VUB in Perspectives

VUB in Perspectives

The weekly livestream on VUB specific topics.


The fourth and last episode of in Perspectives is here! Learn more about the studentlife at the VUB and the infamous student associations from Sofie De Smet, head of VUB Studentaffairs, and Louise Nagels, president of Brussels Studentengenootschap - Geen Taal, Geen Vrijheid. 👩‍🎓🥳


Hello everyone, tomorrow at 6pm we will publish our fourth and last episode of VUB in Perspectives! Learn more about the studentlife at the VUB and the infamous student associations from Sofie De Smet, head of VUB Studentaffairs, and Louise Nagels, president of Brussels Studentengenootschap - Geen Taal, Geen Vrijheid. 👩‍🎓🥳

This time it will be in the format of a minimally edited video. You will find the video under the Video's tab. Stay tuned!


Dear VUB family,
we wanted to congratulate all the students that have graduated these past days and wish the best of luck to the students going for the second session. ✌🎓

As for the fourth and final episode of VUB in Perspectives, there will be no livestream today. Instead, the fourth episode will be published as an edited video on our page in the days to come. Thank you for your patience and enjoy your well deserved summer holidays! 🌞

VUB in Perspectives 02/07/2020

3 hours until our third episode this evening at 6pm! The podcast will be livestreamed into the Facebook event: VUB in Perspectives - Episode 3: Music and Art at the VUB and on here on the page.

You have a burning question about Music and Art? We will be interviewing three students with a special tie to Music and Art! Make sure to tune in and send us your questions 👇👩‍🎤👨‍🎤

VUB in Perspectives This is the submission form for questions during the stream, for feedback on the project and for topic suggestions. We are looking forward reading from you!


Our third guest is Gregory Eliarts, a BA2 Law student. Going under the artist name of Bionic Beats, Gregory has started dj'ing at the young age of 14 years. Next to dj' producing his own tracks, he has been putting about 30-40 times student parties on fire since he began playing at the VUB two years ago.

Wonder what it takes to become a DJ? Or you have other questions you would like to ask Gregory? Let us know:


Our second guest will be Lieselotte De Coninck, a Master student in Agogische Wetenschappen. For five years now, Lieselotte has been a member of VUB Musical and took up responsibilities for three years as the director of the club. As the former director, Lieselotte knows everything on and behind the stage.

Ever wanted to be part of a Musical? Or you have questions you would like to ask Lieselotte? Let us know:


Our first guest this week is Marnick Moens, a BA3 Social Sciences student. Although very much involved in the student life at the VUB, he still finds time to compose songs and perform with his band. As the lead singer of Kunos, he will tell us about how Kunos became to be and how he combines the band with his studies.

Do you practice an instrument and sing? Or do have questions you would like to ask Marnick? Let us know:


Episode 3 is coming, what an aesthetic number! 😍👇

This week's topic is about Music and Art at the VUB. Arts and Sciences have always been intimately connected to one another. As a place of science, the VUB is not only a site where art is made but is art by inception.

Check out the event VUB in Perspectives - Episode 3: Music and Art at the VUB for more info!


Thank you for joining us yesterday at our second episode of VUB in Perspectives. It was very interesting to interview the new Kot Koach and Head of Student Housing, Jelle Tierens and Bart Geelens! 😍

You can rewatch the episode here:

We would also love to hear your feedback on yesterday's episode or suggestions for future episodes, you can use the form below 👇🏘

VUB in Perspectives 24/06/2020

Only 24 hours until our second episode tomorrow at 6pm! The podcast will be livestreamed into the Facebook event: VUB in Perspectives - Episode 2: Living on Kot at the VUB

You have a burning question about Student Housing? We will be interviewing Jelle Kotcoach Vub and Bart Geelen, the new head of Student Housing! Make sure to tune in and send us your questions 👇🏘

VUB in Perspectives


Our second guest is Bart Geelen, the new head of the VUB Student Housing. As an active VUB alumnus returning to campus feels like coming home. With a fresh vision on student housing in an international and metropolitan context, it is his goal to make it possible to live together and have this unforgettable Kot-life.

Do you have Kot experiences to share with us or questions you would like to ask Bart? Send them via this form:


This week we invited Jelle Tierens, the new VUB Kotcoach. Although the VUB planned to hire a student coach way before the corona crisis, hiring Jelle has proved to be more than necessary in recent weeks. As Kotcoach, Jelle helps students in need of fighting loneliness, feeling at home on campus and, in September, new students moving in.

Do you have Kot experiences to share with us or questions you would like to ask Jelle? Send them via this form:


And we are back for round two! 😍👇

This week's topic is about living on kot at the VUB. Moving into a kot gives young students the freedom they were dreaming of. But living alone, taking care of themselves, learning independently and making new friends is not easy for everyone.

Check out the event VUB in Perspectives - Episode 2: Living on kot at the VUB for more info!


Thank you, everyone, for joining us tonight at our first episode of VUB in Perspectives. It was a great pleasure to interview Inas Djelloul and Maeva Ndontsa! 😍

You can rewatch the episode here:

We would also love to hear your feedback on tonight's episode or suggestions for future episodes, you can use this google form:

VUB in Perspectives 17/06/2020

Only 24 hours!! We are very excited for the first episode tomorrow evening! The podcast will be livestreamed into the Facebook event: VUB in Perspectives - Episode 1: Ethnic minorities at the VUB.

We encourage you to ask questions to our guests Inas Djelloul and Maeva Ndontsa, time for questions has been foreseen towards the end of the stream. For this please use the below google form:

VUB in Perspectives This is the submission form for questions during the stream, for feedback on the project and for topic suggestions. We are looking forward reading from you!


Our second guest is Maeva Ndontsa, a former Temmer (recruiter) of PERSkring VUB. As a Temmer, Maeva experienced from a unique perspective the folkloric associations and how they appeal to students from ethnic minorities.

Check out the event VUB in Perspectives - Episode 1: Ethnic minorities at the VUB to know who else is invited!


Our first guest is Inas Djelloul, President of Studentenvereniging MiXOmniA. As a former member of Belgian Youth Against Racism, Inas hoped to create a platform for the social debates that have an impact on people with a different origin or colour.

Check out the event VUB in Perspectives - Episode 1: Ethnic minorities at the VUB to know who else is invited!


This week's topic is about ethnic minorities at the VUB and their experience with racism. The tragic murder of George Floyd revealed once more the, at times very subtle, racism that is deeply ingrained in western societies, Belgium is not an exception.

Check out the event VUB in Perspectives - Episode 1: Ethnic minorities at the VUB for more info!


VUB in Perspectives is a weekly livestream on VUB specific topics. Panels of diverse students will talk about their experiences and debate the topics in regards to the VUB. 😮

Follow VUB in Perspectives for more info!


Opening Hours

09:00 - 17:00