modern day living.

~ Yoga + Ayurveda
~ Vid


Feeling so ready now.

My house is FULL of blooms and budding with prana. Infused with all the love and wisdom of some incredible women in my life after yesterday's gathering ~ right where the baby will be born.

I've allowed myself the space to soften and receive with 3 different healing/nurturing sessions that targeted different needs in my life.

Steve and I have taken time to be together and plan on having a little celebration evening this week. It'll be a chance to mark the journey we have traversed so far just before we welcome our final angel to our fam. {So wild to reflect on how far we have come?? Who else does that with their partner? 😍}

I've been soaking in the bath with salts and eating all the Vata pacifying food.

I have relinquished all "shoulds" and replaced them with "coulds"

I've sat outside countless times and just been with what is with the best midwife of all ~ mother nature.

I didn't think I'd get to this stage in all honesty. It was hard to slow down there for a while and feel that total connection once more. And so I'm...

feeling so ready now.

📷 .wildlings 😍

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 09/12/2022

Embrace the healing potency of a ceremonial life with our Ritual Ghee {made with certified organic, grass-fed butter}.

This house-made ghee is the perfect addition to your daily Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonic.

~ Each jar is made in small batches on the full moon and infused with heartfelt intention, the Gayatri mantra, and Reiki.

~ With its powerful vibrational medicine, it takes your tonic to another ceremonial level for deeper nourishment.

▸ Ghee is revered in Ayurveda for its ability to purify dosha, balance the body & mind and strengthen the aura!

Tab on SHOP to buy our Ritual Ghee!

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 09/11/2022

Become empowered with the knowledge to self-heal

Hello ladies,

Do you know we have a one-of-a-kind wisdom school and community called "Vidyalayam"

It is more than a place of empowered learninf, it is also a community.

~ Vidyalayam is for the seekers ready to view the world through a lens that enables radical self-healing and living.

~ It is a 12-month course like no other that offers all of the foundational wisdom of Yoga + Ayurveda in one place.

~ Here, you not only learn the tools but you will also come to embody them with the full support of mentors and a like-hearted community.

~ It's everything you want to know about Yoga + Ayurveda (+ more) by understanding the laws of nature and discussing the endless possibilities of our existence.

~ Vidyalayam holds the ancient heart of tomorrow by reconnecting you with your most radiant, meaningful, and healthful life.

👉🏻 This is the future thanks to the past.

DM "Kind-wisdom" to learn more!

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 09/11/2022

Become empowered with the knowledge to self-heal

Hello ladies,

Do you know we have a one-of-a-kind wisdom school and community called "Vidyalayam"

It is more than a place of empowered learninf, it is also a community.

~ Vidyalayam is for the seekers ready to view the world through a lens that enables radical self-healing and living.

~ It is a 12-month course like no other that offers all of the foundational wisdom of Yoga + Ayurveda in one place.

~ Here, you not only learn the tools but you will also come to embody them with the full support of mentors and a like-hearted community.

~ It's everything you want to know about Yoga + Ayurveda (+ more) by understanding the laws of nature and discussing the endless possibilities of our existence.

~ Vidyalayam holds the ancient heart of tomorrow by reconnecting you with your most radiant, meaningful, and healthful life.

👉🏻 This is the future thanks to the past.

DM "Kind-wisdom" to learn more!

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 09/11/2022

Become empowered with the knowledge to self-heal

Hello ladies,

Do you know we have a one-of-a-kind wisdom school and community called "Vidyalayam"

It is more than a place of empowered learninf, it is also a community.

~ Vidyalayam is for the seekers ready to view the world through a lens that enables radical self-healing and living.

~ It is a 12-month course like no other that offers all of the foundational wisdom of Yoga + Ayurveda in one place.

~ Here, you not only learn the tools but you will also come to embody them with the full support of mentors and a like-hearted community.

