Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse

How to develop and maintain a sustainable business


The Elevator to success is out of service, but the stairs are always open ~Zig Zigler

In short, there is no short cut to success. There's no escaping the stage of serving and paying the price in full before reaping enjoying fruits of your hard work.
Many make the mistake of losing focus and think they will pay the price after they have experienced the success they are searching so hard for.
To unleash your potential you have to develop a habit of setting goals daily and day to day steps to achieving them. By so doing you develop a focal point where you are always talking and thinking about your goals and all the things you want. Resolve to be a goal seeking individual like a guided missile moving unerringly towards the things that are important to you


Your dream should be big enough that it leaves you with goals that challenge you to upgrade into the person who will achieve them otherwise playing it safe will only make you miss opportunities.


Bridget is a 17 year old young lady who didn't make it in her JC final exams in 2019: who made a new year resolution beginning of 2021 that by the end of the year she should own two small businesses despite having nothing and not working.

January went by and there was no sign of her taking a step towards her dream, she was worried sick that she is not able to get a job. Suddenly she remembered,
"Oh i have hands, but wat can i do with my hands that can take me a step closer to my dream?"

Bridget decided to set off and knocked door to door looking for piece jobs to clean yards.
By end of May she had cleaned 11 yards @ P150 per yard =P1650

Her next question was, " What do i do with this 1650 that would help me realise my dream?

Well, Bridget decided to open a small tuck shop at home and leave hire someone to run it for her half a day while she continues with cleaning yards, she began clearing grass as well. By the end of November she made:
P7600 from clearing grass in 19 homes @ 400 each
p1350 from sweeping 9 yards @150 each
And P5000 from the tuck shop.

While doing this she was saving because the money was for her dream and not hers.
Her total savings were:
1350+ 7600+ 5000= P 13 950

She still owns the Tuck shop
And now rents out a local bottle store.
Her focus is now on the next big thing.
With determination, focus, passion and saving, YOU can do it too πŸ’ͺ

Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse 26/11/2021

A piece of advice to hustlers: Hustling can be a very challenging day to day job. At times that money you work so hard for everyday wt the intention of saving but then something always comes up and you use the business money for personal things cos ku raff,..
So my advice is if u find yourself in such a recurring pattern, you can always make sure you save P10 every day. When you knock off each day make sure you deposit atleast P10 on your 1 year fixed savings account and by the end of the year u will have P3k.
That will be enough to help you jumpstart the following year if you happen to have had hurdles.

Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse How to develop and maintain a sustainable business

Timeline photos 05/10/2021

The process of growing your business is no different to that of growing a plant. The care, nurturing, attention to detail, pruning, you name them all., you got to give the same love to your business. Cultivate it by advertising and organising sales promos, water it by paying attention to small details and eliminate What is not working and come up with new ideas and introducing new things by means of learning through regular market analysis. You can never know what you not doing right unless you take those customer critics as proper feedback in order to learn their likes and dislikes so you can bring Change where necessary. For your business to blossom you have to involve your clients all the way: you cannot do it alone.
Accep that in every customer dislike there is a bit of hidden MAGIC and the magic is called LEARNING!


Money is often called the 'dough' cz in the same way u make bread u wil follow a particular recipe, well the same is true with money. Masses generaly have one formula wen it comes to money which they are taught in school and that is, work for money. That is 2 say u hv to find a good job so you can pay bills, buy mutual funds perhaps n go back to work. That is the basic formula. well, u can actually go for a different way of thinking and do you by adopting new formulas n to do that u hv to be ready to learn continously in order to find the one that's realy working for you. After deciding on your chosen formula the next trick is to have descipline to actually put into action what u wud hv learnt and that is where most people stop. use your skills because i tell you they are priceles. Dont just remain stagnant hoping for a miracle. Stand up and work it. U sure can!

Timeline photos 12/05/2021

We all have the choice to be rich or poor or middle class. I once stated that your mind is the biggest asset you have and how you use it determines the outcome of your life. An ordinary mind is always wondering if its possible for ordinary people to create wealth.

