Don McDougle author and Founder

Don McDougle author and Founder

Join me in an adventure. This can be used as a guide to find the Truth of who you are and why you ca


I am going to Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal for 86 days. I plan to complete my next book there. "The Unseen World"


It has been a while since I updated this page. B een living in a RV with Carla and didn't make time to write. I am moving to Bastrop Texas and will be living alone again. I plan to finish the last book of my memoirs and the second book of my novel series. Watch for them here and on my timeline.

Random Memories: Life Goes On 30/01/2020

the next book in the series of my memoirs is now available at

Random Memories: Life Goes On This is the second book in the series recounting my life story. It started out to be just a few memories and has become more detailed than I originally thought it would be. You can read about the beginning years in the first book - Early Memories - The Early Years. all my contact information is a...


the next book in my memoirs is about to be published. it will be at Amazon.


The first book in the series of my memoirs is now available on Amazon.
the Spanish version will be published soon.


My book Random Memories will be a series. Book One- 'The Early Years' will be on Amazon soon.

El Tiempo Dirá: Fluido Navegar (Libre 1) (Spanish Edition) 14/11/2019

Ahora puede obtener una copia de El Tiempo Dirá: Fluido Navegar en Amazon

El Tiempo Dirá: Fluido Navegar (Libre 1) (Spanish Edition) Este libro es una aventura sobre un joven que tiene un sueño y hace todo lo posible para hacerlo realidad. Este es el primer libro de una serie. Sigue esta historia y mira si te identificas con el personaje principal. ¡Disfrutar!

El Tiempo Dirá: Fluido Navegar, an Ebook by Don McDougle 10/11/2019

You can now get an ebook copy of El Tiempo Dirá: Fluido Navegar at

El Tiempo Dirá: Fluido Navegar, an Ebook by Don McDougle Este libro es una aventura sobre un joven que tiene un sueño y hace todo lo posible para hacerlo realidad. Este es el primer libro de una serie. ¡Disfrutar!

Don McDougle 08/11/2019

Don McDougle Follow Don McDougle and explore their bibliography from's Don McDougle Author Page.

Time Will Tell: Smooth Sailing 31/10/2019

You who have not ordered my book are missing a real treat. And this is no trick. Happy Halloween, and Happy Samhain to you all!
From me to thee, Blessed Be!
A ustedes que no han ordenado mi libro les falta verdadero tratar. Y esto no es un truco. ¡Feliz Halloween y feliz Samhain para todos ustedes!
De mí para ti, ¡bendito seas!
¡muy pronto en español!

Time Will Tell: Smooth Sailing Join me in am adventure of a young man who was willing to do what ever it takes to have his dream come true. Watch him as he overcomes obstacles with the Same determination as Captain Ahab.


I am working on my book "Random Memories" and it has 22,922 words already and I am just at 1972. i am enjoying recalling my story. You who have done the Journey with me have share many intimate details of your life and now I am doing the same. this is a book you will want to read over and over. I love you!
Estoy trabajando en mi libro "Random Memories" y ya tiene 22.922 palabras y estoy en 1972. Estoy disfrutando recordando mi historia. Ustedes que han hecho Yje Journey conmigo han compartido muchos detalles íntimos de su vida y ahora estoy haciendo lo mismo. Este es un libro que querrás leer una y otra vez. ¡Te amo!


for you that have been following my books, I am finally writing my memoirs, "Random Memories". it will be published on Amazon. I have started writing my story many times and now I am finally doing it.

Time Will Tell: Smooth Sailing 29/08/2019

Order your copy today!

Time Will Tell: Smooth Sailing Join me in am adventure of a young man who was willing to do what ever it takes to have his dream come true. Watch him as he overcomes obstacles with the Same determination as Captain Ahab.


The paper back edition and the Kindle edition are available now at Amazon.


Well I am excited to say that I got my novel finished and entered in the Amazon Story Telling Contest. It will available on Amazon in few days! Time Will Tell: Smooth Sailing- Book 1.


I am putting the finishing touches to Book 1 of the novel i will be entering in the UK Story Telling contest. It will be available on Amazon after the first of September. i am now working on another book, 'Random Memories", a story of my life. i will let you know when I get it published


I have been working on the novel, 'Time Will Tell'. I had a general plot for it yet did not know exactly how it would play out. I will enter it in the 2019 UK Kindle Storyteller contest. the winner gets 20,000 UK Pounds. As I have been writing, i had the idea to make it into an ongoing series. We will see how it plays out. I will have it published through Amazon by August 31. Wish me good favor!


