Ground Zero Ministries

Ground Zero Ministries

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Priya's Beauty Academy
Priya's Beauty Academy

Offering free haircuts on Sunday afternoon, food, emergency supplies, housing supplies and referrals

In addition to scheduled food outreach, we provide emergency supplies and food to those in crisis throughout the week as the need arises. We receive weekly donations of food and attempt to distribute all items including clothing, hygiene and housing, building supplies to those in outdoor conditions, immediately upon donation. Our goal is that each person in homelessness would be cared for with com


Some incredible things continue to happen.

Thank you Marvin for all you’ve done for those who came to you for help. Some made the choice to change, some went back into they’re addiction-but through it all you kept your eyes on the Lord and you did amazing things for, and with the Lord by your side. Many men are free from their addiction because you poured your heart and life into them. Thank you

Joshua house continues to grow and prove that with God, all things are possible-including restoring lives from the bo***ge of addiction. Thank you Richard for all you do and we will continue to pray for your ministry that God’s richest blessing will continue to provide finances, people, and love to help you guys grow with steadfast endurance and reach the lost and broken souls that need healing.

If you don’t know anything about Joshua house, please look them up and consider sowing into they’re ministry

Send a message to learn more

Fraser Valley recovery centre expands to B.C. Interior | Watch News Videos Online 07/14/2024

Check out the amazing things happening at Joshua house 😍😍😍👏👏👏

Fraser Valley recovery centre expands to B.C. Interior | Watch News Videos Online Watch Fraser Valley recovery centre expands to B.C. Interior Video Online, on

Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 07/12/2024

Here’s short alittle story of redemption, and how God can heal our lives - if we let Him 😍🥰

I made some horrible choices in life, and cried out to the Lord-and he heard me…. He delivered me from a life of addiction, homelessness and healed my heart of pain I could not process on my own.

I went into a Christian treatment centre (for a year), then moved to Abbotsford where God gave me a whole new life with amazing people that built me into who I am today.

Along the way I met a beautiful woman, who became not just my best friend, but my biggest cheerleader, and the love of my life. She too, has a troubling PAST of addiction and brokenness. But just like me, the Lord brought her from the gates of hell. He restored her into a beautiful new creation and gave her a soft heart that is so genuine and loving.

Yesterday, we said “ I do “….

Miracles do happen 😍🥰🥺

Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 07/01/2024

There’s no better way to celebrate recovery and transformation then admiring and recognizing the wonder-life changing power of the Lord Jesus, and celebrating a beautiful day of marriage.

June 29, 2024…

Our Sunday team leader Ryan married his beautiful fiancé Aelaf, and man are they ever a beautiful and happy couple. 😍😍😍

Please take a minute to congratulate them on they’re marriage and next step in life 😍🥰

Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 06/07/2024

Here’s a little update on the adventure we’ve been on lately in Abbotsford 🥰🥰

First off, a HUUUUGE shout out to our friends at “Spicy Affairs Indian Cuisine” for making our unhoused friends a delicious dish of butter chicken, it smelt SOOO good that our crew had to taste-test and man was it delicious!! 😍 thank you guys for blessing us with this meal to hand out 🙏🥰

We’ve seen MANY new faces here in Abbotsford since our last post, and we’ve had some amazing conversations about recovery, healing and how to make that first step. This is the purpose of our outreaches-to offer our friends a hand to walk along side and jump through the damn-near-impossible hoops and get into a place where God can, and will heal the individuals heart and break off the chains of addiction so they can experience freedom once and for all.

It seems like the pain and damage of addiction is getting so bad that some of our friends now have a hard time even forming sentences. We see the same faces week after week, and then we don’t…. 😢 There is only one way to leave addiction behind, and that is to leave addiction behind…. Trying to solve the problem of addiction with more drugs or alcohol is complete insanity, and encouraging the behaviour with providing tools to get high-is the same level of insanity…. we will continue to find our friends where they are at, love them, and encourage them to make the choice to walk away from the pain they think is they’re security and go into detox and treatment.

