This is a page featuring news about the projects and activities of the postcolonial research group C

Caryl Phillips’s Genealogies 13/11/2023

It's out!

"Caryl Phillips's Genealogies" - written to honour the career of renown Phillipsian scholar Bénédicte Ledent.
With chapters and short texts by Stephen Clingman, Kathie Birat, Kerry-Jane Wallart, Malica S. Willlie, Louise Yelin, Christine Pagnoulle, Pilar Cuder–Domínguez, Evelyn O'Callaghan; Bastien Bomans, Carine Mardorossian, Su Ping, Alison Donnell, Peter H. Marsden, Maria Cristina Fumagalli, Marie Herbillon, and Marc Delrez. Includes a foreword by Caryl Phillips. The volume is edited by Delphine Munos, Evelyn O'Callaghan, and Mathilde Mergeai.

We're thrilled!

Caryl Phillips’s Genealogies "Caryl Phillips’s Genealogies" published on 18 May 2023 by Brill.


CEREP's new board (director Delphine Munos, co-director Marie-Herbillon, and coordinators Valérie-Anne Belleflamme and Bastien Bomans) will now be taking over the management of the research unit's page. The page will not only feature news about CEREP activities, but also announcements about other postcolonial events, publications, and job vacancies.

Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse 16/10/2023

Research units CIRTI and CEREP will be co-organizing an international conference in collaboration with KU Leuven on 26-27 October 2023. The theme of the conference is "Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts." Keynote speakers are Rachael Gilmour (Queen Mary University of London) and Gillian Lane-Mercier (McGill University).

The programme of the event is available on the conference website at

Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse 26–27 October 2023 Conference Description Initially relegated to the margins of translation studies, literary self-translation has now become a research topic in its own right, both in the fields of translation studies and comparative literature. While translation studies typically concentrate on ...

Conversations on African and Afrodiasporic Literatures 16/10/2023

CEREP will be hosting a symposium entitled “Conversations on African and Afrodiasporic Literatures” at the University of Liège, Belgium, on 30 November 2023. The symposium is a small-scale event where senior and junior scholars are invited to meet in a convivial atmosphere.

The programme of the event, and details on how to register, are available on the conference website at https://www.cerep.uliege.be/cms/c_10929516/en/conversations-on-african-and-afrodiasporic-literatures

Deadline for registration: 23 November

Conversations on African and Afrodiasporic Literatures An international symposium on recent key developments in African and Afrodiasporic literary studies, co-organized by Ángela Suárez-Rodríguez, Daria Tunca, and Yasmine Ait Abbou.