Inner Wild Wellness Services

Inner Wild Wellness Services

Life Coaching & Recreation Therapy Services that utilize the connections of nature and equine facilitated wellness.

Helping people find balance and happiness within their lives.


We are celebrating reaching 100 followers on Facebook! In today’s social media world 100 may not be considered a lot but here at Inner Wild Wellness Services we believe in celebrating the journey! Thankyou to all those who follow, like, read & share! We appreciate you!

What victory are you celebrating today?


Our thoughts don’t just happen to us, we have control. You have control. Don’t make life more difficult for yourself in the way you think. Curious on how to take back control of your thoughts? Reach out for more information.


Advancement, modern day life, technology, etc. Has brought many wonderful benefits. It has also created the largest gap and caused many issues we have yet to acknowledge.

We are animals. It is not what do humans and animals have in common. We are a form of animal. As we have evolved we utilize less of our natural skills. Because of the amount of stimulation and information we receive at a rapid pace we have learned to tune out our senses to survive. But it also tunes out skills and abilities we need.

At inner Wild wellness services we help you tune back into your natural state. We slow things down. Connect you back to yourself and nature. Allowing the rest of your life to flourish when you hone in on these skills.

Ready to feel like yourself again? Contact us today!


You don’t have to have horse experience to be apart of our programming. We are here to support you and do what we can to keep you and the horses safe.

On the flip side we will come to you and you can work with your own horse(s). Improving both your life and your connection with your horse for one low price!

Having difficulties with your horse lately? Why not try something different. Reach out to learn more or to schedule a no pressure free consultation.


Where are my over thinkers? The people like me who have spent most of their life with constant thoughts running through their mind.

I spent years wondering how people would say they weren’t thinking of anything or they would only be thinking of one thing. My mind was a constant stream of communication and at times it was exhausting. The idea of meditating was daunting because how do you shut off these thoughts. Sound familiar?

When I started the journey to communicate with horses I had no idea it would also help me connect to myself.

A very brief overview of how we exist in the world: we use our senses to take in information, we think about and process that information and then our brain tells our body what to do with that information and how to engage in the world.

As an overthinker I was trying to “fix” the thinking part. Telling myself to stop thinking which only made me think more 🤦‍♀️. What I was missing was the first part, taking in through my senses. I was creating my own mental stimuli to decode which can become a rabbit hole.

Horses have an amazing way of being present and taking in the environment through their senses and only engaging with the information needed. Attempting communication with them helps me practice this skill. By no means am I am expert yet but I am challenged to learn this daily.

Want help with your overthinking? Want to feel in control of your thoughts again? Reach out for your free consultation.

*Curious how many people actually read the posts. If you made it this far please drop an emoji or comment below*


Excuses is a word we hear a lot. Specifically from people trying to motivate us. Personally I’m not a fan of the word. When you tell me that you want something but…it tells me what your values are right now.

Our values drive our decisions. If you value the discomfort of what you know over the goal you have set for yourself you will find reasons to not take those steps and when someone calls you out for having “excuses” you will dig in and justify your decision. The word excuse makes us defensive and we will never make changes in that state. But if I understand your values I can use those to help you reach your goals in the best way for you!

Interested in learning more about how this can apply to you and help you reach your goals. Reach out for a free 30 min consultation.


**Price drop Alert**

Everything is going up in price around us. People now more than ever need to connect with themselves and find some balance and peace within themselves.

We have decided to drop our prices until the end of the year to make it more affordable for you to access the support you need!

Check out our website for the new prices and remember your first 30 minute consultation is free!!



Where are my worst case scenario thinkers?

I spent most of my life getting stuck thinking of the worse case scenario to try and protect myself. Instead it often kept me stuck in an unhappy place, a familiar place but not one I was happy with. It was the discomfort I knew so that felt safe.

What changed? I started asking myself two simple words, “then what?” You see change only comes through discomfort and we only bring up the worst case scenario when we are considering change. We are already uncomfortable it’s the risk of being worse off that scares us. But what if that worse case scenario happens, then what? Our brain can get stuck and end in the awful moment when playing out our options but life doesn’t stop in the uncomfortable moment it keeps moving. So next time you play out how awful something might be ask your self then what until you get to a feeling more manageable.


