Kami Basics 神

Un voyage de mille lieues commence toujours par un premier pas - Lao Tseu Accessoires recyclables ou réutilisables à l'infini ! www.kami-basics.com

Kami Basics, ou les indispensables pour adopter un mode de vie zéro déchet et faire du bien à la planète !


Pour soutenir notre croissance, Kami Store recherche une personne motivée, autonome, organisée et rigoureuse pour nous aider dans l'implantation et le développement de notre nouvel entrepôt.

Vos responsabilités principales sont :

Commandes : préparation des commandes à expédier
Stocks : gestion et rangement de la zone de stockage
Réapprovisionnements : commandes chez les fournisseurs et suivi
Réception des marchandises et mise en stock
Récupération de matériaux
Contact avec les fournisseurs


Awesome new zero waste company in Brussels! Talk now to your employer to convince her/him to get an tasty bulk bar when returning at your workplace after confinement 😋🥜

BulkBar Eco-friendly dispenser of healthy snacks, for the office

Zero waste during quarantine: Create a home spa 25/05/2020

Have you ever dreamed of a home spa? These tips will allow you to create the perfect relaxing environment straight at home!

Zero waste during quarantine: Create a home spa It’s so important at the moment to look after yourself and your mental health (as well as physical). Self care, wellness and taking time out to relax and unwind is crucial. Things are very different at the moment and our normal routines have temporarily changed - which might mean you have more tim...

Zero waste during quarantine: Beauty edition 19/05/2020

Learn how to take care of your beauty products and extend their shelf life with our newest blog!

Zero waste during quarantine: Beauty edition Being stuck in our homes has given us a great opportunity to do chores we wouldn’t normally make time for. There are so many boring, long-winded tasks we’ve probably all been putting off for months - so now is a wonderful time to tackle them. When was the last time you went through all your beau...


Zero Waste Beauty Products now on Sale 💆‍♀️

KAMI BASICS : l’e-shop zéro déchet vous livre gratuitement pendant le confinement 28/04/2020

Un nouvel article sur nous! Merci beaucoup à ELLE Belgique! 🤗

KAMI BASICS : l’e-shop zéro déchet vous livre gratuitement pendant le confinement L'e-shop Kami Basics encourage le zéro déchet en proposant aux consommateurs des produits de première nécessité compostables ou à durée de vie illimitée.

Dental Care 27/04/2020

Decouvrez notre nouvelle mini série sur les dentifrices solides ! Votre sourire, en mieux 😁

Dental Care


Forget single-use coffee capsules!


Plus de 70 artcles zéro déchets soldés sur notre site. Les soldes sont cumulable avec la livraison gratuite!

N'hésitez plus à passer commande

DIY : Zero Waste Cleaning Products 18/04/2020

During quarantine we have much more time for cleaning, so we've decided to share our recipes to do homemade cleaning products ✨

DIY : Zero Waste Cleaning Products Making your own cleaning products is better for your health and your wallet. You can replace them with only four basic ingredients


Aujourd'hui, on voulait vous dire merci. Merci à toutes les personnes qui nous font confiance. Ensemble nous pouvons changer les choses!

Partagez la vidéo pour embarquer encore plus de personnes dans notre f***e aventure!

Dry skin and spots during the quarantine ? Try these tips ! 16/04/2020

Skin can get seriously damaged if you have stopped leaving your house... So we've decided to share some zero waste tips on how to take care of it 💆‍♀️

Dry skin and spots during the quarantine ? Try these tips ! Here are some tips to clean the air in your house and take care of your skin during the quarantine.

Kami Basics : l'e-shop bruxellois zéro déchet - Marie Claire Belgique 15/04/2020

Un petit article sur nous à découvrir sur Marie Claire Belgique 📰

Kami Basics : l'e-shop bruxellois zéro déchet - Marie Claire Belgique En bref - On vous présente ici Kami basics, l’e-shop zéro déchet qui livre à Bruxelles- Marie Claire Belgique

Zero waste during quarantine - What’s in your kitchen ? 14/04/2020

Our new series of blogs explains how to reduce waste at home, room by room. We will start by a place where a lot of waste is created: your kitchen!

Zero waste during quarantine - What’s in your kitchen ? Here are the best tips to reduce waste in your kitchen and use this confinement time at its best!

How Kami Basics Makes Online Shopping as Eco-Friendly as Possible 19/03/2020

During this time of lockdown, online shopping is proving to be the most suitable solution to avoid busy places. Find out how Kami Basics makes online shopping more eco-friendly.

