Oh Poppi

Oh Poppi

Oh Poppi offers floral design, event design, planning and coordination, as individual services or as


Finally time to garden. To dig my hands into soil. A past time that serves me well. It was how this all started. Highly recommend. Gardening, growing something, working soil, bare feet on grass. Definitely good for the soul, not the manicure though.


Frosting with a dusting of ammi.


Fridge goodies.


Ruffles and fluff please.


So much goodness to share from yesterday’s wedding.


I could live here. Delphinium, dahlias, roses, gladioli, pokers... it was a goodie. Thanks for coming on this journey with me.
Thanks for the privilege .tea_
And thanks for capturing it

Photos from Oh Poppi's post 21/08/2023

Reasons why I love my grind....
1. The rush.
2. Flowers and lots of them.
3. Your reactions.
Thank you


Absolutely not a fan of buttonholes.... usually. These sweet little bouts have me on the fence.


Photos from Oh Poppi's post 15/08/2023

Small but mighty and full of whimsy.
Here for blooms en masse, unique dresses for your posse and warm welcomes.

Photos from Oh Poppi's post 14/08/2023

Rambling garden vibes will always be my jam.
S + B captured by
Strap yourselves in guys, I spent 1.5 hours at the computer tonight curating content. Expect roughly 6 posts.


Highly recommend Rydges Townsville. HIGHLY. It’s recently had a facelift, and while I am not usually a fan of grey, the neutral base it provides is 👌The front area, accessed by epic steps by the way, features towering arch windows along the entire facade that let in the most insane natural light, dark timber floors, a fireplace, a statement bar and beautiful cocktail furniture.

The reception space is ample and has great lighting options that suit a variety of aesthetics. The lights can also be dimmed to various levels - perfect for decorative lighting and candle additions. A cool neutral colour palette rather than a warm neutral colour palette also makes for a great design foundation. Beautiful architraves and mouldings on the walls give it the right amount of charm, so you don’t need to spend unnecessary $$$ trying to hide walls like so many venues.

Give me an airconditioned, wind-free, sun-free venue in the tropics any day - the blooms will thank you, and so will I (forever a candle en masse gal).

I cannot speak to the food or bar service (although we slaveeeeee we florists don’t get fed or watered), but the setup staff are meticulous and obliging.


For Sophie, who waltzed into my life, filled it with the most vibrant of colour, happy jumps, and squeals with glee. Thank you angel 💫


Hello, Top 30 Florists to Follow on Instagram.

A bit of a pinch me moment. Especially after a will ride for my first few years in business… in 3 years we’ve survived a global pandemic and been blessed with two babes - Tommy and Sonny.

It’s hard not to go down the rabbit hole of - what would this space look like if things had been different and my only baby was Oh Poppi? How much more could I have achieved? Screw that! Here’s to making magic even when life throws you a spicy cough that postpones all your weddings and delivers two humans that attach themselves to your b***s all day. It’s been challenging at times but ultimately rewarding with a big old side of fun.

Grateful to my small but mighty village and ultimately my team: mum, Dave, Megsy, and Kaleigh 💜 As well as my virtual mums group, gal pals and die hard supporters. You guys have kept me sane, especially on those lonely studio days as well as promoting my business and genuinely supportinging it with your hard earned $$$. And to the class acts I’ve met on the way who have since become some of my closest friends. Ya’ll know who you are. ✨

Photos from Oh Poppi's post 15/12/2022

Green and pink will forever be my go to. If you’ve been following from the early days you’ll know this is my OG colour vibe. It’s like the Pavlova on Christmas Day - a die hard favourite that’s hard to go past.


I heard myself say to someone the other day… if the right opportunity came along I would hang up my snips and go back to the 9-5 for the financial security but mostly for the stability regular hours can offer my family.

Then I picked up my snips for the first time in a while, I cut plants I had grown from seed, I created without a brief, a deadline or any expectations and I remembered how nice it is outside the 9-5.

Photos from Oh Poppi's post 14/12/2022

Flower play and intentional practice.

