Albion Hills Physiotherapy, Bolton, ON Videos

Videos by Albion Hills Physiotherapy in Bolton. We have been delivering high quality health care to Bolton and the surrounding area since 1997. Our facility offers state of the art pain relieving technology in combination with hands on professional care.


· HOW: Stand facing a wall on one foot on a foam. While balancing on that leg with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into the wall and play catch with it. Keep your hips facing forward as you throw the ball. The farther you are away from the wall the harder it will be.

· COMPENSATION: Keep your hips facing forward, don’t rotate your whole body while throwing the ball.

#albionhillsphysiotherapy #albionhillsphysio #boltonphysio #exercise #balance #stayhealthy #coordination #covid_19 #stayfitdontquit

Other Albion Hills Physiotherapy videos

SINGLE LEG BALANCE – BALL TOSS · HOW: Stand facing a wall on one foot on a foam. While balancing on that leg with a slight bend in your knee, toss the ball into the wall and play catch with it. Keep your hips facing forward as you throw the ball. The farther you are away from the wall the harder it will be. · COMPENSATION: Keep your hips facing forward, don’t rotate your whole body while throwing the ball. #albionhillsphysiotherapy #albionhillsphysio #boltonphysio #exercise #balance #stayhealthy #coordination #covid_19 #stayfitdontquit

Open book / Thoracic Rotation exercise · The open book mobilization can help to improve thoracic mobility while opening up the chest and frontal shoulder muscles. · Like any exercise this should be pain free or shouldn’t increase existing pain levels, during, after and the next day. · Start by lying on your side, with your knees bent past your hips and hands together straight in front of you. Put a pillow under your head if you have any neck issues. · Keeping your lower back stable, rotate your top arm up and back as far as you can comfortably go. You should feel a stretch in your shoulders and chest. · If having an outstretched arm feels too difficult or causes any discomfort in your shoulder, place your top hand behind head to keep your elbow bent. · Hold the position for 15 seconds. Repeat 5 times and then switch sides. #openbook #exercise #stretching #albionhillsphysiotherapy #physiotherapy #bolton #caledon #stayactive

Four reasons to strengthen your glutes The largest, most important group of muscles in your body are your glutes. These muscles are key players for mobility, being vital for movements such as walking and going up steps. Why do P.T.’s recommend core and glute- strengthening exercises above all other both to young people and seniors? Here are the reasons: 1) Better posture Strong glute muscles provide your spine with the support it needs and the stabilization your pelvis requires in order to have a healthy posture. 2) Improves your mobility and balance You need strong glutes for stabilization. Strengthening your gluteus can increase both your mobility and balance. 3) Reduced chance of knee, hip, and back injury Strong glutes protect vulnerable areas of the body such as your hamstrings, knees, and lower back. It is essential that these areas function in a healthy manner in order to perform simple daily activities well. 4) Prevent back pain If the glutes aren’t doing their job, the rest of the body — including the spine — has to pick up the slack and can become overworked and injured. A common cause of back pain is because the psoas muscle acts as the body’s core stabilizer rather than the glutes. When the psoas is overactive, compression occurs in the lower back, resulting in one of the more common causes of back pain. Clarice Cummins, P.T.

A simple way to improve your form using foam! Foam rollers are an effective method of reducing tension and increasing muscle length for either a pre-workout warm-up or post-exercise active recovery. What Are the Benefits of Foam Rolling? - Pumps up the blood flow - Gives you better flexibility - Reduce muscle stiffness - Increase neuromuscular efficiency - Increase range of motion and flexibility - Promote faster injury recovery and rehabilitation In general, follow these tips to get started: Start with light pressure and build up as you get used to foam rolling. Slowly roll tender areas for 10 seconds to start, then work up to 30 to 60 seconds at a time. Drink plenty of water after foam rolling to help with recovery. Video by Adele Jackson-Gibeon #albionhillsphysio #bolton #caledonphysio #wellness #foamroller #foamrollerexercises #stayfitandhealthy

Coronavirus Health & Safety Guide
CORONAVIRUS UPDATE! Albion Hills Physiotherapy & Acupuncture will remain open ONLY for care which is deemed urgent and essential. We want our patients and team to remain safe. We would ask that anyone who has been travelling or is ill, postpone their care. We will continue to maintain the strictest cleaning and maintenance standards for clinic safety. If you have any questions regarding your care, please do not hesitate to call us. PHYSIOTHERAPY & ACUPUNCTURE SERVICES IN THE COMMUNITY The Ontario Physiotherapy Association and the Canadian Physiotherapy Association support the recommendations by Public Health authorities to optimize social distancing. We therefore recommend that physiotherapists providing services in the community only do so to address patients with urgent needs. Those patients whose care and services can be postponed, or can be provided virtually (online sessions provided by Physiotherapist), we strongly recommend doing so until at least early April. We recognize that these are exceptional measures aimed to reduce the spread of the virus and to decrease the demand on the health system. Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. If you would like to set up a Physiotherapy session to be provided online via a telehealth portal, please let us know.

Last week of Physio Month! Don’t forget to enter our giveaway by completing our quiz! Click here:

The clinic will be open again Monday at 8am!

Pretty Easter colour resistance bands!

“There is no limit to what, we as women, can accomplish” - Michelle Obama Happy international women’s day to all the strong and inspiring women all over the world. #girlpower

Exercise of the Week!
Having Joelle demonstrate our exercise of the week! The row is really good for strengthening the msucles in between your shoulder blades. These muscles are called your Rhomboids; keeping your rhomboids strong help bring your shoulders back and promote good posture. Give it a shot! Remember to have your shoulders down and squeeze the shoulder blades together.

Wax Bath
Having one of our students demonstrate how we use the wax bath! Warm wax covers the hands and helps relax muscles and joints :)