ASECD is a non-profit humanitarian organization that works for improving the education, nutrition and health of children in difficult circumstances.
ASECD was founded in 1999. The work began informally when Clément P. Ouedraogo, the director, offered street children clothes, shoes and first aid, purchased through gifts received from interns or volunteers, whom he met in the course of his professional work. The 14th of April 1999 the organization was granted official status according to local law. Since then the work has expanded but still with
Laissez Un Petit Mot à l'endroit des enfants en SITUATION DE RUE.
Au centre d'écoute Puirkièta
Many of the children of ASECD are offered apprenticeships.
The Puirkèta Project provides a day center for street children. Here they can be washed and fed. The center also offers first aid, educational and recreational activities.
ASECD offers education to some of the poorest children in Ouagadougou.
ASECD serves lunch for the children
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Ouaga 2000
World Vision est une organisation internationale chrétienne axée sur la protection de l'enfant
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Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso
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Arrondissement 5
Ouagadougou, 09BP822OUAGADOUGOU09
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