Suzan Di Virgilio - Intuitive and Transformational Mentor

Suzan Di Virgilio - Intuitive and Transformational Mentor

Suzan is an intuitive transformational mentor. She supports mothers and daughters to experience the grace of a loving and authentic relationship.


It's been some time since my last post. I am observing all that is happening in the world at this time with a compassionate heart and wondering where we go from here. I came across this today which spoke to me deeply in all its truth:

It’s clearly a crisis of two things: of consciousness and conditioning. We have the technological power, the engineering skills to save our planet, to cure disease, to feed the hungry, to end war; But we lack the intellectual vision, the ability to change our minds... — Terence McKenna

Let’s build on what has stirred us, challenged our assumptions, and lit the fire inside us all. The world is in our hands.


Thank you!

I want to thank everyone who has supported my page. I am taking a break. My vibration has changed and I no longer identify with my past life story. I have healed and let go of so much. So talking about pain isn't where I am anymore.

I am writing a new story; one filled with so much light, love and joy. Like so many others at this time we are the Phoenix rising from the ashes, I will commence something very different in 2020.

I want to celebrate what it is to be a women in these times! I want to unite with other women in our true core passion and power. May we co-create a more compassionate world for the future.

And so I share with you my very favourite post to date. May you truly know and feel the joy of this love in your heart.

So until then... love, light and blessings to you all.


Are you making key decisions this week? What will you do? What will be different? Will you follow your heart?

Right now I am committing to a healthier lifestyle; not just eating healthily and exercising. More importantly how I manage my day to day responsibilities and feelings. Time for the things that I love and that nurture me.

I am making the time by getting up early to exercise before work. Turning off the TV creates time for meditation and many more things that feed me on a soul level.

Going back to juicing in the mornings and saying no to anything that is processed. It often has sugar in it. Yep, it is in just about everything you buy.

Ditching coffee is something I am working on too. It gives me a high and then I crash.

How are you living your best life? How could some simple changes make your life even better?


When you lead by example, you create a picture of what's possible. People can look at you and say, "Well, if he can do it, I can do it." When you lead by example, you make it easy for others to follow you.


Leading by example is the greatest way to lead. You can say many things but people will believe what you do.


Sovereignty! When you make your own decisions and lead your own life! Deep down this is what every woman wants.


When you realise that what someone does or says or thinks reflects who they are and their life experiences, you will not be affected by what goes on around you. The way another behaves is not about you and never was. Master your feelings.


Often we stuff our feelings down inside of us; avoid them or even act out. We wonder why we are stressed, emotionally eat, behave in certain ways that we do unconsciously or compulsively.

How do you express your feelings? Do you journal, walk, run, dance, listen to music, punch pillows?


How often during the day do you check in on how you are feeling? It's important to observe how you feel and breathe and release. You can find yourself simply absorb all the emotions from others round you. By the end of the day you can be feeling very drained and tired.


When we are creating something new, it's important to protect what you are trying to birth. Share it with others who share your dream. Don't let someone kill off your passion.


Are you loving
yourself first?
Are you taking care
of your own heart and nurturing you?


Today I choose consciously to leave the old behind. My life is waiting for me. A new life, richer and more expansive!


And so the door open! As you trust yourself, you will find the answers within you to move forward. Do you have self doubt? Get quiet, breathe and tune in. Let the 'new' in.


To be able to move on and innovate, you have no choice but to cut the dead weight from your life.

Sometimes you can find yourself on your own. It's simply the pause before the new beginnings. The changes made now will last a life time!


Perseverance is about not giving up on yourself--the things that define the bedrock of who you are; your passion, your beliefs, your values, your faith, your love, your family.


Time to re-write your story! No matter what has transpired, you can chose how it ends! Make it a story to celebrate!


There's an excitement in the air. Who will you become? What will you choose? What will be your legacy? You have an opportunity to start anew. 1,2,3, GO!


When it starts to rain...let it!


How do you choose to live?

As things change and leave your life, there is a gap; a void.
The uncertainty of what is next can be excruciatingly uncomfortable.

You want to know. You want to plan. You want to control. The truth is you can control nothing, except how you respond to situations and people.


Like a phoenix rising from the ashes!

Ancient legend tells of a magical bird, radiant and shimmering, which lives for several hundred years before it dies by bursting into flames. It is then reborn from the ashes, to start a new, long life.

Be the phoenix rising from crisis to experience your own strength and to fully stand in your power! A rebirth of the body, mind, and soul, that unleashes itself when the spirit is set free from its self-inflicted shackles.


Transformation changes your beliefs so actions become natural and you achieve the desired goal.


Does you life feel like chaos right now?

In all the chaos there is an opportunity for change! There is a quiet peace to be found in going home to you.


I read the rules before I break them!

Some rules are nothing but old habits that people are afraid to change.

Doing what you feel is best for you is the only thing you need to follow.


Change. Are you excited or terrified?

Right now, you may feel like you are percolating with inner changes about everything in your life. From relationships, your job, where you live, your friends, your past, failures and successes to who you really are.

It's uncomfortable! Even intense! Sometimes all it takes is someone listening to you talk, for things to fall into place and to realise what has been there all along.

You want clarity. You want change. The changes you want to make are hindered by your current relationships. You want to begin living a life you have always dreamed of. Now is the time to start.

PM 'Make 2020 awesome!'

Receive a free consultation and a 10% discount on your first session. What are you waiting for? Life is for living!

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Monday 18:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 18:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 18:00 - 21:00
Thursday 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 21:00
Sunday 13:00 - 16:00