The Desiree Jeannette

The Desiree Jeannette

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Intuitive Healing Guide Hello, beautiful souls! I’m Desiree Jeannette, a passionate healer, Reiki Master, and intuitive card reader.

For over 5 years, I’ve immersed myself in the transformative world of energy healing. My journey began when I discovered the profound impact Reiki had on my own life—a path that led me to embrace my spiritual gifts with the intention to share and help others. My mission is to empower you to step into your own power. We all carry innate wisdom within us, waiting to be unlocked. Through Reiki, card


Join me Live tomorrow on the Summer Solstice at 12pm MST (11am PST, 2pm EST). We will be celebrating with our weekly free 1 card readings. You just need to tune here on my page to participate in the live.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/19/2024

Card of the Day : Whispers of the Universe : Six of Activations - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot
Crown Chakra Guardian

There is a dawning awareness that it is time for further soul. Expansions release the old to make way for the new.

This card speaks of spiritual transition and initiation. Letting go as a familiar and inviting in the unknown, you feel your spirit calling you to the next phase of your evolution. It's time now to be open to change feelings of sadness may present themselves with this change, but you know, wholeheartedly that it is appropriate right now. Your inner eye sees the path from a greater perspective. You are transitioning to an upgraded frequency of being so anything outdated or at a lower vibration may present itself. Right now, this allows you to see it for what it is and free it from your field with love? And grace let memory simply be memories without needing to make stories for them.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/18/2024

Card of the Day : Dimensional Shifts of the Crystalline : The Chariot - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

As you surge forward, check in with yourself regularly for the big picture perspective of where you are heading.

The chariot symbolizes willpower and discipline - moving forward with strength and commitment to achieve what you have set out to do. The crystal line energy of this card wants you to stay focused. With this focus comes an inner confidence that will guide you through challenges, assist you in remaining assertive, and help you to be clear about your boundaries. There is a call to be courageous to see this endeavor as a test of your strength and not cut corners. This card signifies forward motion toward a path of liberation, and it may also imply movement in the more literal sense of travel and adventure. Ensure you maintain the integrity and the direction of your inner path. Surf this wave of foreign momentum and realize what is in your power right now and what is not. Do not allow yourself to get too caught up in what is currently outside of your grasp. Focus on what is available to you or what you have access to.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/17/2024

Card of The Day : Loving Compassion : The Lovers - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

Integrate the Union of dualities. Make choices aligned with your values and connect with harmony.

This card represents love in its purest form - soul honoring connection. A relationship where electric synergy and spiritual divinity are present. This may refer to a romantic alignment, but it can also represent other connections where there is a beautiful flow of loving compassion. This card encourages openness by allowing a safe space for shared vulnerability, which deepens trust and respect. It also represents the theme of choice - how you want to be in this life or how you choose to connect with others. This card represents the Union of dualities, the harmony in wholeness. It welcomes the interrogation of positive and negative challenge and opportunity - with loving compassion and without judgment.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/16/2024
Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/15/2024

Card of the Day : Phoenix of the White Fire : Rebirth - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

Something important in your life is naturally coming to an end. It is time now to allow it to be reborn.

You were at the end of a significant phase of your life and the beginning of a far more valuable essential. Chapter aspects that no longer serve. You are falling away, allowing for something much more in alignment. The surprisingly optimistic card speaks, so closing one door to allow the next 1 to open its signifies the embrace of renewal and transformation. The presence of this card also suggests a positive cleansing and a release of outdated patterns. Relationships are even physical items. It is time to bring in the new. Although it might be hard to let go resisting. Necessary. Endings will only make things more difficult. It is time to put the past behind you and dream the future that you want to create in this new space.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/14/2024

Card of the Day : Autonomous Initiator : Paladin of Light Codes - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

You are fully charged moving forward in leaps and bounds as you bring your ideas into reality.

