English Study Club

English Study Club

Hi dear, Here you can know more about English study. If you like or wanna practice with us. Please s


Words related to delicious:

1. Scrumptious:
The cake is scrumptious. I want to eat another piece!
(কেকটি দারুন. আমি আরেকটা টুকরো চাই!)

2. Delectable:
The restaurant serves delectable food. Everything is good.
(এই ভোজনালয়ে সুস্বাদু খাবার পরিবেশন করে. সবকিছুই ভালো)

3. Appetizing:
Your dessert looks appetizing. I should have ordered the same
(মিষ্টিটি মুখরোচক মনে হচ্ছে, আমার ও তাই অর্ডার করা উচিত ছিল)

4. Tasty:
This is very tasty ice-cream! You should have some.
(এই আইস ক্রিম খুব সুস্বাদু! তোমার ও নেওয় উচিত!)

5. Flavorful
Her food is always very flavorful. She cooks with strong spices.
(তার খাবার সবসময় স্বাদে ভরপুর হয়. সে অনেক মসলা দিয়ে রান্না করে)

6. Mouth-watering
Your sundae is mouth watering. It looks so delicious!
(তোমার সানডে মুখে জল এনে দিয়েছে. দেখতে খুব সুস্বাদু লাগছে)

7. Delish:
My banana split is delish. It's a great treat for a summer day.
(আমার কলার শেক খুব সুস্বাদু. গরমের দিনে এটা খুব ভালো জিনিষ)

8. Yummy:
The ice cream store makes yummy homemade ice cream.
(এই আইস ক্রিমের দোকানটা খুব ভালো ঘরোয়া আইস ক্রিম করে)


Everyday English phrases:

1. It's on me - I will pay this bill

2. (It's) time to split - An announcement of one's desire or time to split

3. I've had it up to here - I will not entertain any more of something

4. Not for my money - Not as far as I am concerned

5. Not in my books - Not according to my views

6. Okay by me - That's fine with me

7. See if I care! - I don't care if you do it!

8. Take my word for it. - Believe me!

9. That's the ticket ! - That is what is required!

10. Break a leg - Good luck!

11. Dig in! - You can start eating your meal.

12. Bite your tongue! - Keep quiet!

13. Beats me! - I don't know

14. Drop me a line - Write me (about something)

15. Go jump in a lake! - Go away and stop bothering me!

16. Get off my tail! - Stop following me!


How To Tell What's Wrong With You To A Doctor

1. My hair is falling out. Am I going bald?

2. My nose is runny.

3. My eyes are watery.

4. I have a sore throat.

5. My chest feels tight. I can't breathe.

6. My stomach hurts.

7. I think I've pulled a muscle in my leg.

8. I twisted my ankle.

9. I've got a pain in my back.

10. My skin is itchy.

11. I have a toothache.

12. My joints are aching.

13. I've got a swollen ankle.

14. I've been having difficulty in sleeping.


Construction equipments:

1. Front end loader: a machine with a scoop or bucket on an arm at the front for digging and loading earth.

2. Excavator: a large machine for digging and moving earth.

3. Dumping truck: a truck used for transporting loose material (such as sand, gravel, or demolition waste) for construction.

4. Scooptram: Similar to a front end loader; a low-profile loader articulating in the center with a large bucket in front (usually five tons or more) that transports ore in an underground mine.

5. TLB: a heavy equipment vehicle that consists of a tractor like unit fitted with a loader-style shovel/bucket on the front and a backhoe on the back.

6. Forklift: a vehicle with a pronged device in front for lifting and carrying heavy loads.

7. Mobile crane: any crane mounted on wheels or tracks

8. Bulldozer: a heavy vehicle with a large blade in front, used for pushing earth and stones away and for making areas of ground flat at the same time.

9. Tower crane: A crane placed on a portable tower.



1. Smile (হাসা)
2. Glare (একদৃষ্টি)
3. Smirk (হাসা)
4. Grin (কষ্টহাসি)
5. Frown (কঠোর চাহনী)
6. Giggle (মুখ চেপে হাসা)
7. Chuckle (মৃদুহাসি)
8. Sneer (টিটকারি মারা)
9. Sulk (মুখ গোমড়া করা)
10. Shrug (ধিক্কার দেওয়া)
11. Scowl (চোখ রাঙানো)


Dairy Products:

1. Cottage cheese (পনির)

2. Buttermilk (ঘোল)

3. Whipped cream (ওহাইপেড ক্রিম)

4. Yogurt (দই)

5. Ice Cream (আইস ক্রিম)

6. Milk (দুধ)

7. Milkshake (দুধের শরবৎ)

8. Skimmed milk (পাস্তুরিত দুধ)

9. Custard (ডিমের পায়েস)

10. Sour cream (দম্বল)

11. Dipping sauce (ডিপিং সস)

12. Butter (মাখন)


tomorrow's word 'Mount' means:

To rise

Example: Gold prices jumped to their highest in more than a week after the number of new coronavirus cases mounted in China renewed fears over global economic impact and persuaded investors to seek lower-risk assets. China reported a record rise in deaths and thousands more infections using a broader definition on Thursday, while Japan became the third location outside mainland China to experience a fatality.


