Stream Accounting

Stream Accounting

Accountant | BAS Agent | Helping business owners free their time and understand their numbers to mak Outsource your internal accounts function to an expert.

For years we have seen small business owners who are working 80 hour weeks only for the business to be making no money, or worse yet, a loss. And what issues have we seen?
- Businesses that struggle with managing it's cash flow.
- Businesses using outdated technology that have no visibility around their actual numbers.
- Businesses struggling to pay bills and employees on time.
- Business owners n


Merry Christmas!

We will be enjoying a break over the holiday period and back to full time hours in the first week of January.

Enjoy the time with friends and family as we look forward to a big 2024.


Isn't it time to get serious about your cash flow?

For many businesses, a poor cash flow can quickly spell doom. Unfortunately, many business owners put off dealing with their company's finances until it's too late.

Don't let this be you. Start today by creating a plan, tracking your income and expenses, and monitoring your books religiously. Your future self will thank you.


Is growth always a sign of success? Not necessarily.

The daunting reality is that rapid growth can quickly lead to financial instability if not managed correctly. It may strain your resources and lead to cash flow issues.

Understanding the complex relationship between growth and cash flow can be the determining factor for business survival. Don't let rapid growth be your downfall.


Are you leaving your business open to unnecessary risk?

Every business has financial risks, but the key is to not only understand them but also manage and mitigate them. Risks could be a sudden decrease in cash flow, an unexpected major expense, a bad debt or even changes in market conditions that affect your profitability.

Let's secure your business by learning to anticipate and strategically lower these risks. Don’t gamble with your hard work.


Do you know the secret to maximising profit? It's all about efficiency and reducing expenses.

Why spend more when you can achieve the same or even better results for less? This is where operational finance comes into play. It focuses on increasing efficiency, streamlining operations, identifying cost-saving opportunities and mitigating risks.

Remember, it’s not just about how much you earn, but also how wisely you spend.


Your business is thriving, but are you maintaining a healthy cash flow?

It's easy to get caught up in the success of your business and neglect the importance of cash flow management. Without a steady stream of income, even the most successful businesses can find themselves in financial distress.

Keep an eagle eye on cash flow trends. It could save your business from potential financial disaster. Stay tuned for tips on how to remain cash-flow positive!


Are your business numbers telling a story you're not paying attention to?

Understanding the financial metrics of your business is like reading the vital signs on a hospital monitor. The numbers are constantly telling you how well your enterprise is functioning.

Does your balance sheet reflect a company in good health, or is it indicating that some significant course correction may be required? Interpret those figures wisely, and let them guide you towards profitability and growth.


Unsatisfied with your business's growth?

That's often tied to understanding, or rather, not understanding, the financial levers of your business.

Financial proficiency isn't about becoming an accountant overnight. It's about the ability to make informed decisions that positively impact your bottom line.

A crucial step is to understand the significance of operational finance in your business. Operational finance includes things like cash flow, cost control, inventory management and pricing policies.

Once you master these aspects, you're on your way to making stronger business decisions that drive growth and profitability. Embrace it as part of your path to sustainable success.

So it's time to ask yourself - are you ready for your next business leap?


The not-so-secret key to improving your cash flow is: PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR LOCK UP DAYS.

Lock-up days represent the total amount of days it takes for your business to convert a sale into actual cash in the bank. High lock-up days mean more cash is tied up in receivables and less available for your business use.

So, what can you do to reduce lock-up days and free-up cash? Here are three strategies:

1. Tighten your credit policy: Be clear on payment terms with customers (and stick to them).
2. Improve your collections process: Follow up on overdue invoices and have a strategy in place for dealing with late payers.
3. Utilise invoice financing: This could provide an immediate cash injection when needed.

Remember, every day counts when it comes to your cash flow!


Cash flow struggles keeping you up at night?

The financial world can be a puzzling jigsaw. Now imagine trying to solve it without all the pieces. That's how some business owners view their financial landscape.

In reality, understanding cash flow is like reaching the peak - once there, the rest of the journey falls into place. It can light up your financial path and put you back in charge of your business life.

Steer clear of those nightmare cash flow crunches. Better days ahead.


Sometimes, the key to business success is hidden in plain sight:

A cash flow analysis.

This might seem like an obvious step, but a surprising number of businesses overlook the importance of a detailed cash flow analysis. By mapping out exactly where your money comes from and where it goes, you can identify potential areas for improvement and optimize your financial strategy.

Whether you're spending too much on overhead costs or not investing enough in growth, a thorough cash flow analysis can provide the clarity you need to make informed decisions. You owe it to yourself and your business to take this step today!


