Danna Agustin

Danna Agustin

Face Yoga/ Aerial Yoga/ Yoga teacher training courses/


Face yoga program promotes:

· Toning of muscles and decreasing of wrinkled areas - reducing the wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, sagging jowls, double chin, eye bags, puffy eyes, forehead wrinkles and frown lines

· Better facial circulation and blood flow

· Positive impact on the endocrine system and organs

Activating facial as well as scull muscles helps tighten the muscles, increases blood flow, and brings more oxygen to the skin. Impulses of this activation are proven to affect the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands situated in our brain.

Exercises that activate the neck area activate thyroid and parathyroid glands. Every part of the face is also connected to a different organ. Activation of specific facial, neck and cranial regions activates our glands.

All exercises are performed with the focus on deep breathing and this helps that more toxins are freed from our body.


Face Yoga practice is beneficial for everyone. It is important to progress gradually, listen to the reactions of our bodies and stop if there is any pain.


With the face yoga practice we are not only toning our muscles and reducing the wrinkles but also influencing our organs and the entire hormone system. We activate our hormone system and bring it into balance!

Photos from Danna Agustin's post 17/04/2023

Move, explore, play, smile, inspire, love...


My approach in teaching yoga is based on my 30-years’ experience with it. I’m a certificated Hatha Yoga, Aerial Yoga, and Face Yoga teacher leading teachers training courses, Micromovement Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Face Yoga, Aerial Workout, Aerial Silks programs.

Yoga is the essence, the core of my life, and has helped me to overcome health issues and difficulties that I was confronted with and reach a high-quality lifestyle.

Yoga is for me the way of living. Starting the day with Face Yoga, breathing – pranayama techniques, and headstands centers my focus for the day and empowers me to direct my life energy into the accomplishment of my goals.

Feeling excellent in my body, with myself, leading loving self-conversations are qualities that I find essential for rising the quality of my life and, consequently life in general.

I feel we have arrived at the point in history where it is essential to acknowledge the importance of nature. Nature that surrounds us as well as us as creations of this magnificent natural intelligence. We can call it vital force, life force, the force of nature, Prana, Chi. Acknowledging it, connecting with it awakens the true power within us and makes us realize how connected everything is.

That is the turning point, the opening to other perspectives, feelings, sensations in our bodies, the way of life we have always dreamt of. It is possible to heal ourselves ... there is only one thing that needs to be done ... we need to practice and persist and we will definitely accomplish it!


Face Yoga

The short face Yoga program was part of my Yoga Teacher Training education in 2003. Few exercises with the emphasis on eye activation were what I learned, explored, and practiced until 2017 when I discovered the Tao Face Yoga program.

At that period of my life, it was exactly what I needed to boost my exhausted hormone system and bring it back to balance.

Combined with my Micromovement Yoga approach I managed to make the most out of it and reach great results. Therefore I am sharing this beautiful knowledge with you!

Face yoga program for hormonal balance is composed of more than 21 exercises with the focus on the face, neck, and cranial areas resulting in:

· Toning of muscles and decreasing of wrinkled areas - reducing the wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds, sagging cheeks, sagging jowls, double chin, eye bags, puffy eyes, forehead wrinkles, and frown lines

· Better facial circulation and blood flow

· Positive impact on the endocrine system and organs

The program is designed to slowly guide you from the simple to more complex exercises. In each session, you will get to know the benefits of the exercise we are going to learn, its connection to the glands and organs, and details that are important for the best possible performance and top results.

With regular practice of this program, you will feel better, have more energy, and look younger.

We have around 57 facial muscles! Muscles that are not activated, with time, tend to lose their volume and position. Activating facial as well as scull muscles helps tighten the muscles, increases blood flow, and brings more oxygen to the skin. Impulses of this activation are proven to affect pineal and pituitary glands situated in our brain, as well as the hypothalamus.

Other exercises that activate the neck area activate thyroid and parathyroid glands. As every part of the face is also connected to a different organ, by activating that specific area of our face, we are also making an impact on our organs as well as glands linked to those organs. Thus, with the face yoga practice, we are not only toning our muscles and reducing wrinkles but also influencing our endocrine system.

This way we are helping to maintain our body’s homeostasis. All exercises are performed with the focus on deep breathing and this helps that more toxins are freed from our bodies.


I’m a certificated Hatha Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Aerial Silks and Face Yoga teacher, holding a bachelor’s degree in Aerial Silks (Centre National des Arts du Cirque, France) and Fine Arts (Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Slovenia).

Movement and art are my passions since my early childhood. At the age of 6, I started practicing Yoga and have continued the practice till nowadays. A few years later I have started to play concerts and gain medals in piano competitions. At the age of 14, I discovered climbing and became passionate about “vertical -aerial” movement. Eight years later I have combined the two into the art of yoga and aerial movement.

In the year 2003, I have started teaching Hatha Yoga, a few years later Aerial Silks followed by Micromovement Yoga, Aerial Yoga, Face Yoga, Aerial Workout programs, and Yoga Teacher Training courses.

During the twenty years of pedagogical experience, I have helped many students worldwide to reduce their health problems, pain, and stiffness and develop a better understanding of the functioning of their bodies as well as the ability to understand their »body languages«.

Face Yoga & Micromovement Yoga programs that I am sharing with you helped me during a very hard period of my life. I went through complete burnout and hormonal disbalance, resulting in the complete crash of my health.

That was the turning point when I decided to deepen my knowledge of Yoga to accomplish my healing. A few years of devoted, disciplined, and well-structured practice and research resulted in good health, top hormonal balance, a clear mind, lots of energy, with a shining and youthful look.

That period of my life taught me that we have a very strong power within us. By the use of appropriate techniques, we can direct that power towards the realization of our potentials, our goals.

My mission is to help individuals discover and develop their potentials, by the use of different methods and techniques, based on Yoga and Martial Arts. These programs are designed to reconnect and return to our natural state of balance, to the state of »listening to ourselves«. That state is the turning point towards the rediscovery of our true power!

Therefore, I wish to share the exercises that helped me most with all of you. So that we can enjoy and explore our true potentials and live a better life!

