Boab Woman
Placenta encapsulation, artwork and ritual preparation in and around Darwin. Placenta Encapsulation and Art
Please email [email protected] for enquiries.
SPECIAL! This cold morning somewhere in Australia ( on a road trip home) with all of my freedoms I send love and peace to all those affected by being housebound or worse. Don’t let what I’m about to announce to persuade you if you’ve not considered consuming your placenta in capsules as part of your post partum regime… however if it calls to you, any placenta encapsulation booked before 22nd of this month will be invoiced at $100 off ! Just write ‘100 off’ on your booking form! See Peacelovexx for your journey. Tania
Part one of the vanishing cl****is project compete !
Deal! I’ve met Robyn years ago and her warm wisdom is powerful and supportive. Check her out.
[50% OFF] The Proven Breastfeeding Method 🤱💕 Avoid damaged ni***es, supply issues & trouble latching
Cyclic transitions. You can receive and give thanks to your placenta for its presence in this cycle of life. ..💞…. 🌱 …💞…. Visit my website, comment, or dm me for more information. ( link in bio)
Look closely at both pictures. What is that? A yolk sac visible is not a common sight and it always feels like I’ve found a treasure! Many women appreciate any and all information or images I can give them about their placenta. It can add another layer of knowing and understanding. This yolk sac is found in the layer of amniotic sac from the fetal face of the placenta. Check “yes” on your booking form to have your dried amniotic sac returned to you. Link in bio. Peacelovexx and blessings, Boab Woman.
Isn’t this interesting? Most of the people reading this were probably already born before the cl****is complex was properly identified and re entered into text books.... seriously ?
While not having your cl****is in a book didn’t take it away from you, it did create a culture of limited cl****al experience. Embrace all of you and enjoy it!
If you feel that all women deserve the truth about their bodies, that the entire pleasure organ the cl****is, deserves to be fully embraced and documented in medical text books ( yes, it was left out for decades ) support this project ! See the vanishing cl****is linked previously and consider supporting the exhibition by taking all your friends, male and female.
Copy/paste to browser****is/?fbclid=IwAR0EFGSN2JvAT14ZWl_6K1nugXOdcPRoHGV5j_HSUxyQOTFvLUOfNbdVEjU
I need to meditate more. Probably so do you....? Have a go at this, With lovexx No rules Meditation. Rock on!
Are you cliterate?
You will be! Keep up to date with this one !!
This lush placenta has been highlighted with pigments I crushed from found stones. The placenta- the original grounding point, connected by art but purely and deeply with the Earth- the grounding point for the rest of life.
What do these colours and textures have you thinking of ?? I’m starting a pretty intense art collection and so dang excited. I can’t answer any questions but I decided to allow you to be intrigued and discuss!!
Capsules. A useful tool for consuming something in an easy and measured way. Coming in gel or vegetable versions, your placenta your way.
A paperbark tree. Feminine and flowing, soft outer bark yet strong and resilient. Represented here in an artified placenta print at the height of their wet season flowering. Hanging a placenta print in your home can be a beautiful reminder of the physical connection between you and your baby and the journey you’ve shared before birth. Consider your personal placenta truths during pregnancy so that you don’t miss your opportunity to honour your amazing placenta!
Transformation. Time of year. Time of life. I noticed this guy the other day and remembered how over the years my womanly priorities have transformed. It’s ok to grow. Peacelovexx
Stories are going soon, so I wanted to pop this in here so it’s not gone forever. You don’t need to read it, but thanks if you do. It’s part of my journey.
The Boab Woman Journey
And thank you for your interest in my journey.
Journey Grow Trust
After my first birth experience, one which left me feeling empty, unheard, and hurt physically and emotionally; I read birth stories, I followed other womens’ journeys, I read articles, I discovered birth champions like Ina May Gaskin and Michel Odent , bought DVD’s to watch and share with everyone I knew - Or****ic Birth- high on the list! I learned about birth from a perspective of truth and the birther, rather than the lessons I had been given the first time around. After about 8 or so months of that part of my solo healing I began looking in to what it would take to become a midwife, and that journey led me to this thing... .
Woman Servant.
