Preventative Measures, Nassau Videos

Videos by Preventative Measures in Nassau. We are committed to providing real world readiness, response, and recovery solutions for business continuity and disaster preparedness.

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Knowledge+Education+Resources= #AWARENESS

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Sign up for our 1 STOP award winning cyber awareness program at ...and begin building and maintaining a strong 'Culture of Cyber Security Awareness' Knowledge+Education+Resources= #AWARENESS

I am confident that none of us are guilty of this, but just in case here are some pointers on using trusted hardware. For more insight and tools sign up now for FREE access to our cyber awareness platform. Get onboarded today

Ransomware, Spyware, and all the 'Wares........ continuous awareness at all levels trumps the most sophisticated cyber security system. Build your team's resilience to these ever-present threats Learn more about this and other measures, by enrolling in our Cyber Awareness Training available FREE during the month of October. and more data. We are sometimes overloaded with information, and as such management, of it can get hectic. Be careful that what appears to be shortcuts in the management of information does not cause gaps that could lead to compromised information. Remember you have FREE access to tips and training during the month of October. Reach out to me at [email protected] for how you can sign up.

Oh so true, if not our phones, pc or tablets, somewhere somehow, if we are to function in 2023 we must look into a screen. Here are some tips, based on recent real-world hacks, that can use to better protect yourself from the associated risks. Learn more about this and other measures, by enrolling in our Cyber Awareness Training available FREE during the month of October.

Cryptocurrency investigations can have several important values, including: 1. Protecting investors: Cryptocurrency investigations can help identify fraudulent or illegal activities that could harm investors and prevent them from losing money. 2. Combating money laundering and terrorism financing: Cryptocurrency transactions can be anonymous and difficult to trace, making them a popular tool for criminals. Cryptocurrency investigations can help law enforcement agencies track down and prosecute those using cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes. 3. Improving regulatory oversight: Cryptocurrency investigations can help identify weaknesses and suggest ways to improve them. This can help ensure that cryptocurrencies are used in a safe and legal manner. 4. Advancing the technology: Cryptocurrency investigations can also help advance the technology behind cryptocurrencies by identifying weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the underlying blockchain technology. This can lead to improvements that make cryptocurrencies more secure and reliable. Overall, cryptocurrency investigations can play an important role in promoting the safe and legal use of cryptocurrencies, protecting investors, and advancing the technology behind them.

Climate change is having a significant impact on hurricane readiness in several ways. Here are some of the key impacts: 1. Increasing Frequency and Intensity of Hurricanes: Climate change is causing an increase in sea surface temperatures, which in turn is leading to more frequent and intense hurricanes. This makes it more difficult for communities and businesses to prepare for and respond to hurricanes. 2. Rising Sea Levels: Sea levels are rising due to climate change, which is leading to increased storm surges during hurricanes. This means that even relatively weak hurricanes can cause significant damage to coastal operations and facilities. 3. Changing Hurricane Tracks: As climate change alters weather patterns, it is also causing changes in the tracks of hurricanes. This can make it difficult to predict where a hurricane will make landfall, making it harder to prepare for and respond to the storm. 4. Compromising Infrastructure: Climate change can damage infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and buildings, that is crucial for hurricane readiness. This can make it more difficult for emergency responders to reach affected areas and for communities to evacuate. 5. Public Health Impacts: Climate change can exacerbate existing health issues and create new ones, impacting hurricane readiness. For example, heat waves and air pollution can increase respiratory and cardiovascular problems, making it harder for individuals to recover from hurricanes. Climate change makes it more challenging to prepare for and respond to hurricanes. Communities and governments must prioritize measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions while investing in adaptation measures to build resilience to the impacts already being felt.

A multi-layered approach to cyber security is needed; more than ever, the frontline or access points like emails must be resilient.

According to the FBI, active shooter incidents in 2021 spiked by 52.5 percent from 2020. Most 2021 active shooter incidents happened in “commerce” areas like shopping malls and grocery stores. In response, retailers are quickly adopting technologies, including face matching, that offer advance warning of threats. With cutting-edge technology, potential active shooter situations can be identified and interrupted before even one shot is fired. Preventative Measures remote monitoring services have partnered with Active Watch to reduce the odds and improve your loss prevention and security program....reach out to us at 242-357-9949 or email info@preventivemeasures for more information.

With a comprehensive security program, the application of multiple barriers must occur in layers. The Human Element remains the BEST DEFENSE against cyber attacks. Staff must be made aware, sensitized, and trained on how to recognize and respond to various attack vectors. Our CoFense Solutions does all of this........

What is your incident response plan when fraud or nefarious activities are suspected? We have a site of tools that can help track, monitor, rank, and reduce your exposure. Reach out to us at [email protected] for more information.

Your employees need to be conditioned to spot and report phishing emails immediately. With Cofense PhishMe™, simulations are based on the latest threats known to bypass SEGs, empowering your users to become human threat detectors. With resilient users attuned to the latest phishing threats, you have the best organizational defense. We are your Cofence partner here in The Bahamas and the Caribbean. Connect with us at [email protected]

Time is of the essence, we must identify cyber-attacks while they are in their infancy. The best defense is your staff; let us help you get them the right tools.

Having the right tools can help make your job easier, which can undoubtedly apply when deciphering the complexities of cryptocurrencies. We can help; reach out to us at [email protected] for more information.

Innovation and sensitivity to market requests. As we continue to grow, we are excited about this recent addition to our line of products and services. Cyber risk will always be with us, but we can reduce and minimize the exposure; our recent partnership with COFENSE provides you with solutions that do just that. Check out this video to learn more.

The ease and convenience of doing business and socializing on the internet come with risks. This tool for enhancing life also exposes us to fraudsters and malicious actors. Armed with this knowledge, both businesses and individuals must remain aware of the tactics used by these bad actors. Here are some common avenues used by bad guys in an attempt o steal and disrupt your quality of life.

The 'rhyme and reason' , for fraud can be mixed, and the rationale offered by individuals may vary. However, it is usually the exploitation of internal controls by staff. Take a listen to these confessions and note the similarities that presented the opportunities to commit the fraud. Preventative Measures is observing International Fraud Week, we can provide expert insight, training, and investigative services.

Fraud comes in many forms and fashions, I would go so far as saying it has become a specialized area. Whereas the fundamental component parts remain the same across the sectors, it can become challenging if you are not familiar with the particular ecosystem the fraud occurred in. Considering the diversification, organizations must maintain, in the first instance, a robust awareness program to reduce the opportunities for attacks against customers and the business. Additionally, ensure that competent staff are hired and retained to manage a robust fraud prevention and detection program. Preventative Measures joins in the observance of International Fraud Week, November 13 - 19, and will continue to deliver real-world #readiness #response #recovery solutions.

Did you know that you should not use the same password across multiple websites or for more than one account? 🤔 🔐 Password Security Is Very Important! For more information on cyber security or interested in our cyber awareness training program, give us a call or email us today! ☎️ 242-357-9949 📧 [email protected] . . #preventativemeasures #becybersmart #becybersafe #cybersecurityawareness