GEALin Grupo de Estudos em Aquisição da Linguagem, Araraquara, SP Videos

Videos by GEALin Grupo de Estudos em Aquisição da Linguagem in Araraquara. O GEALin (Grupo de Estudos em Aquisição da Linguagem), da Faculdade de Ciências e Letras-FCL, UNESP, campus de Araraquara.

Hoje é dia de #TBTGEALin!

Muitas línguas indígenas são faladas no Brasil e o juruna é uma delas. No #tbt de hoje vamos relembrar uma conversa deliciosa com a Professora Cristina Fargetti, estudiosa e profunda conhecedora dessa língua indígena. O papo foi sobre a criança juruna e as cantigas de ninar. Mais uma riqueza que o GEALin traz para você que nos acompanha aqui pelas redes sociais!

Quer saber mais sobre esse tema? Então corra e assista o vídeo completo da série “E por falar em linguagem da criança...” e deixe seu comentário!
Link da Live:


Other GEALin Grupo de Estudos em Aquisição da Linguagem videos

Hoje é dia de #TBTGEALin! Muitas línguas indígenas são faladas no Brasil e o juruna é uma delas. No #tbt de hoje vamos relembrar uma conversa deliciosa com a Professora Cristina Fargetti, estudiosa e profunda conhecedora dessa língua indígena. O papo foi sobre a criança juruna e as cantigas de ninar. Mais uma riqueza que o GEALin traz para você que nos acompanha aqui pelas redes sociais! Quer saber mais sobre esse tema? Então corra e assista o vídeo completo da série “E por falar em linguagem da criança...” e deixe seu comentário! Link da Live: #GEALin #tbt #aquisicaodalinguagem #linguistica #linguaindigena #criancajuruna #cantigasdeninar

Theory in about 1 minute: Literacies In the sixth episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of Literacies is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #literacies

Theory in about 1 minute: Early literacy In the fifteenth episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of early literacy is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #earlyliteracy

Línguas de sinais, aquisição bilíngue e educação de crianças surdas no Brasil, com Ronice de Quadros
Você conhece a Língua Brasileira de sinais (LIBRAS)? Tem interesse em saber como as crianças surdas adquirem essa língua e o português do Brasil (bilinguismo)? Quer ampliar seus conhecimentos sobre as políticas linguísticas para a educação de surdos no Brasil? Então não perca a última live do ano, da série "E por falar em linguagem da criança....", no dia 08/12, às 18h, no Canal do Youtube do Grupo GEALin! Nesse encontro, teremos a imensa honra de receber como nossa convidada a professora Ronice Müller de Quadros (UFSC), grande especialista no tema! Imperdível! Haverá interpretação para LIBRAS e emissão de certificado. #aquisiçãodalinguagem #bilinguismo #políticaslinguísticas #linguadesinais

Theory in about 1 minute: Language In the fourteenth episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of language is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #language

Hoje é dia de #TBTGEALin! O TBT de hoje é da live “ Aquisição da linguagem em diferentes contextos de surdez”. Você sabe quais são os contextos de aquisição de língua de sinais? Tem curiosidade em saber mais sobre o papel do corpo no processo de aquisição da LIBRAS? E Como os pais, professores, avós etc. podem auxiliar a criança (surda ou ouvinte) no processo de aquisição da língua de sinais? Quer saber mais sobre essas questões? Então assista ao vídeo com os nossos convidados mais do que especiais, Ivani Fusillier (Université Paris VIII) e Edigleisson Alcântara (Secretaria de Educação de Pernambuco), e mediação de Alessandra Vieira (UFRGS – GEALin/NALingua – NEALLS). Você pode conferir essa live inteirinha no nosso canal do Youtube. Link na bio. Link da live: #GEALin #TBT #Aquisiçãodalinguagem #LIBRAS #Línguadesinais

A relação fala-escrita e a ortografia nos anos iniciais da escolarização
Quer saber mais sobre a relação entre a fala e a escrita na produção inicial de crianças em fase de alfabetização? Gostaria de conhecer mais sobre os erros ortográficos mais comuns nas produções escritas de crianças? Para responder a essas e outras questões o grupo GEALin (UNESP/Araraquara) convida a professora Ana Ruth Moresco Miranda (UFPel) para um bate-papo sobre o tema “A relação fala-escrita e a ortografia nos anos iniciais da escolarização”. A live da série “E por falar em linguagem da criança…” acontecerá na próxima quinta-feira (27/10), às 18h30, no canal do Youtube do GEALin, com a mediação de Rosângela Nogarini Hilário (UNESP-FCLAr). Haverá certificado de participação e interpretação para Libras! Quinta-feira, 27/10, às 18h30! Esperamos vocês!! #aquisiçãodaescrita #ortografia #produçãoescrita #errosortográficos #escolarização