As we are entering into our hot months, we thank all our fb friends and followers in advance for helping us serve those in need by providing water and resources for them to survive.

Here are a few pictures of our journey over the last week.







If you OR someone you know is suffering from addiction, please be careful and share this information with people you know.

We are happy to assist people to get into treatment ASAP, and we have placed men into a Christian program within 24 hrs.



Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 05/13/2024


Today is a very tough day for some of the Moms we know and hold close to our hearts, especially our unhoused and vulnerable ones in our community.

So, we thought it would be special to hand out a meal, a cold beverage, an ice cream bar, and a single rose-to the mothers.

We wanted them to know that despite their circumstances and life choices, they are NOT forgotten, valued and loved 🥺❤️

Our haircut team went to one of our locations and met some new people, and visited with some old friends, and our food team hit the streets to spread some love.

Also, tonight our team met up at crossroads restaurant to celebrate our ministries “Pastor Laurie”, and his beautiful bride Darlene ‘s 50th wedding anniversary-that was yesterday.

What a privilege it is to have such an amazing crew to walk this journey with.

Thank you to Everyone for your ongoing prayers and support to GZM


Joshua House is putting on a bbq fundraiser today and tomorrow at KMS tools beside Costco in Abby. Please go check them out and support a great cause

Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 04/20/2024

If you have a few minutes today to go see our wonderful Noah and his sister Zoe as they are having a craft sale (3970 gladwin road ) and selling they’re amazing bracelets to support Ground Zero Ministries. $1 from every sale goes into they’re jar and helps support our street outreach and feed the unhoused community we serve. Thanks Noah and Zoe for working hard to make a difference in our community 🫶🏼♥️

Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 04/20/2024

Here’s a long post but it’s what my heart told me to say….

So Many amazing connections happen on our outreaches that it’s hard to keep track of them all and some very emotionally hard things happen too.

When we build relationships and have strong connections with our unhoused community, seeing them in such shambles and brokenness is hard and hurts the heart more times then not… I get asked quite often “why don’t they just go get help and go to treatment”…. But the answer is very complex and hard to explain to someone who hasn’t seen the shackles and talons addiction can have on one’s mind and body, and the lack of support and help our community has to offer. The simple solution our government has turned to is “harm reduction and clean supply”… but anyone with a brain cell can see that this is NOT working and hasn’t worked since day 1….

None the less, that will not prevent us from going the opposite direction the government has, and GZM stands against this crap as we know that the only solution to breaking free of addiction is with the power of God, and complete abstinence from drugs and alcohol and retraining your mind to live a new way, away from the people you use with.

We (addicts) can’t do it on our own…we need a community of people who are, and have gone the same direction in recovery as we are trying desperately to go. It’s a painful journey, and get very messy at times, but it is possible, and life gets absolutely amazing…

GZM is a volunteer based outreach program that hands out 2 meals a week, and haircuts every second Sunday. We use these outreaches to see our most vulnerable community members at they’re worst-sometimes they have needles in they’re arms, sometimes a pipe in they’re mouth, sometimes we see them happy and somewhat sober, and there has been times where we have walked up on folks that are grey and seconds from death. But we don’t care, we’re there to love them, and feed them, and give them a Bible-or gospel tract to try and inspire them to make the choice for treatment-and once they make that choice-we run with them and help them navigate through the broken systems to get them help.

HUGE shout out to Joshua House and Psalm 23 Transition Society for taking our people in immediately when they are ready to do the program. 🙌🫶🏼♥️

We couldn’t hand out food if we had none, but the The Salvation Army Centre of Hope - Abbotsford provides it for us at very little cost, and we are so grateful for the amazing food we have.