Yes! The missing component from my own birth was a woman, one without several birthing women to watch, without her hospitals’ protocol and bias, who could be present with me, hear me out, know me and the journey, perhaps she might have been able to make positioning suggestions to ease my posterior babe back-agony. If I could just do for someone what I missed! This journey was a huge part of my own healing, with deep reflections, tears on many occasions, and love. The love, care and support from another woman you choose is not comparable to that of a partner or child or relative.
I started this page, originally to share my favourite pregnancy and birth related resources, links and videos and as a visible place for my doula business. I also uploaded some polymer clay beads I was making, then crochet and beaded necklaces and bracelets - all bar polymer clay, I still do for myself occasionally.
I had a baby boy 3.5 years after my first girl. His birth didn’t look like my birth-dream, but it felt like it. I planned to be at home, with a pool, to spend time outside, to have my friends dropping in, but it was slower than my dream. Disheartened and wanting something to change, I decided to go to hospital, writhing alone in the back of the car I knew it was me, not the location that needed to change, so (in hospital) I took my birth with both of my hands, my heart and soul. I lost my manners and told people what I needed and thought. I moved how I felt I needed, and that afternoon our 4.089kg (9Lb) babe was born so wonderfully.
The birth was mine.
3.5 years after that amazing experience, my second daughter was born after a pregnancy of ups and downs, fighting legislation, proving our ability, and what do you know - the birth reflected the entire pregnancy journey with a bunch of birthing variations/challenges I had to overcome, and work though. I did call on women for parts of that weekend, but in a do-over, I would have planned to have a doula.
Supporting births (the women and their pregnancies, as well as birth) became difficult with three children (two in school) to plan contingencies for with a husband working hard plus a second weekend night job, but by this time I had another way to stay connected to the world of supporting women.
During my second pregnancy I became infinitely aware of how unconnected (not intentional disconnect, just blindly unconnected) I was to so many aspects of the first time around. I didn’t even see my first placenta. Much research and heartsearch later, I decided that after this birth, my husband would take our placenta home for me to encapsulate and consume.
Encapsulate. ɛnˈkapsjʊleɪt/
enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule.
And I did.
Ocean and his placenta. . I used food dye, not knowing how blood would go, but no longer do that.
I loved that process, feeling a closeness and thanking this perfectly timed organ for its work between my son and I, feeding him, linking us.
Then I did the same for a friend.
Then a doula/midwife I know asked me to do it for someone she knew.
Then a person I had no other connections with, found me.
So I did the courses (BBP, and food handling), registered my business (I used to be called Boab Birth Support), bought in more effective equipment and made a space that wasn’t my kitchen!
Every placenta tells me a story and I love that we have a relationship. It’s not always a tangible or understandable story, but sometimes a I get a feeling, like an oxytocin flow, or a feeling of haste, sometimes its not a feel-ing, but see-ing a visual, like the special little yolk sac, or some placenta variation, makes me feel its special-ness. I thank them all, every placenta, for being present and so much for their baby. Other times, the story comes from the mama herself.. I always try to spend time at delivering her order, talking about placenta stuff, and listening. Listening is an honour. (Unless I have the children waiting in the car) listening fades the rest of my world away and I fully give her my love. !!!! Please feel free to message me any feedback that stands out to you, all taken as constructive with love. Xx blessings and Peacelovexx Tania.
Wahoo! Later today I’m sharing something very special with you! So excited !
Have you considered burying your placenta but aren’t sure if you’ve found your forever home? Maybe you’d like to return it to the place you were born? I prepare placentas dried or frozen for burial at a later date if that’s you. Packaged with love and care, with optional lavender and chamomile for a beautiful and meaningful burial when you’re ready. Message me for more information. Blessings and Peacelovexx.
Every placenta is different. Honour yours. For life. For physical connection. For the magic that is an organ of perfect timing. 💞 Message me to discover ways you can honour yours. Peacelovexx
The Boab Woman Journey
And thank you for your interest in my journey.
After my first birth experience, one which left me feeling empty, unheard, and hurt physically and emotionally; I read birth stories, I followed other womens’ journeys, I read articles, I discovered birth champions like Ina May Gaskin and Michel Odent , bought DVD’s to watch and share with everyone I knew - Or****ic Birth- high on the list! I learned about birth from a perspective of truth and the birther, rather than the lessons I had been given the first time around. After about 8 or so months of that part of my solo healing I began looking in to what it would take to become a midwife, and that journey led me to this thing... .
Woman Servant.