Ewa English

Ewa English

hi everyone welcome to the page.


Welcome to Ewa 😆


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Hi everyone welcome to the page 😊


Hello friend's, how are you? Welcome to English Learning world.😍


If someone ignored you maybe they are busy then step forward to them so they can noticed your present if they ignored you again come closer to them and say I'm here ,,if they totally ignored you .tell to them remember me if you have a vacant time,,,then step backward far from them coz maybe they don't know your worth and they don't know that you value your friendship some times all our fault is we care even they not.. But the important is we know what is our worth and value..
SM Shafayet Shafayet Ali Ali


Why is it important to keep our minds open and develop a sense of awareness?

An aware mind recognises the fact that life is not always a smooth sail. There are always ups and downs. What it also embraces is that nothing lasts forever. So when such people go through a difficult time, they don’t get discouraged. They know that even in their difficult situation something is working in their favour. This trust helps them to sail through even in the toughest time.

To become more self aware, you need to raise you consciousness by elevating your thoughts and actions. Stay positive, be truthful and connect with your higher self. You will find that you won’t ever see any challenge the same way.

Did you know that Pakistan had awarded Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden with ‘Hilal-i-Pakistan’ - ANN News 07/11/2020

Did you know that Pakistan had awarded Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden with ‘Hilal-i-Pakistan’ - ANN News ANN News Did you know that Pakistan had awarded Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden with ‘Hilal-i-Pakistan’

Photos from English For Everyone's post 13/10/2020
Photos from Ewa English's post 28/08/2020

People change for two main reasons!


ESL Doctors Conversations
When you are abroad you hope you do not get ill, but if you do these ESL doctors conversations could help. They will show you the sort of speaking that you will need to do when booking an appointment or seeing the doctor.

the conversations that are included below each one. Then there are some exercises for you to do to practice your understanding of the ESL doctors conversations. The exercises are:
Filling in the blanks with the correct phrase in a conversation.
Writing your own conversation.
Conversation topics so you can have a conversation with a friend.

Situation: Jane is unwell and visits the doctor.
Doctor: Hi, what’s wrong?
Jane: I feel unwell and keep vomiting all the time.
Doctor: How long have you felt like this?
Jane: Nearly two days. It started just before going to bed the day before yesterday.
Doctor: Let me examine you. I will press on your stomach to see if it hurts and then listen to your heart.
Jane: Ok. It doesn’t hurt when you press my stomach. I just feel tired.
Doctor: Ok. Did you eat anything different from usual before you started to feel this way?
Jane: Yes my boyfriend cooked dinner for me. He isn’t a very good cook and the food tasked a bit strange.
Doctor: You’ve got food poisoning. It is not very serious and you should be better in another day.
Jane: Oh dear, what should I do.
Doctor: You need to drink lots of water and get plenty of rest.
Jane: Ok, thank you doctor.
Doctor: You’re welcome. If you are not better in 48 hours come and see me again.


Situation: Andrew does not have an appointment and needs to see the doctor urgently.
Andrew: Cough, cough. I’d like to see the doctor please.
Receptionist: Do you have an appointment and what’s your name?
Andrew: No I don’t have an appointment. My name is Andrew Jones. I’m registered as a patient of Doctor Crow.
Receptionist: Doctor Crow is making house calls all morning and all the other doctors have a full schedule of appointments all morning. Make an appointment and come back tomorrow.
Andrew: Surely there must be something today. I really am very ill. I feel awful.
Receptionist: Someone might cancel an appointment. You can sit and wait if you want to.
Receptionist: Mr. Jones, the doctor will see you now. Please go to consulting room number 3.
Doctor: Good morning Mr. Jones. What is wrong?
Andrew: Morning. I feel very ill. I am coughing and sneezing, I have feel hot and cold all the time and eating makes me feel sick.
Doctor: Let me take your temperature. How long have you had the symptoms?
Andrew: They started about a day ago.
Doctor: Yes your temperature is very high. You have the flu. You’ll have to go home and stay in bed until it gets better. Drink lots of water.
Andrew: Can you give me some medicine?
Doctor: I can give you something to reduce your fever but you just need to get bed rest. I will write you a prescription and you can collect the medicine from the pharmacy.
Andrew: Ok, thank you.