Our environment is filled with constant stimulus. We live in a fast paced world with mass amounts of sensory information. To survive we have learned to tune it out from our conscious state but that does not mean it is not having an effect on you. This means for survival has also caused us to tune out important messages.

How do we get back to balance? Tune back in? Creating ideal environments to practice these skills, turn to our equine friends who are masters in these skills and begin to take back control. DM me for more information.


Curious about Inner Wild Wellness Services but not ready to make the commitment? No problem! Reach out to schedule a free 30 minute consultation where you can get to know us more and we can get to know you!

Can be done in person, over the phone or over zoom. Best part? Absolutely no obligation or harassment after. There is zero pressure to sign up for further sessions, no continued emails or phone calls unless you would like it. At the end of our consultation you will be asked if you would like to schedule a full session, have us touch base in a week or leave the ball in your court.

DM me to schedule your free consultation now!


Let’s talk about feeling helpless.

We live in a time when we are fed constant information from near and far. A time when pain and suffering is focused on more than peace and balance. Where buzz words are used to “fix” problems but very little action is taken. It’s no wonder so many of us feel helpless and paralyzed.

We used to live in small villages, where if a crisis happened it was within your community and you could take action, come together and feel a shift, see a change, be apart. Now many of the problems we feel are so far from us or too abstract for us to participate in helping.

So how do we combat this? Start focusing on you and the impact you can have on the people directly around you. Smile at the cashier, hold the door open for someone, be there for a friend. Small acts of kindness bring joy to both you and those around you. That joy will have a ripple effect. Not sure where to start or how to shift your focus. No problem, reach out and we can walk this journey with you!

Drop your act of kindness in the comments below! Let’s spread some joy ❤️


Let’s talk listening & agendas.

This is a throwback picture to me at prom with my last competition horse Splash. Reflecting back each of the horses I have spent time with have been a stepping stone to where I am now. Splash was a horse that said her message LOUD and most of the time it felt like just a whisper to me. I was too consumed with my own agenda of competing to hear her needs.

Horses are incredibly forgiving and patient. Although I adapted to some of her needs I wish I would have heard them sooner and clearer. This hard lesson is growing on me both with and without horses.

How many times have you had an agenda in relationships (Romantic, friendships, colleagues, family,etc) an outcome you want that you don’t actually hear what the other person is expressing making it difficult to reach a common ground and often ending in discourse. Often if we listen first we get so much farther and so much more than we imagined. If we let them Horses teach us to listen, to put our agenda aside and create outcomes far beyond our wildest dreams.

May Splash Rest In Peace and hear my forgiveness for not learning this lesson sooner.


Equine facilitated wellness/learning/therapy.

In some programs the horses are seen as tools. A means to an end, something we use to get a result. Here at Inner Wild Wellness Services they are partners in our journey, they are apart of the team. We work with them and learn from them.

I spent many years utilizing my horses as “tools” telling them what I wanted them to do, when and where and I learned a lot. But I have grown so much more and learned incredibly difficult life skills by partnering with them. At Inner Wild Wellness Services we want to offer you the opportunity to explore yourself and your skills through your relationship with horses (your own or the ones that live here).

The horses involved in our programming are always given choices and voices. Interested in knowing more or getting involved? Reach out for a free consultation.


Let’s talk thoughts!

If you are anything like me your mind is always racing, there is a constant dialogue of multiple things going on in your head at all times. I never understood how people would say they weren’t thinking of anything or how people could be present in the moment. That laundry list of things to do, problems for solve, plans to make etc were always present.

It wasn’t until this past year where I have been working on my communication skills with the horses that I have learned how to manage my thoughts better. For years it felt like my thoughts happened to me versus me being in control. Building my relationship with horses has taught me the skills to manage my thoughts.

This improved not only my skills but my happiness, my relationships, decreased stress levels, improved my confidence and increased my resilience.

Are you ready to take back control of your thoughts in a fun, positive and lasting way? Reach out for a free consultation!


