Simple Gospel

Simple Gospel

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Simple Gospel is design to help and support in everyday life full of challenges.

Mental health, physical health and general everyday life coaching from the wisdom and knowledge of the word of God, yet without the pressure of organize religion.


Procrastination is deceptive.
‘Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbour now, don’t say, back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you’ Proverbs 3:27–28 NLT
Procrastination is deceptive.


Procrastination is deceptive.
‘Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. If you can help your neighbor now, don’t say, back tomorrow, and then I’ll help you’ Proverbs 3:27–28 NLT
Procrastination is deceptive.


When someone disappoints or upsets you, what do you do?Do you say, ‘You make me so mad!’? When you say that, you’re admitting someone else is controlling your emotions.

Do you want to be part of this Future? Click here to get 15% bonus:


Wondering around, looking OK, yet inside of us are many conflicts and stouggles. God is commanding us to be Strong and Corageous, it's not suggestion it is Command from the General/GOD Almighty! He is with us ALL THE WAY.


If you are hungry you find food to eat. What about spiritual hunger? Where is the food for that?


If you are interested in LunaOne project as I am see this on Twitter space:
XLN ARMY-In-case you missed it:
Let’s talk XR!
Topic: ‘VR/AR in the Metaverse’
Time: July 28th, 1:00PM UTC//6:00am PCT//9:00am EST//11:00pm Sydney NSW//11:00am UK
Location: ’s Twitter Space
CEO - Dan Puzny
Moderator - Ash Zheng


Don’t speak without thinking. And don’t say things that contradict God’s Word. Those aren’t easy principles to live by, but they’re life-and-death issues. The Bible says, ‘Death and life are in the power of the tongue.’ That means you can bless yourself by what you say.


You Think You're Looser? Think Again!
Your DNA Is Winners DNA


Desperate, Lonely, Rejected, Can’t stop addiction. Psalm 91:1-2; Personal crisis, social anxiety, sickness we can't overcome alone. There is One who is watching our lives and is willing and ready to help us to stand up toll and strong against any adversity. God, Mos High God. Tried religion? Try His Word, He Is The WORD. He is going to talk to you through Bible. Just give a GO! in this time Psalm 91:1-2; Peace is coming your way. I believe with you.


Looking everywhere for Help. Looking for Answers in Nature, Looking for Answers from other people, Looking for Answers in Dead images. There is Only One Who Can Answer All. Only One God. Only One Living God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ.


Another view into the project which I believe in and plane to use it for the Glory to God.


I am so proud of our community at LunaOne, getting stronger and closer. The future of this project great.


Love this project. Check it up my friends. Exciting Future to spread Gospel.


Let us jump in to the future. I am not scared. I am excited.
Click the link. Don't be afraid


Are You Searching For Significance? Why?
We want our lives to matter, to mean something.Our deepest fear is of coming and going—and nobody knowing! We strive with our lack of education, our spot on the financial totem pole, and our looks.
That’s why it bothers us when a friend forgets to call, or a teacher forgets our name, or a colleague takes credit for something we have done.
We crave attention, drop the names of important people in conversations, and put flashy hubcaps on our cars. Fashion publicists tell us, ‘You’ll be somebody if you wear our jeans.’ So we go out and spend half our wages on a pair of designer jeans. But then—horror of horrors—the style changes from tight to baggy, faded to black, and we’re left wearing yesterday’s jeans, feeling like yesterday’s news. Simply stated: you can’t gain significance from the outside.

It’s an inside job. Your sense of significance must come from Someone you trust, Someone you know will never change, Someone who knows the worst about you and yet remains committed to maturing you.
And that Someone is God. He keeps His promises to Israel and He’ll keep His promises to you.
(Isaiah 43:1–4 NKJV)
‘Thus says the Lord, who created you…who formed you…Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned…For I am the Lord your God…you [are] precious in My sight.’


Life Is About Choices,
When Daniel was taken prisoner to Babylon, he was quickly promoted to leadership in the king’s palace. But as a Jew he refused to ‘defile himself with the royal food and wine’. Could his choice have affected his career, or even cost him his life? Absolutely! But what we choose to do under pressure results from one of two things:
(1) Clearly established convictions we live by.
(2) Fuzzy convictions
we’re willing to compromise for personal gain. Hard times don’t make you; they reveal you!


In Place But Not Connected. There Is Light But No One Is Home.
In Place, But Not Connected
John 15:4 (NLT)
‘You cannot be fruitful unless you remain in Me.’
‘Mobile phones can be life–savers…but the batteries have a limited lifespan and need to be recharged.
One weary weekend I was as drained as my phone battery.
I went through my evening routine, dutifully placing my mobile phone on its charger.
Unfortunately, I neglected to plug the charger into the socket.
Next morning, I woke refreshed—but my phone was no better than the night before.
It was in the right place… but it wasn’t connected to the power source!
Sometimes the consequences of not “plugging in” can be more severe…many people dutifully march to church every week but leave as drained as when they came.
They’re in the right place, but they’re not plugged in to the power of God…and without that it doesn’t matter if you sit in a pew or on a barstool…
You can study the Scriptures for hours on end,
And Scripture says “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7 NAS);
You can even do great things for God but lack power in your life.
In Place But Not Connected. There Is Light But No One Is Home.


