Edmonton Clinic of Naturopathic Medicine, Edmonton, AB Videos

Videos by Edmonton Clinic of Naturopathic Medicine in Edmonton. Edmonton Clinic Of Naturopathic Medicine offers a collaborative environment where patients are treated by professional, compassionate practitioners.

Hello Community!
Our free community mental health support group is happening today in 2 hours and 15 minutes. This is 10:15 MST/Alberta time
Topic today: How connection can practically and biochemically help to support you through stressful times and improve your mental health...Yayyy!
Open to everyone, and I hope to see you there..
Link below:

Other Edmonton Clinic of Naturopathic Medicine videos

Hello Community! Our free community mental health support group is happening today in 2 hours and 15 minutes. This is 10:15 MST/Alberta time Topic today: How connection can practically and biochemically help to support you through stressful times and improve your mental health...Yayyy! Open to everyone, and I hope to see you there.. Link below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83083035394?pwd=WCtnK2FibkhKZlBFa1oxak1mWkx1Zz09

This is for: Those trying to get pregnant, those trying not to get pregnant, peri-menopausers, menopausers.... You cycle has its own rhythm and mood (in case you hadn't already noticed!). If you are still cycling: First half of cycle: Ruled by Estrogen. Character here is: zesty, resilient, capable, brain is working, stress management is better, anti-inflammatory. This is day 1 of your period to mid-cycle or day 14-ish Mid-cycle: you can have a little spike of testosterone here...that can bring confidence and less inhibitions Last half of cycle: Ruled by Progesterone or lack of Estrogen. Character: less motivated, more sensitive, worse blood-glucose/insulin control (read sugar cravings, carb cravings, veggie are yucky), Less physically and emotionally resilient, more anxiety, less sure of self. Tracking can allow you to get to know the particular character of your cycles and plan accordingly. Big interview or presentation? First half or mid-cycle. Harder work-outs, big social calender? First part of your cycle. Carb craving, hungry and hangry? Go easy on yourself especially if in the 2nd half of your cycle. Plan accordingly if you know this happens for you (frozen good meals available, low effort, high nutrition). less HIIT workouts, more nurturing/self-care/resting Irregular cycles or months in between? Still good to track so you can link things to your cycle (migraines? cycle related?) or Track how long it has been since your last period...you know Us Docs wanna know this stuff. Have you been 1 year without a cycle (MENOPAUSE!!!) Many watches have apps (apple watch, garmin) Lots of other apps out there: Clue, Flo, Femble, spot on, Glow

Gen-X peeps! Are you in it? (By it, I mean the great hormonal undoing) I was moved to post today with the realization that still, in 2024, there is a lack of understanding, and credible strategies for women going through this. What you might have done before to make changes in your body might not work now...and that does not mean that nothing will work. It means that you need some new strategies... Happy to walk alongside you, and offer up some good ones. Dr. Janice Dacyshyn (services now offered in BC and Alberta)

HUB mental health support! NEXT: Saturday March 23, 10:00 MST Topic: Cognitive re-appraisal techniques We talk about a technique that can help you get un-stuck from the heavy emotions you might get stuck in after a negative situation occurs. It teaches us to look at the situation objectively and be kinder to ourselves thereby improving our own mental health. janice.joinmyhub.org To join our community and get the zoom link

Csnn Calgary! I am looking forward to meeting you all today and being a part of your learning journey!

Some unusual symptoms you might have noticed: + Frozen shoulder + Itchy, dry, rashy skin + New pattern of migraines or headaches + New or changing joint pain + New constipation or diarrhea + Anxiety + Phantom smells + electrical/prickle-y sensations + Adrenalin rushes PLUS the usuals: + Changed cycles (shorter, longer) + heat, sweating, cold + heat, sweating + Memory changes ++++ Are you anywhere between 35 and 55? Should we find out and support your accordingly? I THINK SO! Dr. Janice Dacyshyn is now serving BC and Alberta, Let's chat.

