Videos by VOXX Kliniek en Coaching in Brugge. VOXX is een expertisepraktijk voor onderzoek, coaching en behandeling van neurogene problematiek, kaak- en mondfunties, stem, spraak, ademen of slikken.
C O N N E C T I V E_ F R O M 👅 T O T O E S
‘The tongue acts like a rudder and support system through a fascial line that runs right down to your toes.’
Restriction in the deeper fasciae line can interfere in:
👅function as breathing, swallowing, speaking, chewing and other stomatognatic functions
👅lumbar posture
👅cervical and thoracic posture
👅facial growth
👅dental position and bite
👅And more
Restriction can cause referred pain as referred headaches and restricted ROM.
J U S T I M P R E S S I V E !
#connectivetissue #fascia #tongue #neuroresponse #tonguetied #craniofacialpain #headaches #tmjd #temporomandibular #vocalhealth #vocalcoach #breathing #swallowing #dysphagia #speech #orofacialmyology #temporomandibular #myofunctionalresearch #myofunctionaltherapy #orofacialmyology #jaw #deepertissue #speechandlanguagetherapist #orofacialmyologist #orthodontist #physiotherapist #osteopath #dentist #laryngology
C O N N E C T I V E_ F R O M 👅 T O T O E S ‘The tongue acts like a rudder and support system through a fascial line that runs right down to your toes.’ Restriction in the deeper fasciae line can interfere in: 👅function as breathing, swallowing, speaking, chewing and other stomatognatic functions 👅lumbar posture 👅cervical and thoracic posture 👅gait 👅facial growth 👅dental position and bite 👅And more Restriction can cause referred pain as referred headaches and restricted ROM. J U S T I M P R E S S I V E ! #connectivetissue #fascia #tongue #neuroresponse #tonguetied #craniofacialpain #headaches #tmjd #temporomandibular #vocalhealth #vocalcoach #breathing #swallowing #dysphagia #speech #orofacialmyology #temporomandibular #myofunctionalresearch #myofunctionaltherapy #orofacialmyology #jaw #deepertissue #speechandlanguagetherapist #orofacialmyologist #orthodontist #physiotherapist #osteopath #dentist #laryngology
SOUND OUT OF HEAVEN_ intermezzo ➰ We have to share this once. We are so proud having such a heavenly voice in our Vocal Athlete Crew. To start this hopeful year we invite you to listen and (re)meet Lien, the VOXX Vocal Ped who’s focussed on closing the gap between a healed (professional) singing voice and a singing athlete who has to achieve 100% in rehearsals, performances e.a. ➰ We moeten dit eens delen. We zijn trots met deze hemelse stem in onze Vocal Athlete Crew. Om dit hoopvol jaar aan te vangen nodigen we je uit om te luisteren naar onze Lien, de VOXX vocaal pedagoge die zich focust op het dichten van de kloof tussen een ‘genezen’ (professionele) zangstem en de stem van een vocaal atleet die 100 % van sajet moet geven tijdens repetities, performances, concerten e.a. Enjoy! #topcrew #healthyvoice #vocaltraining #laryngology #classicalsinger #soprano #vocalathletes #professionalvoice #singingvoice #vocalcoach #vocals #voicetherapy #vocalrehab #buildingbridges #vocalpedagogy #multidisciplinar #requiem
• DESK WITH A SOUND • #postfonochirurgie #vocalmodes #flow #aerodynamics #welldonegirl #vocalped #vocalcoach #laryngeal #itsfriday #EnjoyYourWeekend
📣KAAK_ OPEN! Meet Lien, alias Sergeant VOXX. #jaw #ofofacialmyogy #temporomandibular #tmjd #temporomandibular #vocalresonance #jawclenching #jawpain #sourcefilter #postfonochirurgie #mtd #stemstoornis #vocaltractdysfunction #laryngealconstriction #hoofdenhals #lpr #gerd #reflux #stemklacht #singingvoice #vocalrehab
🔛 DESK WITH A SOUND_ #sourcefilter Vocal rehabilitation • aerodynamics • orofacial myofunction • vocal tract function • LPR #vocalhealth #myofunctional #voicedisorder #posturalrestoration #singingvoice #aerodynamics #vocaltract #filtersource #voiceproblem #velopharygealinsufficience #vocalrehabilitation #functionalbreathing #physiology #stemprobleem #stemklacht #orofacialmyology #myofascialrelease #manueltechniques #bodywork #singingathlete #italiansound #italianwords #lpr #gerd #reflux
D E S K W I T H A S O U N D _ 👀 a n d M a r c e l So proud, Girl! You just rocked without any effort in Antwerp! All credits to your attitude, discipline and hard work. Oh God, what a wonderful road you travelled (are still travelling). Like always, perfectly on time! Ready for Post-Covid reboot of the cultural sector. There you go sunshine! Anyway, Marcel likes his job as ‘audience’, however, those highest ones are just a little to much sound. 📣🎧 😂🐾 #lovethejourney #vocalcoach #vocaltraining #vocals #voice #vocalist #soprano #labradoodle #laryngeal #vocalregisters #falsetto #headvoice #vocaldiscipline #vocalcare #professionalvoice #sunshine #sopranolife #vocalfitness #discipline #motivation #hardwork #soproud #rockandroll #singingvoice #classicalsinger #stemtraining #stemcoach #brugge #voxxlife #voxx
D E S K W I T H A S O U N D_ When lots of engagement in vocal rehab shows impact on outcome. Breath support and vocal load are slowly back in business. So proud, girl! #vocalrehab #vocaltraining #breathing #breathsupport #vocalload #engagement #soproud #vocalhealth #humanvoice #singingvoice #vocalcoaching #buteykobelt Buteyko Breathing
Into impressive and useful lectures. Thanks to ESSD! Post-COVID: swallowing- and voiceproblems. 🦠 🥤 👄 Take care. #essd #navorming #europeansocietyofswallowingdisorders #margaretwalshe #dysphagia #postcovid19 #dysphonia #otolaryngology #slikproblemen #stemproblemen #swallowingdisorders #voiceproblems #takecare #voxxopstap