The AriaCamille

The AriaCamille

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from The AriaCamille, Artist, .

AriaCamille is a singer/songwriter that is using her debut single, Release Me, to remind us that sometimes there’s more power gained when you realize the strength it takes to surrender control...Release Me is currently streaming on all platforms.


It has been a while but please know there has been an “in the meantime.”


There’s something about proving people wrong that’s insignificant compared to proving to yourself that you can. Believe in yourself. You can. And you will.


The time to get well is now.


Sometimes it’s hard to realize when you’ve overextended yourself and you need to take a step back and take care of you. Be ok with being your first priority.


A lot of people have been asking to I’m taking the dive and sharing my story. Oh and I’m 8 lbs down since I first posted this 9 days ago.


S H E W A S B E A U T I F U L … but not like those girls in the magazines. She was beautiful for the way she thought. She was beautiful for the sparkle in her eyes when she talked about something she loved. She was beautiful for her ability to make others smile even if she was sad. No, she wasn’t beautiful for something as temporary as her looks. She was beautiful deep down to her soul.

Let your beauty be more than skin deep. Let it be deep, down in your soul…


I think Frederick Douglas can be misunderstood when there’s talk of rain without thunder. When he speaks of progress and struggle being kindred, I think he speaks of the need to figuratively (and literally) till the ground of you expect a harvest. We understand that. However, we can get caught up in “the struggle” such that we make it the requirement in order to move forward or excel in anything we do. Sometimes, the door is opened foe us by the work and struggle of others and the work required of us is simply to take the step. We get so caught up in the struggle that we miss the blessing. Count it all joy when you’re allowed to reap when others have sown for you. Just remember to pay it forward.


Be your own music. You were designed and designated to be you so do it to the best of your ability. Tomorrow marks a year since the release of my single Release Me. It was the best time of my life and the start of the hardest year of my life. But listen up. Conquer your hurdles. Please don’t be so stubborn as to think asking for your village’s support devalues your testimony. If anything, they add seasoning to the sauce! You are a life source-first for yourself. But purpose is waiting on you…


This is a super simple realization a reminder to be meaningful to yourself before you’re concerned about everyone else. If this pandemic taught you nothing else, it taught you how to prioritize YOU. It’s not selfish. It’s necessary. When you genuinely care for who you are and what you have to offer, what you put out into the world AND ADD TO IT will connect with your audience and not only will your output but your input will be purposeful on another level. But you must

Trust your journey! I’m trusting mine…


April 24, 2021 wasn’t my favorite day. Sometimes your days will be interrupted by life altering moments that will shut you down and make you still. They will, quite literally, take the breath out of your lungs. This time it wasn’t God because I was angry. It wasn’t strength because I had none. It wasn’t faith because my storage was empty-seemingly. It was my village that picked me up, literally cleaned my wounds and prayed me through. I’m still dealing with the burns but they’re healing really well. Better than I thought. Don’t take for granted your village and never underestimate the power of prayer. Don’t shame yourself for being angry. God knows you and doesn’t hold it against you. That’s why He sends you soldiers. Keep walking. 👑


Everything has its purpose in life...even you epilepsy. This last 30 days has been a true reminder of purpose and process. As many battles as there have been, there’re been doors opening, redirects and goals being accomplished so you can’t hate what makes you great. It’s all a part of your process. The highs and the lows. The bitter and the sweet.
💜 👣 🌟


As much as I want to fold after this last bout of, what, 5 seizures? I’ve never known pain like being fully conscious while they pull two of my teeth from my mouth as a result of having bitten down after too many seizures. The numbing meds wore off before I got my prescription so I sat in recovery not knowing how to describe the pain but not being able to be given any more without being given an overdose. My eye was still black and blue and swollen from the seizure a few days prior. I’ve never been in as much pain. Ever. Like, EVER. But I went to work. I tried to hang with my sis to get my mind off of it. I needed anything to keep me out of that pity zone that was knocking at my door. That depression that was going to keep me focused on the hurt and not the healing. The pain and not the press. God has ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS brought me out whether I was standing on my own, with my family and friends holding me up or by His strength. I’m telling you, friends. Read that scripture and think about it like this; the battlefield is often in the mind. Sometimes you have to girt your MIND up. Having done all to stand, stand knowing in your mind that God simply WILL NOT FAIL YOU.


Release Me 04/04/2021

A reminder on this resurrection Sunday that there was a Man who gave of himself because He thought you were worth it... Even you. You were worth it all. 😇

Release Me The debut single Release Me by up and coming artist AriaCamille is a worship song for the perfectly imperfect person looking for safety in the eyes and arms ...


What I can say is that our journeys to our goals involve tests and struggle and evolution. Such cannot come without moments of vulnerability and weakness. Sis, acknowledging this isn’t what makes you weak. What keeps you weak is refusing give yourself the grace to be an entire human being. You aren’t superhuman. You don’t have all the answers. You need your village. You will need to breathe. Now may not be your time and IT IS OKAY. There is anointing in obscurity. Enjoy it. Learn in that space. Breathe in that space. Keep walking or allow your village or your God to carry you when you don’t have the strength. Stay the course. Do the work. Your journey is yours alone. I say this because I live this. My village told me the same.


Whew Chile! It has been a while, hasn’t it? Missed you! Dealing with an ambulatory EEG. But it’s a part of this journey to wellness. This one may hold some answers. I’m curious. isn’t a saying, it’s a lifestyle. Can’t imagine not living a life on purpose.