I love this quote... Sometimes even the path of least resistance, the "what you have always done" gets uncomfortable too. The "pain" you might be experiencing right now....could just be a growing pain on the way to your blossom.... You got this :)

🧠Free mental health sessions continue🧠 ✔️join our HUB ( link in bio) ✔️Saturdays, 10:00 MST Topics coming: March 16: reflecting on personal values. Hands-on session for participants to introspect and list core values, and discussion on how to stay aligned with these values in challenging times 🧠Zoom link in bio🧠 🍃 March 23: cognitive re-appraisal techniques for better mental health 🍃 March 30: Stress and social connection 🍃 April 6: Navigating toxic positivity 🍃 April 13: Embracing difficult emotions 🪷🧠💕Join us!💕🧠🪷

Elmo actually...but actually mental health is on my mind. I will be hosting my first little mental health support meeting as a Neuro Health practitioner. WHO: anyone, anywhere that is feeling a bit of the struggle right now. Free. It is through Zoom and you can just register to be a part of my "HUB" link is here.... http://janice.joinmyhub.org/ Zoom link to follow... Take care out there....

Find out what my top 3 actionable items are that people can do for themselves today to feel better! Total listening time = 1 minute + 15 seconds😊 . . . #WellnessJourney #NaturopathicMedicine #EdmontonClinicofNaturopathicMedicine

PART 2 Progress and Expectations.. + So you set a goal (health or otherwise) and in your mind, you are only going to be "successful" or feel the changes you want when you reach the 100% competed place. +This is so haaaaard on your motivation and your psyche + It is possible that at 15% achievement or 25% achievement you are absolutely going to feel the changes ! +Keep you eyes on your end result...but notice, enjoy and celebrate the changes and gains along the way! If you would like a plan, or some check-ins along the way or some problem solving and cheerleading while travelling towards your goal I am VIRTUAL and serving the entire Alberta region! Cheers, Dr. Janice Dacyshyn, ND

Progress and Expectations...PART 1 Setting a goal (health or otherwise) is a courageous venture... If your expectation is that things will go smoothly without bumps or minor setbacks...you are likely to be disappointed and likely demoralized! If you set your expectation that little bumps and set-backs are a normal part of the process....you can weather these moments Take a breath, re-focus and acknowledge that this is not failure. Support can be key for your process! Happy to help, Dr. Janice Dacyshyn

HI Everyone! I wanted to wish everyone a restful, joyful season full of connection and community. Please remember our peeps that might be lonely around this time of year, the peeps that might not be getting time off, and those that are struggling a bit mentally or emotionally. I'm sending love out with this video...(and if the volume comes with, apologies for the unhappy little neighbour sounds!) I have a few spots in my schedule before Christmas, so let's touch base, and know that there is still time to get some refills to last you through to the next year if needed. Also: for those of you needing refills on tinctures from the amazing Bree, let me know so we can get those refilled for you as well. Peace and virtual hugs to all! Dr. Janice Dacyshyn

HOT FLASHES.. As promised, 3 things to try (that are not pills) that can help with hot flashes... Menopause and peri-menopause symptoms result from a sudden change of hormone levels for women as early as their mid-30's... 3 things to try to get some relief 1) flax seeds 2) Box breathing/deep breathing 3) ALCOHOL

Ever feel like you would just like an “ easy button” when it comes to making change in your life or starting back in your health journey? I may be able to help PLUS 2 of my favourite things I have included in my regime that have been really helpful! #easybutton #simplethingsinlife #naturopathicmedicine #myearsareon

🍃Brief chat about hormone testing!🍃 ✔️3 things to consider when you are about to get your hormones tested… ⏱ Timing… when I’m the day, when I’m the month ⏱ Hormones tell a story… they have a beginning, middle and end to their service in our bodies ⏱ Blood testing and what else? See you next time… with back pain and causes… ♥️👋♥️ Dr. Janice Dacyshyn, ND Remotely practicing AND ready, willing and able to help optimize your hormones! #hormonetesting #sundaychat #knowledgeispower

Dr. Janice Dacyshyn, ND 🍃HOURS🍃 ✔️virtual practice ✔️Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays ✔️07:30 to 11:45 MST 🍃we have 1 spot available next week 🍃 See you soon♥️

FACT FRIDAY: Menopause/peri-menopause edition!
FACT FRIDAY..Dr. Janice Dacyshyn breaks down menopause and peri-menopause while being interviewed by Dr. janet Trieu...What can I expect? Can I get a baseline of my hormones, how to control it...let's make a plan!

Hi! Dr. Janice Dacyshyn here, naturopathic doctor at the Edmonton Clinic Of Naturopathic Medicine chatting a bit about immunity and the importance of our mucous membranes. 🌿❤️🌿

I want to introduce you to Andrea, our acupuncturist extraordinaire! She has some wonderful, practical acupressure techniques to share...Enjoy!