Olu Olabode

Abbas Masterpiece, Speaker, Book Coach,Pastor help Pastors'Wives thrive. Founder, @Pastorswivesglobal



In this new year that has started wonderfully , I want to encourage you to take the limits off God, the one who is able to do MORE......

"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,"- Ephesians 3:20

Quick question, What do you need more of this year? Could it be.........

πŸ“ŒMore Peace

πŸ“ŒMore Joy

πŸ“ŒMore of the Supernatural in your life

πŸ“ŒMore wisdom

πŸ“ŒMore of God's power

πŸ“ŒMore miracles

πŸ“ŒMore provision

πŸ“ŒMore healing

πŸ“ŒMore of God in your home

πŸ“ŒMore breakthroughs

πŸ“ŒSeeing more souls saved

πŸ“ŒMore children

πŸ“ŒMore depth in the word of God

πŸ“ŒMore of the Holy Spirit

πŸ“ŒMore of his presence

πŸ“ŒMore of God's power

More....................you keep writing

Whatever you can believe him for, he can do and much more. The question is, can you dare to take the limits off as you believe him for MORE?

©️ Olu Olabode


2024 was a great, blessed, glorious, abundant, supernatural year. "We call those things that be not as though they were."
May this be your confession & reality throughout 2024 in Jesus name

Photos from Olu Olabode's post 01/01/2024

Happy New Year beautiful People


As we close out the year, We are sure looking forward to all God has in store for us tonight The Evidence Nation Headquarters and would love to invite you to join us onsite if you are in Surrey, BC environs or you can join us online.


2023, what a year it has been. There were some ups and some downs but in the midst of it all, God has been faithful,

Gratitude is key for all I received and even what I didn't this year.

- For all I didn't deserve but received.
- For open doors when I least expected
- For the unseen battles God fought on my behalf.
- For all the relationships I was blessed with
- For favors beyond my comprehension.
- For Family, friends & helpers along the way.
- For platforms I was blessed to grace. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
- I can go on & on......

What does your list look like?


If writing your book at the start of 2034 is a dream you have in your heart,, we can't wait to have you join us in class. Please click on the link in my bio to register

P.S-The Early Bird Price ends in 2 days. If this is for you, what are you waiting for? , let's do thisπŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»

Photos from Olu Olabode's post 12/25/2023

So grateful for our Saviour. Where would we be without him,

Merry Christmas beautiful people


Lord, help me to submit to your will even when it doesn't make sense in the natural πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ
All I want to be is in the center of your will

Photos from Olu Olabode's post 12/18/2023

πŸ“ŒWhat are you doing with the book/books in you?πŸ“Œ

I started writing books at the age of 8/9 when I had no clue what writing was about. I simply just enjoyed imagining scenarios and writing about them.I also desired to help.others publish their books as young as I was but also had no clue of how that was going to happen. As I grew up, life happened and I stopped writing.

However, in 2015, God reignited my love for writing, brought writing mentors, editors & book publishers my way to teach me and help me on this journey and I am grateful to God for the 16 books I have written in these few years.

This is one of the reasons I love to come alongside others to help them birth their books as we unravel the myths that surround writing and publishing a book.πŸ˜€

If you have always desired to write your book but need some help doing so or you have a friend or family member who desires to write his/her book, why not give yourself or that friend this as a Christmas gift?

has been an Editor & a book Publishing Consultant for 10+years and he & I are excited and can't wait to hold your hands on this journey..

If this is for you, πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»to the details in my bio.
If you have any questions please send me a DM
Can you guess what year I took this picture?πŸ˜€

Photos from Olu Olabode's post 12/16/2023

Are you a Pastor's Wife, please join us in at 9am PST/6pm WAT/5pm UK time as we give thanks together for all God has done this year.

we are so excited for all he has for next year but like one of my mentors says, "Gratitude is a magnet for miracles."

If this post is for you, please find the details to join in the next slideπŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»



A few days ago, my husband and I were talking about how the pressure of social media has caused so many people to become discontent with their pace and their race, as they focus on what others are doing.