~ It's everything you want to know about Yoga + Ayurveda (+ more) by understanding the laws of nature and discussing the endless possibilities of our existence.

~ Vidyalayam holds the ancient heart of tomorrow by reconnecting you with your most radiant, meaningful, and healthful life.

👉🏻 This is the future thanks to the past.

DM "Kind-wisdom" to learn more!

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 07/11/2022

Our liver is controlled by the Pitta “sub-dosha” known as Ranjaka Pitta, and anger is a Pitta emotion related to Sadhaka Pitta in the mind.

~ With this general link between the Pitta subtypes, anger is directly correlated with the balance of our Pitta dosha. When we have unprocessed anger it will increase both the Pitta in the mind and create heat, inflammation, and depletion in the liver.


~ SAVE this for later reference!
~ SHARE with your followers to help them get the solution to anger!


Looking for something new and exciting to offer in your cafe, organic store, or Yoga studio?


Are you passionate about healthy living, and artisanal and local-made products?

~ If this sounds like you, we would be honored to hear from you.

☕ Our tonics are making their way into local organic cafes, healing spaces, and wellness businesses all over Australia and we would love to have you as part of our growing Sri Soma community.

✨ Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics provides a product like nothing else on the market ~ more than just another adaptogenic latte, these elixirs take into consideration the healing potency of various spices through the ancient art of Ayurveda.

The energetic benefits of each brew are carefully considered and curated to provide a healthful impact that can be felt by the drinker almost instantly.

It was really important to us that we created a product that didn't add to the current concerns of over-consumption and over-saturation of certain fad-like adaptogens.

🌱 With a deep understanding of how all plants can become medicine through their healing benefits {and a whole lot of heart},

Sri Soma is truly something else.

Feeling excited? Please reach out here to .vidya (Link in bio for Sri Soma Tonic Purchase)


Ayurveda believes that acne is the result of an imbalance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas, and a manifestation of impurities inside the body.

Depending on the root cause the symptoms may present differently.

Relief from stress, an effective detox routine, and a proper diet will assist your body to respond better and faster to these acne solutions so make those a priority while indulging your skin in these acne remedies.

Try out these herbs to treat your acne.

Comment and tell: Which herb you have used before?

Follow .vidya for more Ayurveda and Yoga Tips

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 21/10/2022

Takeaway: Whether you're a new mama or with your babies, don't forget to prioritise rest.

✧ Vata is the biggest player throughout the whole journey and needs to be nurtured first (even well beyond birth).

This is an expansive and cosmic time on all levels!

⚛︎ A process of divinity ~ is a time that your needs should be honoured even more than usual.

Wishing you all the gifts of pregnancy and birth as you journey through the portal to bring new life to our Earth.

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 17/10/2022

One word: Natural and Organic 🌿

It's been a while and we have some new people connected to .vidya

I'm Deni Spirovski the founder of Soma Vidya where you get to learn about Ayurveda, Yoga & Nutrition.

Swipe 👈 to read the full...

Now that you know a bit about me, my business, my purpose and beyond, I’d love to learn more about you.

Share something about yourself or where are you from in the comment section below! Let's chat. 🤗


Fennel is still one of the most widely used medicinal plants, being suggested for everything from colic to conjunctivitis.

The benefits of fennel tea are both culinary and curative.

Fennel is used in many different cuisines, from Indian to Italian, to contemporary fusion, and all parts of the plant are used, including the leaves, seeds, and bulb.

Through the ages, many health claims have been made for fennel, and drinking fennel tea is an established practice in traditional medicine throughout the world.

According to herbalists, fennel seed is an effective aid to digestion.

It can help the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal system relax and reduce gas, bloating, and even stomach cramps.

P.S. Roughly 10-20% of women who suffer from severe cramping and discomfort during their period do not find relief through this approach.

However, Fennel may also be used in combination with other herbal remedies to modify the side effects of herbal formulas used as laxatives, or other treatments for digestive problems.