Truer words have never been spoken. She may have taken her rest but her charge remains.


I saw this on a friends page and it reminded me of the kind of woman I want to be for other women. I want my experiences to encourage other women; my energy to uplift and inspire other women and my actions to pay forward what was and is being poured into me by the women I encounter.


I can’t believe I’m here to witness this day! I’m not leavin the house! Lol frfr but I’m sure glad the day is here! I’m encouraged! 💗💚


Do we all have our goals and it’s cute to think of what we want to accomplish but we tend not to think about the middle road and the steps involved to get from point a to b. It doesn’t have to be as daunting as we make it seem. I’m doing something different this year to make sure my results look different. I want to go a step beyond a little progress. I want the WOW. So I’m planning and putting in the work!

What goals are you setting for yourself? Have you written them down? Are they visible? Do you have action steps that you’re checking off daily? What are you doing to keep yourself accountable?


It’s the new year and the time for setting goals is upon us. Make sure you’re setting goals that are realistic and authentic to your journey and not in competition with those around you. Don’t force a thing on yourself. In 2021, be an advocate for your peaceful progression no matter what you are attempting to accomplish. Let that be because it’s right for you, not because you see your peers succeeding in their lanes. For me health has always been something I strived for in one way or another but inconsistently at best and it would be hard when I saw friends surpass the goals I set for myself but when I asked myself was I truly paying the cost???

No matter what you’re striving for, make sure you’re doing it for YOU and for reasons that endure and make sense in your own mind and soul...


Faith over fear.



Sometimes you simply trust the change and then sometimes you are the change. 🌎


2021 has begun in an amazing manner. I may have lost a family member already but in a most peaceful way. Prior to that news God has been showing all the way out and been walking so close beside me in spite of these health battles that I can’t help but be grateful so my mood will simply be to find gratitude in each moment to push out darkness and make room for nothing but light. What are you determined to do this year? Share in the comments. Time to hold each other accountable for positivity. 💜


Perspective is so important in a season that is unapologetic in trimming and rebirthing and causing death in our lives. Remember, though, that inasmuch as you would have quit and given up, you have survived each of those moments and you’ll survive this one. What I say to you, I had to look at my own self after these last row seizures and say “you too, Aria. Keep pushing.” So keep pushing.


They found me on the floor of my apartment dead-so they thought. I had been on a journey to that moment and have been on a journey since. It was about so much more than surviving that seizure. Are you courageous enough to put a down payment of praise for your process today? I guarantee you’re worth the investment.


If not you, then who???⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣


For all my people battling the stigmas associated with disabilities who feel like winning in this season. You’re part of something way bigger. You’ve survived every time for a reason.


Initially, a lot of Americans thought educators had it easy. But this has been the single hardest year of my teaching career. It has been mentally DRAINING to lose friends, family, colleagues one after another and still remain dedicated to the kiddos I serve and their families. To be there for them as they simultaneously deal with their own losses? To adjust to this perpetually changing new normal and tense social climate both I and out of the classroom. When I say I give 1009%, if you know me, you know it’s true. To feel as though I’m only giving 100% let’s you know how I feel at the end of this semester. But I’m hopeful always and was in the store looking at materials tonight for the spring. Lol No time for weariness.


I don’t know who needs this reminder but, if He did it before...


Man, if we could be as gracious with each other if we expect them to be with us... Even still, if we could extend that grace to ourselves, perhaps we could create a culture of authentic sisterhood that would nurture much needed bonds of support and community...


Everything is assigned a season and a time. As you WORK towards your goals, don’t be discouraged when doors don’t opens quickly, when they close, and when you don’t advance when you think you should. Keep pushing and your time will come.

Timeline photos 15/12/2020

God has not forgotten you. Remember this next time you're tempted to bow out. Conversely remember this next time you're tempted to criticize your bro or sis for their rise or fall. You don't know what it took to get to that high...or that low.


Is anyone else's holiday wish list looking a little different this year? I feel like I'm going to simply be grateful to see 2021.

Timeline photos 14/12/2020

Remember that it costs you nothing to forgive others. The investment you're making is in an effort to build a legacy of forgiveness that allows you to learn from each experience. Knowledge and wisdom are the principle things.


What stories do your scars hold?


When I first saw this quote, she was not yet Vice President Elect Harris. I left it as future vp as a reminder to myself and to you of what she faced on her way to this point and as a sober reminder that this is just the beginning of the most impactful season of her life.

Your turn!


The moment you liberate yourself from the fear and shame of failing is the moment you free yourself to experience true success. The shame hurts, the fear is gut wrenching. A wise man once said “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” A wiser woman said “This is my mood foreva.” didn’t know she motivated me but she did! Good lookin out!

Oceans of Love,


Guard the economy of your thoughts as closely as you do your company lest you become an enemy of your own mind. Speak life to yourself and be grateful in advance for what is on the way!

Videos (show all)

Sometimes it’s hard to realize when you’ve  overextended yourself and you need to take a step back and take care of you....
Whew Chile! It has been a while, hasn’t it? Missed you! Dealing with an ambulatory EEG.  But it’s a part of this journey...
I can’t believe I’m here to witness this day! I’m not leavin the house! Lol frfr but I’m sure glad the day is here! I’m ...
Faith over fear.
2021 has begun in an amazing manner. I may have lost a family member already but in a most peaceful way. Prior to that n...
For all my people battling the stigmas associated with disabilities who feel like winning in this season. You’re part of...
Man, if we could be as gracious with each other if we expect them to be with us... Even still, if we could extend that g...