Queen B Recovery, Calgary, AB Videos

Videos by Queen B Recovery in Calgary. • Self Worth Promoter • Empowering Women in Sobriety • Empath • Open Book • Sober Queen

Take care of yourself, it’s no one’s responsibility but yours. Don’t wait for someone to spoil you, spoil yourself... Don’t wait for someone to boost your confidence, toot your own horn!! And don’t wait for validation from others, you are worthy, like I am worthy.

What do you do for self care? Leave a comment and don’t forget to hit that “♥️”. Stay true queens! 👑♥️

#wereallqueenshere #queenbrecovery #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #macmiller #ripmacmiller #selfcaredontcare #selfcare #mentalhealthadvocate

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Take care of yourself, it’s no one’s responsibility but yours. Don’t wait for someone to spoil you, spoil yourself... Don’t wait for someone to boost your confidence, toot your own horn!! And don’t wait for validation from others, you are worthy, like I am worthy. What do you do for self care? Leave a comment and don’t forget to hit that “♥️”. Stay true queens! 👑♥️ #wereallqueenshere #queenbrecovery #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #macmiller #ripmacmiller #selfcaredontcare #selfcare #mentalhealthadvocate

With me and my boyfriend starting a landscaping company recently, I’ve been super busy with running that and I’ve been struggling to find time to create content for my recovery page. I’m finally putting my passion and dreams into action and I’m so proud of myself and will keep pursuing it no matter what... this page has given me a lot of confidence to believe in myself and keep going. I am worthy, you are worthy!! Stay true, queens and follow your dreams. You’re capable of so much, you just gotta dream, plan and DO!!! Get it, gurrrl!! 👑♥️ #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #selfawareness #tips #listeningtoyourbodyandmind #whatworksforyou #sobrietyempowerment #cleanandsober #soberliving #journey #recoveryjourney #dreamstoaction #pursueyourpassion #knowyourfullpotential #finallymyownboss

Been waiting a while to post this gem... not sure why but here we go. This is just a tiny tidbit about the start of my recovery. Stay tuned for more down the road!! Make sure to like/share, step out of your comfort zone and comment what led you to your recovery! Remember, you’re worthy, I’m worthy! Stay true, queens!! 👑♥️ #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #selfawareness #tips #listeningtoyourbodyandmind #whatworksforyou #sobrietyempowerment #cleanandsober #soberliving #journey #recoveryjourney

In my active addiction, I thought I knew my body and what/how it was feeling but in reality I didn’t fully. I was trying to shut out the warnings and signs that I needed to deal with something because I was too afraid to deal with the traumas head on. What my body and mind were trying to do was call out for help, yelling at me to listen and to deal with the traumas... I thought pushing it down and ignoring it would just make it go away but it made it worse, obviously. My drinking was a result of that. I’m getting better at recognizing when my body is warning me as opposed to when it’s just my anxiety/irrational thinking happening. I recognize the signs, my body is giving me, more now but still struggling to fully trust myself and listen. I play a Jock Jams song in my head to pump myself up but it doesn’t always pay off... Don’t forget to hit that “♥️” and leave comment on what you found that works for you when it comes to trusting and listening to your body and mind? I am worthy and you are worthy. Stay true, queens! 👑♥️ #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #selfawareness #tips #listeningtoyourbodyandmind #whatworksforyou #sobrietyempowerment

One of my favourite things about being sober is the fact that I remember the new memories that I’m making and not being embarrassed about how much I drank or deleting pictures cuz I wasn’t sober in any. The memories I have now are still clear in my mind and I am so grateful for that. I am grateful I no longer argue with people because they remember things I didn’t, due to intoxication. All that shame I used to carry doesn’t exist anymore and I give that a “f**k ya”!!! I can’t wait to see what new and exciting memories are coming my way!! Hit that “♥️” and let me know how you feel about sober memories. I am worthy, you are worthy!! Stay true, queens!! 👑♥️ #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #sobermemories #memories #grateful #yyc #soberisassoberdoes

Retraining my brain from negative to positive has been one of the most challenging things I’ve ever had to do... and I’m by no means a master, yet 😉. I struggle with this everyday of my life. Even though I feel I’ve made progress, I know I can do better. I’m just too hard on myself... then fear sinks in and I’m a mess which takes my focus off of what’s really important. “Stay focused, keep your eye on the prize and always believe in yourself.” That’s what I try to tell myself... One day I’ll be at a point where I’ll forget what it was even like to think the way I do now. We’re all worth it. Stay true, queens!!! #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #memories #grateful #yyc

Seriously, you’re dope af and no one can tell you otherwise. Hold your head up high and carry yourself like the queen that you are!! Energy is transfered from person to person and your body will tell you when that energy is toxic or good. Feel the negative energy in your bones... then respect yourself and remove yourself from the situation. We are in control of ourselves and only we can control what we surround ourselves with. Make the right choice for yourself and mental health. I am worthy, you are worthy!! Stay true, queens!! 👑 #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #sobermotivation #comparisobisthethiefofselfworth #selfworth #sobrietyjourney

