Tang Scouts Association

Tang Scouts Association

The endless laughter The jest and joshWe’ve it in us

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 21/10/2023

The mobile camp initiated by 7 young leadership scouts successfully engaged 84 Nazhoen Scouts at Tang Middle Secondary School on October 21, 2023.
We would like to thank Dzongkhag Scout Secretary and the team for this program. Your presence today had our scouts jump with enjoyment and learn with zest. We look forward to many such programs.
Happy Scouting!
Bhutan Scouts Network
Bhutan Scouts Network
Ten Zeey
Sangay Wangchuk
Sangay Chhoden
Lhawang Chozom Sithar
Yøē Zēr
Rinchen Namgyal

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 17/09/2023

108 Nachung Scouts and 15 adult leaders with zest and determination set off to impart the information on importance of ozone preservation. The cause and effect of ozone depletion was shared with the people of the Tandigang community. Moreover, the Nachung Scouts briefed them ones’ role in the community to help our ozone layer from depletion.
An awareness program to mark International Day of Preservation of OZONE on September 16, 2023.
The awareness program was part of IDoP celebration.
Bhutan Scouts Network
Desuup Karma Dorji
Sonam Wangdi
Tashi Zam
Lhawang Chozom Sithar
Sangay Chhoden
Sangay Wangchuk

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 17/09/2023

A 2 day Nachung Spiritual Retreat was conducted at Tandingang ECR from September 15 to 16 2023. This retreat was conducted as a part of celebration for IDoP, to provide Nachung Scouts the opportunity to connect with our culture and religion, to de-stress the body and nourish the soul and finally to provide much needed break, ultimately contributing to the world peace.
A total of 110 Nachung Scouts and 20 adult leaders took part in the retreat. Within 2 days, the participants were involved in many relaxation activities and visits to various sacred temples.
We would like to thank everyone for the successful completion of the retreat.
Happy Scouting!
Bhutan Scouts Network
Lhawang Chozom Sithar
Desuup Karma Dorji
Tashi Zam
Sonam Wangdi
Tang Central School Bumthang
Karma Tenzin

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 27/08/2023

“A Scout Fair for Fund Raising and Wholesome Education”
The community from four Gewogs of Bumthang joined the Scout Fair on 26th August 2023. The gup of the gewog graced the opening ceremony of the Scout Fair. Each troops and groups had various activities to display- there were games for engagement, varieties of food to satisfy one’s cravings, entertainment programs, a scout museum for further dissemination of scouting knowledge and finally a variety show towards evening for relaxation. The scout fair aimed in generating some budget for the School Scout and at the same time to create opportunities for the scouts to show their skills and talents.
The Scouts of Tang are always ready to take the scouting to next level.
Happy Scouting
Bhutan Scouts Network
Desuup Karma Dorji
Sangay Chhoden
Lhawang Chozom Sithar
Tang Central School Bumthang

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 07/05/2023
Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 07/05/2023

People say “life is better in hiking boots”, and that is exactly what the Nazhoen Scouts of TCS got to experience on 6th May 2023.
Over the river and through the woods, 297 Nazhoen Scouts along with 35 adult leaders participated in hiking. The hikers had to follow the trail signs, decode messages and cross various obstacles.
The hike aimed in welcoming the new scouts in adventurous scouting program, to check the endurance power of the scouts and most importantly to teach the value of team work.
With everyone’s support and participation, it resulted in a successful hike. We salute your zest and contributions.
Happy Scouting!
Bhutan Scouts Network
Desuup Karma Dorji
Sangay Chhoden

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 07/04/2023

6th April 2023
Investiture Ceremony- one of the precious moments for the scouts, because one becomes a scout by heart. A scout ready to abide by the scout laws, a scout promising to keep the scout promise.
As 23 of you join the Tang scouting family, we hope to receive 23 new enthusiastic scouts who are equally willing to serve tsa-wa-sum. May you continue to learn and contribute with zeal and zest, and explore beyond the classroom learnings.
Welcome to the scouting family.
Happy Scouting! ⚜️
Bhutan Scouts Network