No one said its gonna rain apples and bananas, its a process, No one said the path will be smooth but remember that its normal to fail on the path to success.
Greater minds see failing as an opportunity to learn otherwise you would not know what you are doing wrong. Yes theres a bit of hidden magic in every mistake and the magic is known as LEARNING.

No one likes loosing money. There is not even one rich person who can tell u they never lost money . But there are many ordinary people who have never lost a dime investing, that is.
All of us have the fear of losing money that we feel w have worked so hard for. We always want the easy way because according to us we wanna play it safe until we realise safe is not really safe.
" if you wanna go big, be ready to go broke"
See the thing is, loosing inspires winners. And for a loser, loosing defeats them. Failure is the biggest secret of winners that loosers do nit know.
Are you one of those who wanna play life safe and too snall?
Well the choice is yours

The purpose of this text is to help you understand how the decisions you make actually affect your financial decisions and to provide the tools to employ for good decision making.

Then learn to control your spending habits. Next minimize debts as well as liabities and live within your means and find ways to increase your means. KEEP IN MIND ONE OTHER VALUABLE ASSET YOU HAVE IS TIME.
Then you are good to start your journey to financial wealth otherwise the easy way is just a waste of time....


If you fail putting that assignment into practice its of no use trying to jump to other steps.

Photos from Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse's post 10/05/2021

If you do not build your own dream. Someone will hire you to build theirs.
You can always start late, aim to look different.
Yes you can be uncertain and still succeed.
Managing life is not about how much money you make. Its how much money you keep..
Its about how many generations you kip it...

Don't rush, take your time, don't be under pressure... The most powerful asset u have is yoour mind. If u train it well, it can create u enormous wealth just like an untrained mind can create u extreme poverty..




1. Ability To Earn More Income Than Ever Before...
Here's a simple question for you,
Do u think you can earn twice as much money as you do now in the same amount of time. Can you earn three times as much money? Absolutely-
Then think of ways you can be more valuable. If you have more skills, more ability, more intelligence, specialized knowledge and capacity to do what others can't do, then u can earn more than u ever thought possible. The single most important way to expand your income is to devise a way to consistently add real value to people's lives, and you will prosper.
Work harder and develop yourself so that you can be worth more in terms of your capacity to add measurable value to people's lives.
Ever thought why successful entrepreneurs are well rewarded financially?
It's because they add more value than anyone else around them. They come with ways that can increase the quality of a customer's life through the use of their products and services. This is critical for any company to prosper. Do not focus only on profit and forget the real purpose behind your business- yes profit is a must for a business to survive and flourish just like eating is a necessity. The true purpose of any company is to create products and services that will improve the quality of life for all customers they serve and if this is achieved on consistent basis, then profit is assured.
Successful entrepreneurs also create jobs and this jobs help improve the lives of their employees in one way or another. These employees also spend the money they earn with other vendors- as u can see the chain of value is never ending.

So if u want to make more money from where u are standing now, ask yourself:
"How can I be worth more to people?"
"How can I add tremendous amount of value to it?"
"Are ways I could help cut costs and increase quality?"

And if we could help people do more with less then we are truly inspiring others and we will be........


Financial Literacy

Money is a great form of power but what you should understand is that money comes and money goes and so, you have to be wise when it comes to money matters that's why it's important to be financial literate. Yes you can have a sharp and positive mindset but if you do not know how money works it's useless πŸ˜₯.
The reality of it is if you want to live comfortably and grow wealthy in this world of uncertainties, you have to learn to make money and not work for money. Yeah I know it might sound crazy to someone who wants to have it easy but that's not how life operates- isn't it that when u want something so bad u hv to work for it?
If theres one thing that makes u poor is throwing in the towel, I mean why give up when you had already started something?
In real life you learn by sweating, by putting into action that which needs to be done instead of wasting time talking and listing your ideas down on a paper.
Life does not negotiate anything with you, instead it will push you around and with each push life is telling you to wake up. Yes u will fail every now and then but failing is a lesson and if u can master the lesson you well do great and progress in your endeavors, if not you will give up not realizing you are pushing against your breakthrough so it's best to learn from the experience and become innovative.
I am saying all of this because it's so saddening how people are so much focused on money and not their gratest wealth which is how money works (financial education). Only if you would be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, it is only then that you will grow richer through the changes be it in business or personal life. Money cannot solve your problems it is your intellectual capacity that solves problems and produce money. ?
Simply because money without financial intelligence is money soon gone. It's not about how much money you make but more about how much money you keep and have that money continuously working for you πŸ’ͺ