The full power and passionate energy of this card indicates a sense of enthusiasm for bringing an idea into being. Having this fire inside you outweighs any fears you might have about the potential dangers or challenges ahead. If anything, the idea of the adventure is part of the thrill. This card reminds you that leaning into calculated risk has afforded you a lot of confidence. Through the growth and expansiveness you've experienced, there is a sense that you can take on the world. There is also an element of impulsiveness to consider. There may be a lot of forward momentum, but what are you moving toward? Sometimes it is wonderful to be doing something you love without concern for success - you are simply reveling in the adventure. There is nothing wrong with that, but check in with yourself and confirm your intention.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/13/2024

Card of the Day : Reclaim Your Power : Eight of Activations - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

You may be uncertain about how to move forward. It is time to take your power back and find your way out. Consider if your limitations are self-imposed.

You may feel stuck in an uninspiring, restrictive situation or daily reality. You might believe there are external factors that force you to stay in the space. The uncertainty of how to move forward can seem like there is no possible resolution. However, the energy of this card suggests that you can take your power back. Remove yourself from the situation and release the grip doubt has on you. There are more choices than you will let yourself see that help you create the life you want. You may still have to confront some inner shadows that are feeding off this limitation, but that will not be as challenging as continuing to live in this limiting situation. Emphasise choices made from love, not fear. What would light you up? What would ignite your soul and make your eyes sparkle? Bring more of this feeling into your 6 through small steps. This card recommends checking in with dreams that you would love to make a reality but are feeling external limitations with. It is time to get out of your own way.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/12/2024

Card of the Day : The Radiant Feminine : Priestess of Light Codes - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

You are a natural leader and an influencer. You know when to activate your fierce determination and courage, when to be in receptive flow.

This card carries a confident upbeat vibration. You were full of life purpose and creative visions while being centered and able to dance effortlessly through adversity and challenges. You are powerful and bold while being kind and friendly. You are self-actualized and aware of your strengths and challenges and how to best operate in the world. A new paradigm is emerging, balanced between strong independence and receptive creativity. It requires a new type of leadership showing others the way through inspiration rather than coercion. This cart's other message is the sense of realness and how others perceive you shine bright and inspire the greatest potential from your natural radiant overflow. Have the strength to show up as you are sometimes vulnerable and imperfect as a fully embodied being. In the age of social media, it is easy to get caught up in maintaining a facade of perfection. In some shamanic traditions, disease is believed to come about through people's disconnection from themselves.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/12/2024

Card of the Day : Mountain : Paladin of Earth Guardians - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

Do not give up. Stay centered and keep going. You are on track, and your efforts will be worth it.

When we have dreams we want to manifest, there is a magical part of releasing them to the universe - but making them real in the physical realm is also important. This card refers to methodical work and staying centered and strong - like the unwavering mountain energy - sticking to your schedule and getting it done. From way up on top of the mountain, we can keep sight of the bigger picture our efforts are contributing to. This motivates us to keep going.
It is about the journey - Step by step, one foot in front of the other up the mountain. And sometimes we look down and are awestruck by the view below us how far we have come. Over time, We condition our lungs to get used to the altitude, and the exercise strengthens our legs and energizes our bodies. It becomes about more than just reaching a goal - it is about what we are activating within us to get there.


Join me to share some good vibes and free 1 card readings


Pick A Card reveal time!

Card A : Collective Awakening : Judgment

You are being called to a new awakened life. That which you no longer need to be discerned and purged. The energy of this card is about awakening from the sleep state that much of the world has been in for so long. It calls us to rise up and remember before it is too late. It is a time to recall that we are powerful, embodied, luminescent beings. We are many more times limitless and interconnected than we have been led to believe. This card speaks of a leveling up in your consciousness. Dancing in devotion to the Divine, an array of dimensional vibrations is available to us. Even within the spectrum, we can access in our human bodies, choose the slipstream of the highest available.

Card B : Star Gate : Two of Portals

The power of partnership and collaboration is present, and eager to move through you. Open yourself to exciting co-creations that are more than the sum of their parts. This card signifies a synergy that occurs when two energies come together and their shared vision or values coalesce, to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts. It speaks of partnership in the realm of love and romantic connection, but might also refer to a business partner. This card represents the early stages of the bridging of 2 energies. There is a great mutual respect and appreciation in both people feel equally inspired to cultivate something exciting and rewarding together.