Once you have read and watched the above esl doctors conversations and learnt the conversation vocabulary you can do the three following exercises for practice.

Exercise 1 – Fill in the Blanks
Fill-in the blanks in the following conversation using the options provided in the 5 question below.

Situation: Lucy visits the doctor to get some test results.
Receptionist: Good morning, _________ (1) _________
Lucy: Yes I do. My name is Lucy Smith and my appointment is at 10.30 am.
Receptionist: Yes, thank you. _________ (2) _________ and the GP will see you as soon as she is free.
Lucy: Thank you.
Receptionist: Ms. Smith, _________ (3) _________
Doctor: Good morning Ms. Smith. I have your test results here.
Lucy: Good. I hope that everything is alright.
Doctor: Yes everything is ok. There are no major problems. I would suggest that you try not to eat too much food with a lot of cholesterol in it.
Lucy: Oh dear. Is my cholesterol level too high?
Doctor: It is quite high and you should try to stop it getting any higher.
Lucy: Ok. _________ (4) _________ to help reduce the cholesterol?Doctor: No. It isn’t too high so it would be better for you to lead a healthier lifestyle rather than take medicine.
Lucy: Ok doctor I will try.
Doctor: Ok that will be good.
Lucy: Thank you doctor. I’ll make another appointment _________ (5) _________

Choose the best option (A-D) in the following five questions to fill in the blanks in the doctors conversation given above.

1) Which option is the best to fill in the first blank?
A) do you have an appointment?
B) what do you want?
C) what is the matter?
D) do you want me to diagnose you?

2) Which option is the best to fill in the second blank?
A) Please take a seat in the waiting room
B) Please wait outside
C) Please go to the hospital
D) Please come back tomorrow

3) Which option is the best to fill in the third blank?
A) please come back tomorrow.
B) please let me examine you now.
C) please go to consulting room one.
D) please tell me your symptoms.

4) Which option is the best to fill in the fourth blank?
A) Can you diagnose me something
B) Can the receptionist prescribe me some medicine
C) Will I be ok to go to work
D) Can you prescribe me some medicine

5) Which option is the best to fill in the fifth blank?
A) if I need to come and see you at the surgery again.
B) if you need to come and make a house call to see me.
C) if I want to see a specialist about this.
D) if everything is ok and I feel fine.

Exercise 2 – Write a Conversation
Now try to write an esl doctors conversation yourself. This should be between two or three people and be related to visiting a doctor. A couple of ideas could be a patient visiting a pharmacy to get their prescription or a mother taking her son or daughter to see the doctor.
Exercise 3 – Conversation Topics
Below you have two sets of esl doctors conversation questions. With a friend discuss the topics. One person should have set of questions A and the other set B. Try to give long answers and use as much of the vocabulary you have learnt as possible.

Question set A
How often do you visit the doctor?
Do you think it is important for people have health checks from a doctor regularly?
Would you like to be a doctor?
What should happen when a doctor makes a mistake?
Do you think doctors are important, why?

Question set B
Is it better to see a doctor in a clinic or a hospital?
How long do doctors have to train for?
Have you ever had to visit a specialist doctor?
Do you know anyone who is a doctor?
What do you think is the best part of being a doctor?


I am giving you this ring as a promise to you
That no matter what, I will always be here and I will always be true.

I promise that I will lie with you and hold you at night
When things throughout your day just don't seem to be going right.

For you, I would walk a thousand miles and more
Just to see your beautiful smile that I absolutely adore.

I promise that I will make you smile when you feel like crying.
I promise that I will comfort you if you feel like dying.

I promise to steal away your every sorrow and fear.
I promise to wipe away your every tear.

I promise to cherish every minute I spend with you
Until the daylight sky is no longer the color of blue.

Without your love, I do not know what I would do.
I will not have a future unless it involves you.

You've changed me for the better, and I have never been so happy.
Now, with you in my life, I can't picture a world without you and me.