Anyone v/s Any one এর ব্যবহার শিখুন
Anyone v/s Any one, No one v/s None

Anyone এবং any one, none এবং no one এর মধ্যে বিভ্রান্তি তাদের একরকম শোনাকে দোষ দেওয়া যেতে পারে.

1. Anyone - মানুষের জন্য ব্যবহার করা হয় এবং নিরবচ্ছিন্ন বস্তুর জন্য নয়
Anyone = সর্বনাম -> মানুষ

Anyone can do this!
I am throwing a party and anyone can come

2. Any one - ONE কোনো নির্দিষ্ট বস্তুকে পয়েন্ট করে
Any one = 2 টি বিশেষণ জিনিস এবং মানুষ

Any one is used to create drama or emphasis
Any single one is used for more emphasis
Any one time is used for clarity and emphasis

I couldn't bear to lose any one of you.
I couldn't bear to lose any single one of you
We have not gone out for lunch at any one time and not had Pizza

3. None - কোন ব্যক্তি বা জিনিস না
None = Noun or Nouns (can be singular or plural) -> Inanimate objects

None of us is staying (Is, here is singular)
None of us are staying (Are, here is plural)

None of the students were there when she returned to the classroom (Correct sentence)

4. No one - কোন ব্যক্তি না; একক ব্যক্তি নয়
No one = Nobody -> Never refer to inanimate objects

It is used just as it is and requires no helping words, and it does not need to point to a noun.

No one was there when she returned to the classroom
No one is staying
Quit complaining; no one touched your pickles!
My birthday cake will be shared equally by all. No one of you will have more than another

In these sentence, No one creates an emphasis.


9 Ways to say 'I love you':

1. I really like you and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

(আমি আপনাকে খুব পছন্দ করি আর আপনি আমার জীবনের সবচেয়ে ভালো ঘটনা)

2. You are adorable and I love you!

(আপনি খুব মনোহর আর আমি আপনাকে ভালবাসি!)

3. I cannot stop thinking about you.

(আমি আপনার সম্পর্কে ভাবা বন্ধ করতে পারছি না.)

4. I keep falling in love with you!

(আমি বার বার আপনার প্রেমে পরে যাই !)

5. My love for you is unconditional and eternal.

(আপনার জন্য আমার প্রেম নিঃশর্ত ও শাশ্বত..)

6. I adore you!

(আমি আপনাকে ভালবাসি!)

7. You are the love of my life!

(আপনি আমার জীবনের ভালবাসা!)

8. You have made me a better person, I will always need you by my side.

(আপনি আমাকে একজন ভালো মানুষ তৈরি করেছেন,আমার সবসময়ে আপনার প্রয়োজন পরবে.)

9. I want to spend my whole life with you!

(আমি আমার সম্পূর্ণ জীবন আপনার সাথে ব্যয় করতে চাই.)


Polite ways to talk in English:

1. Don't say: I want a burger
Say: I'd like to have a burger

'I want' sounds like a demand, as if you are commanding the other person. ''I'd like'' is a more polite phrase.

2. Don't say: Send me the report.
Say: Could you send me the report?

To maintain good relationships with coworkers, it’s best not to use imperatives(“Reply to my e-mail,” “Go to the bank,” etc)
Instead, make requests with the phrases, Could you…? and Could you please…?

3. Don't say: Leave me alone.
Say: Could you give me a minute or sorry, I'm a bit busy right now

''Leave me alone'' sounds rude if you are in a middle of something or busy doing some work, you should say ''could you give me a minute''.

4. Don't say: Tell me when you are available
Say: Please, let me know when you're available, I need to talk to you.

When you are asking someone about their availability or about something, don't use, tell me. Instead you should say: Please, let me know.