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 03/03/2023

Scouting-Day 1
March 2, 2023
Activity- Division of the groups for Nachung and troops for Nazhoen, appointment of troop and group leaders.
Happy Scouting

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 23/02/2023

The School Scout Association would like to thank Mr. Rinchen Namgyal and Mr. Wezer Yeshi Dorji for making time to come to the school and share about the 16th leadership training experiences as a part to mark 9th National Scout Day, on 21st February 2023. The school is proud to be a part of your achievement. Thank you for inspiring many scouts, and we hope that you will continue to spread the scouting spirit.

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 20/01/2023

The School Scout Association would like to congratulate Rinchen Namgyal and Wezer Yeshi Dorji for successfully completing the 16th Leadership Training.
We wish you many such achievements in the field of scouting.
Tashi Delek!
Happy Scouting!


Bhutan Scouts Association fraternity would like to wish all our members, volunteers and supporters a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2023. We pray for your good health, happiness and success in life and wish to receive continued love, care and support towards Scouting.

Thank you all for believing in Scouting spirit and all the support rendered to Bhutan Scouts Association in 2022.

Happy Scouting!

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 15/10/2022

Scouts Closing Ceremony 13/10/2022
Tang Central School scouts had successfully conducted the closing ceremony for the academic year 2022, but it is not the end for scouting programs, "Once a scout always a scout". The fresh start will begin again in 2023, however the scouting spirit will always be high in us.

The program started with the following activities:

1. lighting of butter lamp by chief guest
2. Zhabten of our patron
3. Scout Anthem
4. Welcome note by adult leader
5. Sharing the achievements of the scouts 2022 by adult leader
6. Experience sharing by the nazhoen scouts
7. Video presentation on the activities performed by the scouts
8. Words of wisdom by the school scouts commissioner
9.Vote of thanks by adult leader
Happy Scouting!
Bhutan Scouts Association
Bhutan Scouts Network
Sangay Chhoden
Desuup Karma Dorji
Lepo Drukpa
Deepak Rai
Tshering Zangmo
Yeshi Dorji
Sangay Wangchuk
Pema Dorji
Gyem Tshering
Lhawang Chozom Sithar

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 04/10/2022

“A week of camp life is worth six months of theoretical teaching in the meeting room”
- Lord B.P
A 4-Day Nazhoen camp that started on 29th September ended successfully on 2nd October 2022.
106 Nazhoen Scouts (59 girls and 47 boys) of Tang Central School took part in this camp. The scouts got the opportunity to learn about Bhutanese Etiquettes, to learn about team building, to explore the nature, to identify various whistle and hand signals, to use ropes to make different gadgets and finally to make different fire-lays.
Also, they were engaged in various morning drills and exercises and other team building challenging tasks.
“An invaluable step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual”, and this was exactly the main purpose of the camp.
Happy Scouting!
Bhutan Scouts Network
Bhutan Scouts Association
Lhawang Chozom Sithar
Desuup Karma Dorji
Desuup Lepo Drukpa
Deepak Charmling
ツォモ イェシ
Sangay Chhoden

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 22/09/2022

“Racism continues to poison institutions, social structures, and everyday life in every society.” - 9th UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
As we marked the important day, the scouts of Tang CS joined the efforts of the United Nations to work towards a world free of racism and racial discrimination. A small celebration to mark the important day.
Let us say NO to RACISM, and give peace a chance. ☮️ ✌️ 🕊
Bhutan Scouts Association
Bhutan Scouts Network


Sangay Chhoden

Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” —Dalai Lama
we the family of Bumthang Scout Association would like to wish Happy International Day Of PEACE! to all the Scouts brothers and sisters around the world.
As the theme itself utters "End Racism. Build Peace.”
The International Day of Peace, also known as World Peace Day, is observed every year on 21st September. This day is celebrated around the world to strengthen the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire. This day promotes global solidarity for building a peaceful and sustainable around the world. So, does our school. International Peace Day reminds us that no matter how busy we are, but we must always do our little bit to bring peace to our lives and the lives of those around us. Peace is nothing but freedom of the mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, an obsession just tranquility and serenity.
As we mark the wonderful occasion, Scout Leaders and scouts came along to commemorate International Peace Day by pledges they will hold upon, and it was an amazing day as they have promised to refrain from eating junk food the whole day and just calmness from other days. We ended with pictures that will be memorable and indelible in the forthcoming years.
Remember "Nobody can bring you peace but yourself"
A smile marks the starting of peace….. Keep smiling and keep spreading peace around!!!