Goal: 5 ingredients max, minimum 2 from my own cutting garden.

Result: Peonies and Dahlias purchased. Plumbago, Mahogany Hibiscus, Gaura cut from the garden.


Dream day all round ✨




Photos from Oh Poppi's post 08/12/2022

Always here for repurposing the ceremony arbour to elevate the reception space. In this case it was used to frame the cake, a backdrop for speeches and the dance floor.

Incredible chandelier made by the bride .pirrone22


Photos from Oh Poppi's post 08/12/2022

Bar details from Mary and Cameron’s day in March this year.


Just cut all of my roses back because of the rain, heat and humidity. Already missing them.

Any avid rose growers in the tropics? Black spot prevention/treatment advice please?

Photos from Oh Poppi's post 30/11/2022

Sucker for flowers and city architecture. Thank you

There’s not too many places that can offer inner city delights like this pink minx of a building just 20 minutes from a American timber style barn, but Townsville can.

Photos from Oh Poppi's post 29/11/2022

I’m on the reshare train. Having time to catalogue photos and sort my portfolio will do it.

These beauties were from a wedding in May 2021. Featuring my own Soul Sister Roses, Mahogany Hibiscus and Calla Lillies. All blooms I never seem to be able to source from wholesalers.

Moody, modern, yet romantic and a little ethereal was the brief.

Photos from Oh Poppi's post 03/11/2022

I often get asked how I wound up being a wedding and event florist. It was organic. One idea led to another, one finished project sparked another and so on.

It started with moving to a run-down home with an overgrown and rubbish-filled yard. I lost count of the tip truck and trailer loads of rubbish we carted out. There was a lot of blood, sweat and tears. But we are getting there - it is still very much a work in progress.

The desire to create a sanctuary for myself and my family slowly evolved into more and more gardens and eventually cut flower beds. Shout out to my two biggest fans, Dave and mum who have slogged at this with me.

When local florists weren’t interested in selling my cut flowers, I found a solution… use them myself. When the moon phases, the weather and the flower blooms align, and I can use my own flowers in my designs, that is when I do my best work. It’s something I value greatly and although I question whether the work is worth it, I can’t seem to let that point of difference go.

This space has been neglected while I have been wrapped up and invested in growing things of another kind and juggling the circus act, that is small business ownership and motherhood.

I hope to give it more attention over the coming months before my 2023 wedding season kicks off. I hope to have more whimsical field-grown blooms, ruffled petals and magic on mass to add to my designs.

Photos from Oh Poppi's post 16/08/2022

Flower farm archives.


Roses running wild in winter. As the days get warmer, I regret not spending more time in my garden, soon it will be summer and with it comes the humidity, the disease and the pests.


Roses on roses.


I just enjoy flower only bouquets. It’s the ruffly carnations for me. For Zoe.

A little insight...

Oh Poppi offers floral design, event design, graphic design, planning and coordination, as individual services or as a full-service. Located in Townsville, North Queensland region, based in Home Hill, Oh Poppi provides services to Burdekin, Townsville and Hinchinbrook areas, as well as being available for destination weddings. Oh Poppi is established and run by Lucy Poppi, a creative with a strong background in event coordination, planning, graphic design and event design.

“If I were flora, I would be bougainvillea - hardy, wild, bright and a little bit prickly. I strive to defy the odds and pride myself on flourishing in challenging situations.” - Lucy

We believe the design and planning process of any milestone event, especially weddings, needs to be a collaboration between the client and the designer to create an experience that reflects the clients authentic and individual style. Oh Poppi works with clients to refine their inspiration and vision while ensuring all logistics and details are tended to, and the event is seamless. We genuinely believe that those little details do matter and that having a professional onboard makes a huge difference in creating a memorable, smooth and stress-free event!

While we certainly offer services individually, our best work is when we have the opportunity to work with our clients from beginning to end and bring an entire event to life, where all elements and personal details complement one another.

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Arbour ✌🏻