Treatment in Bulgaria

Treatment in Bulgaria

All about treatments, costs, and medical assistance in the largest Japanese private hospital- Tokuda Hospital, Sofia

It takes more than just an inquiry form to understand the needs and condition of a person and to provide him with the proper procedure and service. We believe that health is first place factor that defines our lives, so health care is more than just saving money or visiting exotic foreign place meanwhile. Health care is about striving to make human life fulfilled. That's why we built a team to wor

11th Scoliosis Rehabilitation Camp 12/09/2016

Friendly atmosphere and superior PT care provided by the leading Schroth Instructor Nikola Jevtic and his team! 10 days intensive Schroth treatment in Bulgaria!

11th Scoliosis Rehabilitation Camp Описание Шрот лагерът е 10 дневна интензивна терапия за консервативно лечение на сколиоза и кифоза. От 2014г. Scoliosis Rehabilitation Camp организира шрот л...

Timeline photos 18/05/2016

Intensive Schroth therapy program for children with scoliosis in amazing 5 stars SPA atmosphere for 10 days in July. For more information: [email protected]

Over an year our team succesfully performs the exceptional concept of Schroth camp treatment for children with spinal curvatures.
Schroth camp is organized as a ten-day intensive treatment in accordance with the Schroth method that is applied in the correction of scoliosis. Exercises are performed daily four hours and a half, i.e. three 90-minute-sessions, per day. A licensed Schroth therapist with a multiple-year experience works with children. The camp may be attended by persons who have scoliosis and are over the age of 10. It is not recommended for children under the age of 10 due to the complexity of exercises. Schroth camp is already held in Ribarska banja, Serbia, and from this year on, it is also held in Tokuda hospital in Sofia. The purpose of the camp is to enable persons with scoliosis to master Schroth exercises and continue performing them even after the camp is finished in the household conditions with the occasional professional supervision. The resulted achieved during the previous camps can be clinically proven with measurements and before and after x-rays

Schroth Camp Experience 29/01/2016

"My story" video of impressive Schroth camps to treat spinal curvitures and prevent surgery.

Schroth Camp Experience Watch an interview with one of our patients during the winter Schroth camp. To stay up to date with our latest videos and information, subscribe to this YouT...

Tokuda Hospital Sofia: In Safe Hands 25/01/2016

Our international patient coordinators are already reachable in USA.Call us at: +1 818 462 3997 or write to: [email protected]

Thank you, Joanne Nicholas for the nice words and your trust!

Tokuda Hospital Sofia: In Safe Hands

Timeline photos 28/11/2015

Today we celebrate nine years from the opening of Tokuda Hospital Sofia . Since then, our medical teams have provided treatment to over 2 million and 200 thousand people and gave lives to over 8,000 babies - the first of them Kaloyan - soon will celebrate his ninth birthday! Congratulations to the whole team of "Tokuda Hospital Sofia" and Medical Center "Tokuda" - all doctors and health care professionals who every day save hundreds and continuously improve for the sake of a better quality of life and uninterupted patients access to highly specialized and timely medicine. Be healthy, valued and dedicated to your most humane mission - the protection of human health! We express our gratitude to the millions of people who support us as their hospital of choice!

9 години от откриването на Токуда Болница София се навършват днес. Оттогава медицинските ни екипи са оказали помощ на над 2 милиона и 200 хиляди души и е посрещнат живота на над 8000 бебета - първото от тях Калоян - скоро ще празнува своя девети рожден ден! Честит празник на целия екип на МБАЛ "Токуда Болница София" и ДКЦ "Токуда" - на всички лекари и професионалисти по здравни грижи, които всеки ден спасяват стотици и се усъвършенстват в името на по-доброто качество на живот и безпрепятствения достъп на болните до високоспециализирана и навременна медицина. Бъдете здрави, ценени и посветени на своята най-хуманна мисия - опазването на човешкото здраве! Благодарим на милионите хора, които ни подкрепят като свой първи избор на лечебно заведение!

Today we celebrate nine years from the opening of Tokuda Hospital Sofia . Since then, our medical teams have provided treatment to over 2 million and 200 thousand people and gave lives to over 8,000 babies - the first of them Kaloyan - soon will celebrate his ninth birthday! Congratulations to the whole team of "Tokuda Hospital Sofia" and Medical Center "Tokuda" - all doctors and health care professionals who every day save hundreds and continuously improve for the sake of a better quality of life and uninterupted patients access to highly specialized and timely medicine. Be healthy, valued and dedicated to your most humane mission - the protection of human health! We express our gratitude to the millions of people who support us as their hospital of choice!