Comment and tell: Do you use fennel in your food or drinks?


Let's talk about intuitive eating and how your cravings can often be your medicine.

I always love it when someone comes up to the window at Sri Soma and says "I'm feeling [x] what would you recommend? I was kind of drawn to [y]" and whatever they were called to is usually always on the money!

Food is medicine in a way that goes beyond nutritional values and healthy, organic eating. It also comes down to basic things we already know like taste {rasa}, the potency {I.e. is it cooling or heating} or the way it's cooked {are you feeling like something baked or stewed?}. When we follow these inner knowings through our little hankerings we will often find the quickest route back into balance.

So as long as you aren't craving junk food or copious amounts of something then I say go for it! Whether it's a warm soup, a bit of maple, a tonic with cardamom {I know a great place that does these 😉} then you can become an incredible self-healer.

Health isn't about following fads, numbers and values or memorising a whole bunch of rules {not even in Ayurveda} ~ it's a wisdom that is alive within you.

The secret is to learn how to listen.

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 05/10/2022

It's honestly the simplest changes that make the biggest difference! But I hear you ~ sometimes getting out of those old habits can be hard.

That's what I'm here for ~ to help integrate the small and most powerful steps so that you start reaping all the benefits and letting the joy of how you feel become your natural motivation.

If you've been thinking of doing an Ayurvedic consult then I encourage you to reach out or make a booking via the link in my bio {it's really easy to do}.

I don't know how much longer I'll be doing consults before bub comes and I take some time to slow down so if you've been looking for a sign ~ this is it 😉


Pregnant or Postpartum? Figs are everything! Here's why:

As you probably already know, I have chosen to opt for bioavailble nutrients and vitamins within my diet rather than supplementation through my pregnancy. Figs (anjeer) can give incredible results for so many symptoms of pregnancy whilst also supporting mama and bub.

I'm going to break this down as quick and simply as I can:

• satiating - feel full after eating (great for morning sickness snack when you can't eat much)
• gives strength & helps with gaining weight (amazing in 2nd tri if you've lost weight in the 1st from MS)
• cooling & reduces acidity (got reflux?)
• sattvic and rich in ojas (essence of vitality) to promote rejuvenation post birth

• Vit B6 (good against MS)
• calcium, potassium & copper
• rich in iron & Vit C (for iron absorption)
• high in omega 3 & folate (for baby's brain)
• Psoralen for skin spots & pigmentation


• 1-2 dried figs in the morning (after soaking for >2hrs)
• Don't have too many and stick to this amount to keep it safe in pregnancy.

Photos from Soma Vidya's post 01/10/2022

Can you believe it's been almost 1 month of Śrī Soma already? So much love and support has come from you all and I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the ways you have showed up.

So much more to come ~ as they say, this is only the beginning.

Here's some of the kind words you guys have shared with me over the past few weeks.

If you haven't had a chance to pop around yet, we are open on this Monday's public holiday! The perfect way to end a long weekend as you tiptoe into the freshness of a short new week next week.


💮 And so we journey through this realm for the final time 💮 family of five


My approach to ayurveda isn't always dahl, kitchari and ghee. I am very client-centered and there are many reasons for that. But what I want to talk about today is that we can still enjoy the foods we were raised on and live within Ayurvedic parameters for vital health by gently *tweaking* the how, when and why of our food choices.

Exhibit A: spinach and ricotta ravioli

How has this been a conscious choice?

1. It's Winter here ~ agni (digestive fire) is strong and it needs heavier/denser foods to keep it burning in all the right ways.

2. The pasta is homemade ~ made with love, intention and mantra

3. Switch the ricotta for homemade paneer ~ the more we make ourselves, the better

4. Spiced with nutmeg for an extra agni boost

5. Eaten with loving intentions and no guilt so my body can really feel the nourishment and digest it well

6. Eat as close to sunset as possible and give 3 hrs before bed

What did you have for dinner tonight?