When Fatigue Threatens You. Fatigue, danger to your Mental Health
‘God…told His people…Let the weary rest.;’ Isaiah 28:12 NLT
We can translate this scripture to
‘dangerous tiredness’.

Its symptoms include:
(1) Irritability/hypersensitivity.
(2) Restlessness.
(3) Compulsive overworking.
(4) Emotional numbness.
(5) Escapist Behavior.
(6) Hoarding your energy.


Manage Anxiety, Depression, Drugs, Alcohol
We hear a lot these days about time management, financial management and weight management—but what about mind management? Shouldn’t we be more concerned about managing our minds than managing anything else? Jesus was. He guarded the gateway of His heart by refusing to concede in three areas:
(1) The agenda of people who wanted to use Him for their own purposes.
(John 6:15 NIV) ‘Jesus, knowing that they intended to come and make Him king by force, withdrew again to a mountain by Himself.’ Most of us would delight in the idea of becoming ‘king’.
Even if we refused the crown, we’d enjoy considering the invitation! Not Jesus.
(2) The naïveté of those who wanted to spare Him.
When Jesus announced His death on the cross to the disciples, Peter objected. And when he failed to see the necessity of the cross, Jesus issued one of His harshest rebukes:
(Matthew 16:23 NIV) ‘Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.’
(3) The scorn of those who didn’t know Him or believe in Him.
Before raising a girl from the dead, Jesus said to the people in the house, ‘She is only sleeping.’ (Luke 8:52 GNT)


How To Pray Like Jesus. Power and Success
How To Pray Like Jesus. Power and Success
Overhearing Jesus pray moved one of His disciples to say, ‘Lord, teach us to pray.’ It’s unlikely Jesus intended to teach them a rote prayer since He’d just said, in Matthew 6:7 NLT ‘When you pray, don’t babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered merely by repeating their words again and again.’ His answer was more than a sample formula-prayer. He was teaching them and US powerful, effective principles for praying. Let’s see how we can benefit from them. William Barclay said, ‘The Lord’s Prayer has two major parts: the first for God’s benefit, the second for ours. Honor the first part, and the second is guaranteed.’ Part one begins with ‘Our Father’. It’s intended for His family, collectively as well as individually.

Waiting for things to change is not easy. So what should you do while you’re waiting?
Pour yourself into the job at hand; otherwise you’ll short-change your own future.
James writes, (James 5:7–8 NIV) ‘Be patient…See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.
You too, be patient and stand firm…’
What God has in store for you is worth any price you have to pay and any season of waiting you have to go through.

Waiting For Things To Change. Free from Anxiety, Depression

Scriptures Used In This Video:
Habakkuk 1:2;
Habakkuk 2:3;
Job 14:14;
James 5:7–8;
Daniel 3:18;
Ephesians 3:20;

Recommended Scriptures To Read:
Acts 16-17;
Mark 1:23-34;
Psalm 7:1-9;
Proverbs 11:3-6;
Acts 14-15;
Mark 1:14-22;
Psalm 16;
Proverbs 11:1-2;

This video was not paid for or sponsored. All opinions are my own.
Christianity For Dummies Like Me is not a licensed medical professional. Christianity For Dummies Like Me resource to help people better their lives. It is not meant to substitute professional, personalized medical care. If you have an emergency, please dial 000 or see your primary care.
If you are on any medications to help with your Mental Health, please CONTINUE use it according to your professional advice.

Support To overcome Anxiety, Depression and Stress

Instrument rated for sickness.
Many a healthy person has been cut down in the prime of life by cancer, heart attack, stroke or some other debilitating disease.
But there’s a way to be ready for this storm, a way not paved with fear, a way that has so prepared you that you can hear the diagnosis of your doctor and still have a sense of God’s peace in your heart.
Instrument rated for finances.
Just when you get ahead a little bit, your car breaks down, your house needs a new roof, and your boiler gives up the ghost.
We all experience it. But the instrument rated believer can fly through financial storms because he has absolute confidence in his gauges and radio. If he looks at them and doubts their accuracy, he’s in serious difficulty.
This must all be settled on the ground while he is going through the checklist. He must not take off into the storm if all is not in good order.
Instruments Rated For Healing and Finance

Scriptures Used In This Video:
Exodus 15:26
2 Corinthians 9:6
Luke 6:38
Proverbs 10:22
Matthew 8:16-17
Psalm 91:16
Recommended Scriptures To Read:
Acts 6-7;
Matthew 27:26-32;
Psalm 75;
Proverbs 10:22-23;

This video was not paid for or sponsored. All opinions are my own.
Christianity For Dummies Like Me is not a licensed medical professional. Christianity For Dummies Like Me resource to help people better their lives. It is not meant to substitute professional, personalized medical care. If you have an emergency, please dial 000 or see your primary care.
If you are on any medications to help with your Mental Health, please CONTINUE use it according to your professional advice.

