Love Yourself Healthy with Hayley Scolari

Love Yourself Healthy with Hayley Scolari

Love Yourself Healthy is an Award Winning Program created to inspire women to look beyond the bikini

Empowering this generation to inspire the next, Hayley is teaching women to Love Yourself Healthy and believes Empowered People make Inspired Choices!


One of the first things I try to help my clients find when we are discussing fitness element on their Love Yourself Healthy path is what you LOVE to do to move your body. Fitness and movement is only a small part of Loving yourself healthy, but it has a huge impact on everything else.

Doing what you LOVE is always the best place to start.


For me, I LOVE to swim.

I will never get sick of this view. This is what the world looks like when I am sitting with my toes dangling in the water, bundling my hair up under my cap and and pulling my goggles on over my eyes.

There is comfort in the routine and anticipation for the endorphins I will get on the other side of the cool plunge.

Depending on the day I either set my watch and start pacing the lanes for distance, or I unpack my swim kit, (fins, kick board, and pull buoy), pull out a program, secure it to my drink bottle and get set for drills.

If I had the time in my day, I could follow that long black line for hours, the rush of the water past my ears and the rhythmic pace of my breathing. And if I had the time in my schedule I would do this every day!

I spend time in my thoughts, time in prayer and time in purpose following that long black line.

Sometimes I cruise, and sometimes I push. But either way, I am always moving.

Nothing make me feel as powerful as pulling on my fins and blasting down the lane doing butterfly (and nothing make my lungs feel like they are going to burst more either haha), putting on my fins makes me feel like I have an outboard motor on and I can access every ounce of the power in my legs.

Regardless of how far I swam or hard I pushed I always get to feel the reward of tingling skin and tired muscles at the end……. And a long hot shower 😁 something I cherish even more these days!


Today’s set is my favourite and a repeat of earlier in the week.

3km’s with the body of the program being broken down into alternating 200’s.

200 Drills / 200 Fin sprints

Feel free to PM me if you’d like a more detailed breakdown.


While I am farm sitting at Crowsnest I thought it would be a great opportunity to focus on some rehab work.

High stress / High cortisol levels for an extended period of time wreaks havoc on our bodies. We most commonly blame it for weight gain, but it also makes us more prone to “itis”, dis-ease and inflammation.

I have been struggling to walk for some time now, every step feels like my Achilles are going to tear right in half, my left hip injury from a fall a few years ago is so inflamed it aches and throbs constantly, my hip flexors burn anytime I sit for too long, and my back and neck are always achy and tight.

Needless to say, yes weight gain has happened 😞, both as a result of the constant stress, but also due to the inactivity that has come with it.

So! Before I set my sights on running, jumping…. or doing anything high intensity actually, I am going back to my basics and rehabbing, restrengthening, and restoring what has been lost.

I think this might well be one of the most picturesque places I have ever set up to workout….. so as much as h to e pace of rehab frustrates me, the view will more than make up for it!


The pre-plunge goosebumps on a rainy day are worth it when you get the lane to yourself 🤩🤩

Time to start loving myself healthy again 🥰🥰

Love Yourself Healthy with Hayley Scolari

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Tips for adjusting to life close quarters.