Hoje é dia de #TBTGEALin! O Tbt de hoje é sobre a segunda live da série “E por falar em linguagem da criança…”, que teve a participação das pesquisadoras Alessandra Del Ré, Alessandra Jacqueline Vieira e Rosângela Nogarini Hilário para uma conversa sobre "A importância dos estudos em Aquisição da Linguagem para a ciência e a sociedade". Como são realizadas as pesquisas nessa área? E como os resultados de pesquisas na área das ciências humanas afetam diretamente a nossa vida? Questões mais que atuais considerando o presente contexto, vale a pena conferir! Vídeo completo no YouTube- #Aquisiçãodalinguagem #GEALin #TBT #Linguística #Estudosemaquisição

Theory in about 1 minute: Second Language In the twelfth episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of second language is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #secondlanguage

The theory in about 1 minute: Bilingualism In the eleventh episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of bilingualism speech is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #bilingualism

Hoje é dia de #TBTGEALin! De que forma a literatura pode ser utilizada como uma ferramenta para se trabalhar as questões de afetividade na educação infantil? Para tratar das questões que envolvem esse tema, o grupo GEALin convidou as professoras e pesquisadoras Poliana Zuin e Michele Machado para uma live da série "E por falar em linguagem da criança...". A conversa teve a mediação da professora Rosângela Nogarini Hilário. Você pode conferir essa live inteirinha no nosso canal do YouTube. Link da live: #aquisiçãodalinguagem #educaçãoinfantil #afetividade #literaturainfantil

Theory in about 1 minute: Child Directed Speech In the tenth episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of child direct speech is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #childdirectspeechTheory

A criança autista na linguagem: diferentes olhares
Quer conhecer mais sobre a linguagem da criança autista a partir de um outro olhar para esse fenômeno? Gostaria de saber mais sobre as diferentes formas de comunicação que envolvem o autismo e dialogar conosco sobre esse tema? Se sim, então não percam a nossa próxima live da série “E por falar em linguagem da criança...” sobre esse tema, que acontecerá na quinta-feira, dia 25/08 às 18h, no canal do Youtube do GEALin (Grupo de Estudos em Aquisição da Linguagem – UNESP/Araraquara). Para esse bate-papo, convidamos os pesquisadores Isabela Barbosa do Rêgo Barros (UNICAP), Silvia Aparecida Canonico (UNESP) e José Temístocles Ferreira Junior (UFRPE). A mediação será feita pela Profa. Dra. Alessandra Jacqueline Vieira (UFRGS). Haverá interpretação para Libras e emissão de certificação. Tema imperdível! Esperamos vocês! #aquisiçãodalinguagem #autismo #novosolhares #linguística

Hoje é dia de #tbtGEALin Já pensou em saber como se constituem os caminhos, as idas e vindas da criação textual de alunos que estão escrevendo seus primeiros textos? De que modo o/a professor/a deve auxiliar no processo de criação textual? Conhece os estudos sobre a rasura oral e a sua importância para o manuscrito escolar? Não? Nessa live de 2021, para responder a essas e outras questões, o grupo GEALin convidou o professor Eduardo Calil (UFAL) para um bate-papo sobre tema “A produção de texto na sala de aula: da rasura oral ao manuscrito escolar” Você pode conferir essa live inteirinha no nosso canal do Youtube. Link na bio. Link da live: #tbt #aquisiçãodalinguagem #produçõestextuais #linguística #educação

Theory in about 1 minute: Multimodality In the eighth episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of multimodality is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #multimodality

Theory in about 1 minute: Speech Genres
Theory in about 1 minute: Speech Genres In the fifth episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of speech genres is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #speechgenres

Apresentação GT em Aquisição da linguagem
No dia Nacional da Ciência, temos a honra de apresentar o GT em Aquisiçao da Linguagem da Anpoll. Viva a ciência! #Ciênciaparatodos #dianacionaldaciência #dianacionaldopesquisador #Anpollpelaciência

Theory in about 1 minute: Subjectivity In the fifth episode of the series "Theory in about 1 minute”, the concept of subjectivity is presented by Alistair Clark. "Theory in about 1 minute" is a series of podcasts and videocasts recorded in three languages (Brazilian Portuguese, French and English) that seeks to resume, in a less academic and more accessible language, some basic theoretical concepts for studies in Language Acquisition, from a dialogical-discursive perspective, or related to it. The texts were written by many hands and cover topics such as subjectivity, alterity, dialogue, language, speech genres, mother tongue, bilingualism, literacies, early literacy, and many others. Knowing the difficulty in addressing such complex concepts, especially in just one minute – or in about - the goal of the series is to bring, in a few words, an introduction of the theme, the beginning of the discussion, raising issues that can be debated inside and outside the walls of the university, seeking to relate theory and life. The series is another initiative of the Research Group on Language Acquisition at Unesp/Araraquara (GEALin), which, under the coordination of the PhD Professor Alessandra Del Ré, has promoted actions to popularize the results of scientific research in the area and was carried out with the support of the Institutional Program of Internationalization CAPES-Print. #theory #capesprint #languageaquisition #subjectivity