Financial literacy is a crucial part of our everyday life. Be it @ personal or business level
Learn more by booking for a session @


Let's do our part and join hands in helping WHO authorities by doing as we r told to. Prevention is better than cure


Your Dreams minus your Doubts equals your true worth.
In order to climb the ladder of success, you must first build the steps.
What steps are you taking to build your business?


Come join us
Excellence is an art won by training and habituation.
Stay tuned for a panel of speakers who will inspire us on business do's and don'ts...

Photos from Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse's post 17/03/2020

Tell you what, finance is the lingo of every business.
Financial literacy must be considered the chief cornerstone of building a successful business. It's very much important that you invest in developing business financial concepts as an entrepreneur because if you don't you will only hinder your ability to grow a substantial business.

Truth is owning and leading a small scale business has it's fair shair of highs and lows, some days you feel you are on top while on other days everything seems to unravel. The first step to developing financial literacy is strategy development. A strategy is a game plan for strengthening the performance of your business, it's a long term plan for actions designed to achieve set goals for your business and believe me or not, whether you succeed or fail depends much more on the plan you either have or do not have.

It won't hurt to invest in your own business because in the end you are gaining knowledge, tips and ways to boosting your business performance. You can do that by attending business workshops or seminars and attending short courses that will help you improve in certain areas than pretend you know it all only to fail and regret later. It's insane to keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results 🀭.
Aim for excellence and invest the right way for the benefit of your business and don't forget to always revisit your mission and vision statement in order to know the right direction to take...

Photos from Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse's post 06/03/2020

Financial planning is is a critical part for your business as much as your personal financial planning though it's often overlooked and often times head for disaster. Business financial planning allows you to implement assess and know more about your business. This means you assess cash flows, profits, budgets, future investment e.t.c for possible growth. This is how a business should make future decisions.
Financial planning helps you stay on track so as to meet future goals.

Business is beyond just selling and buying and you should not get too excited when you start making profits and spend anyhow. Yes profits means you should consider growing or expanding your business and buying more things but they cannot be done at the same time which is why you have to plan in order to know what to give priority to, you must know what will require money and exactly how much it will cost. Know what your business has the capacity to do and the type of contracts you can handle.

Implement on all of this and you will gv me a hand. It's not that you are not capable of handling a business you just need financial planning and discipline.

M always available for those inboxes. It does not hurt to ask for help where you see lack. Financial education and getting business advice every now and then does the magic. Thanks to all those who are always sending messages seeking advice.


Photos from Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse's post 11/02/2020

Be motivated enough to not give up on your dream. Never give up on what you really want to do and achieve. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts. Mind you it will take time and commitment as well as being in the face of adversity, difficult bt my impossible. You must earn your dream and only then will it turn into reality.
Being a successful entrepreneur needs the spirit to go on with your head held high despite the downfalls because your focus is on achieving set goals, it's not about trying but working it until it becomes a reality.
In order to make progress you must communicate the necessary information to your target markets. Make oral presentation of your goods and services through conversations with a prospective buyer in order to clinch a sale.
You should do sales promotion to encourage of your products and services. Sales promotions can be consumer promotions e.g samples, coupon offers, contests and demonstrations or trade promotions through discounts and allowances. All this utilises insistent appeal and urgency- to pursuade consumers to buy. There are many ways to go about this and making entrepreneurship fun and exciting as well as challenging yourself to aim for the unimaginable.

Stimulate the demand for your products or services on a non personal basis.