As we spoke about this, I heard in my spirit,
"Living out God's Purpose is a Journey, please give yourself permission to take one step at a time at your pace as you give him permission to interrupt & lead as he wills."

It was an encouragement to me and I want to encourage you as you read this, Refuse to run someone else's race so that you don't get disqualified at the end.
Rather, FOCUS on what God has called you to do per time remembering that you will only give an account for what he called you to do and not someone else. πŸ˜€

If this resonates with you, can you type"No pressure" in the comments πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡I'll go first πŸ˜€


If you are a Pastor's Wife or Woman in Ministry, Leadership, I would like to invite you to join other Pastors'wives as we thank God for all he's done in our lives in 2023.

Do you know someone that should also be there, could you please tag them in the comments πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Thanks in advance. Looking forward to seeing you there πŸ˜€



What a joy we had today as spoke to us in our KCBC Canada class.

I read his book, "God's Generals" 20+ years ago and it blessed me so much, and it's still a blessing to many today.

Imagine, his book blessed me so many years before I even met him. Today, I was reminded that God desires that we birth all that he has put on the inside of us while there is still time and as he leads us.

πŸ“ŒIf God has given you a message, preach it

πŸ“ŒIf he has put a book in you, write it

πŸ“ŒIf he has called you to start a business, go ahead.

πŸ“ŒIf it is a Ministry, God is on hand to help you.

πŸ“ŒIf God is calling you to birth something new, what are you waiting for?

# birthing


Refuse to envy others. God has made your portion available in his word.
Could he be waiting on you to place a demand on it?


No matter what's going on around you, it's up to you to determine your attitude for your day.

"This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it" - Ps 118:24

That's my stance. What is yours? πŸ˜€


We are so grateful for all we have learned from this father of Faith.
Happy birthday Sir


Today, I was reminded by a guest Speaker we had in class that I don't have to worry about the next phase God has for me rather I can focus on being faithful today in all he has called me to do knowing that when it's time to step into the next phase, God will handle it. Thank you , Pastor Selina for blessing us at KCBC Canada .

I thought to also encourage you reading this too, focus on today knowing that when God brings you into "tomorrow", he'll take care of it πŸ˜€


Don't let the "good" in your present hold you back!

As I got ready for school this morning, I almost couldn't believe that it's been 4 months already since I started attending Kenneth Copeland Bible College.

Where did the time go? How?
Has it been easy? Not all the time, but has there been grace, definitely and do I loooooooove it. Yes, Yes, YesπŸ˜€

When I started, it seemed like an impossible feat, it was a stretch as I had to juggle so many things around to attend πŸ˜€ But daily, as the days go by, there is not one of those days that I'm not grateful for this journey in this season.

Why am I sharing this?
Your journey may not always be easy, there may be speed bumps even turbulence but if God is leading, you are definitely in good hands as he sure knows how to lead us per time and all we really have to say is Yes Lord. πŸ˜€

I want to encourage someone reading this, Don't let your past or ",the good" in your present hold you back from stepping into the future God has for you. Keep listening, keep following, keep obeying. He will never lead you astray

Photos from Olu Olabode's post 11/24/2023

It was such a joy to moderate on Day 1 of WCBC Convention 2023 earlier today.

We are so grateful for the Worship today by . God was truly in the house.

We are also grateful to our speakers, Pastor & Pastor . We were truly blessed.

If you missed the sessions and would love to watch them, they are available on the Western Canada Believer's Convention YouTube channel.

Looking forward to you oin us for Day 2 & Day 3 πŸ˜€. The speakers are ready to feed us.
See you thereπŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ’ƒπŸ»


I've received 200 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. πŸ™πŸ€—πŸŽ‰

Photos from Olu Olabode's post 11/11/2023

Here is how we show up at the Pastors'Wives event even if it's 3am in the morning at my end.πŸ˜€πŸ˜€. It's always a joy to show up and do as the father leads.