"Time will Tell"
Jon is sitting daydreaming in his fourth period class. He is just barely settled into the new school. This is the third school he has attended in the last seven years. His father is a pilot in the air force and get transferred every couple of years. His family has always moved to be together. Being the ‘new kid on the block’ is something he has got used to. He dare not get too close to anyone knowing he would move again soon. He always stayed to himself.
"El Tiempo Dirá"
Jon está sentado soñando despierto en su cuarto período de clase. Apenas se instala en la nueva escuela. Esta es la tercera escuela a la que ha asistido en los últimos siete años. Su padre es piloto en la fuerza aérea y se transfiere cada dos años. Su familia siempre se ha movido para estar juntos. Ser el "chico nuevo en el bloque" es algo a lo que se ha acostumbrado. No se atreve a acercarse demasiado a nadie sabiendo que se moverá pronto. Siempre se quedaba a sí mismo.


I started a novel today. It is entitled "Time Will Tell". This is a new adventure for me.
Comencé una novela hoy. Se titula "El Tiempo Dirá". Esta es una nueva aventura para mí.


I have started a Novel entitled "Time Will Tell"
He empezado una novela titulada "El Tiempo Dirá"


Una vista previa de la primera sobre el desarrollo de la psique humana.
Los Despertares En Este Mundo
Desde la concepción y más allá

Don McDougle

Este libro está dedicado a

La vida es una cosa milagrosa en todas sus formas. Dónde y cómo se originó se ha cuestionado desde el principio. Parece que hay una fuerza o energía vital que opera y se impulsa para continuar y renovar el proceso. Hay muchos conceptos de cómo comenzó. Ninguno de estos puede ser probado y tal vez realmente no importa. Nos encontramos aquí, así que tal vez la verdadera pregunta sea cómo se forma la psique humana, qué trae consigo todas las diferencias en las percepciones de los humanos y qué se puede hacer para traer más unidad a la humanidad.
En este libro veremos el desarrollo de la psique humana y cómo el subconsciente puede ser la fuerza que impulsa a un individuo en la forma en que se desarrolla y vive su vida. Usaré mi propia vida y también algunas de las que he tenido el privilegio de conocer y trabajar. Cada etapa de desarrollo es como un nuevo despertar. Cada ser humano experimenta alguno de estos en su vida. Mientras observamos estas etapas, los despertares, pueden verse a ustedes mismos en el camino. Mi esperanza es que puedas continuar en tus despertares hasta el final.


Como con todas las formas de vida, los humanos somos hombres y mujeres. Cada mes dentro de los ovarios de la hembra, un grupo de óvulos comienza a crecer en pequeños sacos llenos de líquido llamados folículos. Eventualmente, uno de los óvulos sale del folículo. Por lo general, ocurre aproximadamente 2 semanas antes de su próximo período menstrual. Después de que el huevo abandona el folículo, el folículo se convierte en algo llamado cuerpo lúteo. El cuerpo lúteo libera una hormona que ayuda a engrosar el revestimiento de su útero, preparándolo para el óvulo. Después de liberar el huevo, se mueve hacia la trompa de Falopio. Permanece allí durante aproximadamente 24 horas, esperando que un solo es***matozoide lo fertilice. Todo esto sucede, en promedio, aproximadamente 2 semanas después de su último período. Si un es***matozoide se abre paso en la trompa de Falopio y se hunde en el óvulo, lo fertiliza. El óvulo cambia para que ningún otro es***ma pueda entrar.
En el momento de la fertilización, los genes y el s**o de su bebé se establecen. Si el es***matozoide tiene un cromosoma Y, su bebé será un niño. Si tiene un cromosoma X, el bebé será una niña. Este es el primer despertar.
El huevo fertilizado permanece en la trompa de Falopio durante aproximadamente 3 a 4 días. Pero dentro de las 24 horas de haber sido fertilizado, comienza a dividirse rápidamente en muchas células. Se sigue dividiendo a medida que se mueve lentamente a través del tubo de falopio hasta el útero. Su próximo trabajo es adherirse al revestimiento del útero. Esto se llama implantación. El revestimiento del útero se vuelve más grueso y el cuello uterino se sella con un tapón de moco. Permanecerá en su lugar hasta que el bebé esté listo para nacer.
Cuando se fertiliza más de un óvulo y se implanta en el útero, el resultado es gemelos, trillizos u otros múltiples. Aunque dos fetos se desarrollan simultáneamente en la superfetación, difieren en madurez, ya que han sido concebidos con días o incluso semanas de diferencia. Para formar gemelos idénticos, un óvulo fertilizado se divide y desarrolla dos bebés con exactamente la misma información genética.


Desde la concepción, uno puede comenzar a recibir mensajes sobre sí mismos y el mundo. Aunque el embrión no tiene palabras para expresar las sensaciones que recibe, éstas pueden comenzar a dar forma a la psique del niño. El estado emocional de la madre se siente y luego el niño puede interpretarlo incluso antes del nacimiento. Esto puede tener un impacto negativo o positivo en el niño.
Si la madre está muy estresada y preocupada, el niño puede captar el mensaje de que el mundo no es un lugar acogedor o que no se los quiere. Estas creencias están enterradas profundamente en el subconsciente y se actuarán en la primera infancia. Esto establece experiencias adicionales para reforzar estas creencias. Por supuesto, lo contrario también es cierto. Si la madre está libre de estrés y preocupaciones y tiene una naturaleza nutritiva, el embrión puede obtener una sensación positiva sobre el mundo.
La actitud del padre u otros miembros de la familia puede afectar la psique del niño por nacer. Si el padre es abusivo con la madre durante el embarazo, ya sea verbal o físicamente, el embrión puede captarlo y desarrollar creencias sobre sí mismo.
Otras cosas que pueden tener un impacto negativo en un embrión en desarrollo son el bienestar de la madre. Si la madre no está saludable o está enferma, el embrión puede compartir la enfermedad o estar desnutrido. Esto puede afectar a la psique y el embrión puede desarrollar juicios negativos sobre sí mismos y / o el mundo.
Además, la ausencia de uno o ambos padres, t


A Preview from the first one on the development of the human psyche.
The Awakenings In This World
From Conception and Beyond

Don McDougle

This book is dedicated to

Life is a miraculous thing in all its forms. Where and how it originated has been questioned since the beginning. There seems to be a vital force or energy that operates and propels itself to continue and renew the process. There are many concepts of how it began. None of these can be proven and so maybe it doesn't really matter. We find ourselves here so maybe the real question is how the human psyche is formed, what brings about all the differences in humans’ perceptions, and what can be done to bring more unity to mankind.
In this book we will look at the development of the human psyche and how the subconscious can be the force that drives an individual in how they develop and live their life. I will use my own life as well as some of those that I have had the privilege to know and work with. Each stage of development is like a new awakening. Every human experiences some of these in their lifetime. As we look at these stages, awakenings, you may see your self along the way. My hope is that you can continue in your awakenings to the end.


As with all life forms, we human are male and female. Each month inside the ovaries of the female, a group of eggs starts to grow in small, fluid-filled sacs called follicles. Eventually, one of the eggs erupts from the follicle. It usually happens about 2 weeks before your next menstrual period. After the egg leaves the follicle, the follicle develops into something called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum releases a hormone that helps thicken the lining of your uterus, getting it ready for the egg. After the egg is released, it moves into the fallopian tube. It stays there for about 24 hours, waiting for a single s***m to fertilize it. All this happens, on average, about 2 weeks after your last period. If one s***m does make its way into the fallopian tube and burrows into the egg, it fertilizes the egg. The egg changes so that no other s***m can get in.
At the instant of fertilization, your baby's genes and s*x are set. If the s***m has a Y chromosome, your baby will be a boy. If it has an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl. This is the first awakening.
The fertilized egg stays in the fallopian tube for about 3 to 4 days. But within 24 hours of being fertilized, it starts dividing fast into many cells. It keeps dividing as it moves slowly through the fallopian tube to the uterus. Its next job is to attach to the lining of uterus. This is called implantation. The lining of the uterus gets thicker and the cervix is sealed by a plug of mucus. It will stay in place until the baby is ready to be born.
When more than one egg is fertilized and implants in the uterus, the result is fraternal twins, triplets, or other multiples. Although two fetuses develop simultaneously in superfetation, they differ in maturity, having been conceived days or even weeks apart. To form identical twins, one fertilised egg splits and develops two babies with exactly the same genetic information.


