Dr. Jentschura Alkaline Foods and Body Care

Dr. Jentschura Alkaline Foods and Body Care products help you rebalancing your alkalinity. Start fee


Please visit us today for tasty organic food and tea samples by P.Jentschura at the Planted Expo Vancouver ❤️


Delicious organic, gluten-free snack for travel and work.

In our last newsletter we invited you to have a look at P.Jentschura's organic, gluten-free MorgenStund' porrige. It offers a wholesome breakfast experience for the entire family. This alkaline generating porridge is packed with valuable nutrients and vitamins, providing high-quality, plant-based protein from buckwheat, and keeping you satisfied with complex carbohydrates despite containing fewer calories.

MorgenStund' contains carefully selected ingredients, including gluten-free grains like millet, buckwheat, and amaranth, as well as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sweet almonds.

I like to invite you to try out another option to create a healthy and delicious snack for travel and work.

Gluten-Free, Organic & Alkaline-Forming, ‘Cranberry Bliss Bars’

2 ½ Cups Dr. Jentschura organic and gluten-free Morgenstund’ with buckwheat, millet, fruits, nuts, and amaranth

¾ Cup Butter

1 Cup Ground Almonds (aka Almond Meal) or Ground Hazelnuts

½ Cup Pure Natural Honey

1 Cup Cranberries

2 Organic Eggs

3 Tbsp Apricot Jam

1 Pinch Sea Salt (or Himalayan Salt)

TIP: Try to only use organic ingredients to create 'Cranberry Bliss Bars’

Pre-heat oven to 350°F. Melt the butter slowly, at a low temperature. In a medium-sized bowl mix together the MorgenStund’, almonds (or hazelnuts) and melted butter. Stir gently and leave to rest for about 10 minutes.

Whisk honey and eggs together and then add some salt. Add the mixture to the bowl of cooled down MorgenStund’ mix and then add the cranberries and the apricot jam.

Knead the dough with the hands until it gently binds together. Press dough evenly into the bottom of a greased 9x13 inch pan.

Place the baking tray on the middle rack for about 25 to 30 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Let it cool down one hour before cutting into squares.

Photos from Dr. Jentschura Alkaline Foods and Body Care's post 05/08/2024

Looking for a delicious, nourishing, healthy, organic, and gluten-free breakfast for you and your loved ones?
P.Jentschura's MorgenStund' offers a wholesome breakfast experience for the entire family. This alkaline generating porridge is packed with valuable nutrients and vitamins, providing high-quality, plant-based protein from buckwheat, and keeping you satisfied with complex carbohydrates despite containing fewer calories.
MorgenStund' contains carefully selected ingredients, including gluten-free grains like millet, buckwheat, and amaranth, as well as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sweet almonds.
Wondering how to prepare MorgenStund'? It's quick and easy. You can either cook it as a porridge or simply add hot water, stir, let it sit briefly, and then customize it with your favorite toppings like fruit, nuts, cream, or oat, rice, or almond milk. Enjoy your healthy breakfast with MorgenStund'!
Would you like to try some?
Order 3 or more items from our website in May and receive a free 100g package of P. Jentschura's 7x7 AlkaHerb, an organic and mild detox tea with a blend of 49 herbs and plants, made in Germany. Enjoy the benefits of this soothing tea while taking advantage of our special offer!


Jentschuras BasenKur 💪 Fastenzeit ohne Krisen dank des erprobten Erfolgskonzepts! 🫶🏽

Jentschuras BasenKur bildet die Grundlage zur Entsäuerung, Entschlackung und Regeneration und kann jederzeit in den Alltag integriert werden. Das seit 30 Jahren bewährte „Beauty- & Healthcare“-Konzept bringt Euch gezielt wieder in die Balance. ⚖

Jetzt zur Fastenzeit denken viele über ein kleines Reset ❌ im Leben nach, um zum Beispiel die Figur zu formen und den Organismus zu kräftigen.