Seeing your business grow is an exhilarating experience. But, having it tank because of financial missteps can be crushing.

Lack of financial literacy or ignorance about the nuances of cash flow often leads businesses down a perilous path.

So where do you start? Here's how:

1️⃣ Get familiar with your financial statements: They’re not just boring documents, they're the map to your success.

2️⃣ Understand basic accounting principles: To make sense of your numbers, you need to speak the language.

3️⃣ Use tech-powered tools and solutions: They simplify finance & automate complex tasks, freeing up more time to focus on business growth.

The journey from financial confusion to mastery isn't a quick one. But it's worth every step. And guess what? You don't have to walk alone.

Remember - knowledge is power. Empower yourself and see how far you can push the boundaries!


How well do you know your cash flow statement?

Every business owner knows that understanding the numbers is crucial for sustainability and growth. Yet, not everyone has a grasp of their cash flow statement.

It's an incredibly insightful tool that shows exactly how money flows in and out of your business – providing a more accurate picture of your financial health.

Armed with this knowledge, you can make strategic decisions to improve profitability and attain your business goals. Don’t overlook the power of understanding your cash flow statement.


Do You Know Your Numbers?

As a business owner, understanding your financials can feel like navigating a maze.

Yet, it's critically important for making informed decisions and driving profitability.

Not all numbers are created equal. Focus on the critical few:

1. Revenue Growth
2. Profit Margin
3. Cash Flow

Understand these and you're well on your way to financial mastery!

Need help with figuring out the numbers? Don't hesitate to reach out.


Stuck in the single-digit profit zone?

Let's get real. Fulfilling orders is great, but is your wallet feeling the love?

Profit Margin isn't just a number. It's the heart of your earnings, pumping every dollar where it needs to go.

Aiming for an improved profit margin isn't just a goal - it's a survival skill.

Nailing strategic tweaks, mastering efficient production, reigning in overheads, and acing smart pricing - all roads to a healthier bottom line.

Your sales are set to make more. Unleash the potential of your profit margins - today!


Do you know where your business stands financially?

Don't let unfamiliarity with the numbers keep you in the dark. Reacting to financial news after it happens can be damaging.

Proactivity is key. Stay informed about your company's cash flow, profits, and expenses. Empower yourself with practical financial understanding.

Lighten up the dark corners of your business finance. Shine a light on your numbers today.


Profit isn't a purpose, it's a result. To have purpose means the things we do are of real value to others. -Simon Sinek

This quote resonates so much with the approach towards business finances. It isn't just about making money, but providing real value – and in turn, this creates profitability.

Maintain a focus on what your customers truly value and let that drive your financial decisions. A purpose-focused approach to finances can lead to remarkable results!


Ever find yourself lost in a sea of numbers and reports? You're not alone.

Financial reporting is a critical aspect of running a business that often gets overlooked. But it's more than just about dollars and cents.

It provides a snapshot of your business health, helps you spot potential issues, and allows timely decisions.

Key to success ? Simplicity. Make your reports easy to read and understand for all stakeholders.

Remember, clear financial reporting is an indicator of strong business management.


Are you sinking in a sea of financial reports, unsure of what's critical?

Simplifying your financial data could be the answer. At the heart of smart business decisions are a few key numbers: cash flow, profit margins and overhead costs. Visualising this data using clear charts or dashboards can make it more digestible and actionable.

No need to drown in data. Focus on the numbers that matter and review them regularly for optimum business performance.


Turning a maze of numbers into a clear business strategy - isn't that a superpower?

One moment you're neck-deep in spreadsheets, scrambling to make sense of it all. The next, you're at your boardroom, charting an unmistakable route to your cashflow goals. Profit-loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow forecasts - they are more than a set of numbers. They are your map to your business's future.

Understand them, and you're not just surviving - you're thriving, you're planning. You're painting a vivid picture of your business's potential. It's like building your own compass, guiding you through your entrepreneurial journey. Ready to embark on this voyage of discovery?

Start today, turn the complexity into clarity, and watch your business grow. Who's ready to decode their financials and unlock their business's potential?


Conquering your financial fears is a must to run a successful business.

Understanding the numbers behind your business is crucial for profitability and growth. Yet, many entrepreneurs avoid diving into their financial metrics because it seems too complex or daunting.

Remember, knowledge is power. Don’t let the unknown hold you back from achieving financial success!


It’s easy to pay more attention to your Profit and Loss statement than your balance sheet. But, overlooking this financial document can lead to costly mistakes.

Your balance sheet offers valuable insights into the overall financial health of your business. It tells you about the liquidity of your business and its capacity to meet its short-term obligations.