Our program runs solely on community donations and we receive no government help, if you want to sew into our ministry and help us keep the food going and people getting into treatment-please visit our website and hit the donation button. Thank you all for helping us stay afloat thus far and we plan to continue on our adventures 🫶🏼

It’s been a long post, but thank you Everyone for following us, and believing in our ministry to offer our unhoused friends some real help, and not ways to get high.

Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 04/01/2024

From our GZM team to all our fb friends and family, we wish Everyone a very happy Easter.

We celebrated Christ Jesus resurrection day by visiting our friends in the community and handing out a hot meal created by the chef master, Colleen at The Salvation Army Centre of Hope - Abbotsford, and little special Easter treats from our team “pastor Laurie” and his wife Darleen. We got to share with our friends how special they are to us, and the hope of breaking free of addiction with the Lords help 😍😍

Our barber team also cut some hairs at one of our spots, and it was a beautiful day so we cut outside… we had some great laughs and everyone was happy to see us 😍

We had an amazing day, and we hope you all did aswell spending time with your families 🥰🥰


Som**hing to get behind and support?

Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 02/21/2024

Please take a minute to look at the life in the eyes of our friends as they recieved a haircut and some time with our team.

It means the world to us that we are welcomed into the camps, shelters and lives of our vulnerable community members so we can plant seeds of encouragement, hope and life as they try to navigate out of the lifestyle of addiction and homelessness they are trapped in.

A huge shoutout to our amazing teams of volunteers who consistently come back week after week to serve and try to make a difference in our community and the lives of those we serve. 🙌🫶🏼🥰❤️❤️❤️


Homelessness in Canada with Craig Forbes and Joseph Sikora 02/19/2024

I was honoured to be a guest on Faytene TV and discuss the topics of homelessness and addiction. Thank you to all our for your ongoing prayers and support as our amazing team of volunteers at GZM continues week after week to bring our unhoused friends into a place of transformation and healing. ❤️‍🩹

Please check this video out 😍🥰


Homelessness in Canada with Craig Forbes and Joseph Sikora DONATE | faytene Homelessness in Canada — whether in plain sight or hidden, has been on the rise. The Homeless Hub estimates there are 153,000 – 300,000 homeless Canadians. Recently, we


All Extreme Weather Shelters are CLOSED

Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 02/09/2024


The theme this week has been the hot topic of connection vs isolation. Let me be very clear that I am speaking specifically about addiction.

Addiction wants only one thing, to steal-kill-and destroy one’s life and put him/her in the grave and then addiction continues to destroy the lives of others that surrounded that person to support and love through the failed process of support. Why was it failed you may ask!? Here is my unsolicited opinion and observation as once a desolated and hopelessness j***y myself to now being on the other side and trying to help peoplee escape the torment and death addiction causes.

Apart from treatmentt centres and detoxes, there is very little help for the addict. There is ZERO mental health help, we have “outreach workers” fuelling addiction by handing out the tools to get high and stay high, we have dr’s prescribing crazy amounts of opiates to addicts-then they turn around and sell the pills for street drugs, and our government and powers at hand encourage addicts to take theyre drugs and stay lovked in addiction and they NOW COMPARE USING FENTANYL TO DRINKING COFFEE, and soon they will have free-smokable fentanyl and heroine. This is NOT the solution as it is community palliative care and the government is lining they’re fat pockets as our loved ones die a painful, lonely and sad life and no one bats an eye when they die, we just write it off as “another statistic”…🤬🤬🤬🤬

Here’s why I’m so pi**ed off right now.

This week one of our past volunteers died from a drug overdose. He called to get back into treatment and within that hour-he died… when he came to us he had 2 years clean and a heart to serve the Lord, and had an amazing gift to connect with our street friends and love on them how they needed it- and speak life into they’re souls. He failed on many levels to reach out and stay connected, because his addiction showed up and isolated him and eventually tore him to pieces. Our hearts and condolances go out to Clay’s friends and family 💔

What is the solution to this addiction pandemic we’re in!? CONNECTION, TREATMENT AND MENTORSHIP.