Bulgaria offers 1st class medical services - Bamro 20/07/2015

Thank you Mr. Ross for this posive feedback and patience during your visit!

Bulgaria offers 1st class medical services - Bamro Bulgaria offers 1st class medical services. Written by: Douglas Ross Bulgaria may not be the first place you would think of to find 1st rate medical services. However they are here and 100% accessible. Having lived in Bulgaria since 2005 we have been fortunate enough not to have had any serious medi…

Токуда Болница от птичи поглед - Видео Дрон 01/07/2015

Tokuda Hospital Sofia - A bird's-eye view :)

Токуда Болница от птичи поглед - Видео Дрон Вижте видеото, заснето с дрон на МБАЛ "Токуда Болница София". Уникални кадри на най-голямата частна болница в България на фона на пролетна София и Витоша.

Пролет в Токуда 30/04/2015

Beautiful Japanese Sakura trees - symbol of spring blossomed around Tokuda Hospital.

Красивите японски вишневи дръвчета - сакури, цъфнаха в двора на Токуда Болница.
Пожелаваме ви щастливи и слънчеви празнични дни! :)

Photos from Treatment in Bulgaria's post 28/04/2015

A child with 125 degrees scoliosis given new lease of life by the Orthopedic team of Tokuda Hospital Sofia.

11 years old girl with an extreme spinal curvature was successfully operated on by the orthopedic surgeons of Tokuda Hospital Sofia. The child was admitted with a spinal curvature of 125 degrees which poses as a life threatening condition. The specialists took the decision to perform the high risk, complicated surgery after it became clear that girl’s scoliosis could not be treated by non surgical procedures.

“In the most severe cases, if the condition is neglected, the deformity of the spine leads to pressure on vital organs and restrictsn their everyday function. Due to the potential threat of damage to the spinal cord surgical treatment of children is considered a high risk procedure .” Over the last 7 years 70 children with severe form of scoliosis were successfully operated by Dr. Yablanski and his team in Tokuda Hospital Sofia.

The girl was discharged from the hospital with a significant correction in posture. She was followed up actively by the surgeons and the physiotherapists of the Japanese Hospital.

Photos from Treatment in Bulgaria's post 01/04/2015

Bloodless organ saving surgery by Top Urologists in Tokuda Hospital

A highly skilled team of urologists lead by Dr Kaloyan Davidoff, not once but twice successfully removed cancerous tumours from patients. The surgeries took place in March 2015 by laparoscopic method, and successfully left the healthy remaining organs intact.

Both procedures were bloodless removing tumours, one of which was as large as six centimeters.

After receiving the minimally invasive surgery, both patients are making an exceptional recovery. Only one day post surgery both are active and in a strong frame of mind.

More often than not in cases of cancerous tumours on the kidney, it results in total removal of the organ.
This can also result in the removal of the adrenal glands and ureters.
Open surgery is a majorly invasive procedure. Which often results in significant incisions, and depending on the location of the tumour can consequently lead to the removal of a rib to allow the surgeon better operative access.

The Head of Urology Department:
Dr Kaloyan Davidoff stated:

" The laparoscopic procedure saved the organs of the patient. - The tumours have been completely removed and the functioning part of the kidney is preserved and works well".

Dr Davidoff 's team adopts a minimally invasive approach as routine procedure. It is less traumatic to patients and has a significantly shorter recovery time, in the case of open surgery recovery can take up to three months.

Dr Davidoff clarifies :

" When tumours are peripherally situated and/or they are not very big, it is possible to remove them without damaging the healthy tissue that remains. In both cases we had the chance to preserve the kidneys. This is a huge advantage for the general condition of the patient post surgery."

Removing the tumours without damaging surrounding tissues and organs is technically a very complex laparoscopic procedure.
In the past the majority of cases have required total kidney removal. With the improvement of equipment and the experience of the surgeon's the option for organ saving surgery has gradually increased.

Thanks to the vast training and smooth running of the operating team at Tokuda Hospital, coupled with the extensive experience that has been obtained, these options are now readily available here in Bulgaria and are used extensively.
Open surgery is now only used in extreme cases, allowing the removal of tumours which are prominent in size and invading adjacent organs as well as surrounding tissues.

Mobile uploads 03/03/2015