If you are a Pastor's Wife, we are liiiive right now so you can join us live on zoomπŸ˜€


for this season of my life πŸ˜€


I want to say a big Thank you to everyone that helped choose the book covers for my 2 latest books. I am most grateful πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

Copies of both books are now available on Amazon and Selar.

You can also get autographed copies by sending me a DMπŸ˜€

I pray they are a blessing to you


"When the Lord brought back his exiles to Jerusalem, it was like a dream!
We were filled with laughter, and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, β€œWhat amazing things the Lord has done for them.”
Yes, the Lord has done amazing things for us! What joy!
Psalms 126:1-3 NLT

May God do incredible things in your life this month, amazing things, hard to believe, impossible things that seem like a dream, things that will make people come and laugh with you in Jesus name πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

Photos from Olu Olabode's post 10/31/2023

This past weekend, I was in Toronto for the Women's Ingathering Event and indeed it was glorious. God really did show up.

Some of the people that attended the event reminded me of the power of community and the power of obeying every instruction God gives you even while afraid πŸ˜€

In 2021, when God led me to start a Community for Women in Ministry, I had no idea that he was a creating a community of Sisters. For the last two years, we have met virtually for programs and it has been so refreshing but on Friday, I actually got to meet some of the Sisters in - person and it truly filled my heart with so much joy as I was reminded of the power of obeying every instruction God gives us no matter how "little" I have found out that God is not asking us to be perfect, he is simply asking us to obey.

Thank you Pastor Bunmi Adeyemi & Mrs Remi Wesley-ogude for being at the event. It was an absolute pleasure meeting you in person πŸ˜€. I even got a birthday cake so we got to celebrate Ontario style.πŸ˜€Am I not blessed?

Why am I sharing this?
I want to encourage someone reading this, Don't despise God's seemingly " little" instructions. Your part is to obey, God's part is bring it to pass.

If you are a woman in the Ministry and want to join our WhatsApp community where we support, encourage and empower each , please send me a DM or follow us on Instagram or Facebook.

God is counting on you to ARISE & play your part.

Can I get an Amen somebody?

Photos from Olu Olabode's post 10/17/2023

Day39, : Grateful for the gift of writing

Are there gifts in our lives that we sometimes take for granted? Yes there certainly are.

I've always wished to play an instrument πŸ˜€, do I hear someone laughing 🀣 however, I don't think I have a flair for it. Meanwhile, there are some others that didn't have to learn It simply came as a gift , all they had to do was refine it.

I started writing at the age of 8/9 and never really saw it as a gift until years later. Today, as I count my blessings during this , I cannot but pause to thank God for this gift of mine.

I have written 16 books and have even gone on to help others write their books but all I can say is I couldn't have done it all without God's grace so today I pause to give thanks for the gift.

What are some of your gifts that you may have discounted while someone elsewhere is really wishing they had it. Could it be time to embrace, refine and deploy them?

Don't forget, Your world is waiting for your manifestation. What are you waiting for?

πŸ”₯πŸ”₯PS:Who can guess the year picture 1 was taken?Clue- It was my very first book launch. πŸ˜€

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Can someone help a sister out? Everyone in my house said I lost but I know I'm always a winner. πŸ˜€Can someone please help...
Looking forward to sharing God's word. You can join us online on Facebook or YouTube., @theevicdencenation  #Godsword #t...
Calling Pastors'Wives to join us tomorrow as we give thanksπŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏ  #pastorswife #womeninministry #womeninministryleaders...
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I was reminded a few days ago that everything God calls us to do is not really about us but rather so we can be a blessi...
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Yaaaaaaaay πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏ My books been finally been delivered.Let's start sending them out to all those who bought copies durin...
Today is Day 3 & the final Day of the Western Canada Believers Convention and we definitely can't wait for you to join u...
Inviting You all to.the Western Canada Believers Convention 2023It's just One day to go and we will love you to join us....
It's only 3 days to go and we will love you to join us at #wcbc2023 It 's a virtual Conference so you can join us. All y...




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