There’s so much truth to this... For me, it just seemed like the best way I knew at the time for me to hide my traumas. It was something that I saw as socially acceptable and it made me “feel good”. We all know it never did any good... alcohol made me mean and not so fun to be around especially when I got to my black out states. Everyday I choose to be sober, everyday I choose to stay healthy and more mindful and everyday I choose to live my life without alcohol telling me what to do. I am worthy, you are worthy. Stay true queens!! 👑 Like and follow!! You won’t be disappointed 🤪♥️👑 #womeninrecovery #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #womenwhohustle #femaleempowerment #empowerher #doitforyourself #nurtureyourself

Queen, you’ve f**king got this!!! No matter what you are still so damn worthy. Take a break, breathe and straighten that beautiful crown of yours and keep going. You’re the only one standing in the way of your own success. Stay true, queens!!! Follow follow follow!!! And don’t forget to his the “♥️” you beautiful sober beauties!! #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #queenbrecovery #love #breathe

Good morning, It’s a beautiful day in Calgary!! What a better way to start my day than with my son and a fresh cup of coffee. Make sure to stay hydrated when drinking coffee and try to stop or switch to decaf after 2pm!! Have an amazing day, beauties!! One day at a time. Stay true, queens!! 👑 #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #queenbrecovery #empoweringwomeninsobriety #yycrecovery #goodmorning #coffeetime #saturdaymorning #stayhydrated #onedayatatime

Betrayed by my own self... Thrown under the bus by my own self... I’m disappointed in how horrible I used to talk to myself in my active addiction. I was so horrible I allowed myself to believe that’s how I should let others treat me. Today, I’m still getting the hang of self affirmations and trying to show compassion to myself but back then I was pretty nasty to myself. Something that hit me so hard when I was in treatment was when my counsellor said “would you talk to your friends the way you talk to yourself?” My response was “hell no I wouldn’t, that would be horrible” her response “then why do you talk to yourself like that?” 🤔 hmmm, good question... I never thought of it that way but it’s something I won’t forget. So, to the girl I once was... I forgive you. Go easy on yourself, give yourself a break and always remind yourself that you’re trying your best. We need to look out for #1, ourselves, because I am worthy and you are worthy! Stay true, queens!! 👑 Don’t forget to hit that “♥️” and share the love! #queenbrecovery #womeninrecovery #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #femaleempowerment #empowerher #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #onedayatatime #loveyourself

You had to live through those experiences in order to get to where you are today. To get to your freedom, you had to live who you weren’t to know who you are.” If any of you find yourself feeling alone or don’t have anyone to talk to, I’m here and only a message away. We’re not in this alone and never have to be. You’re worthy, I’m worthy!! Stay true, queens!! #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #recovery #onedayatatime

“Comparison is the thief of self-worth.” - Saritah #womeninrecovery #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #recovery #sobriety #soberispowerful #comparisonisthethiefofselfworth

Everyday I try hard to think about this because even still I find it hard to just live in the moment and enjoy what I have. I feel like now that I have all the “extra” time, time I wasted while drinking, to get things done it’s like I’m making up for lost time but not stopping and smelling the flowers. I tell myself to breathe and be where I am. It helps me relax when I’m feeling overwhelmed in those moments. I’m working on it and progressing everyday and proud of where I’m at right now. Remember, live in the moment because I am worthy and you are worthy. Stay true, queens!! 👑 #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #selfnurturing #selflove #selfcare #coping #bewhereyouare #liveinthemoment #onedayatatime

“You had to live through those experiences in order to get to where you are today. To get to your freedom, you had to live who you weren’t to know who you are.” - Unknown #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #recovery #goeasy #sober

“The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting different results.” #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #sobriety #mindful #compassion #understanding #femaleempowerment #empowerher #liftherup #choicechancechange #insanity

This speaks so much truth for me... I got to a point where, as much as I enjoyed most of the jobs I’ve worked, I was fed up with making someone else’s dream a reality by working for them and not for myself and pursuing my passions. How could I work 12 hrs or more a day and still find time for my dreams without burning myself out? No one can!!! I made the necessary changes I needed to and I’m striving for more every day, even in this economy and with how our world is a mess right now 😒 My life is by no means wealthy financially (I’ll get there) but I am starting to become more wealthy in self love, wealth in love/compassion/understanding for others, wealth with my physical health and a better understanding of what I want. QueenB Recovery was a huge step for by me in starting to go after my dreams and pursuing what I now feel is what I need to do. Don’t live someone else’s dream, go for yours no matter what that takes. It’ll be so hard but so worth it. #queenbrecovery #womeninrecovery #wereallqueenshere #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety #yycwomeninrecovery #followyourdreamstheyknowtheway #womenwhohustle #femaleempowerment #empowerher

It’s Okay 🥰
Welcome all you beautiful sober queens!!! I am so happy & excited to announce the start of my Instagram page in association with this page. Thank you so much for the follow, likes and shares and please, don’t hesitate to get involved in the games, questions and empowering times that are coming!! Love you all! I am worthy, you’re worthy!! Stay true, queens!! ♥️👑 #queenbrecovery #empoweringwomeninrecovery #yycrecovery #yycsobriety