Jonathan XccidentalX - Accidental Acts

Jonathan XccidentalX - Accidental Acts

Promoting and Making Known the Musical Composition, Singing and Collaboration of Jonathan Xccidenta


The Math of Hypocrisy

Update: FYI, as of 11 Dec 2023 (today) I added more slides making it from 71 slides to 125 slides now.

Powerpoint Slide - Why I wrote the books? An Explanation
Powerpoint Viewer Version (sent in emails) but Posted 7 Dec 2023

*Any error is mine and if anything turned out accurate it’s by God’s Grace only.
Peace to you and Thank you

[Text] Hypocrites say All religion same.

One of the biggest hypocrites are those who often say

"... I don't believe in converting anyone into my religion; for me all religion is same & I believe in family ...".

And here's some example proof why:

1) When a person in a family converts say into Christianity, these immediately "cut off all ties" with that person because he is a Christian because before "knowing of that conversion" they were in "contact" with him. This "contradicts" their statement that they will 'never keep away from family' where this "cut-off person" was their "family" too, right? So a more "truthful" statement would be they will keep in contact with you if and only if you believe the same as them, right? True Christians must thus talk/keep in contact with non-Christian family members and NOT play these same LOW-IQ games; obvious, right?

2) When a person of a certain skill is encountered, they give work so they can make money too. But after knowing that person's Christian beliefs, they realize that it does "not" agree with "their religion" or that it does "not" glorify their "own race", so they "stop" giving work. This "contradicts" their statement that they said 'all religion is same'. Because if so, they would "not" mind a person converting into Christianity or anything else since they said all is same, right? This again is another lie. True Christians do "not" make such "false" claims just to please men. We know that our religion is NOT the same as others.

We respect other religions by NOT commenting on it as Bible instructed (in 1 Corinthians 5:9 – 13 as obedience is better than sacrifice [From Page 274 onward of the ]). If someone claiming to be Christian does the opposite, it's NOT the same as us just like if a person from your religion does wrong, we don't judge all of them wrong, right? So each is only judged for their "own actions/words", fair, right? Peace to you


The Math of Music Holiness

Fast Fact first: The "Bible" itself records "Secular Song" by Blessed King David (who is the BEST WORSHIPPER of GOD & the only man mentioned to be AFTER God's Heart in the Bible) to his best friend "Jonathan" which does NOT worship NOR mention God once in the Song itself meaning God ALLOWS it in Scripture!

In this "song of the Bow" we find these famous lines

"... 25“How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle! JONATHAN WAS SLAIN IN YOUR HIGH PLACES. 26I AM DISTRESSED FOR YOU, MY BROTHER JONATHAN; You have been very pleasant to me; YOUR LOVE TO ME WAS WONDERFUL, SURPASSING THE LOVE OF WOMEN. ..." (2 Samuel 1:25 - 26, NKJV)

So we cannot make "fake holiness" by disapproving what God has allowed and allowing what God has disallowed in the Bible.

I have discussed this aspect [From Page 293 onward of the ] if keen.

This famous modern singer in 2023 is extremely popular with say 8.3 BILLION YouTube Views and yet he is willing to GIVE such a MONEY-LUCRATIVE music business for CHRIST. Daddy Yankee probably has to leave it because the SONG types which are MOST POPULAR SING with DIRTY DOUBLE SEXUAL MEANINGS and/or have SEXUAL or SEXY IMAGES or DANCING in MUSIC VIDEOS (these type songs are even done by some ARTISTS claiming to be Christians even depicting to encourage WOMENIZING, DRUGS, ALCOHOL, DIRTY DANCING, DOUBLE MEANINGS etc. which strangely are "most popular". It shows how sick the "general society" which supports it really is, right? Let God Judge.

“… The post's caption accompanied a video clip of Daddy Yankee sharing his plans to dedicate himself to his religion with retirement. It went on to quote lines from the Bible: "'For what good is it for a man to gain the whole world, if he loses his life? Or how much can a man pay for his life? For the Son of Man will come in the glory of his Father and with his angels, and then he will reward each one according to what he has done.'" … Luis Fonsi, who performed with Daddy Yankee on Sunday night and famously collaborated with him on "Despacito," their chart-topping 2017 hit, shared a message praising the mark his fellow artist has left on the industry.…”


CHRISTIAN ARTISTS need to ask this question:

Does my songs PROMOTE SIN or sings about LOVE or LIFE in a secular way without contradicting any Bible Verse?