Die Basis der Kur bilden die Produkte 7x7 KräuterTee 🍵, WurzelKraft 🌿 und MeineBase 🛀. Je nach individueller Zielsetzung kann eine Kur mit drei verschiedenen Ernährungs- und Bewegungskonzepten kombiniert werden:

✅ zum Formen der Figur
✅ zum Kräftigen des Organismus
✅ zum Fasten, Reinigen und Entlasten

Egal welches Konzept Ihr wählt, gezielte Bewegungsabläufe 🏃 und eine abgestimmte Ernährung machen die Kur besonders effektiv und nachhaltig. 💪 🔝

Mit unserer Broschüre „Mein FastenPlan“ haben wir uns ganz auf das Konzept 👉 „Fasten“ konzentriert. Neben den drei Basis-Produkten 7x7 KräuterTee, WurzelKraft und MeineBase spielen in einer Fastenkur (z.B. an den Entlastungs- und Aufbautagen) auch die bewährten Begleiter MorgenStund‘ und TischleinDeckDich 😋 eine Rolle sowie natürlich die BasischenStrümpfe, unsere Bürsten oder das Einlaufgerät. Gerade unser „Bakterienpool“ im Darm profitiert am meisten von einer Fastenkur.

Ihr stärkt mit Jentschuras BasenKur nicht nur die Immunabwehr 📈, sondern erreicht zudem auch einen effektiven Aufbau Eurer Darmflora 👍.

ℹ Ihr wollt mehr zum Thema Jentschuras BasenKur wissen? Unsere Themenwelt fasst alle Infos nochmal zusammen: https://www.p-jentschura.com/de/themenwelten/jentschuras-basenkur/

# pjentschura


Basisch glutenfreier Genuss mit unseren
MorgenStund‘ Riegeln!

Unser MorgenStund’ Riegel für sind die perfekte Begleiter für Deine gesunde basische und glutenfreie Lebensweise „on-the-go“.

Die Hauptzutat unserer leckeren Riegel ist unser MorgenStund‘ Brei.

Der Hirse-Buchweizen-Brei ist gluten- und laktosefrei sowie salz- und zuckerarm und eignet sich auch hervorragend zum Backen. Die hochwertige Kombination aus Kernen, Hirse, Buchweizen und Obst🍎🍍 versorgt Euch rundum mit essenziellen Nährstoffen und langanhaltender Energie bei einem ☺️guten Bauchgefühl.

Ein „gutes Bauchgefühl“ bei Menschen mit Zöliakie leider nicht immer der Fall.

Kennt Ihr vielleicht jemanden der an Zöliakie leidet, oder seid Ihr gar selbst betroffen?

An alle jene, die sich jetzt fragen Zölia.. was? Noch nie gehört ….

💡Zöliakie ist eine autoimmune Erkrankung, die durch eine Unverträglichkeit gegenüber Gluten verursacht wird.
Gluten ist ein Protein, das in Weizen, Roggen, Gerste und manchen Hafer-Sorten vorkommt.
👉Bei Menschen mit Zöliakie löst der Verzehr von Gluten eine Immunreaktion aus, bei der das Immunsystem Irrtümlicherweise das eigene Gewebe, insbesondere die Dünndarmschleimhaut, angreift. Dies führt zu Entzündungen und Schäden an den Darmzotten, was wiederum Verdauungsprobleme, Nährstoffmangel und andere gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen kann.

Unsere drei glutenfreien Produkte — MorgenStund’, TischleinDeckDich & WurzelKraft — ermöglichen es Menschen mit Zöliakie, sich frei von Bedenken zu ernähren und dennoch köstliche und gesunde Optionen zu genießen.
Diese drei Produkte sind von der Deutschen Zöliakie Gesellschaft (DZG) zertifiziert. Hersteller, die das Siegel der durchgestrichenen Ähre tragen, garantieren die Einhaltung der strengen Vorgaben der DZG in der gesamten Produktionskette.

Unser glutenfreier MorgenStund‘ Brei ermöglicht es Menschen mit Zöliakie, sich frei von Bedenken gesund und basisch zu ernähren. Auch „on-the-go“ mit unseren schnell zubereiteten Riegeln.

👉Hier geht‘s direkt zum leckeren Rezept:


International women's day


Heute ist Valentinstag - Tag der Liebe!♥️

Liebe 🥰 geht ja bekanntlich durch den Magen. Warum also nicht seine/n Liebste/n heute mit einem schmackhaften selbst gekochten Valentinstagsmenü überraschen? 👩‍🍳🧑‍🍳

Ein selbst gekochtes Menü zum Valentinstag ist immer ein tolles Erlebnis und gemeinsames Essen 🍽 gehört zu den sinnlichsten Erfahrungen, die zwei Menschen miteinander teilen können.

🫶🏽Noch auf der Suche nach gesunden Last-Minute-Rezeptideen? Dann werdet Ihr bei uns im Web ganz bestimmt fündig!

