More Mojo

More Mojo

Hi I'm Vikki. Uncover the emotional baggage that is keeping you heavy in mind, body & soul. Is your emotional baggage making you feel heavy?

More Mojo:
Energy Psychology for Health & Happiness

"Emotional Detox" is about, uncovering the emotional baggage, that's keeping you heavy
in mind, body and soul. Is it showing up as extra weight, stress, sleeplessness, anxiety, depression, phobias, difficult relationships or even just a lack of confidence, direction or purpose. If you said yes, to any of those symptoms, then you need an Emotiona

Natural ways to Improve your Sleep 04/06/2020

Natural ways to Improve your Sleep Insomnia can be caused by many different things. For some people, it's caused by an underlying medical disorder. For others, it might be because of anxiety or an overactive brain that makes it difficult to relax at night. In this case, it may be helpful to give some natural remedies a shot. Natural....

Easy ways to Improve Fertility Naturally 01/06/2020

Easy ways to Improve Fertility Naturally Starting a family is one of the biggest and best times of a couple’s life. However, some couples may have difficult conceiving - research shows that one in every six couples has problems with conceiving a child. The raft of modern medications and invasive fertility treatments can be costly and off...

How Yoga Can Help Ease Your Lower Back Pain 29/05/2020

How Yoga Can Help Ease Your Lower Back Pain Lower back pain is one of the most common debilitating conditions in modern life. If an underlying cause can be found, surgery can sometimes solve the problem. Unfortunately, in most cases strong painkilling drugs are the only medical solution.But medication isn't the only way to ease back pain. Man...


🙏🙏 Believe and get ready to receive! 🙏🙏

'He was a hero': Grieving mum's fight to stop veteran deaths 04/06/2019

I've worked with PTSD clients, and had amazing results (life changing!). If only the Government would stop ignoring Alternative options, and offer something that works! EFT is such a simple tool, and could be a life line for a veteran with PTSD. 😔

'He was a hero': Grieving mum's fight to stop veteran deaths Julie-Ann Finney’s normally quiet social media accounts are being inundated.


Oh yes!


Sad to hear the Australian Government have removed most Alternative Therapies from medical insurance.
The way I feel about it, is that it's "my" medical insurance, and "my" body. I shouldn't be forced into using a broken "health" system that only offers chemical remedies with side effects. Hats off to the integrative Doctors choosing to treat patients naturally & holistically.
My body, my choice! 😡 Rant over.

Anyone else have an opinion on this?

Dr. Berg's Body Type Seminar 19/10/2018

Weight loss! Why does EFT work?
It calms the stress centres, to allow emotional wounds to be healed.... BUT (here's the big BUT - pardon the pun!)...

Long term weight loss occurs when you look at it holistically, and approach it from a Mind Body Spirit perspective. Yes, work on the mind and spirit aspects, but you also have to understand why your Physical Body is keeping you heavy... even if you are exercising! If you can work on Mind Body & Spirit equally, you WILL get the transformation you desire.

In this video Dr Berg explains each hormone, that may be sabotaging your efforts.

Click to watch (1hr):

Dr. Berg's Body Type Seminar Find Your Body Type: Dr. Berg breaks down how each body type functions and what it means to you. In this video, he also shows what...






(Thanks for sharing with me, Stacy)


Every morning I drive on a congested road with a heavy flow of traffic into the city, with cars full of kids, weaving through to get to the near-by schools.
It really makes me smile to watch people continuously stop, and wave others through, as the heavy traffic stops and starts, crosses over, ducking and weaving. We're all in a bit of a rush in peak hour traffic, but there is no road rage, no impatient beeping, just a general consensus that we're all in this together. 🚗😁

World-first brain scan research shows ‘tapping’ effective in combating food cravings – EFT Tapping Training Institute 03/05/2018

EFT does work for weight loss (and other emotional behaviours), and now Peta Stapelton has proven it in a medical sense for all the nay-sayers. YAY!!!! 🎉
If you want to try EFT (tapping) for weight loss. Msg me for a free consultation, or check out my website for more info and client testimonials.

World-first brain scan research shows ‘tapping’ effective in combating food cravings – EFT Tapping Training Institute World-first brain scan research shows ‘tapping’ effective in combating food cravings April 29, 2018This article has been re-posted from Bond University website, see link below. Early findings from a world-first study aimed at scientifically proving a simple ‘tapping’ technique have shown the...


