Georgian College Career and Employment Community Services, Barrie, ON Videos

Videos by Georgian College Career and Employment Community Services in Barrie. Computers, telephones, workshops, photo copying and much more for Job Searching

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May 3 to 6 Webinars - Join our virtual information sessions and get your questions answered. Monday, May 3 RESUME ASSISTANCE (Mondays and Wednesdays) Get one-on-one resume tips and personal assistance Register here to receive the access to the online session : Wednesday, May 5 RESUME ASSISTANCE (Mondays and Wednesdays) Get one-on-one resume tips and personal assistance Register here to receive the access to the online session : Thursday, May 6 (at 2 p.m.) RESUME BASICS (Thursdays) Learn resume layouts, how to structure a resume, create a cover letter. Register here to receive the access to the online session :

We're here to help job seekers and employers