North Queensland Wesleyan Women

North Queensland Wesleyan Women

Women's Ministry of the Australian Wesleyan Methodist Church


Message from Deb Kuss - editor of Women in Touch Magazine:
Hi Ladies. Hope you're enjoying the cooler autumn weather and looking forward to another issue of Women in Touch. The winter issue is due by 21 June and the theme is "Images of the Creator". What does that look like for you? Send your thoughts (articles, photos, even short paragraphs are fine) to the Editor at [email protected] no later than 21 June. We look forward to hearing from you!


What does it mean to live 'Wholeheartedly'?


Don't forget registrations are closing for Women's Retreat. Have you registered?


Don't forget to register and pay for Women's Retreat. The registration link has been sent out via email. If you haven't received it and would like to register, please let me know.


NQD Women's Retreat - Friday 3 - Monday 6 May. Forms are out now, or register directly via the link. If you would like to register, drop me a message and I'll email you the link.


A note from Deb - "Hi Wesleyan sisters. Loving greetings and welcome to Women in Touch for 2024! Our theme for the new issue will be "Making a Difference or Just Marking Time". If you have ideas to share about that theme, or just want to tell the story of how God is at work in your life, please send your copy to the Editor at [email protected] by Monday 26 February. We'd love to hear from you!" Thanks!


National Women's Conference was held yesterday. Congratulations to Alaina Westaway for being voted in as National Women's Coordinator for the next four years. Please be in prayer for Alaina as she leads our Women.


Reflecting on 2023, what moments or aspects are you thankful for?


Dear Wesleyan Women, we hope you're enjoying our current issue "Walking in the Light". Our next issue "Walking Worthy of your Calling" is in the planning stages now. We are hoping to have this out in time for District Conferences, beginning 21-22 Sept.
If you'd like to contribute, we'd love to hear from you! Please send your copy to the Editor at [email protected] no later than 31 August.


Our Retreat starts today šŸ˜€ Pray for safety on the roads and that God will speak to each one of us over the weekend.


Have YOU registered? Register now before you miss out. Registrations close TODAY. Registration link is


Don't forget to register for Retreat, time is running out. See image for details. If you need further information, post a comment and it will be answered.


Did you pick up your copy of the WIT (Women in Touch) magazine on Sunday. They were handed out at Pastors and Leaders Retreat. If your Church doesn't get a copy, why not???


Have you reserved your space yet for Retreat? If not, what are you waiting for? See post below for registration details.


Hope in a World Gone Mad - Book early so you don't miss out. No part-time registrations; full weekend registrations only. Looking forward to seeing everyone there.


Have you saved the date? 28 April (PM) - 1 May (AM) is Women's Retreat. The information will be out very soon. Do you need to ask for the Friday off work so you are able to travel to the Retreat?


Plan to attend for the full weekend. More information to be sent soon.


2 Corinthians 9:15 - Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. In the midst of all the hustle and bustle of Christmas, let's give thanks to God for His gift.

Photos from North Queensland Wesleyan Women's post 24/12/2022

Message from Alaina Westaway - National Director Wesleyan Women

Christmas greetings to all of you! As I take a moment to sit quietly in a coffee shop while chaos ensues around me, I wanted to take the time to reflect on what Christmas might look like for some of us this year. I know for me personally itā€™s going to be a joyous time with family, but it will be clouded with sadness. This year my beautiful little nephew took his last breath, and I know for his parents and his big brother, this Christmas is going to be indescribably tough. And I know for many of you, this Christmas will mark your first Christmas without someone you love. My prayers are with you.
For many of you this may be a lonely Christmas, away from family who live interstate, or overseas, or are simply not going to be with you. Know that I am thinking of you and praying for you.
I know for many people Christmas brings much stress and frustration and can be such a difficult time but as I sit and draw breath today, I am reminded of why we celebrate Christmas. I am reminded that God, in an act of true love, sent His son to earth so that we may have eternal life. That fills my heart with love and my eyes with tears. Regardless of what this season looks like, I am overwhelmed by the love of our Heavenly Father and the incredible gift He gave us. This is what I choose to focus on.
I pray that this Christmas, your heart will be full of love and the knowledge that regardless of the circumstances, regardless of what this season looks like for you, you are precious to our Heavenly Father and his love for you is limitless! I pray that God will press upon your heart someone who needs a smile, a meal, a home to gather in or just some encouragement. And I pray those around you will do the same for you. Merry Christmas. ā¤ļøšŸŽ„
Alaina Westaway
National Director Wesleyan Women


Message from Deb Kuss

Hi Wesleyan sisters,
Are you ready for another issue of "Women in Touch"? We sure are! Get your thinking hats on and send us your thoughts about "Not Just a Church But a Family". How has your church been a family to you? We need your copy by the end of October, for inclusion in the Spring issue coming out in November. If writing isn't your thing, take photos of something that represents family to you and in a few words, tell us why. If you'd like some starter questions, or it's easier to talk than to write, let us know and we can set up a phone or Zoom interview. Please send all copy to the Editor, Deb Kuss, at [email protected] by 31 October. We really want to hear from you! Blessings much!


AGM went well at District Conference. The new team is - Janette (Co-ordinator); Carolyn (Secretary); Julie-Marree (Treasurer).

Thanks also to the ladies that donated something homemade to be sold at our stall to raise funds and for the ladies that purchased the homemade items. $50 was raised for EmpowHer.


Looking forward to catching up with the Wesleyan Women of NQ at our District Conference. We are holding our AGM on Tuesday Afternoon (20 Sept). Nominations for the position of Secretary and Treasurer. Don't forget to bring a handmade item to place on our stall to raise funds for EmpowHer (Project Boomerang).


Have you received your latest copy of WIT? Also, there was a newsletter emailed out recently that had information about our AGM. Don't forget to nominate someone for the committee. If you are coming to District Conference, please remember to bring a craft item you may like to sell to raise funds for EmpowHer (Project Boomerang), or bring some cash to purchase the craft items.


Women in Ministry Forum. This was advertised in the National Office News last week. If you are interested, in attending (via Zoom), the information is at


I was reading this yesterday (Mother's Day) and I think it is interesting to mention some Mothers in the Bible and how they were portrayed. Particularly for those of us that think we need to be the perfect mother. (This is a straight copy from Vision180 Magazine, copyright information below)

The Bible paints various portraits of mothers and, while they werenā€™t perfect, each one tells a story. Mosesā€™ mother broke the law to ensure his safety and teach him the faith of his people. Then thereā€™s the mother who came before Solomon, prepared to give up her baby son rather than see him harmed. The mother of James and John loved them so much that she wanted them to sit on either side of Christ in His future kingdom. And Paul saw in Timothy a young man of sterling character because of the faith ā€˜that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice.ā€™

The most significant thing we know about Timothy's mother is that her mum was a believer because, while faith canā€™t be ā€˜inheritedā€™, it can be passed on through the influence of godly parents.

ā€œUsed by permission of Vision180 magazine, published in Australia by Vision Christian Media. A free introductory copy of the magazine may be obtained from Vision Christian Media by calling 1800 00 777 0.ā€