For business consultancy and advices do message us and we are more than happy to go about the process with you. Giving up is not an option.

Photos from Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse's post 21/01/2020

Happy new year to y'all fam...
To all my fellow small business owners and aspiring business owners I want you as you have stepped into 2020 to try and delete the belief that failure is the opposite of success. That is so not true rather failure is a stepping stone to success, that's my definition because all business tycoons I have interacted with have verified that they did not have it easy building their businesses, they fail many times and thought of giving up at some point but passion made them to keep their heads held high till they finally reached the pick n break through point where they are now.
I mean without failing how would you know the way to get it right?
How would you grow without having failed first?
It is through failing that we get to discover ways and means that can lead to us reaching a break through in our businesses hence getting it right.
You get it right by continually learning.
Let's aim high and destroy that mentality of saying failure is the opposite of success when it is a ladder to success by means of continuous learning and development ...

2020 we go high, take risks and think outside your comfort zone...


Wishing you best moments filled with abundant joy, happiness and love this Christmas... May the love & peace of God be with you all the way as you step into 2020. Merry Christmas to you from yours:❀🌹
Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse team


To all those who are aspiring business owners I want to urge you to stop letting your potential go to waste while you be lazing around all in the name of I am not ready and don't have start up capital. Waiting for someone to come and fund your business idea might even take forever if you don't have the courage to start small while people with half your talent are making it big, sweating and building their empires from scratch being scotched by the sun while the special you is waiting to get ready...
Wake up from that dream of wanting another to do it for you (waiting to be funded), because the reality of it is no one is gonna do it for you if you dont do it yourself. Start small and grow big that's where big business men and women started and you are no less.

Yes it's possible and yes you can do it. Start putting some action into that idea because you can and you are able!

Photos from Entrepreneurship Talk with Oaitse's post 14/12/2019

When I talk about building your brand I mean you should be hands full. Take your services to people by networking. Get engaged in helping others and that will automatically connect you to people and connections within. Networking is not about you expecting something in return. Get engaged in the work of others. Wat can you do that signals appreciation for the support your key network gives you. Listen to the dream of others and be willing to share what you know and who you know to support those dreams. Do not only seek for people to pay attention to what you offer only bt rather create relationships that are able to build and grow your brand as a business owner. You also be known for your integrity and ability to add value to the business of others. Don't be known as someone as someone who continuously takes but rather someone who everyone want to know for what they could benefit. Your network determines the success of your business, it enables you to maximise your impact and drive your influence with those around you. Be willing to learn. Be willing to get engaged. All this will come back to you in a big way to benefit your business positively. It will provide a massive growth for your business.
# HelpOthers

Had a marvelous time at the Girls In Aviation day event.
your future business relationships & nature them by being involved.
All the best in building your business networks and growing your brand!


2020 we hustle like there is a vendetta! We sweat, we push, we build. Forget making profits a goal for a moment and nature your baby(, business) by giving her love thru brand awareness, networking, naturing relationships with her customers and promotions. All this comes with hard work and engagement, you can't just sit in one place and expect your business to make a name for itself, that is rather very much possible through efforts you put in it as the owner.

And see how profits roll in without noticingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ™.
No business tycoon had it easy they went through the process above too and are now enjoying the fruits of their labour...

NB: Your business profits are not for your personal spendings always remember this and use them wisely and where necessary for the growth of you baby (business)
2020 is for naturing & building πŸ’ͺ


Wake up, learn, love, read... Just wake up


Put more effort on building your brand first instead of chasing profits. Allow your products or service to draw people's attention and interest first, observe the demand closely that's how u wl then determine the rightful price for the product/service


Optimists sees opportunities that are invisible to pessimists


Loll πŸ˜‚
This is every entrepreneur's reality...


A marketing Plan is a living guide to how your company plans to build customer relations over its life in order to fulfill the company's mission statement.
This is important to investors, since it is what assures them that a new venture has a product that people will buy and has a realistic plan for getting that product to the market.