If our songs celebrate sins (in words, dirty dancing or in images), no matter how popular it is, it actually JUDGES the "christian" artist for his ETERNAL REWARDS to be lower or no reward (1 Corinthians 3:15) unless he has REPENTED and RENOUNCED such ones. Peace to you

Photos from Jonathan XccidentalX - Accidental Acts's post 07/12/2023

6 Dec 2023

Photos from Jonathan XccidentalX - Accidental Acts's post 07/12/2023

Powerpoint Slide - Why I wrote the books? An Explanation

FULL Powerpoint Viewer Version (sent in emails) but Posted 7 Dec 2023 in link below:

*Any error is mine and if anything turned out accurate it’s by God’s Grace only.
Peace to you and Thank you

Lost Without You - Jonathan [Official Lyrical Video] 10/11/2020

Please Enjoy!

Lost Without You - Jonathan [Official Lyrical Video] Sound Cloud Link: Artist/Music/Composer/Lyrics: Jonathan (Acoustic Guitars/Bass/Rhythm Guitar/Electric Guitars/Lead ...


Thank You Sound Street Radio (Track No. 9)

Sound Street Radio (United Kingdom/Japan) Week of October 7, 2019

Natalie Jean. ‘Lying To Us’
Bethnie Rose Music. ‘Will You’
Hidden Phase. ‘Sell Your World’
The Isan Project. ‘Sanctuary’
Brandon Isaiah. ‘Betrayal’
Kasama. ‘Deep Water’
Jonathan Karve. ‘Heavy Lies The Crown’
Prince lance. ‘ Ljo Lancy’
Jonathan Ramachandran‘Lost Without You’
The Laissez Fairs. ‘Marigold’


Thank You Tom Lambert at the Independent Music Show for including the "Lost Without You" song in their playlist too (No. 5 in image) - 4 October 2019

To quote (the Original Post):

Jonathan play-listed.....
'The Independent Music Show'
Newsletter & Play-List 04/Oct'/2019
Featured – 'Cabela and Schmitt'

Kindness does make the world go round.

Thank You so much for Listening!


Thank You Steve at Sound Street Radio 4 October 2019 for Playing the "Lost Without You" song.

His comment is a little hilarious as he assumed that I was Chinese for some reason since I come from Malaysia, lol haha.

Well, Malaysian & Human we are here - Common Grounds, hehe.


Source YouTube Link:

Sound Cloud link:

Thank You so much for Watching & Listening!

P/S: Sound Street Radio

This and all other shows can be seen on our SSR Facebook Live page

and heard on our website

and downloaded from Mixcloud

and the iTunes Store (Podcasts)


Thank You Sound Street Radio - 4 October 2019 (Friday)

Thank You for Listening too!


Looking for a Singer at your Function?


Song: Lost Without You

YouTube Link:

Number of Songs: 1

Preparation on your side: A Microphone System and a Sound System to Play the Minus1 for the Lost Without You Song. A Minus1 is a 'Music only background' for the Song without any Singing on it. So, I will be singing live to it while it runs on the background. The Minus1 will be a simple mp3 or WAV file.

Function: Anything from a Wedding, Birthday, a Get Together at a home/company, a Celebration, a Show you're organizing, A Corporate Event, bar, pub, gigs, concerts or anything that you decide to be a fit.

Location: At your Function Place preferably in the Klang Valley area.

Available Days: Saturday Nights or Sunday Nights (above 6 pm).

Price: FREE (no charge at all)

My Purpose: I feel like singing it live for now toward anyone who may like it to bless you with this Music for free.

Please contact me via Facebook or at WhatsApp (+6010 - 8803 763) for more info or booking.

Thank you so much for considering!




Thank You Lonely Oak Radio - 28 September 2019

Source YouTube Link:

Sound Cloud link:

Thank You so much for Watching & Listening!

Lost Without You - Jonathan [Official Preliminary Lyrical Video] 24/09/2019

Lost Without You -Song Links on Various Platforms

1) YouTube

Lost Without You (Lyrical Video) link:

2) Apple Music

Lost Without You - Song Link

3) Spotify

Lost Without You - Song Link

4) Sound Cloud

Lost Without You - Song Link:

5) iTunes
Lost Without You – Store Link:

6) Spinnup

Lost Without You - Song Link:

7) Deezer

Lost Without You - Song :Link:

Lost Without You - Jonathan [Official Preliminary Lyrical Video] Sound Cloud Link: Artist/Music/Composer/Lyrics: Jonathan (Acoustic Guitars/Bass/Rhythm Guitar/E...