Pick A Card for today.

Close your eyes and take a few centering breaths. Ask yourself what do I need today? When you feel ready, open your eyes, and whichever card jumps out to you holds your answer.

Let me know in the comments which one calls to you. Check back later today to see the reveal.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/09/2024

Card of the Day : Infinite Self-Realisation : Ten of Activations - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

Embracing whatever is approaching brings limitless possibilities. Holding on to the past will create circumstances requiring you to find your to find your heart.

This is an inevitable ending. While it may not be the easiest process, it is time to let go and come to a place of acceptance of how it is. It will be more painful to resist the natural process of returning things to equilibrium. This card implies that whatever you were going through right now is the darkest hour before the dawn. And from here, things will start to look up. We are transitioning from the old vibratory frequency on earth into a new. At this time, shadows are being released, and collective traumas resurface. Those who have benefited from these old structures will try to maintain the old ways. However, we can dance and flex, moving with the changes, even as they appear unknown and uncharted. Holding onto rigid thoughts and expectations will only exacerbate the pain.

In moments that push you to the edge of yourself, you may witness something far greater and ineffable. It is time for the metamorphosis. You got this!

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/08/2024

Card of the Day : Heart Fire : 3 of Activations - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

Now is a time for inner reflection. Allow yourself to feel the depths of your emotions while staying connected with your higher awareness.

This card indicates you may have experienced a loss or some emotional pain that it is time for you to be present with. Expressing your sadness is part if the process of releasing it. Holding it in can manifest ad physical ailments. Focus on the path ahead. Feelings are short-term in nature and will fade in time. Remember what you are here for. Understand that challenges help us grow and evolve. Learn from your mistakes, and do not let them make you hard or cyclical. Compost then for growth, greater compassion, and the full spectrum of the human experience.


Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/07/2024

Card of the Day : Angel Light : Nine of Activations - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

You may be feeling worried about a situation. Consider how much of your concern is projected fear and what is actually true. Quiten your mind, and do not be hard on yourself. The light from the angels shines on you, inviting you to get out of your head. It questions how much of what you might be feeling is truly happening and how much is a projection of stories. Are you diluting your power and energy by getting caught in a cascade of doubts and questioning? Are you unable to see straight because you are concerned things will turn out the same way something in the past has done?

Even if things appear more challenging than ever, it is times to connect to the slipstream of all the amazingness that is happening in the world right now. Once you are back in sovereignty, your unique skills will emanate out to the world. Furthermore, you will be asset in the collective uprising by doing what lights you up.


Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/06/2024

Card of the Day : Full Moon in Libra- Moonology Oracle

Full Moon in Libra - A win-win outcome is forecast

No matter when you pull the full moon in Libra card, it encourages you to find a balance between your desires and those of the people around you. Balance is a very libran energy, and the full moon brings things to a peak. Dramas and upsets bring partnerships to the fore. Libra energy also brings love energy. Negotiations are easier.

The full moon in Libra: the sign of partnership of falling in love and of closely relating to someone else. Since full moons are about climaxes and conclusions, this card suggests you're either about to start a new relationship or that an important existing relationship is changing. Somehow, perhaps coming to an end are moving to a new level of commitment. It is important to remember that people come to us for a reason, and sometimes just for a season - if a relationship is ending now it's doing so at the right time, so try not to fight it. This card can also refer to a professional relationship. There is a sense that you need to balance your ego with someone else's needs. A win-win outcome is possible with give-and-take. Doing so might just be the answer to your question.

Attune to the moon: Let go of that which is falling away


Heads up my Live Card Readings are changing from Wed!! Choose which one works best for you.
Tuesdays or Thursday. Comment below!


Join me to find out whats new and have a 1 card reading!

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/05/2024

Card of the Day : Loving Compassion: The Lovers - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

Integrate the Union of dualities. Make choices aligned with your values and connect with harmony.

