Southern Fire Wellness

Southern Fire Wellness

A journey of healing On Country through Spirit. Monthly Mens medicine and other group meditation wal



Everyday we are presented with opportunities to break away from the old programming to become better versions of ourselves.

Let go and trust to be you.




Hi guys!!

Thank you for all your love and support!

Back Surgery went well as expected!

I have decided to take this opportunity to reset my gut health and keep fasting for a little while as well!!

I'm feeling clear and bright!

Started my breathe work straight away to de-acidify & alkaline so that has worked well in balancing my entire nervous system.

Turns out that coming down from this anaesthetic has been a really powerful way to do some lucid dreaming!! Been having some amazing positive visions for the future 💥

Love you all and can't wait to be absolutely 100% physically back in.

Stay safe and stay in love! 🥰



It’s been a tough week both physically and mentally.

Let’s get back to basics.
Good food.




Stepping into truth.
Stepping into vulnerability.
Sharing. Releasing.

The healthy man is here to stay and it is spreading wildly through our communities.

So step up with and crew for a day.



Still playing with the camera (Nikon D610) Dad gave me last year..
loving exploring my backyard for the light and the shot.

It’s never to old to learn a new skill.



How do I energetically clean a room?

Smokin sage & rainbows of course!

Pre-session cleanse 👌

Photos from Southern Fire Wellness's post 26/01/2023

We unite and hold each other!!

Coming together on Country to celebrate and share Culture in a Community.

There’s only room for love here!!

Whatta turnout!! YEW!!


Geez we have had some experiences haven’t we!?

It’s been almost 13 years since this pic was taken in Afghanistan.

The last check in on this platform was all about testing the last 10 years of healing my fight or flight response and it’s catastrophic relationship with my mental and emotional sphere.
Seems like it passed the test! Thanks big fishy!!

For those that have worked with me, you might remember me saying that when you heal the emotional, mental and spirit aspects of yourself, most of the time the physical body follows through not long after.

13 years ago, on patrol just after this photo, I injured my back pretty badly on patrol in the Mirabad Valley - it was not properly treated. There was a lot of surrounding trauma associated with that particular injury.
From there we have all worked hard to really dismantle and rid the body of stored dense energies and energetic/emotional connection to that space and time. It was a long road but all in perfect time.

So… now it’s the physical body's turn!

And f**k me what a rock show that is!!!
After severe inflammation of the sciatic nerve and re-perforating the discs S1 & L5 7 weeks ago, this is my first morning off op**te based pain meds!

I welcome an MRI and whatever treatment that will realign my spine and nerves to their full integrity again!

Thanks to all the close ones that reminded me daily that this pain is not forever. That the fog from medication is not forever.

What is forever is our wonderful ability to heal ourselves!
You are the creator of your life, take control!
Don’t know how? There are people who have had the experience that will resonate with you.
How did they do it!?
Reach out and ask!

Photos from Southern Fire Wellness's post 29/11/2022

🌏Don’t hold back🌍

We are all teachers at different stages of our life. What ever stairstep we are on, we all have something to share.

If the fear of ridicule or self worth restricts you from being the teacher, there is a strong possibility that you are in your head!!
A great opportunity to Practice shifting gears out of that super computer of yours.
Ask yourself where is the core wounding for this?
Thank your mind for presenting this and for the gift of awareness. These imprints or templates no longer service your ever expanding self.

Move into the heart - feel it.. don’t hold it. Ask your body with kindness and compassion to Release.
If you want to talk deeper about this drop me a line.

Thanks for teaching me how to capture light.
Thanks Digs for mentoring my boys and showing them how to gather food.



🦈 Well, with the amount of time I spend in the ocean, it had to happen sooner or later!! 🦈

During this mornings swim I was blessed with an unexpected meeting with a great white.
What an experience!!
To be the only one in the bay and underwater with a fish that’s significantly bigger than myself was a bit of a rush to say the least.

It was also such a gift to test my response.
Although he was only a couple of metres away, he was super passive. This allowed the opportunity to go through calm body movements and actions.
Retaining a calm breathe and pulse.
To not fear.
To acknowledge such a wonderful powerful animal.
I’ve encountered many sharks, but never a big White. Amazing!!

I’ve spent years working on my nervous system pathways, healing and resetting. Thanks for the test sharky..

Today’s affirmation-
I am not fish food 🤣🤣

(Not the same fish in the pic, it’s the closest I could find!!)


Well what an experience!

An 8 week course with a very clever friend of mine opened me up to shifts in my energetic and physical presence that have left me in awe.

A refinement and development of my understanding of lore and the fundamentals of our quantum realms.