Wie wäre es zum Beispiel mit TischleinDeckDich Burger und Waffeln in Herzform als Nachtisch? ♥️🫶🏽
Hier geht‘s zu den Rezepten:
👉 https://www.p-jentschura.com/de/themenwelten/rezeptideen/tischleindeckdich-fischfrikadellen-burger/
👉 https://www.p-jentschura.com/de/themenwelten/rezeptideen/morgenstund-waffeln/

So steht einem unvergesslichen Valentinstags-Date 🥰 bei Kerzenschein und einem liebevoll zusammengestellten Essen nichts mehr im Weg.

Wir wünschen Euch einen wunderschönen Valentinstag! ♥️


The Power of Body Brushing + Christmas Special
Certainly! Dry brushing and wet brushing are two skincare practices that offer various benefits, each contributing to overall skin health. Here's an overview of the advantages of both techniques:

Dry Brushing:

Exfoliation: Dry brushing involves using a natural bristle brush to gently slough off dead skin cells. This exfoliation promotes smoother, softer skin.

Improved Circulation: Brushing the skin stimulates blood flow, enhancing circulation. This can contribute to an overall healthy glow and may help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Lymphatic System Stimulation: Dry brushing is believed to support the lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of toxins from the body. This may contribute to a reduction in fluid retention and improved immune function.

Energy Boost: The invigorating sensation of dry brushing can be energizing, making it an excellent addition to a morning routine.

Prevention of Ingrown Hairs: Regular dry brushing can help prevent ingrown hairs by removing dead skin cells and promoting healthier hair growth.

Wet Brushing:

Gentle Exfoliation: Wet brushing, often done with a softer brush or during a shower, provides a more gentle exfoliation suitable for sensitive skin.

Hydration: Wet brushing can enhance the absorption of skincare products. By brushing before applying lotions or oils, you help to remove dead skin cells, allowing products to pe*****te more effectively.

Relaxation: Wet brushing during a shower can be a soothing and relaxing experience, helping to alleviate stress and tension.

Cleansing: The combination of brushing and water helps to cleanse the skin more thoroughly, removing impurities and promoting a clearer complexion.

Improved Skin Tone: Regular wet brushing can contribute to improved skin tone and texture by promoting healthy blood flow and cellular turnover.

Remember, both dry and wet brushing should be done with gentle, circular motions to avoid irritation, and it's essential to choose brushes specifically designed for these purposes. Always adapt these practices to your skin type and preferences, and consult with a dermatologist if you have any concerns.

Many of you may be familiar with Dr. Peter Jentschura's premium set of 8 brushes designed for both dry and wet brushing. All of these brushes boast top-quality craftsmanship, proudly made in Germany.

For dry brushing, our highly sought-after Energy Brush is a favorite among users. Crafted with copper and zinc bristles, it generates positive ions on the skin, contributing to a unique and invigorating experience. Take advantage of our Christmas special with a 15% discount on this popular brush.

The Professional Massage Brush is another excellent option for dry brushing, known for its quality and effectiveness.

For exclusive dry brushing, our popular Hair Brush is designed to provide optimal results.

Dr. Peter's brushes for both dry and wet brushing include:

Face brush: Currently available at a Christmas special discount of 20%.
Cosmetic Brush
Bath Brush with a convenient long handle
Nail Brush
Body Brush
Explore these exceptional brushes on our website and make the most of our Christmas specials. https://youinfocusproducts.com/

Our Christmas Special features a complimentary gift – receive a free Dr. P. Jentschura 7x7 AlkaHerb tea with 49 organic herbs, 100g, when you order 3 or more items from our website. Hurry, as this offer lasts only while supplies are available. Don't miss the chance to enjoy this healthy bonus with your holiday purchases!

In addition to our renowned brushes, our bestsellers continue to captivate customers. Experience the rejuvenating AlkaBath, enriched with 8 precious stones, ideal for a regenerative full or foot bath. Elevate your mornings with the alkaline-generating and delicious MorgenStund porridge. And for a holistic health boost, indulge in MyGreenSupreme, now available with a festive 25% Christmas Special. Explore these favorites and treat yourself or your loved ones to the gift of wellness this holiday season.