5. Don't say: Your're wrong
Say: I think you might be mistaken
When you are pointing out someone's mistake, don't say, you're wrong. I think you might be mistaken is a more humble phrase

6. Don't say: That's a bad idea
Say: I am not sure that's a good idea

When you are not agreeing with someone's idea, instead of saying, that's a bad idea, you should say, I am not sure that's a good idea

7. Don't say: Your work isn't good
Say: I am not quite satisfied with this work, this needs some improvement

When you are giving feedback to someone about their work, instead of saying ''you're work isn't good, tell them, I'm not quite satisfied with this work or to be honest, this needs some improvement


6 Confusing phrases:

1. Hang up/hang out
To “hang up” means to end a phone call (ফোন কল সমাপ্ত করা); to “hang
out” means to spend time relaxing, usually with a friend (কারোর সাথে বাইরে যাওয়া).

Example: If he hangs up before I’m done talking, I will be too mad to
hang out with him this weekend.

2. Look up/look forward

To “look up” means to search and find information about something,
usually in a dictionary or some sort of database. (কোনো জিনিসের সম্পর্কে তথ্য খোজা , সাধারণত কোনো শব্দকোষে না ডাটাবেসে.)

To “look forward” to something means to be excited about an event that
will happen in the future. (ভবিষতের কোনো কাজ নিয়ে আশায় থাকা.)

Example: After looking up the plot of David Dhawan’s latest movie, I’m really looking forward to seeing it!

3. Get into/get over

To “get into” means to become involved or interested in something. (কোনো কাজে অংশগ্রহন করা)

To “get over” can either mean the opposite of this — to lose interest in something — or it can also mean to recover from something, particularly an illness. (কোনো জিনিসের ওপরে উঠা - কোনো দুঃক্ষকে ভুলতে পারা)

Example: After I get over this flu, which is making me so weak, I’m going to get into dancing again.

4. Throw out/throw up

To “throw up” means to vomit (বমি করা), whereas to “throw out” means to dispose of something that is no longer being used. (কোনো জিনিসকে বাইরে ফেলে দেওয়া)

Example: If his baby throws up on the floor in my living room, I’ll have to throw away the rug that’s in there.

5. Run into/run over

To “run into” someone can have the literal meaning of colliding with their body, but the phrase often means to meet or see someone unexpectedly. (কারোর সাথে সুযোগে দেখা করা)

To “run over” something means to drive a vehicle over that person or thing. (কোনো জিনিসের উপর দিয়ে চলে যাওয়া)

Example: I was so excited when I ran into my friend that I forgot to look both ways when crossing the street and a car almost ran me over!

6. Put down/put off

To “put down” another person means to insult them or make


A Resignation Letter - Sample

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

Subject: Resignation Letter (পদত্যাগ পত্র)

My journey with this organization has been very enriching. However, for a new journey to start, the previous one must end.
(এই কোম্পানির সাথে আমার সফর খুবই সমৃদ্ধ ছিল . কিন্তু একটা নতুন সফর শুরু করতে গেলে আগের সফরটাকে শেষ করতে হয় .)

I am moving to another city due to personal reasons, and will have to resign from the organization.
(নিজের কিছু ব্যক্তিগত আমাকে অন্য একটি শহরে চলে যেতে হচ্ছে ,এবং আমাকে কোম্পানি থেকে পদত্যাগ করতে হবে .)

However, I would dutifully serve my notice period for the next two months.
(যদিও আমি আমার কর্তব্য পালন করব আর সামনের দুই মাস আমার নোটিসের সময় পূরণ করব .)

I would like to extend my gratitude to the whole team and my mentors, and I wish the organization would see days of greater success. I am thankful for all the guidance provided to me during my work tenure.
(আমি আমার সকল সতীর্থদের আর পরামর্শদাতাদের আমার কৃতজ্ঞতা জানাতে চাই এবং আমি আশা করছি কোম্পানি আগামী দিনে আরো বেশি সফলতা পাবে .আমি তাদের সকলের প্রতি কৃতজ্ঞ যারা আমাকে আমার এই পুরো সফরে পরামর্শ দিয়েছে আর আমাকে শিখিয়েছে .)

Please accept my resignation from the same.
(অনুগ্রহ করে আমার পদত্যাগপত্র গ্রহণ করুন .)

Thank you.
Anuja Gupta


14 Names of dry fruits:

1. Almond Nut -বাদাম
2. Apricot dried - খুবানি
3. Betel-nut - সুপারী
4. Cashew nut - কাজু বাদাম
5. Chestnut - আখরোট
6. Coconut - নারিকেল
7. Cudpahnut - চিরন্গী বাদাম
8. Currant - কিসমিস
9. Dates Dried - শুকনো খেজুর
10. Fig - ডুমুর
11. Groundnuts, Peanuts - চিনাবাদাম
12. Pine Nuts - পাইন বাদাম
13. Pistachio Nut - পেস্তা বাদাম
14. Walnuts - আখরোট


House Vocabulary Words:

1. Chimney: a vertical channel or pipe which conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building.

2. Drainpipe: a pipe for carrying off rainwater or liquid refuse from a building.

3. Burglar alarm: an electronic device that emits a loud noise when someone attempts to make unauthorized entry to a building or other premises.

