

Sándor was a medical doctor born in Hungary. During the Second World War he worked in the care of wounded and refugees on the move in Europe. What is Calatonia?

Somatic Psychotherapy Method created by Pethö Sándor during WWII to treat psychological trauma, later integrated to psychotherapy to restore body-mind self-regulation. Calatonia® - subtle touch as part of Psychotherapy

This text presents a brief introduction to Calatonia and its integration into the psychotherapeutic work, starting by presenting the creator of this method, Prof Dr Sándor Pethö an


Calatonia is a sequence of nine light touches, created by Pethö Sándor in WWII to treat war trauma. After the war, it was integrated with psychotherapy as a deep and insightful therapeutic path for self-knowledge and healing.
In Brazil and now abroad, Calatonia has been applied in somatic psychology and psychotherapy, relaxation, physiotherapy, speech therapy, post-surgery recovery, nursing, etc. Calatonia brings the body, emotions and thoughts to a state of harmony. It creates new neural connections associated purely with relaxation, introspection, peacefulness, leading to an enduring sense of well- being, away from anxiety, depression, PTSD, insomnia, pain, and other symptoms. Calatonia promotes safe altered states of awareness that are regulating and pacifying, without using psychedelics.
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_“Calatonia is a gentle work, but very deep. The workshop I took to learn the technique validated my intentions of utilizing it with my clients, as a psychotherapist. I felt confident that it could do something substantial for my clients, as it did for me.” (workshop participant, Esalen, 2005)_
_“I find Calatonia a very helpful medium to promote a safe sense of self. People affected by early developmental trauma have not been able to develop a safe sense of self and have no experience of feeling safe when surrendering to the caring touch of another person. The non-intrusive nature of Calatonia helps to feel safe in one’s own body and to surrender to that safety, thus promoting self-trust, as well as trust in the therapeutic relationship.” (workshop participant, London, Chiron Body Psychotherapy, 2011)_
_“My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2012. Since his diagnosis, we have researched in depth about available treatments and complementary therapies. One day, not knowing what else to do, in one of those moments when words or any other therapy could not help my husband feel better, Calatonia came to mind. I thought about it because of its subtle and non-invasive nature and decided to take a refresher training when the opportunity presented in 2016 to use it with my husband. Since then, Calatonia has worked as a therapeutic tool for my husband’s condition. For him, it offers an opportunity to “go within” away from stresses or anxieties, or the pressure to learn a new modality of treatment. For me, it offers an invitation for inner contemplation – together.”_ (workshop participant, Florida, 2016)
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Poster presentation about the Calatonia at the Touch Festival in Marseille.


Palestra sobre a Calatonia, aberta ao publico, no Porto, Portugal, dia 8 de julho das 10 as 12 horas!


New article
Calatonia is an integration of Jungian and somatic psychology

"From WWII with Compassion: The Calatonia® Somatic Approach for Global Reorganization and Mutual Regulation of Soma and Psyche"
pp. 91-105

How does touch affect our mental and physical health? | DW Documentary 17/09/2022

Imperdivel! A importância do Toque ao Longo da Vida
No botão de "settings" clique autotranslate e procure a língua portuguesa.

How does touch affect our mental and physical health? | DW Documentary Touch shapes us as humans. Indeed, touch is fundamental to what makes us social beings. Touch influences how we perceive stress and pain, who we trust and wh...

LJMU Research Café 8 - Professor Francis McGlone - A touching story... 13/06/2022

Touch research in the UK

LJMU Research Café 8 - Professor Francis McGlone - A touching story... Professor Francis McGlone (Professor in Neuroscience, School of Natural Sciences and Psychology): A touching story...


Absence of touch during the pandemic!

Results revealed for The Touch Test: the world’s largest study of touch Positive attitudes towards touch are linked with greater well-being and lower levels of loneliness, according to a huge new global study from BBC Radio 4’s All In The Mind and Wellcome Collection which investigated public attitudes and experiences of touch.


Já está disponível o livro sobre a neurociência da Calatonia e Toques Sutis, publicado pela editora Appris.


Dear friends, in April 2022, we will offer a workshop of Calatonia at the Jungian Institute of San Francisco. Please, help promote this event to those who may be interested in Jungian and Somatic psychology.


Le pouvoir des caresses - Le toucher, un contact vital - Regarder le documentaire complet | ARTE 20/03/2021

Um belo documentário sobre o valor do toque e contato humano. Legendas em várias opções, inclusive espanhol.

Le pouvoir des caresses - Le toucher, un contact vital - Regarder le documentaire complet | ARTE Pour les animaux sociaux que nous sommes, les contacts physiques représentent un besoin vital : le "langage" du toucher, que nous cultivons dès la naissance, est indispensable à un bon développement physique, immunitaire et cérébral. Comment les massages, les caresses et autres contacts bienve...

INÍCIO | hermes25 27/02/2021

Revista Hermes 25, um quarto de século publicando temas sobre integração junguiana e somática, psique-soma!

Artigo sobre a Calatonia como técnica complementar na saúde.

Calatonia no Bem-estar dos Pacientes com Câncer: Bases Neuropsicológicas.

Esse artigo aponta como a Calatonia pode apoiar a resiliência na saúde, usando como base alguns preceitos da pesquisa de Kelly Turner com pessoas que tiveram remissão de câncer.

INÍCIO | hermes25 Há uma antiga maldição chinesa que diz: Que você possa você viver em tempos interessantes! De fato, nunca pensei que viveríamos tempos tão “interessantes”: o ano de 2020 foi um divisor de águas e nada será como antes. O isolamento social imposto pela pandemia gerou conflitos e inseguran...