Sports Are Alkaline! Summer 2023: P. Jentschura Once Again Partners with Numerous European Events
This year’s Tour Transalp stretched from Lienz, Austria to Arco, Italy, running amateur competitive cyclists from over 35 countries through a total distance of 827.30 kilometers and an elevation gain of 18,233 meters – an incredible challenge for the legs. Roland Jentschura and the entire Jentschura team were there the whole way. Besides offering professional advice on the importance of an acid-alkaline balance in athletics, their key mission was to provide active support for the cyclists. That included “MorgenStund’” hot cereal for breakfast, tasty snacks and alkaline foot baths with “MeineBase” at the finish line. P. Jentschura has been a fixture of the mammoth tour for many years.

The company has also long been a cooperating partner in Bike Transalp, a mountain biking event from Nauders in Tyrol to Riva del Garda, Italy. The course covers a total distance of 496.67 kilometers and an elevation gain of 17,527 meters. Seven stages that, according to the event organizer, are “fast and dirty, epic and magical, unexpected and thrilling.” The Jentschura team was at the “Bike Camp” here as well, serving “MorgenStund’” – an alkaline millet and buckwheat hot cereal rich in carbohydrates – and giving the endurance athletes strength for the next stage of the tour. When they reached the finish line, riders were treated to a revitalizing buffet including the company’s omnimolecular “WurzelKraft” seasoning and its “TischleinDeckDich” blend of quinoa, millet and vegetables.

“We accompany the bikers, supply them with ‘alkaline power’ and advise them on nutritional physiology. We also have ‘MeineBase’ foot baths available at the finish line. Regeneration is particularly important after sport,” Roland Jentschura explains. At events like these, it goes without saying that nearly all of the participants have been pushed to their physical and emotional limits. “The response at both cycling events was phenomenal,” says a happy Jentschura, who has provided support and advice for athletes at events for many years. Along with the theoretical background from his degree in ecotrophology, these practical experiences have also provided crucial understanding that Jentschura used as a basis for his book “Power, Not Sour.” “Our alkaline products offer completely natural support for athletes’ performance and regeneration,” Jentschura explains. “Since participants in both events are amateurs, not all of them would necessarily be aware of the benefits of our products.”

For many years, P. Jentschura has been more than just an official partner at Europe’s two biggest, most spectacular cycling events – the company sponsors its own teams too. Jentschura’s involvement goes beyond cycling, however. One of the biggest events that P. Jentschura has partnered with in Europe is the Roth Challenge, which the company has likewise supported for many years. Athletes in this year’s long-distance triathlon achieved some of their best times.

“I’m sure it was because of our products,” says Marketing Manager Guyves Sarkhosh with a grin – the presence and visibility of the company’s products makes him particularly happy. The P. Jentschura brand, after all, has long been established in both competitive and non-competitive sports. Many active individuals have made the Jentschura philosophy an integral part of their lives – the brand’s products are a fixed component of training and competition. P. Jentschura can also be found at the finish line of many international events as an official partner. In cycling in particular, however, the P. Jentschura name is virtually ubiquitous.

Photos from P. Jentschura's post 11/23/2023

Welcome to Mexico ! 🇲🇽
Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura and his wife Gertrud visited our unit in Mexico. 👋
🇲🇽 Together with Alam Barron (CEO Jentschura México), the two guests were at an important fair for natural medicine. The great interest in our stand and the many audience who came to the Congress Hall especially for a lecture by Peter Jentschura, show once again how our products are valued across borders. ❤️
Gertrud and Peter Jentschura have brought us some impressions from Mexico 🇲🇽. 🧳 See for yourself! 👁️

Photos from P. Jentschura's post 06/20/2023

Alkaline Balance and detox by P. Jentschura helps to recover quickly!

Open 7 days a week 06/16/2023

Great news: our alkaline 3-step program by Dr. Jentschura is available in all community stores ❤️❤️

Open 7 days a week Come meet your Community


Treat Yourself with Alkaline Applications - 30% off sale

Dr. Peter Jentschura invented these awesome alkaline applications and we offer a 30% off spring sale on them. Alkaline skin applications work with the alkaline pH-level of our popular AlkaBath which open the pores of our skin and gently detoxes the skin.

Dr. Jentschura’s Alkaline Fleece Mask
Treat yourself with a great spa experience at home!

The alkalinity of this face mask causes acids and harmful substances to be eliminated through the sebaceous glands and sweat glands and therefore has a self-oiling and regenerating effect on the skin.

Ultra-thin fleece mask is used with AlkaBath alkaline bath salts to create a soothing and relaxing alkaline masks for the face, throat and decolletage. A pinch of AlkaBath is added to 30–40ml of warm water to prepare an alkaline solution with a pH value of approx. 8.5.