4. Balcony: a raised platform that is connected to the side of a building and surrounded by a low wall or railing

5. Windowpane: a single piece of glass in the window of a building

6. Ridge: the line or edge formed where the two sloping sides of a roof meet at the top.

7. Garage: a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house

8. Porch: a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building.

9. Letterbox: a box attached to an outside wall, or a slot in the door of a building, into which mail is delivered.

10. Eaves: the part of a roof that meets or overhangs the walls of a building.

11. Windowsill: a shelf formed by the bottom part of the frame of a window.

12. Skylight : an opening in a roof or ceiling, fitted with glass, for admitting daylight.

13. Patio: a paved outdoor area adjoining a house.

14. Veranda: a roofed platform along the outside of a house, level with the ground floor.

15. Courtyard: an unroofed area that is completely or partially enclosed by walls or buildings, typically one forming part of a castle or large house.

16. Ventilator: an opening or device, such as a fan, used to ventilate a room, building, etc.


Name of Body Parts

1. Eye = চোখ

2. Leg = পা

3. Elbow = কনুই

4. Hand = হাত

5. Knee = হাঁটু

6. Foot = পা

7. Ankle = গোড়ালি

8. Ear = কান

9. Nails = নখ

10. Thumb = আঙ্গুল

11. Wrist = কব্জি

12. Hand = হাত

13. Cheek = গাল

14. Jaw = চোয়াল

15. Gums = মাড়ি

16. Nose = নাক

17. Chin = থুতনি

18. Lips = ঠোঁট

19. Shoulder = কাঁধ


Today's lesson....
Temperature vocabulary words:

1. Boiling: at or near boiling point. Ex: boiling water
(ফুটন্ত. যেমন: ফুটন্ত পানি)
2. Humid: marked by a relatively high level of water vapour in the atmosphere. Ex: a hot and humid day
(আদ্র্র. যেমন: একটি গরম এবং আর্দ্র দিন)
3. Muggy: unpleasantly warm and humid. .Ex: "it was a hot, very muggy evening"
(গরম ও আর্দ্র. যেমন: "ওটা একটা গরম, খুব আর্দ্র দিন ছিল")
4. Scorching: very hot, often used in positive contexts. Ex: the scorching July sun"
(খুব গরম, প্রায়ই ইতিবাচক প্রেক্ষিতে ব্যবহৃত. যেমন: জুলাই মাসের গরম)
5. Stifling: hot and you can hardly breathe. Ex: stifling heat
(গরম এবং আপনি কমই শ্বাস নিতে পারেন. যেমন: খুব গরম)
6. Sweltering: hot and uncomfortable. Ex: a sweltering English summer
(গরম এবং অস্বস্তিকর. যেমন: গরম এবং অস্বস্তিকর ইংল্যান্ডের গ্রীষ্ম)
7. Blistering: (of heat) intense. Ex: the blistering heat of the desert
(তীব্র. যেমন: মরুভূমির তীব্র গরম)
8. A sizzler - a very hot day
(একটি গরম দিন)
9. A heat wave - a period of extremely hot weather
(অত্যন্ত গরম আবহাওয়া একটি সময়কাল)
10. Melting - the temperature at which a substance changes from solid to liquid state.
(তাপমাত্রা যা একটি পদার্থ কঠিন থেকে তরল অবস্থাতে পরিণত হয়)
11. Blazing sun - sun shining brightly. Ex: Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.
(সূর্য উজ্জ্বলভাবে উজ্জ্বল. যেমন: কিছু লোক উজ্জ্বল সূর্যালোকে বাইরে খাবার খাচ্ছিলো)


আজকে আমরা আমাদের দৈনন্দিন জীবনে ব্যবহৃত ১৪ টি সব্জির নাম জানব।
14 Vegetable names:

1. Sweet potato
(মিষ্টি আলু)

2. Spring onions
(বসন্ত পেঁয়াজ)

3. Yam
(রাঙা আলু)

4. Fenugreek

5. Cucumber

6. Drumsticks

7. Pumpkin/Squash

8. Mustard greens
(সরিষা সবুজ শাক)

9. Peppermint leaves
(মেন্থল পাতা)

10. Bitter Gourd

11. Bottle Gourd

12. Colocasia roots
(কোলোকাশিয়া শিকর)

13. Turnip

14. Broccoli