Oh, wow. I haven't posted since Easter!

Hello everyone. Hope your all amazing... but if your not, and you feel like life isn't going the way you want it to, message me. I'm here waiting to help you remove the blocks that are hold you back, and then manifest the life of your dreams. YES it's possible, and you can have it ALL!!! Let me show you how.

Find out more here...

21 Days of Prayer to Change Your Life 21/03/2018

21 Days of Prayer to Change Your Life It has been said that every problem is mental and every solution is spiritual. Our problems, even minor ones, can ruin our whole day. And bigger challenges can leave us hopeless and paralyzed with fear. We're searching for an oasis of light, peace and contentment.


Weight Loss is not just about food and exercise. Often the weight is trapped by your emotional state??? What are you really hungry for? In this beautiful poem, you'll see how one person is hungry for LOVE and gets it through food.

If your ready to releasing the emotions that are holding onto excess weight. Message me for a free consultation, where you can ask me as many questions as you like.

I'm here to help.
Vikki 😉

The Broken Brain Documentary Series 22/01/2018

This doco on mind/body medicine is absolutely brilliant.
A must watch, for those with brain fog, allergies and illness!

The Broken Brain Documentary Series An exclusive invitation to our free premiere screening of The Broken Brain. Discover how you can prevent and overcome brain disease. Watch The Broken Brain absolutely FREE.

Release Yourself from Family Karma 18/01/2018

Release Yourself from Family Karma It's said that we choose our families because our souls have determined that this is where we will learn fastest on our journey of soul growth. Unfortunately for many of us, the family we've landed into is not necessarily brimming with love and light.

The Broken Brain Documentary Series 05/01/2018

Dr Mark Hyman has created a docu-series... YAY! I love the way he presents tricky stuff, and makes it understandable.

You can register and watch it FREE, from Jan 17th - 25th.

The Broken Brain Documentary Series An exclusive invitation to our free premiere screening of The Broken Brain. Discover how you can prevent and overcome brain disease. Watch The Broken Brain absolutely FREE.


Happy New Year everyone. I hope you are all refreshed and ready to start an exciting and fabulous 2018... I am!

Anyone needing a little boost, want to kick a phobia or stop emotional eating, then message me to find out how EFT & Matrix Re-imprinting can help you.

Have an awesome day. x😁💚


Such a simple technique, and it's fantastic for our kids.


Christmas is fast approaching, and it can get quite overwhelming. Presents to buy and wrap, parties to attend (outfits to buy!), work to complete before we all take a break.

Remember to breathe, drink plenty of water, get lots of sleep, and don't let your emotions take over - it's just xmas! It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be shared with love and good intensions.... and have fun! 🌟

Why Harvard Medical School Has One Of The Largest Energy Medicine Research Programs 08/11/2017

It's fantastic to see Energy Medicine being recognised.

Why Harvard Medical School Has One Of The Largest Energy Medicine Research Programs Below is a clip from an interview we recently conducted with Dr. Natalie Leigh Trent, a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, where she investigates the mind-body practices of yoga and mindfulness for health and wellbeing. She obtained her Bache...

I didn't understand how widespread r**e was. Then the penny dropped | David Graeber 07/11/2017

As a society, it's important that we see ourselves, reflect, and then be better human beings.

I didn't understand how widespread r**e was. Then the penny dropped | David Graeber I’m a lefty academic versed in feminist theory. Still, I rebelled against the idea that rich and powerful men regularly r**e or attempt to r**e women


You just have to watch the news to know, this world can be f up and pretty depressing! Instead of feeling helpless, or isolated, try shifting the balance of energy.
Be the kind of person you want to see in the world. Make it your mission to be kind to friends, family& strangers, and I guarantee you will feel differently.... Here's some ideas: Pay for someone’s coffee. Tell someone how special they are. Donate to a local charity. Volunteer. Let someone go ahead in the shopping queue.
It's easy... and yet, extremely powerful.

Share the love. ❤︎

Screw Finding Your Passion 27/10/2017

"Finding your Passion" has always been something I thought was a bit of a "buzz idea" that made people "feel" like they were discovering themselves, when really they're just treading water. Apparently someone else agrees with me. Check out this awesome blog...

Screw Finding Your Passion Life is all about not knowing, and then doing something anyway.

Videos (show all)

It's Friday.... Woo hoo!