This card represents love in its purest form - a soul honoring connection. A relationship where electric synergy in spiritual divinity are present. This may refer to a romantic alignment, but it can also represent other connections where there is a beautiful flow of loving compared fashion. This card encourages openness by allowing a safe space for shared vulnerability. Which deepens trust and respect. It also presents the theme of choice - How do you want to be in this life or how you choose to connect with others. If you are in a romantic relationship, the lover's card poses a provocative question - Are you 'choosing' your partner? when faced with a choice, do you choose from the expanded uplifted part of you (the vibration of love) rather than fear (escape or rescue mentality)? This card represents the Union of dualities. It welcomes the integration of positive and negative challenge and opportunity - with loving compassion and without judgment.

The lovers ask you to consider your values and beliefs. Awareness of your needs and priorities and staying true to your authenticity allows you to maintain wholeness. When you come together with your soul flame.


Get discounted online readings and distance reiki, but hurry - limited slots. Send me a Facebook message for details.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 06/04/2024

Card of the day : Gold of the Earth : Six of Light Codes - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot
Solar Plexus Chakra Guardian

You have reached an important milestone in your life. Stay humble. While enjoying the rewards of your efforts, let the energy of your success motivate you toward even greater goals.

This card suggests that you have succeeded in meat. Being an important milestone in your life and are receiving public acknowledgment for your endeavors, such as an award of recognition. You have stayed focused and made it through challenges. This journey has given you a new level of self, confidence, and strength to realize what you are capable of actualizing. It has given you more reason to believe in yourself. The goals you were working toward may not yet. Be complete, but you made it this far. With the wind in your tail and the supportive appreciation of those around, you have faith that you will get there. This card relates to positive encouragement from others. What You are undertaking. Brings you greater visibility in the world. This inspires others to see what is possible. Allow yourself to receive a well-deserved appreciation for your efforts. Let the energy give you even greater motivation to succeed. Fractor out this blueprint to stretch the edges of what is possible. This card also represents the golden solar plexus. Energy, which relates to personal power, self, discipline, confidence, belief, expression of will, and bringing ideas into reality. This card is called gold of the Earth, and gold can have many meanings. An abundant crop or flourishing organic garden are a symbol of thrival. Especially when we remember that health is the wealth and the success we speak of comes in many guises.



Ooops! My scheduled post did not send so here is the reveal from our pick a card!

CARD A : Sword of Assertion : Paladin of Activations
Unfaced by obstacles and fueled by determination, you take action swiftly and assertively. Be careful not to become overbearing. This card holds the energy of action, assertiveness and high ambition. There is such motivation to succeed that nothing will get in the way. A focused mind fosters solid perspectives on important current affairs. Fast thinking and quick to respond. There is strength and power in your actions. But it comes with a warning. Without higher awareness the Potent energy you hold can become scattered misdirected and unsustainable. The sword of assertion reminds you to be aware of your impulsiveness. Or to look at where you might be overbearing, or dominating. Be careful not to be too hasty. In areas that need more delicate attention, cultivate your awareness of where this driving motivation is going and if you really are moving forward.

CARD B : Roots : Eight of Portals
It is time to release something that no longer serves. You take the steps necessary to tune in like go of what's unhelpful and return yourself to wholeness. This card signifies, it is time to let something go and walk away from what is not serving your highest good. It could be something that brought you happiness in the past is no longer a fit, or perhaps you accumulated unhelpful habits over time. Either way, it is time to cut ties and release something. It can also relate to a part of you. That is missing when we experience trauma and our energetic bodies. A piece of Gospels missing unnoticed over time. It affects the physical body and illness. Ensues, there is an aspect of shamonic healing called recapulate pleasion. Where the missing part of a soul fragment is found and returned to the person. If these pieces are not reintegrated, other unwelcome energies take residents in their absence.


Pick A Card time! Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Once you feel calm and centered ask yourself " What do I need to be aware of right now? " Then open your eyes and the card that calls to you holds your message. Come back later today for the card reveals.


Join me for some card reading and how you can connect with me


Join me live tonight at 5pm for free 1 card readings and to discover the ways to connect and work with me.