Deepening knowledge of the cosmic and galactic energy systems.

A sneaky hair cut 🤣

Mind blown!!

I can’t wait to share this stair step and frequency with you!!


The Development and mastery of self Control on the conscious and subconscious levels can be quite challenging.

Control over responsible and irresponsible behaviour, or perhaps our control in our response to testing situations.

It’s so important to maintain and understand our self control over thoughts and actions that will have such a strong influence to what is attracted into our quantum world, our reality.

The ol’ 4th dimensional mental trap and loop!!

A great base for an affirmation may be~

“I am aware and have control over my conscious and subconscious. I hold myself responsible. I practice daily. Sometimes It is difficult but I AM limitless.”

Change it up.. Make it your own ❤️
Drop us a line if you need help


❤️❤️Be in Love❤️❤️
Trust your truth. Own it, take responsibility and practice forgiveness towards yourself.
The hard work you are doing is reflected in your community.
You are not alone in this.. you are loved ❤️


🌼☀️Take every healing session you experience as guidance to building the foundations of your own ability to heal yourself...

Use the lesson to create your unique healing style.

You don’t need to fall under a modality!
You don’t need another box!

Have Faith that YOU already hold the ability inside you and you WILL find the right persons to help release YOUR inner healing gift!

For the big s**t... ask for help!
For the group events... be true and have fun!
For everything else.. it’s not external, it’s in you.




The season of conception.. growth!
Stretch out of your hibernation into the blue skies.

Start acting on your intentions that you have been planning and creating during the cold period.

Focus on the medicine within you, it’s time to grow.
What’s your creative plan? ☀️


☀️☀️Make every moment of this miracle count☀️☀️

Joy in Presence ❤️


🔆wild storms and wild times!!🔆

Be in your power!
Be in Love!
Be present!

Shadows are rising up for us to clear.
Oh the gratitude for this to be presented and to finally and fully clear them from our system!!

Whatever is coming up for you, you are not alone. We are ALL going through this!!

There are practitioners out there with specific skill sets that can help if you need!!

Ask yourself.. what is the root cause of what is presenting - from the souls journey.. then find your medicine.

No more bandaids!! Evolve.
..have I told you how much I Love selenite? 🥰


🌙when past lives present and form in the present life... it’s time to clear some s**t!! 🤪😂

Still offering 1:1 service, if you need me, you know where to find me. However, I won’t be on social media to much.

Love you with a full heart 🥰

Photos from Southern Fire Wellness's post 18/05/2022

Another fabulous three days working with some incredible men.
Thankyou for the experience fellas. 🙏
Maintain and expand ✨


The Earth reminds our body every day that we are a being of light!!

Through my eyes, a key to this life is to clear our s**t that limits our ability to hold a higher frequency.

Agreements to self, to others, false beliefs, ancestral, past life... whatever that lower vibe presents as!

Be that body of light to hold Mother Earth.

You are here now. Self work is the beginning.. ❤️


🌈Meditation, visual journey and healing 🌏

DM for details
With Love ❤️❤️


🌈 Rainbow season 🌈
I found my pot of gold..
A simple thought...

“I am free. I am unchained to step out of my cage. I was always loved.”

And I want you by my side. You are always loved.



🌿✨Out on Country MAY 7th ✨🌿

Saturday 9-3
Exploring ways to tap into our power and ability to deeply heal Earth.🌏

Please contact for details 🙏


✨✨I forgive my sisters my brothers my father my mother and all others
For any harm bestowed upon me.
My truth in this forgiveness sets me free.
With ease and grace, I release all energy of guilt, shame, rage, blame, betrayal associated with this inflicted harm.
I release it fully to the light to be dissolved through all space and time, this energy may never return without my signed written consent of which I will never give. So be it ✨✨

Free yourself through practicing forgiveness of others.

If you need help we are here to serve you.


🌿I forgive myself 🌿.because..
🌿I forgive myself🌿



🌍 Really, it’s just about clearing the energetic junk and coming back to what we really are.. nature. 🌎

Cut the old stories.
Cut the bulls**t.

Change is in each Breath.
Join the movement.

Photos from Southern Fire Wellness's post 01/04/2022

We start by opening to spirit and developing a safe energetic space to work within. Calling on the Cardinal Four Directions with great gratitude to all above and below.

Together, with great intention, we walk the Labyrinth - an activation of the body on a key part of Country.. the gentle action of walking the inner and outer.

We meet in the centre - a ceremony held to dissolve past life chords to any time that you have been persecuted by working with the light, with Source, with sacred Earth medicine.. gently cut away and dissolve this frequency that no longer serves.