One of the best days for spiritual growth? Thursdays ~ Jupiter day.

The energy on these days is expansive ~ it's wise. Jupiter is Devguru and has the ability to dispel darkness and gift us with higher perspectives. The things we pour our intentions into on a Thursday have a tendency to grow. The perfect recipe for spiritual abundance and growth.

This is why next Thursday we will come together in circle for our first (of many) satsanga at

We do this to reap the rewards of this energy to help us speed up our spiritual endeavours so that we can achieve healing perspectives from deep conversation, philosophy and wisdom sharing.

I'm also so excited for each person joining us as they will be the FIRST people to be able to sip on some Sri Soma Ayurvedic Tonics before our beautiful little tonic bar officially opens.

Tickets are available for truth seekers via the link in our bio.


Texts like this 👆 would have to be my greatest recommendation for those on a spiritual path. [Save this and read it on days you need perspective]

When I say texts like this, I mean the ones that directly translate ancient spiritual teachings and views of reality. Why? Because when the original texts were written, they were written by sages who were untainted by worldly views like those today. They were dedicated to their craft in a way that is so rare in these modern times. There was a direct relationship between the author and the experience ~ not hypothetical probabilities but embodied understandings.

Without a doubt, the more we are able to sink into philosophies like this, the more clarity we are able to gain on the challenges we face in our daily life. It makes the challenges simultaneously insignificant and vital. This gives us the balance ~ the in-between ~ the now.

If you're feeling like modern psychology views are not taking you to the higher realms you seek (this is where Vedic Counselling differs) then I highly recommend making 1 simple daily habit:

〰️ read spiritual texts for 20 minutes per day 〰️

Where can you start? I'm obviously inclined towards Vedanta and other practices that have stemmed from the Indus Valley but here are some ideas:

~ Translated books by Indian Masters/Mystics (like Abhinavagupta)
~ The Upanishads
~ The Sutras of Patanjali
~ The Mahabharata
~ Books on Vedanta

*be cautious of books written with a bias or perspective and aim for direct translations. Often, new age perspectives will dilute the rasa (essence) of a text and it leaves us with a future disconnected from the power of the original understandings.

The book above is "Ta**ra Illuminated" by Hareesh Wallis

What are some of your must reads? What books changed your life?


These are my go-to nervous system soothers (when I'm overwhelmed, anxious or stressed). May they support you when you need them too 〰️

〰️ a warm, spiced and naturally sweet tonic (for Vata)
〰️ resting in balasana (child's pose) with my forehead pressing into a soft surface (to soothe the prefrontal cortex)
〰️ a warm bath or shower (for Vata)
〰️ non-linear movement (moving to music in the way that expresses how my body feels)
〰️ long exhales (to bring that parasympathetic nervous system back into balance ~ rest and digest)
〰️ 5 deep breaths in the cold water post shower (for the vagus nerve)
〰️ abhyanga ~ self massage with warm oil (for Vata)

Using modern and ancient sciences to nurture my needs ♥

What are some of your favourites?

Videos (show all)

My Ayurvedic kitchen on the road ~Our sweet fam is heading up to Airlie Beach on a 10 day road trip soon and I seriously...
Medicine ~ it's so much easier to grab a pill, take the vitamins, get a massage or see someone else to help with our pro...
REIKI ~ brings you home. It reforms the balance of the whole. It's the warmth of a loving hug and the touch of a compass...
I don't know if I'm's the truth.The studio doors are opening and I'm being called to jump back into this role...
🌕🧘‍♀️My Full Moon Tantra - I want to share my rituals with you + also help let go of some of the stigma around it by dra...
Honestly, I was ready to throw it all in. I put so much of my heart into what I do and sometimes the slow burn of my jou...
Tight shoulders, neck pain + headaches are often telling us more than we realise. Here's a little routine to help you re...
☀️Did you miss out on this morning's flow?Watch the very raw, very real replay here:
