Star Sro

Star Sro

Silkroad Online Private Server

Participe do servidor do Discord Star Sro Online! 30/10/2023

Ola a todos !
Bom Pessoal venho passar a vocês um feedback do que esta acontecendo com servidor
Durante nosso percurso tivermos 2 bugs criticos que foram sanados!
Tivemos falsas acusações contra staff por parte de alguns player que um dia foram próximos dos adm's !
Tivemos muitas pessoas usando de palavras, audio, ou imagens de conversas privadas para tentar chantagear nossa staff !!
Passando por todos esses problemas, hoje chagamos a algumas questões.
Não sabemos ainda oque fazer em relação aos próximos passos do servidor!!
Temos várias sugestões porem nem uma concreta ainda!!
Por isto pedimos que votem em uma opção no canal sugestions!!
Este sera nossa ultima tentativa de trazer algo legal e novo para cena BR !!
Somos e fomos o primeiro Servidor Brasileiro a trazer eventos novos Como Battle Royale !!
Mas é um esforço tão grande para um publico tao exigente como os brasileiros hoje que as veses nos põe a pensar se vale a pena continuar !!
Servidor hoje ira ficar on apenas ate decidirmos oque vamos fazer !
na situação que esta , não vemos progresso mais , tendo em vista que BR que olha no site poucas pessoas on , já nem loga para ver se o servidor ha alguma qualidade !!
Julgam hoje por volume não por qualidade e dificuldade , valor nos itens , balanço de classes !!
Esperam hoje que A Staff esteja todo tem fazendo Evento in-game , porem somos contra muita interação de GM com Player ,
desta forma liberamos eventos automáticos para não gerar " disse e me disse "!

Resumindo como esta não da para continuar mais muito tempo !!!
Não foi falta de donate que diminuiu o servidor ,
e sim alguns players mal intencionados que prejudicaram a imagem com os novatos ,
que ao entrar já saiam em seguida só por ler conversas sem fundamento !!

Vou deixar uma votação com possíveis cenários de possíveis alternativas , a mais bem vista e votada sera a executada !!
Hello everybody !
Well guys, I'm here to give you feedback on what's happening with the server.
During our journey we had 2 critical bugs that were fixed!
We had false accusations against staff by some players who were once close to the administrators!
We had many people using words, audio, or images of private conversations to try to blackmail our staff!!
Going through all these problems, today we come to some questions.
We still don't know what to do regarding the server's next steps!!
We have several suggestions but not one concrete one yet!!
That's why we ask you to vote for an option in the suggestions channel!!
This will be our last attempt to bring something cool and new to the BR scene!!
We are and were the first Brazilian Server to bring new events like Battle Royale!!
But it's such a huge effort for an audience as demanding as Brazilians today that sometimes it makes us wonder if it's worth continuing!!
Server today will only stay online until we decide what we are going to do!
In this situation, we no longer see progress, considering that BR, few people look at the website, no longer even log in to see if the server has any quality!!
Today they judge by volume not by quality and difficulty, value of items, class balance!!
Today, they expect the entire Staff to be doing in-game Events, but we are against too much interaction between GM and Player,
this way we release automatic events so as not to generate "he said and told me"!

In short, we can't continue like this for much longer!!!
It wasn't a lack of donations that slowed down the server,
but some malicious players who damaged the image with newcomers,
that when they enter, they immediately leave just after reading baseless conversations!!

I'm going to leave a vote with possible scenarios of possible alternatives, the best seen and voted for will be the one executed!!

Participe do servidor do Discord Star Sro Online! Dê uma olhada na comunidade Star Sro Online no Discord. Fique de boa com outros 197 membros e curta bate-papo de voz e texto grátis.


2 # Battle Royale event in
With Features
Join Now !!


First Battle Royale on Server
Features based on

XainTV_ - Twitch 30/09/2023

XainTV_ - Twitch Kendi halinde bir yayıncı :)


Join now ,

Participe do servidor do Discord Star Sro Online! Dê uma olhada na comunidade Star Sro Online no Discord. Fique de boa com outros 141 membros e curta bate-papo de voz e texto grátis.

Today open 20PM gmt-3
🔰 Server Cap 90
🔰 Server Degree 9
🔰 Race European & Chinese
🔰 Skill Mastery Cap 90
🔰 Skill EU Mastery Cap 180
🔰 Skill CH Mastery Cap 360
🔰 EXP Rate Medium-Hard
🔰 Party EXP Rate Medium-Hard
🔰 Drop Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Gold Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Survival Arena Colosseum Enabled
🔰 CTF Enabled
🔰 Battle Arena (8 vs 8 random) Enabled
🔰 PC/IP Limit 10
🔰 Job PC/IP Limit 1
🔰 BA, CTF and Survival PC/IP Limit 1
🔰 FTW PC Limit 1
🔰 FTW IP Limit 1
🔰 Guild Limit 32
🔰 Plus Limit +10 (no-adv)
🔰 Limit Devil +5
🔰 Special Trader Routes Enabled
🔰 Sistem Like Isro
🔰 Van-guard Filter Features

Participe do servidor do Discord Star Sro Online! Dê uma olhada na comunidade Star Sro Online no Discord. Fique de boa com outros 141 membros e curta bate-papo de voz e texto grátis.


🔰 Server Cap 90
🔰 Server Degree 9
🔰 Race European & Chinese
🔰 Skill Mastery Cap 90
🔰 Skill EU Mastery Cap 180
🔰 Skill CH Mastery Cap 360
🔰 EXP Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Party EXP Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Drop Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Gold Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Survival Arena Colosseum Enabled
🔰 CTF Enabled
🔰 Battle Arena (8 vs 8 random) Enabled
🔰 PC/IP Limit 5
🔰 Job PC/IP Limit 1
🔰 BA, CTF and Survival PC/IP Limit 1
🔰 FTW PC Limit 1
🔰 FTW IP Limit 1
🔰 Guild Limit 32
🔰 Plus Limit +10 (no-adv)
🔰 Limit Devil +5
🔰 Special Trader Routes Enabled
🔰 Sistem Like Isro
🔰 Van-guard Filter Features


Relembrando o passado bons momentos de Silkroad , e SJSRO !!!!


Ola a todos a fase beta começou, para participar basta baixar o cliente no link abaixo e inserir uma conta e senha qualquer na tela de login , todos que ajudarem nesta faze vao ganhar 500 silks na abertura oficial , basta mandar seu id no privado dos adms no grupo do watsap , todos sao bem vindos
Hello everyone, the beta phase has started, to participate just download the client from the link below and enter any account and password on the login screen, everyone who helps in this process will win 500 silks at the official opening, just send your ID to the admins private in the watsap group, everyone is welcome
Official whatsapp server (
🔰 Server Cap 90
🔰 Server Degree 9
🔰 Race European & Chinese
🔰 Skill Mastery Cap 90
🔰 Skill EU Mastery Cap 180
🔰 Skill CH Mastery Cap 360
🔰 EXP Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Party EXP Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Drop Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Gold Rate Low-Medium
🔰 Alchemy Rate: +1/+3(100%)+4(50%)+5(15%)+6/+10 (1%)
🔰 Survival Arena Colosseum Enabled
🔰 CTF Enabled
🔰 Battle Arena (8 vs 8 random) Enabled
🔰 PC/IP Limit 5
🔰 Job PC/IP Limit 1
🔰 BA, CTF and Survival PC/IP Limit 1
🔰 FTW PC Limit 1
🔰 FTW IP Limit 1
🔰 Guild Limit 32
🔰 Plus Limit +10 (no-adv)
🔰 Limit Devil +5
🔰 Special Trader Routes Enabled
🔰 Sistem Like Isro
🔰 Van-guard Filter Features

Join the Star Sro Online Discord Server! Check out the Star Sro Online community on Discord - hang out with 111 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

Star Sro 90 (beta) 05/09/2023

Hello everyone, I come through this message to announce our BETA phase, starting on 09/10/23 without an appointment yet, all players who participate in the beta phase and send their user ID in my private or [GM]Fernando , you will receive 500 silks at the official opening soon, valid only 1 account per person!! We count on everyone's presence!!
Official whatsapp server

Star Sro 90 (beta) WhatsApp Group Invite


Event Giveaways running on ds : , react and try win 500 silks easy !! good luck


Like & Share event finished , winner Pablo Menezes , reward 2k silks !!

Star Sro Online 09/06/2022

🎉Evento , curta e compartilhe valendo silks !!

Para participar deste evento, você deve seguir os seguintes passos, para ganhar 2000 silks na re-abertura oficial , e começar bem no jogo!!

🎉 #1 marque 3 amigos
🎉 #2 compartilhe esta publicacao e marque a página Star Sro
🎉 #3 comente seu Nick principal no jogo.

🔰O ganhador será anunciado 10/06/22

🎉Boa sorte!

🌀 Site:


🎉Event, like and share for silks!!

To participate in this event, you must follow the steps below, to earn 2000 silks at the official re-opening, and get a good start in the game!!

🎉 #1 tag 3 friends
🎉 #2 share this post and bookmark the page StarSro
🎉 #3 comment your main Nick in the game.

🔰Winner will be announced 6/10/22

🎉Good luck!

🌀 Website:

Star Sro Online Star Sro Online is a private SRO server which has a lot of great features and professional team. We been working on this project very hard in order to satisfy your needs, and take SRO servers to the next level. | Star Sro Online - Join us now!

Star Sro Online 07/06/2022

Soon 10/06/22

Star Sro Online Star Sro Online is a private SRO server which has a lot of great features and professional team. We been working on this project very hard in order to satisfy your needs, and take SRO servers to the next level. | Star Sro Online - Join us now!


📌Servidor fechado para re-work e reset
📌previsão de re-abertura 10/06/22
📌horario ainda nao definido
📌breve sera postado lista de atualização e correções

📌Server closed for re-work and reset
📌re-opening forecast 06/10/22
📌time not yet defined
📌Update and corrections list will be posted soon

Videos (show all)

Battle Royale Event
First Battle Royale On Server
Star Sro Beta PVP
Star Sro Beta Cap 90