The Amazing Silver Swallows

The Amazing Silver Swallows is a 70’s classic rock cover band. We focus on beeing as accurate as

The Amazing Silver Swallows is a rock and roll cover band, covers of the best of the 70's (Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, CCR, The Doors, The Beatles, Free, Steppenwolf, Uriah Heep, The Who, Neil Young,...) We focus on beeing as accurate as the original to bring you a unique experience


Lead voice and guitar: Sebastien Francois
Lead guitar and backing vocals: Émile Dalleur
Keyboards: Roland Depaire
Bass : Philippe Collu
Drums: Evgenii

The Amazing Silver Swallows – 't Uilekot 27/06/2022

The Amazing Silver Swallows – 't Uilekot Tijdens de Herzeelse avondmarkt op vrijdag 1 juli gaat het café van ’t Uilekot open vanaf 16u. Hiermee zetten we ook onze openingsuren van de zomermaanden in gang (woensdag 9u – 13u, vrijdag vanaf 16u, zaterdag vanaf 20u en zondag van 16u – 22u).


Voici une nouvelle affiche avec une màj des musicos😎

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