Nova Scotia Salmon Association, Bedford, NS Videos

Videos by Nova Scotia Salmon Association in Bedford. A leading volunteer organization promoting the wise management and conservation of our wild Atlantic

Hey William, nice hat! The next generation is looking strong!

The 2024 season is just around the corner. Get your general fishing license online (Link in bio) & familiarize yourself with the new 2024 regulations!

Can’t wait to see everyone on the water!
#nssalmon #fishnovascotia #novascotia #brooktrout #fishing #youth #atlanticsalmon #river #novascotiasalmonassociation

Other Nova Scotia Salmon Association videos

Hey William, nice hat! The next generation is looking strong! The 2024 season is just around the corner. Get your general fishing license online (Link in bio) & familiarize yourself with the new 2024 regulations! Can’t wait to see everyone on the water! . . . #nssalmon #fishnovascotia #novascotia #brooktrout #fishing #youth #atlanticsalmon #river #novascotiasalmonassociation

The Halifax Outdoor Sports & RV Show celebrated its 40th anniversary this past weekend. For many of us, the show is a time honoured tradition, setting stage for the upcoming fishing season. The NSSA would like to extend a very warm welcome to all the new members who joined the association this weekend at the show. A special thanks to all of our members, partners, volunteers, and staff who work to restore and advocate for native fish, fish habitat, and responsible angling. If you were unable to attend the show this past weekend visit our website to sign up for your free membership! . . . #nssalmon #novascotiasalmonassociation #atlanticsalmonflyfishing #conservation #novascotia #atlanticsalmon #brooktrout

Ocean Protection Plan Funding Announcement

Cranton Bridge, Margaree River
Cranton Bridge at 5:00 this afternoon.