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 20/09/2022

The journey of preparation for the celebration of International Day of Peace-
And all set for tomorrow
Bhutan Scouts Association
Bhutan Scouts Network
Desuup Karma Dorji
Lhawang Chozom Sithar
Sangay Chhoden


☮️ International Peace Day|21, Sep 2022 🕊️
Theme: "End Racism. Build Peace".

A UN resolution established the International Day of Peace in 1981 to coincide with the opening of the UN General Assembly. The first Peace Day was celebrated in 1982 and was held on the third Tuesday of September each year.

In 2001, the General Assembly unanimously voted to designate the day as a period of non-violence. The United Nations invites all nations and people to honor a cessation of hostilities during the Day, and to otherwise commemorate the Day through education and public awareness on issues related to peace. In 2002, the UN General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the permanent annual date for the International Day of Peace celebration.

To inaugurate the day, the United Nations Peace Bell is rung at UN Headquarters (in New York City).
The bell is cast from coins donated by children from all continents except Africa and was a gift from the United Nations Association of Japan, as "a reminder of the human cost of war"; the inscription on its
side reads, "Long live absolute world peace".

Let's pray for peace
Let's stay in peace
Let's play peace
Let's eat peace
Let's peace rule the 🌎 world.

Long live His Majesty
Happy International Peace Day


We congratulate the participants for your successful completion of 15th leadership training.

"Scouting rises within and inspires you to put forth your best."
Happy Scouting!

Bhutan Scouts Association
Bhutan Scouts Network
Messengers of Peace, Bhutan
Tang Central School,Bumthang

Photos from Bhutan Scouts Network's post 24/08/2022
Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 17/06/2022

One of the greatest achievements of Tang CS Scouts for 2022- The Whole School Scouting Approach.
Welcomed all the new members to the Scouting family.
With the conduct of the investiture ceremony, an oath was taken and shall be kept.
Happy Scouting!
Desuup Karma Dorji
Pema Dorji
Sangay Chhoden
Bhutan Scouts Network
Karma Lhazeen Minjure
Dechog Trongsap
Tashi Zam
སྒྲོལ་དཀར་ དབྱངས་ཅན།
Tshering Zangmo
Tshering Dhendup
Tshering Ttenzin
Tshen Tashi
Nidup Dorji
Dawa Zangmo

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 04/06/2022

A step towards Whole School Scouting Approach-
33 staff of the school took part in SBIP provided by the 7 Scout Leaders.
The SBIP aimed in providing the basics of Scouting to support them, while assisting the Scout Leaders.
Following topics were discussed:
1. History of Scouting
2. Making of badges
3. Methods of Scouting
4. Scout Ideals
5. Pioneering (rope work)
6. Responsibilities of Scout Leader
7. The Whole School Approach
Happy Scouting!
Desuup Karma Dorji
Pema Dorji
Bhutan Scouts Network
Sangay Chhoden
Lhawang Chozom Sithar
Desuup Lepo Drukpa
Deepak Charmling

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 02/06/2022

“A promise to keep it alive”
“A promise to take care of it, until it can grow on its own”
“A promise to continue the good deed”
-Scouts of TCS
June 2nd Diary
Desuup Karma Dorji
Pema Dorji
Bhutan Scouts Network

Photos from Tang Scouts Association's post 28/05/2022

First project for the year 2022- Scout Board
Yes, it’s just the beginning.
Scouting Spirit… all over me
ツォモ イェシ
Desuup Karma Dorji