Studying it regularly allows you to identify any alarming trends early.

Remember, your P&L may look healthy, but if your balance sheet is falling apart, you have a problem. Dig deeper, and keep an eye on all aspects of your financials.


Are you feeling overwhelmed by financial management?

There's no successful business without a well-managed cash flow. But how many of us invest time in understanding the numbers driving our business?

Creating a cash flow forecast, identifying key cash flow indicators, and setting goals are crucial steps towards mastering your business' financial health.

Don't let fear of numbers hold you back.

Make financial management an integral part of your business today!


Are you unknowingly lending money to your competitors?

Believe it or not, that's what you might be doing if your inventory management isn't in check. Untamed, it ties up capital and threatens your cash flow.

Think of inventory as cash sitting on a shelf. It's an investment just waiting to be converted back into cash again.

The key is to find that sweet spot between understocking and overstocking. This balancing act ensures the smooth operation of your business while preserving your precious cash flow.

Streamline your inventory management today for a healthier financial tomorrow.


Ever felt overwhelmed by financial jargon and complex reports?

With the right training and assistance, you can ensure accounts payable, receivable and general finance operations work for you, not against you.

Business finances should support your business goals. Don't let fear of numbers hold you back!


Are you preparing for the future, or are you reacting to the present?

When it comes to business finances, proactive budgeting is a winning strategy. By forecasting your cash flow, you can identify potential shortfalls—and opportunities—ahead of time.

Start by understanding your historical financials and create a detailed forecast based on various scenarios. This will enable better decision making and a healthier balance sheet.

Don't just manage the present. Prepare for the future.


Ever noticed how some companies seem to effortlessly float on an endless stream of cash flow, while others are gasping for breath? It's not rocket science. It's financial acumen!

One key element? Lock Up Days. This is the time it takes from closing a sale to money hitting the bank account. A high Lock Up Day count could suffocate your cash flow and leave you scrambling.

The opposite? It's a breath of fresh air! Free up capital, pay bills like clockwork, risk daring growth ventures, or tackle unforeseen expenses with grace.

Don't drown in financial complications. Keep your eyes on those Lock Up Days!

Wondering how? Start a conversation! Let's work on that cash flow and unleash your business's hidden potential.


Cash Flow - Why is it often overlooked?

In the hustle and bustle of running a business, it's easy to lose sight of one of the most crucial components - cash flow.

Understanding your cash flow, or rather, the movement of money in and out of your business, is like holding a torchlight in a dark tunnel. It's not just about having a steady income and manageable expenses, but also about anticipating future needs and possible vulnerabilities.

Don’t let your hard-earned money slip through unseen cracks. Be proactive in safeguarding your financial resources.


📚Your financial statements tell a story - but what if that story is based on incorrect data? 🤔

🌐 Welcome to a world where your financial decisions are backed by accurate, reliable information. Book a no-charge 📞 Zoom call with our Xero maestros right now. 🚀


An error-riddled Xero file can lead to misguided decisions, financial anomalies, and missed gold mines of growth. ✖️ An honest Xero file brings to light the true tale of your business's performance. ✔️

Here's a glimpse 👀 at what our Xero Audit Zoom call entails:
🚩 A detailed review of your Xero file to flag discrepancies and inconsistencies.
🔍 A scrutiny of the integrity of your financial data.
🧾 Ensuring your accounts are correctly categorised and reconciled.
🆙 Pinpointing potential upgrades in your financial recording process.
📝 Addressing any financial statement-related concerns you might have.

How does a correct Xero file change the game? 🕹️
💡 Decision-making becomes a breeze when you trust your financial data.
👆 Real-time financial insights are now available at your fingertips.
📈 Future financial forecasts and budgeting get a massive boost.
🚫 Hassle-free tax reporting prevents unnecessary penalties.

Don't gamble 🎲 with your business's destiny. Schedule your complimentary Xero audit Zoom call today and give your financial information the edge it deserves. ⚔️



Ever launched a ship without a navigation system? Crazy, right? Well, that's exactly what you are doing if you're setting business financial goals without a strategy.

Imagine the inefficiency. The waste. The time lost.

Instead, consider this:

Your journey to hitting those cash flow goals starts with a deep dive into the heart of your business finances. You know, the stuff like revenue streams, operational costs, profit margins - the nitty-gritty.

Next, you bring in reporting mechanisms like the big guns they are. Regular tracking of these vital signs? Absolutely crucial.

And let's not forget our friend, bookkeeping. This is where you keep a hawk eye on every single dollar flowing in or out of your business.