Let’s talk Goals!

As important as having measurable, realistic, etc goals are there are endless amounts of information out there on how to set up the structure of goals. (If you want to know more just look up SMART goals). What I want to discuss is why that goal?

The why behind something is incredibly powerful and often overlooked or misunderstood. From a young age the people and culture around us shape what we think we need to do for a happy life. Everything from our health/weight, to career, family structure, hobbies, etc. Sometimes we do exactly what we think is expected of us or we completely rebel the opposite direction but it’s not often we ask ourselves what do I want outside of the reaction or influence of others. We get so caught up in pleasing or trying not to be something we forget to discover who it is we want to be. In fact we often even believe it is what we want because it has constantly been presented to us.

This lack of checking in with our why is how so many of us end up as adults who have done everything “right” and are still unhappy. Good news: it’s never too late to check in with your why. It can be an overwhelming process but as a recreation therapist I am here to help walk you through it. Reflect your thoughts back to you so you can hear them in a different perspective.


When was the last time you were genuinely happy? That feeling where it seems like nothing can bring you down. Where you are so in the moment filled with joy you feel wrapped in pure bliss. When you laughed so hard your stomach hurts. When the rest of the world falls away and it’s just the moment you are in.

It seems everywhere we turn now everyone is carrying the world with them. Everyone I talk to is stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated. We are so focused outward on making changes in the world or being up on the latest trend or news we forget about the power of joy. Your energy radiates into the world and effects those around you and the quality of your life.

If you are tired of being tired reach out and let’s connect you back to your joy.


It is never too late.

Things I hear frequently: “it’s too late” “I am too old” “I missed my chance” etc. According to who? There is no right or correct way to live your life. There is no timeline that you have to live by. There are general societal expectations but the expectations of others are not your concern. Everyday you are posed with hundreds of choices that lead you to the life you want or the life others want for you. Which will make you happier?

Meet Tia. Years ago she was diagnosed with arthritis. We tried every medicine under the sun to make her comfortable but nothing worked. Over the years people would tell me to put her down. I didn’t listen, instead I kept trying to learn more. I did a diet and lifestyle shift for her and now she is happy, healthy and living her best life.

It was not too late for Tia, it is not too late for you. What do you want your life to look like? Let’s work together and make that happen.


Let’s talk perception. According to Webster’s dictionary perception is “awareness of the elements of environment through physical sensation” and “a capacity for comprehension.”
Comprehension and awareness are things we have control over, meaning we have control over our perception of our lives.

Have you ever had a bad day where it seems like one thing after another is going wrong and then you catch a piece of your clothing on the door handle and it validates how awful that day was? That “nothing can go right” feeling. How many times did you walk past a door before that moment where everything went fine? Why didn’t those validate a good day? Because you were looking for things to validate the narrative in your head.

Crappy things are going to happen in life. It’s part of what makes us appreciate when things go well. It’s about our perception of those things that determine what kind of life we are having.

When we are having a bad day our intake of information narrows. So next time you are having a rough day, take a moment to step outside and look as far into the distance as you can. Notice as many things as you can about what you see (colours, shapes, etc.). Acknowledge 3 things that went right that day no matter how small. Try to shift your perspective and perception and see how it shifts your life.


Why hire a recreation therapist?

In your life you are the main character and everyone around you are supporting characters. It’s why when someone messes up our food order or cuts us off in traffic our initial thought is about how their mistake effects our life. But if we are the ones making a mistake we have justifications.

You see to everyone around you, you are a supporting character to their story. Which means their thoughts and advice to you are based from within their own story and may not always serve in your best interest.

As a recreation therapist, I am the audience/narrator. I am outside the story peering in able to see parts of the picture you may not. How you watch a movie and yell at the TV saying how did you not see that! We miss and misinterpret signs and opportunities in our own lives because we are too close. As a recreation therapist my job is to help expand your view to see other aspects and give you an opportunity to create the best decisions for yourself.

Interested in knowing more? DM me for more info.