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 05/29/2024

Card of the Day : Meadow : Ace of Earth Guardians - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

The time is for your visions and goals to prosper. Revel, in the abundance of support, available and meet it with your clear intention and strategy.
This card implies that wealth is coming. Your way through new financial opportunities, sir. Windfall, it may also signify abundance and new opportunities in relationships. Inner fulfillment and love recognize that you were at the initial stages of manifesting your goals. Your ideas are ready to blossom into being. And the soil is fertile and ready. Enjoy this blessed time prosperity feel the flowing energy of gratitude coupled was surging forward and taking things to the next level. This card encourages you to consider the next phase of expanding your blossoming ideas keep your eyes open for perfect synchronicities and opportunities as they appear and ground them further. Now is the right time to consider some kind of investment, such as committing time and energy toward your goals, although everything is aligned to support your new venture. Consider implementing a clear strategy. Forward your birthright to abund. Ant financial life force is ready and waiting when you are. Be especially aware of opportunities while you are in this particular abundant space. Although you are in a great position right now, nothing is guaranteed without you Activating it with some determined effort or sense of grounding whatever that means for you. Consider mapping out a plan for how you can turn ideas into reality and the components materials or collaborations. You might need even the ritual act of considering preparing it gestationActivating it with some determined effort or sense of grounding whatever that means for you. Consider mapping out a plan for how you can turn ideas into reality and the components materials or collaborations. You might need even the ritual act of considering preparing it gestation container will nurture the spark of forward momentum.


Desiree Jeannette Intuitive Healing Guide 05/28/2024

My website is finally live and ready to book all of your reiki and card reading needs! I am so excited to share this with you.

Desiree Jeannette Intuitive Healing Guide Step into your power and embrace your authentic self with energy healing

Photos from The Desiree Jeannette's post 05/28/2024

Card of the day: Celestial Tree of the Infinite Akash: The Suspended One - Unveiling the Golden Age Tarot

Action is not the best solution at this moment. Let it go. The message of this card is to pause and reassess standing still to progress forward. It refers to the moments in life when the universe asks you to stop or slow down, so you can consider where you were going or if you have wandered off your path.
If we are responsive to these intuitive calls, we will take heed as soon as we hear them. Unfortunately, if they are ignored, more force is required through less than ideal circumstances.
It is time to release outdated patterns that no longer serve you to allow you to see new perspectives of what is possible. The presence of the suspended one is a moment of standstill. Welcome the pause with the knowledge that it will be worth it instead of trying to push forward. A leveling up is happening, so resistance will only create more obstacles. There may be a decision to be made, so time is suspended for a moment. For the answer is to become apparent. This cart suggests that acting is not the best solution right now. This is a time to trust your intuition. Listening for when to stop and when to move forward again.

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My Story

Hello my beautiful friends!! Calgary based Makeup Artist and mother of aan energetic toddler. I got my Master Makeup Artistry Certification from QC Makeup Academy February 2018. My passion for makeup has been thriving and growing for half my life along with my spiritual side. I've been reading cards and creating amazing makeup looks for many years.

Many of you may have seen or caught my weekly lives that I share here called Plursday. This is when we share our gratitudes and I pull cards. Well that is just a branch of my business. At Cosmic Glamour Creations we create a beautiful you, inside and out, with the help of the cosmos! Makeup Artist by trade and divination artist by intuition. My focus for all of my online customers is teaching you HOW to use what you have in your makeup bag. #LetMeInYourMakeupBag as I say. New Services introduced in 2019 now include Rouge & Readings, a package to include both makeup and a reading. It's an exciting way to blend my woo woo side and the beauty profession. I do offer readings on their own as well. So feel free to give my page a like and book a session with me!

Videos (show all)

Live 1 card readings
Live 1 card readings
Take 2 Live 1 card readings
Weekly Wednesday Card Readings
Weekly Wednesday Card Pulls
Weekly Wednesday Card Pulls
Weekly Wednesday Card Pulls
Beltane Blessings and Card Pulls
Pink Full Moon Card Pulls
Friday Chat & Card Pulls
Happy PLURsday!! March 10



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