Support To overcome Anxiety, Depression and Stress

Satan can’t stand it when someone other than himself is receiving praise and honour, so the spirit of heaviness will lift when you begin to praise your God. It will fall off you like a garment.
The weight will be gone. Your pity party will turn to a scene of gladness. Here’s something remarkable: Jesus said, John 4:23-24 (NKJV) ‘…The Father is seeking such to worship Him… in spirit and truth…’
When you begin to worship God, instead of you seeking Him, He starts seeking you! And since He knows where to always find you, He blesses you, strengthens you and causes you to rise above your discouragement. You can literally praise your way through the storm!
Instrument Rated To Win Over Anxiety and Depression

Scriptures Used In This Video:
2 Corinthians 4:8;
Psalm 91:15;
Job 5:19-22;
Isaiah 41:10;
Proverbs 12:25;
Hebrews 13:5-6;
Isaiah 55:11;
Isaiah 61:3;
John 4:23-24;

The real star in the Parable of the Prodigal Son is the father.
He had two boys. One was rebellious, the other was religious. But he loved each of them. And because they were his family, he refused to give up on them.
While the younger brother was away wallowing in sin, the older brother was at home wallowing in self-righteousness.
God Do You Really Love Us?
One was guilty of the sins of the flesh (the obvious ones); the other was guilty of the sins of the spirit (the not-so-obvious ones). Only when the younger brother lost everything did he discover that living in submission to his father’s rule was the safest, most fulfilling place you could be. Only when the older brother discovered the difference between rule-keeping and relationship was he able to understand his father’s words,
Until you discover who God is, and who you are, there’s nothing to celebrate. You’ll just keep trying to buy love, get people to like you, try to win their friendships, try to make connections, try to be with the right people at the right place at the right time to get to the right destination, etc.
Only Jesus Christ, The Almighty God can fully heal you from Anxiety, Depression, any Addiction.

Scriptures Used In This Video:
Luke 15:11;
Luke 15:31;
Luke 15:17;
Luke 15:18;
Luke 15:30;
James 1:17;
Luke 15:32;
Recommended Scriptures To Read:
Jeremiah 25-27;
Matthew 25:14-23;
Psalm 31;
Pro 8:34-36;

This video was not paid for or sponsored. All opinions are my own.
Christianity For Dummies Like Me is not a licensed medical professional. Christianity For Dummies Like Me resource to help people better their lives. It is not meant to substitute professional, personalized medical care. If you have an emergency, please dial 000 or see your primary care.
If you are on any medications to help with your Mental Health, please CONTINUE use it according to your professional advice.

Support To overcome Anxiety, Depression and Stress


Hear and Listen Right Voices to Keep You Safe Every Day
Hearing from God before you entertain the ideas of others.
Why? Because their ideas are not His commands. Don’t make commitments and end up bound by promises you can’t keep. You must love others but be led only by God’s Spirit.
Proverbs 3:5-8 (NASB) Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. 8 It will be healing to your body, And refreshment to your bones.

Scriptures Used In This Video:

Ecclesiastes 7:5

Matthew 7:6

Proverbs 3:5-8

Proverbs 18:13

Genesis 37:5

John 10:4;
Revelation 2:29

Recommended Scriptures To Read:
1 Kings 12-13;
Matthew 16:21-28;
Psalm 53;
Pro 6:9-11;

This video was not paid for or sponsored. All opinions are my own.
Christianity For Dummies Like Me is not a licensed medical professional. Christianity For Dummies Like Me resource to help people better their lives. It is not meant to substitute professional, personalized medical care. If you have an emergency, please dial 000 or see your primary care.
If you are on any medications to help with your Mental Health, please CONTINUE use it according to your professional advice.

Support To overcome Anxiety, Depression and Stress

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Procrastination is deceptive.‘Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. If yo...
Procrastination is deceptive.‘Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them. If yo...
You Make Me Mad
Be Courageous! Be Strong!
Hungry? Empty? Frastrated?
Death or Life!
You Think You're Looser? Think Again!Your DNA Is Winners DNA
Desperate, Lonely, Rejected, Can’t stop addiction. Psalm 91:1-2; Personal crisis, social anxiety, sickness we can't over...
Only One God
Another view into the project which I believe in and plane to use it for the Glory to God. #XLNARMY #Metaverse #Web3 #VR...
Introduction to "Change" and Why!
Introduction to "Change" and Why!




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