My Own support

My Own support

My Own Support, Registered NDIS Provider. Providing Support Coordination on the Sunshine Coast and

Pricing arrangements | NDIS 03/10/2022

A new month and a new price guide as well as updated AT, Home Mods & Consumables.

Pricing arrangements | NDIS NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits (previously the NDIS Price Guide) assist participants and disability support providers to understand the way that price controls for supports and services work in the NDIS. Price regulation is in place to ensure that participants receive value for money in....



DIA has learned this evening (5:21pm Wednesday 24 February 21) that the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) intends to announce tomorrow morning, Thursday 25th February 21, that the ability for participants to use their CORE funds flexibly to engage a Support Coordinator will cease on 28 February 21, just 2 business days from now.

DIA has not been consulted on this significant change of position by the NDIA. The NDIA only confirmed this decision to remove this flexibility upon our enquiries, after DIA requested confirmation that such action was being undertaken by the NDIA.

Further, DIA is not aware of any consultation of engagement with participants who have been using their CORE funds to access Support Coordination.

The negative impact to participants and Support Coordinators on this change will be profound:
👉 Less than 2 business days notice to transition / cease support is unrealistic, unfair and in some cases unsafe, resulting in poor continuity of support and diminished outcomes for participants.
👉 How will the NDIA manage the influx of requests for 'light touch plan reviews' for participants that were using core funds to flexibly top up inadequate capacity building budgets
👉 How will the NDIA manage requests from participants who were not funded for Support Coorindation in their original plan, will this be considered a change of circumstance?
👉 Participants have been told during planning meetings and by LAC’s that Support Coordination has not been funded within a participant’s plan, but not to worry – they can use their CORE funds to purchase this support flexibly should they need extra assistance to navigate the NDIS, connect with supports, establish those supports and ensure those supports continue to deliver outcomes for the participants.

👉We would like to hear from all Support Coordinators, how this will affect you? We have launched a quick survey that will help DIA to understand the impact of this on you and your participants.
👉Share this link with the participants you support, it’s for a survey where they can lodge their views on this change and let us know how it will impact them.

If this issue is important to you and the participants you support please tell the NDIA what impact this will have on your participants. We are asking all Support Coordination Providers to:
👉Email or call, their NDIA Provider Relationship Manager to inform them of the impact this decision will bring – please cc [email protected] to ensure we are able to see and support you with these impacts; and/or
👉Email [email protected] and cc [email protected] where you have not been issued with a Provider Relationship Manager.

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 16:00
Thursday 08:00 - 16:00
Friday 08:00 - 15:00