

Hello! This is Snowy. Wattpad :: @Swonswiee15

Safe With Lavender (Calgary's Lovestruck Series #3) 12/07/2022


After 1 month, finally! “Safe With Lavender (CLS Series #3)” has officially ended! Some of you may not know but life is been kind of cruel on me these days, and this story is the only one I cling on to. I know that some of you are also having a hard time, and I hope this story served you some comfort and happiness that you needed. And trust me, I'm not fibbing here when I tell you all that I'm always thankful to each one of you of being here; in almost everything.

Hence, here's the Epilogue of Safe With Lavender. But before reading it, I recommend you to listen to the song “Better With You by This Wild Life” while reading the Epilogue for more feels! 💜✨

SWL's Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/290911068?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Swonswiee15&wp_originator=4h5j4yMfCnntnt30GfA9j0UACoHy%2BB6sdF%2BjtoLSUpJ3pM%2BHt3rpTVTdVFe7yo1Afulp5C3TwtfVsfS%2FSj%2FLpYnMFgET%2BwkJ3xeWZ0jp94v8Y3Ufgj3sz3FeFpFMwfCf

WOOP! 🎉✨ Wait, there's more! I'm not done yet. So, to continue your “happy reading” I already published “WE'RE FALLING BACK (CLS Series #4)” 💛 It is now out on Wattpad, you can check it out here by clicking the link attached.

WFB's Link: https://www.wattpad.com/1205824597?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_published&wp_page=create_on_publish&wp_uname=Swonswiee15&wp_originator=naQy0YzoWUL4t8uJZ34ZekJPL3ks8ifatCULc03GVgteWswbLUKRdBWEDAStR0Nd4D1KDLCHVgqvRQs015HtihCY4WZXxmPExwPA4a3%2FTR0WQGkXIHJCdE6rjKejP0lB

Thank you so much, Swiees! I hope all of you are doing fine! Please, keep yourselves safe. See you on CLS #4, I'm always with you! 🫂

Safe With Lavender (Calgary's Lovestruck Series #3) An Epistolary.

Safe With Lavender (Calgary's Lovestruck Series #3) 15/05/2022


After a month of hiatus... I'm back again on Wattpad! I took an adequate rest since I don't feel well in the past few days (it is actually months to be exact), that's I why I decided to pause for a while... But now, you don't have anything to bother 'cause I'm here again, ready to dispatch you with love and comfort! 🤲🏻💗

And for being Snowy, I'm not going back to writing with empty-handed. So, here's a little gift in exchange for departure back then. I know it's not that big nor surprising but here it is.


Also, I already finished writing CLS #2: Hoodies and Runway, you can check it out here! 🤎
📌 https://www.wattpad.com/story/267888491?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=Swonswiee15&wp_originator=JbjRZpYoBXcnM7d5agTrV6QT2mJQx1xNia7GoH7GPItffi%2BKf73sAaqXisAOjS0sqTF9ZuZOUTuC7vl1l1YT%2BM6DZ%2BUn%2FEAHFE2eWZ3GpKlyb2ofTF8gglh2BvEBleCF

I hope you're having a nice day, Swiees! Always keep yourselves safe. I'm always with you! 🫂

Safe With Lavender (Calgary's Lovestruck Series #3) An Epistolary.

Next Time Around 03/01/2022

Today, Next Time Around (Calgary's Lovestruck Series 1) has came to its end. After 3 months of writing, it is now completed on Wattpad. I just wanted to say “thank you” to my Swiees for supporting my stories from the very start. My epistolaries are typically my rest when I was done with the world. Sometimes they are light and heavy, but the usual situation of what I have written in every book is how I actually feel when I was writing it. Again, for the second time, thank you! Please always keep yourself safe, Snowy is always with you.

NTA'S WP LINK: https://www.wattpad.com/story/282411348?utm_medium=link&utm_source=android&utm_content=story_info

Till my next story! 💙

Next Time Around [AN EPISTOLARY] Some others says that, "don't enter into a relationship if you're not ready." Then, what if you try to...


Before this year ends, I'd like to thank those people, who stayed with me until now. To my Family, Swiees and besties, thank you for making my year 2021 memorable!

We all know that this year is so tough for all of us, but look... We're still here fighting for our dreams and passions. If you survive this year, I know that you'll survive the “next” year. It doesn't matter if your achievement this year is just breathing, your existence in this world is enough.

Let's welcome the year 2022 with full of love and positivity, let's leave those pains, stress and heartaches in this year.

Again, thank you for being part of my 2021 journey. Until the next page, my heart is with you 💙



Swonswiee15, my home.

🐦:: @/RainelynZamari


Happy 100k reads to my first Epistolary Novel. Again thank you so much, Swiees! Cailey and Siobhan loves you all! 🥰

Photos from Wattpad Recommendations's post 15/09/2021