So, remember, setting financial goals? That's the easy part. But gearing yourself up with the right strategies and tools to achieve them? Now, that's where you make those goals a reality.


Cash flow is the lifeblood of your business. But how often do you assess it?

By regularly reviewing and updating your cash flow forecasts, you can make better strategic decisions and avoid financial headaches down the line.

Remember, knowledge is power: the more you know about your cash flow situation, the better equipped you'll be to navigate any financial obstacles on your road to success.


Ready for the future or stuck in the present? That's the difference proactive budgeting can make in your business finances.

Imagine the comfort of spotting opportunities or pitfalls well before they happen. It's like a business crystal ball!

You just need to dive into your previous financial data. Create a detailed forecast, play around with different scenarios.

Benefits you ask? Enhanced decision-making ability and a robust balance sheet for starters.

So let's not just juggle the present, let's architect the future.


Ever wondered what could be the missing ingredient to your business's success?

It could be something as simple as strategic accounting. Yes, it's not just for big businesses. Small and medium-sized enterprises can benefit immensely from incorporating financial strategies into their operations.

Adopting a strategic approach in managing your finances can turn your business around, improve profitability, and ensure sustainable growth.

Start planning for success today!


There's power in understanding the financial pulse of your business.

Are you aware of the key financial indicators crucial to your business success? Gross profit margin, net profit margin, current ratio - these are more than just numbers. They provide vital insight into operational efficiency and financial health of your business.

So, dig deeper and grasp these indicators to navigate your business towards profitability.


Have you ever considered the amount of cash tied up in your business due to poor management of debtors, stock, and work-in-progress?

Analyzing your 'lock up days' – the amount of time it takes for bills to be paid, stock to be sold, and tasks to be completed - can provide an interesting insight into your cash flow.

Reducing these 'lock up days' can significantly free up cash for your business. Time is money after all!

Start scrutinising your 'lock up days' now to improve cash flow tomorrow.


Cash Flow is the Pulse of your Business!

Financial health-check isn't complete without monitoring your cash flow. It's not just about revenue. Efficient cash flow management ensures business continuity, helps meet obligations timely, and predicts future financial challenges.

Just like a medical pulse check shows your health status, cash flow is the heartbeat of your business financial health. Regular check-ups are a must!

Stay financially fit by keeping an eye on your cash pulse.


Is your business falling short of profit targets?

It's a common predicament and one that can often keep you up at night. But there's no need to despair. Most times, it's about redefining your cash flow strategy.

Too many business owners perceive cash flow as a byproduct of business operations, but the truth? It's the other way around. A sound cash flow strategy drives business operations.

Sounds simple? In theory, yes. But implementing this can seem daunting when you're juggling multiple aspects of running a business.

Here's where I step in - helping business owners understand their numbers, make informed decisions and get back on track towards reaching their financial goals.

Remember, your business can be both profitable and cash-rich!

Start focusing on operational finance today.


Are you feeling overwhelmed managing your business finances?

In the world of business, profitability and cash flow are not just buzzwords - they're the lifelines for survival.

The difference between a thriving enterprise and a struggling one often lies in financial acumen.

Are you equipped with the right knowledge to navigate through?

Let's delve into strategies for better financial management. With the right understanding and a little discipline, we can turn those profits around and keep the cash flowing.


Got a case of the 'Zombie Payments' epidemic?

Hidden among your books lie expenses for services long forgotten or unused. The culprits? Software subscriptions, memberships, excess stock - they're all draining your cash flow with no reward in sight.

Norman Vincent Peale once said, 'Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.' It's time to slay those zombie payments and breathe new life into your business's financial health.

Why not invest some time for a thorough business health check? Examine every outgoing payment, sever the unnecessary ones, reduce your expenses, and watch your cash flow spring back to life!

So, who's ready to go zombie hunting?


How often do you analyse your business's financial health?

It's easy to let the numbers side of your business slip when you're focusing on other aspects. But knowing and understanding your financials can provide vital insights that could push your profitability even higher.

Don't let those hard-earned dollars slip through the cracks. Start leveraging your financial information today!

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You're losing money every day and don't even know it. Here are 5 financial mistakes you think you're avoiding, but are a...
There's a myth that bookkeepers are too costly for small business owners, but here's the reality. By delegating financia...
Show of hands, who loves the idea of changing the oil in their own car?  Definitely not me. I had a conversation with a ...
Believe it or not, being your own bookkeeper might be holding your business back. Now, when many people go out into busi...
Know the fundamentals to successfully scale up your business!#businessinsights
The safest thing you can do is take more risks. Talk to us now!#businessmindset #businesstips
Happy New Year! 🥳


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