Fun fact: Horses will start off using subtle communication, the more they don’t feel heard their communication either becomes bigger or they shut down completely.

Sound familiar? That’s because people do the same thing. Big expressions from both humans and horses often are not a result of just the current interaction but previous experiences accumulated.

We often think about our reactions to something as just who we are. But it is a learned behaviour which means you can learn new ways to cope/communicate/express it to benefit you more!

Interested in finding out more. Send me a DM or drop your comments/questions below. Like and share to see more content like this.


Let’s talk soft skills and hard skills!

Hard skills are things like knowledge or job and activity skills. Most people spend time and money to improve hard skills. Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills. So often we say and hear phrases such as “I am who I am” and are not willing to spend time or money to develop our soft skills because we assume they are natural. But soft skills are just that skills, they can and should be taught and developed.

Unlike hard skills, soft skills are utilized every day and in every situation. Skills such as communication, boundaries, problem solving, teamwork, adaptability, creativity, time management, etc. If you never learned healthy and strong skills in these areas then how would you know what to do to improve these aspects of your life? Almost all of our “problem” areas in life are derived from lack of or poor soft skills. At Inner Wild Wellness Services we focus on your soft skills to help you reach your goals, as soft skills are often the foundation to success and horses can be such wonderful teachers in this area.


What is Equine Facilitated Wellness (EFW)?

It’s a fancy way of saying learning from our relationship with horses. Throughout my life horses have taught me so much and in the past year being unable to ride either of my horses it challenged me to learn to connect in a different way. In doing so my relationship got better not only with my horses but with people in my life. I had always heard how important it was to develop a relationship on the ground first but being forced to explore that beyond grooming has been life altering for them and me.

Horses are prey animals and need to live in the present moment which is part of the “calm” sensation many experience when with them. They have feelings, thoughts and communication styles. They attempt to set boundaries and their life experiences shape their present moment interactions.

Relationships shape our lives, whether it be love, friendships, family, colleagues, etc. How we function in relationships can alter the course of our lives. Spending time with horses can allow us to take an honest look within ourselves and practice healthy life skills that will transfer to your daily life.

Whether working with your horses or mine there is value in exploring yourself through your relationship with others. Interested in knowing more? Drop your questions below or DM for a private chat.


What is Recreation Therapy (RT)?

To understand RT lets first go back to our childhoods. You see children learn through play. They practice and explore their skills and interactions in safe environments we refer to as play (or leisure and recreation). It’s a place to test boundaries, try new skills and explore options free of judgement and real consequences. In addition our memory tends to hold extremes, so if something was very unpleasant or extremely enjoyable we tend to hold onto that and base future decisions. As Recreation therapists we utilize this portion of your brain by helping you find a state known as flow.

As adults it becomes difficult for us to practice new skills or set new boundaries because the consequences will adjust the status quo of our environment and recreation and leisure is often seen as secondary/optional or frivolous. Through recreation and leisure activities we can safely test and adapt those skills until we are more confident in applying them to our outside relationships. Recreation therapy creates the environment and tailors it to you.

Recreation therapy is about identifying your strengths and weaknesses and how they contribute or take away from the goals you have for yourself. As a recreation therapist my job is to walk that journey with you and help guide you on the way. At Inner Wild Wellness Services we partner with horses to create experiences that bring you joy and allow you to test and grow these skills.


It has been a minute and I Thankyou for sticking around while I went MIA! Let me reintroduce myself!

My name is Rylee and horses have been a part of my life as long as I can remember. They have been my safe place, my best friends, my teachers and so much more. Each horse and each experience has led me to where I am now.
Along side my personal journey with horses I developed a career in recreation therapy. A profession in which the therapist uses recreation and leisure as their means to help people reach their goals and enhance their weaknesses.

In the past few years I have felt a calling to combine these two aspects of my life and thus Inner Wild Wellness Services was created. It’s about partnering with horses (mine or yours) to enhance what are known as soft skills (personally not a fan of the term but thats
a story for another day).

I look forward to sharing tips and information and hope you’ll join me along this journey. Drop your questions in the comments section or DM me for more information.

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Abbotsford, BC