How Kami Basics Makes Online Shopping as Eco-Friendly as Possible At Kami Basics, we aim to be as sustainable as we can be. That is why we take certain measures to minimize our effects on the environment. From our delivery methods to packaging your orders, we really strive to have a positive impact at every step! Reused Cardboard At Kami Basics even the packaging....

Please Like Meal 17/03/2020

Notice to the inhabitants of the De Wand district, in this delicate period, do not hesitate to go shopping in local and bulk stores, such as Please Like Meal! An amazing team and quality products will be waiting for you!

Please Like Meal Zero Déchet, Produits locaux, Vrac I Zero Waste, Lokale producten, Bulk


Natural sponges are sustainable care products made of natural material that grows back very quickly. They thrive ecologically on underwater fields in the Mediterranean and are harvested in an environmentally friendly manner twice a year.


Discover the newest Croll & Denecke products available at Kami Basics!


We welcome a new brand to our catalog: Croll & Denecke 🤗
Founded in 1897, it specializes in the manufacturing of natural sea sponges, luffah products and bath accessories.
Discover them on Kami Basics: https://www.kamibasics.com/collections/croll-denecke

5 Zero-Waste Baby Products You Should Sell in Your Store in 2020 21/01/2020

Discover our zero-waste baby products to sell in your own store!

5 Zero-Waste Baby Products You Should Sell in Your Store in 2020 Many young parents are looking to raise their young babies in a more environmentally friendly manner using sustainable baby products. Learn about our essential baby supplies that you can sell in your store!

7 Natural Cleaning Products to Sell in Your Store 17/01/2020

Discover our sustainable cleaning products that you can sell in your own store!

7 Natural Cleaning Products to Sell in Your Store Many regular cleaning ingredients are very harmful to the environment, and most consumers have started realizing this. Instead, they are leaning towards buying organic cleaning agents that have multiple different uses. Therefore, we have put together a list of seven products that you can sell in you...


Think before you wrap 🎁🎄✨


Some last-minute Christmas gift ideas! ✨😍

KAMI revoit les bases du zéro déchet, simple 20/12/2019

À la recherche d'un cadeau *durable* en last minute? Visitez notre site et offrez un produit zéro déchet à vos proches 🎅🤗

KAMI revoit les bases du zéro déchet, simple Moins de plastique et plus de poissons avec KAMI BASICS. Voilà un beau slogan avec lequel cette start-up bruxelloise s'engage pour révolutionner votre quotidien : offrir une alternative dans nos objets de consommation de tous les jours.


Who is really paying the price for Amazons free shipping? 🤔
Amazons free shipping has really harmful effects on the environment; next time you order from Amazon, think twice before you click confirm. 🌱


Have a merry, zero waste Christmas!

Our Eco Gift Guide 18/12/2019

With only one week left, it’s your last chance to order some gorgeous zero waste gifts before Christmas Day. 🎄🎁
Treat yourself to some zero waste goodness to help you reduce your plastic use in 2020. ✨

Our Eco Gift Guide With only one week left, it’s your last chance to order some gorgeous zero waste gifts before Christmas Day - or get a head start on your zero waste New Year's resolution. Read our Eco Gift Guide here.


Christmas is getting closer and closer, which means a lot of gift exchanges. 🎁
To minimise waste in gift wrapping, why not try some of the methods in the picture below! 😍

Reducing Waste after Holiday Meals 11/12/2019

Delicious foods and drinks are constantly surrounding us at this time of year, however this can also lead to a lot of waste. Read our new blogpost to find out how you can make sure to minimise some of it! ✨

Reducing Waste after Holiday Meals Holidays are all about food, and they are always amazing. Treats, big meals, party appetisers and festive drinks which are constantly surrounding us at this time of the year. As wonderful as it is, it also creates a lot of waste. In the EU, around 88 million tonnes of food waste is generated every y...

Vous voulez que votre entreprise soit Magasin la plus cotée à Traînou ?
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Notre histoire - Our story

FR Kami, ou les indispensables pour adopter un mode de vie zéro déchet et faire du bien à la planète! Accessoires recyclables ou réutilisables à l'infini!

Le nom Kami s'inspire d'un petit village japonais, Kamikatsu, qui s'est fixé comme objectif d'adopter un mode de vie totalement zéro déchet. Depuis 2003, ses habitants ont réussi à élever leur taux de recyclage à 80% et comptent atteindre les 100% d'ici 2020. Kamikatsu sera donc le premier village entièrement zéro déchet dans le monde!

L'objectif de Kami en tant que startup est, tout comme celui de Kamikatsu, de propager et d'intégrer le mouvement zéro déchet dans le quotidien des gens.

Pour découvrir les produits, rendez-vous sur : www.kami-basics.com

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