Fate decided it was time for us to be together,
And though our time here on Earth is short, I promise I want you always and forever.

I promise that no matter what may happen, we will make it through.
Please take this ring as a symbol of the love I will always have for you.


My Blessing In Life
Every morning I wake up and see
The most beautiful girl lying next to me.
She's the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
I will love her as a faithful husband should
And do everything for her I could.
I would let her know every day
That I love her more than words can say.
For the two children we have together
And the love for God in each other,
It will keep our love for each other strong,
And the Lord will guide us away from all wrong.


My mind always told me to "Leave and advance,"
But my heart told me that I still have a chance.

So I listened to my heart and gave it a shot,
It was a bad choice, now look at the misery and failure It brought.

I thought I'd have a chance, so I kept holding on,
But I know that the last ray of hope is gone.

Sadly, it was you, the girl I trusted the most,
Who left me feeling empty, just like a ghost.

Today, the little hope I had inside, you killed.
I don't know why you destroyed something you helped build.

I must have been crazy to even try,
Because all it did was crush me inside and make me cry.

And I cry only if there's too much to hide.
Like right now because I've got nothing inside.

It has been about 5 times I have tried,
And all those 5 times, I've been denied.

I remember the rejections, you bet I remember them.
So I just sit here and write about it in this poem.

I remember the tears I cried and I shed,
But the pain feels like I bled red instead.

You can taunt me all you want and call me a quitter,
But I give up 'cause I have been treated like litter.

I actually almost thought I'd get to be with her,
But now it tastes so bitter, I still get that shiver.

"Huh? What's that? you think I've been used?"
That don't bother me. To me that's normal news.

I got nothing to lose, nothing to gain.
I'm fed up of all this miserable pain.

So when someone tells me to try again,
Why should I bother? Nothing will change.

I know it will always be the same result:
"Mission failed" Another insane insult.

I thought this would work, not leave me hurt.
Now I'm on the ground beside the dirt.

With the help of a sneaky friend, I read what you typed.
Now all those words you said will come haunt me at night.

If you had given me one chance, I would be your lover.
But I didn't ask for you make me suffer.

When I'm tying to forget, as I lay on my bed,
Those heartbreaking moments rush back to my head.

It was paradise each time I saw your face,
But now I feel like I'm stranded in space.

It was on this "love road" that I travelled so far,
That left me like this: afraid and scarred.

That road gave me too much pain to bear,
So I've decided. From now I'm gonna be solitaire.

The road I'm going for will have nothing to fear.
And all the sorrow I have inside will all disappear.

Nothing can change my decision. I trust nobody anymore.
I'm not gonna play around. Love is no sport.

So I'm gonna go back to the same old me.
Yes, the shy guy on the piano named Shafayet Ali Ali

So, do me a favor and make your neighbor feel special, no cheating and stuff.
Don't treat him like me, 'cause one broken heart is enough.

The guy you want is a very lucky boy.
Just don't use him and treat him like a toy.


Learning Tips > Speaking
📔Read & Record🎤

Stop chasing happiness
“An old man lived in the village. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood. The longer he lived, the viler he became and more poisonous were his words. People did their best to avoid him because his misfortune was contagious. He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.

But one day, when he turned eighty, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone started hearing the rumor: ‘The old man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, smiles, and even his face is freshened up.’

The whole village gathered around the man and asked him, “What happened to you?”

The old man replied, ‘Nothing special. Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness and it was useless. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.'”


Learning Tips
📔Read & Record🎤

Stop chasing happiness
“An old man lived in the village. The whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always in a bad mood. The longer he lived, the viler he became and more poisonous were his words. People did their best to avoid him because his misfortune was contagious. He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.

But one day, when he turned eighty, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone started hearing the rumor: ‘The old man is happy today, he doesn’t complain about anything, smiles, and even his face is freshened up.’

The whole village gathered around the man and asked him, “What happened to you?”

The old man replied, ‘Nothing special. Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness and it was useless. And then I decided to live without happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.'”

Photos from Ewa English's post 27/04/2020


Photos from Ewa English's post 27/04/2020



Most common proverbs!