Handing out syringes, pipes, cookers etc is NOT the solution, REHABILITATION IS THE SOLUTION!!!!


In the last 6 months ALL of GZM funding from local agencies has been revoked for renewal as we don’t fit the new criteria, but that’s not stopping us, it’s only igniting more of a passion to fight against the new pushed drug agenda and the government funded drug dealing dr’s and the ones who actually believe theyre helping when theyre actually encouraging people to use by making it possible for them.

I got clean off IV fentanyl and m**h because i chose to go into treatment and connect my heart to God and others around me with positive and healthy relationships…. Not by getting high off government funded drugs and “harm reduction” tools to get high.


CONNECTION!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Y’all think the drug problem is bad now!?

Just wait …. 😳😳


Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 01/23/2024

Ok folks, this is gonna be a long one 😱🤣😤🤪🙏🙌

Just a few things our team has been blessed to be a part of the last few weeks, and the temperature dropped, the snow came, and then warmed up again….

We were blessed to have 2 teams of people out when the cold snap came in, and we drove people to shelters from 7:30 pm, until sometimes 3 am. We found people so cold they couldn’t move, one guy wanted to sit beside the dumpster and just die because he couldn’t handle life anymore, and another guy at 2 am having a seizure behind a camper. It was a super tough go for some, but from my understanding we didn’t loose anyone due to the cold. 🙌🙏🥰

Our ministry continued almost as normal with the food, haircuts and treatment placement-but one night the outreach van was stuck so we had to cancel food 😱😞🤦🏻‍♂️

It’s very important to me that I say a huge thank you to all of the shelter staff, Salvation Army, cedar, archway, Pennie’s place, gateway church, sparrow, ARH, and Jesse W for all of thr community support that was given to our unhoused friends during the cold snap. And a EXTRA huge thank you to all of our amazing GZM volunteers who make it out to serve and try and make a difference ❤️🫶🏼🙌🥰

Through all of the tough weather challenges, many unhoused folks came to the realization that the choices they are making are hard, and we are working with numerous folks to get them into treatment, and one (of many more-we hope) has successfully made the transition off the streets and into a treatment program.


Photos from Ground Zero Ministries's post 01/10/2024

What do yall think???

They’re going to be giving fentanyl out to minors, and there’s nothing that parents can do about! 😳🤬🤬😱😱

Leave your thoughts in the comments please. But let’s keep this a safe place to air our concerns and please refrain from attacking each other 😍👏

Adam Zivo: B.C. plans to give 'safer supply' fentanyl to minors. And parents won't have a say 01/10/2024

I don’t usually post stuff like this-but things are going to be alittle different in 2024…. It’s time to expose what the liberal government is doing and how they are responsible for the current state of our vulnerable community members addiction issues. Some people aren’t gonna like it. But that’s too bad. I’ve watched too many good people die, and there are no consequences for the ones doing the killings.. Let’s make our communities safe again…. And stop this nonsense. 🙌

Adam Zivo: B.C. plans to give 'safer supply' fentanyl to minors. And parents won't have a say No minimum age listed in protocols for providing youth with taxpayer-funded recreational fentanyl


What a fantastic way to end the year, a quick on the spot fundraiser put on by one of GZM’s board members Adam Reynolds and Red Earth Contracting 🥰🫶🏼👏🙌

You guys who participated in this event, are all amazing and we can’t thank you all enough for your love, generosity and support.

and we raised just over a thousand dollars in 4 hours and Adams gonna match it 😱😍🙌👏❤️🥰❤️😍

Sincerely, thank you all


Photos from Shalom Ministry Centre's post 12/26/2023

Our dear friends at shalom ministries here in Abby were hard at work serving our vulnerable friends today.

Thank you Pierre and team for spreading the Love of Jesus this year 🫶🏼❤️

Please check out they’re page and give them a like 🥰❤️

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IMPORTANT UPDATE:THANK YOU to so many who quickly and generously responded to our immediate need, and continue to reach ...
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