The initial plan Should contain a strategy for introducing the company and its products while a later plan will be used to launch new products.

Marketing plan focuses on your target customers, their needs, their purchasing power and their buying behavior.
And create a successful business plan you first have to identify a market that has a specific need that no other business is fulfilling.
* Know your customers in order to be able to design a customer driven marketing strategy. You can do this by dividing a market of potential customers into groups based on different characteristics, marketing research and sales forecasting.

* Describe your forecasting method and present at least three sales forecasts for best case, worst case and most likely sales scenarios to allow potential investors to make informed decisions, also include a detailed discussion of the major benefits that customers will get from your products/services.

NB: A marketing plan includes time related details, including expected costs and revenues, for the implementation of the marketing strategy...

If you have any questions on understanding more about marketing plan, kindly inbox and we will assist you!


An entrepreneur is never afraid to take chances.
An entrepreneur is a risk taker who believes so much in what they bring forth to the people.
It is that inner faith in your business that will give you the drive hence draw potential customers to your business.

Be willing to learn always in order to grow and unleash your potential... Learning can never be enough when you serve the public. Your network is eyeing how u consistently grow your brand and that's what helps maintain them.
Don't be comfortable with the familiar as it becomes outdated at some point.
Step up and give people something new, it only takes creativity and continuous learning!


She asked me...
So Oaitse how do i attract customers to my business, m not making sales way I wish I could. What could I be doing wrong???

My Answer to this is

How do you build a network to drive sales, growth and business leads?

Remember, you attract what you are not what you desire. If you want great things then be great.
Building a network is all about helping others, sharing knowledge, engaging and making connections within and across networks.

When doing this, make it about you maturing your Network and seeking opportunities to add value all the time. Take the lead and don't expect anything in return and I guarantee you if you continue to give in this manner that it will all come back to you in spades. It will boost your reputation. You will be considered as someone who builds relationships that matter.

To win this, u must understand that regular communication is needed. Don't just communication with people that matter when you want something. Introspect and think about the key people in your network. Ask yourself what support they could do with now, what are they working on that you might be able to help them with, what has been going on in their businesses that you could perhaps drop a solution for their problem????

It's all about driving support and sales opportunities for others. : It's not about you expecting something in return but consistently adding value to relationships, asking for help and trusting them to give you support.

It is only when we NETWORK in the right way by CHOOSING, CONNECTING AND CULTIVATING our relationships that we are able to build networks that matter and networks that work.

Your NETWORK has a huge role in your success, it enables you to maximise your impact and drives your influence...


As you start you need to be aware that the younger generation deem a business as "legitimate" if it can be found online, that's just how it is. It is crucial for business owners to market their businesses online whether its an already existing or start up business.

You can start with a page to test the waters. Facebook is a great platform for your business to reach its potential customers but as you start growing you will need to expand your digital identity. A website will be needed because without a proper website you are missing a huge opportunity. A website increases the credibility of your services and it adds a professional image to your business.

NB: be sure to give clear information and instructions of how people could use and access your products or services. All the information should be readily available because people don't have time to ask questions and wait for u to reply late. Showcase something that is worth considering.


Every business starts as an idea right?
When you have a first vague thought about a business opportunity, you need to develop it into a good business idea.

The idea of being an entrepreneur evokes a spirit of freedom but this does not mean there's no logic to how an entrepreneur approaches their work. Entrepreneurs set businesses everyday so there has to be a process to this whole entrepreneurship thing...

NB: it is dangerous to just identify a business opportunity and get started right away. You need to understand the entire business system first.

Now answer this two important questions before you start your business...
1. What is my identified business idea?
2. Who are my publics?
(Your publics here refers to everyone you relate with e.g your business community, consumers, employees and competitors.

You need lots of research, hard work, valuable time, money spending discipline and a lot of brainstorming because your business's success and failures relies on it.
Also knowledge of your publics helps you to relate with each one of them in a manner that earns you leverage (PUBLIC RELATIONS).

Take note that your consumers are your most valuable public and you must relate with them to impress, maintain and own them.

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