From conception, one can begin to take on messages about themself and the world. Though the embryo does not have words to put to the sensations that it receive, these can begin to shape the psyche of the child. The emotional state of the mother is felt and later can be interpreted by the child even before birth. This can have either a negative or positive impact on the child.
If the mother is under a lot of stress and worry, the child may pick up the message that the world is not a welcoming place or that they are not wanted. These beliefs are buried deep in the subconscious and will be acted out in early childhood. This sets up further experiences to reinforce these beliefs. Of course, the opposite is also true. If the mother is stress and worry free and has a nurturing nature, the embryo can get a positive sensation about the world.
The attitude of the father or other family members can affect the psyche of the unborn child. If the father is abusive to the mother during pregnancy either verbally or physically, the embryo can pick up on it and develop beliefs about themself.
Other things that can have a negative impact on a developing embryo are the wellness of the mother. If the mother is unhealthy or sick, the embryo can share the sickness or be undernourished. This can affect the psyche and the embryo can develop negative judgments about themselves and/or the world.
Also the absence of one or both of the parents both emotionally and/or physically can affect the child once it is born. Though it may be some time before they realize the absence, it can leave a vacancy or void within the psyche. At some point they will realize that they are missing something the other children in their life have and begin to question why the missing parent did not stay with them. Negative judgments can develop. They may act out or they may become introverted.
In my case I developed some negative judgments while in my mother’s womb. I did not realize this until I began doing inner work as an adult. I was made aware of the fact that I was not a planned baby and came at a most inopportune time. My father was very meticulous and planned everything. He had saved enough money for him, my mother and my sister to live while he went three years to seminary. They moved from Indiana to Dallas, Texas in 1953 when I was conceived. Finding out she was pregnant caused my mother some alarm. As an embryo, I picked up on her fear and developed an self judgment that I was not wanted and I was a mistake. My mother went to work part time working the late shift as a telephone operator after my birth to help supplement their income.This caused her to be tired and sometimes short tempered. When this happened it reinforced my negative judgments. Also my father was not available much during this time, which also reinforced them.
I have worked with many others that had experiences before birth that affected them in a similar way. I learned to help them relive these and be able to see the experience from a different perspective. When I did this work with the help of a facilitator as an adult, I was able to see that it wasn’t that my parents didn’t love or want me.


I have started a book on the development of the human psyche and the formation of the Shadows. I am also working on a book of memories. Also may do a novel with the theme of Awakening. I will post them here when I have them published. If anyone wants a short preview, I can post it here. It will be unedited and raw.
He empezado un libro sobre el desarrollo de la psique humana y la formación de las Sombras. También estoy trabajando en un libro con mis recuerdos de mi vida. También puedo hacer una novela con el tema de Despertar. Los publicaré aquí cuando los tenga publicados. Si alguien quiere una vista previa corta, puedo publicarlo aquí. Será inédito y en bruto.


RENDICIÓN ABSOLUTA: La Disolución del Yo

Absolute Surrender : Letting Go of the Self 20/02/2019

Absolute Surrender: Letting Go of the Self and RENDICIÓN ABSOLUTA: La Disolución del Yo can be ordered on Amazon.

Absolute Surrender : Letting Go of the Self Join me in an adventure. This can be used as a guide to find the Truth of who you are and why you came into human form. Follow me as I tell of my Awakening.Having always been a seeker of Truth, I found myself going through many experiences that showed me the value of surrendering to the Flow of L...


i am writing another book. it will be on the development of the psyche and how different things can be carried from the womb to the end. I will post it when it is complete. My own story will be included. ❤️


Absolute Surrender: Letting Go of the Self is now available as a paperback on Amazon. Rendición Absoluta: Dejar Ir el Yo disponible próximamente tambien.


i did not realize the process of creating audiobooks. i am looking for a good way to record the transcript. it may be I publish the paper back version first. who wants a paper back version?


i would like to sell 1000 copies. You can help! and remember if anyone can not afford a copy, I will send them one for FREE!
Me gustaría vender 1000 copias. ¡Puedes ayudar! y recuerde que si alguien no puede pagar una copia, la enviaré GRATIS!


hello Everyone,
My next project will be to have these books out as audio books.
Hola a todos,
Mi próximo proyecto será tener estos libros como audiolibros.

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