Now let’s step into the deep work... it’s the second hour or a three day event.. so much to do.. we slow down time as we know it. ✨

There are positions available.. not many.. but if this sings to you, drop a line and step up.
2-4th May 3 FULL days.
Accommodation and catering supplied.
$1500 investment pp

Great Love.
Mind - Body - Soul


🐋My Dingo pup Ollie🐋
The young fella let me use his cheeky face!!

Inner child work is so incredibly important in our path to healing.

Connection with your child in different pockets of the life’s timeline is paramount to identifying stored energy within the body, conditioning and projections that have led to current negative idiosyncrasies, unhealthy behavioural patterns and veiled looped events.

Journeying through into this space will always have a profound impact, the healing on the inner child is seen to ripple through the spiral of time to embody the current self.

It is incredible to witness creating safety with the inner child, calling him or her out of hiding, dissolving outdated projections or imprints... Just simply reinforcing he or she is heard!! Loved!! Held!! SAFE!!

Call back your child’s JOY
Sense of adventure!!
Self worth!!

Ask for help - it’s there.

The time is now.



⚡️MAY’s 2022 RETREAT IS ON⚡️

Mind Body Soul 2nd-4th May.
7 positions left.

The intention for this workshop is to heal and teach techniques and skills to practice in your everyday life.

This experience has been created to further your personal and Spiritual evolution while healing deep seeded trauma (past life, current life, ancestral) to reclaim spirit.

Some practices during healing may be intense and uncomfortable, know that at all times you will held in safety with Love and compassion in a space free from judgement, ridicule or persecution by loving qualified practitioners.

Energetic releases will be conducted using the gentlest but most effective extraction and transmutation methods. 

10 Participants only to maximise intensity and intimacy.

Ticket Cost
$1500 all inclusive of accommodation, travel (during workshop timing) and catering. 

Shambala Retreat Centre, Osmington Rd, Margaret River 

Dan - Facilitator and Practitioner
Bree - Practitioner / Yoga Nidre / Restorative Yoga 
Jen - Yin Yoga / trauma sensitive teacher
Luke - Breathe practitioner

General Outline
✨Walking Labyrinth and clearing all resistance to the work.
✨Exploring Ancestral & Past life streams, clearance of current life stored energy through traumatic events.
✨Techniques for clearing lower bodies.
✨Expansion of Energy through intention, emotion and safe utilisation of Shakti (intelligent energy).
✨Breathe Work with Luke.
✨Morning Meditations.
✨Day Walk, on Country along Cape to Cape
✨Practicing expansion of energy to Heal Country - Being a safe conduit.
✨Yin Yoga with Jen
✨Restorative Yoga with Bree.
✨Exploring Energetic Bodies and energy system.
✨Pre and post workshop Zoom meetings.

Registration by phone conversation. Please DM for contact details.

With Love - MBS team ❤️✨




The intention for this workshop is to heal and teach techniques and skills to practice in your everyday life.

The content is suitable for all levels.

The experience has been created to further your personal and Spiritual evolution & heal deep seeded trauma, reclaiming spirit.

Some practices during healing may be intense and uncomfortable. The deeper you go, the greater the result!

Let it be known that at all times you will held in safety with Love and compassion in a space free from judgement, ridicule or persecution.

Energetic releases will be conducted using the gentlest but most effective extraction and transmutation methods.

10 Participants only, maximising intensity and intimacy.

Ticket Cost
$1500 all inclusive of accommodation, travel (during workshop timing) and catering.

Shambala Retreat Centre, Osmington Rd, Margaret River

Dan - Facilitator and Practitioner
Bree - Space holding, Yoga Nidre / Restorative Yoga
Jen - Yin Yoga
Luke - Breathe practitioner

General Outline

✨Walking Labyrinth and clearing all resistance to the work.
✨Exploring Ancestral & Past life streams, clearance of current life stored energy associated with traumatic events.
✨Techniques for clearing lower bodies.
✨Expansion of Energy through intention, emotion and safe utilisation of Shakti (intelligent energy).
✨Breathe Work with Luke.
✨Morning Meditations.
✨Day Walk, Gnarabup to Mokidup
Connection to Earth medicine.
✨Practicing expansion of energy to Heal Country - Being a safe conduit.
✨Yin Yoga with Jen at Mokidup.
✨Restorative Yoga with Bree.
✨Exploring Energetic Bodies and energy system.
✨Pre and post workshop Zoom meetings.

DM for details.

Videos (show all)

Cleaning the veins of Boodja into the salt. Loving the rains.   🖤 Loving the flow.    💛 Loving Mokidup.   ❤️Loved men’s ...