Please learn more about the Alkaline Fleece Mask Sale https://youinfocusproducts.com/portfolio/alkaline-fleece-mask/

Dr. Jentschura Alkaline Stockings

AlkalineStockings enable you to remove acids and toxins each and every night. We also recommend them highly to aid in removal of cellulite.

Alkaline Stockings help combat cellulite, help you fall asleep more easily at night & stay asleep through the night, stops sweating at night and helps the appearance of legs and feet.

They work by absorbing the acidity released overnight and can be used during the day is desired for as long as desired.

According to the principle of osmosis, they allow the excretion of acids and toxic substances through the skin. The stockings are soaked in an alkaline solution (using AlkaBath) before application.

Package contains 1 pair of inner stockings made of 100% cotton & 1 pair of outer stockings made of 100% virgin wool.

Please learn more about your Alkaline Stockings Sale



Please visit our booth at the upcoming Toronto Yoga Convention
YouInFocusProducts will be exhibiting at the Toronto Yoga Convention from 14.-16.April. 2023.
We would love to meet with you to touch base after the long Covid “break” for some delicious MorgenStund porridge and alkaline 7x7 AlkaHerb tea.
The Yoga Show is Canada's Largest Yoga, Wellness, and Celebration Event!
200 Health and Wellness Exhibitors + 28 Hours of Free Show Floor Yoga Sessions
Friday, April 14, 2023 - 10 AM - 8 PM
Saturday, April 15, 2023 - 10 AM - 8 PM
Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 10 AM - 6 PM
Please get your FREE SHOW PASS to Canada's Largest Yoga, Wellness, and Celebration Event!


Our lymphatic system plays a crucial role when it come to resistance and resilience. It protects your body against foreign invaders: The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It produces and releases lymphocytes (white blood cells) and other immune cells that monitor and then destroy the foreign invaders — such as bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi — that may enter your body.
Please listen to detox expert Jeanette Annechini who explains to us on how we can support and strengthen our lympatic system using Dr. Jentschura's high quality products. This is not a paid advertisment but rather an unpaid expert's recommendation.


❗️20 Tipps für ein starkes Immunsystem im Winter!

Jetzt in der Vorweihnachtszeit sind wir häufig mehr unterwegs. Weihnachtsmärkte, Feiern, der ein oder andere Punsch… und das mit der gesunden Ernährung lassen wir gerne etwas schleifen. Unser Immunsystem leidet schnell darunter.

Damit Ihr gegen Viren und Bakterien🤧 gewappnet seid und voller Energie bleibt, stärkt Euer Immunsystem!

👉Kennt Ihr schon unseren Flyer „20 Tipps zur Immunstärkung“?
Noch nicht? Dann wird es aber höchste Zeit!

Mit unserem beliebten Flyer geben wir Euch 🔝umsetzbare Tipps für den Alltag an die Hand. Neben wertvollem Ernährungswissen liefert das sechsseitige Heftchen auch interessante Hintergründe und Facts aus der Erfahrungsheilkunde.

❗️Hier könnt Ihr den Flyer direkt kostenfrei downloaden: https://www.p-jentschura.com/de/downloads/...

❗️Wer statt lesen lieber hören & sehen möchte, dem empfehlen wir unseren YouTube-Beitrag zum Thema: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7AI23l0IGI


German top athletes work with Dr. Jentschura's 3-step alkaline program.


SkalPuro – das innovative basische Gel zur Tiefenreinigung der Kopfhaut!💆‍♀️

Da unser Haarboden durch Stress🥵, eine säurelastige Ernährung🍗 und durch Schadstoffe aus der Umwelt🌪 täglich beansprucht wird, erleidet er einen kontinuierlichen Verlust an Mineralstoffen.

Folglich haben leider viele Menschen mit Haarausfall oder anderen Problemen, wie juckender, trockener Kopfhaut zu kämpfen🤷‍♂️.

Der Haarboden ist bei solchen Beschwerden aber nicht nur mineralstoffarm, sondern auch voller Schlacken – vormals energiereiche Mineralstoffe, die der Organismus zur Säureneutralisierung nutzen musste.

Unser basisches Kopfhautgel (pH 8 – 8,5) mit Mineralien💎, Kräuterextrakten🌿 und ätherischen Ölen🧴 reinigt und regeneriert den Haarboden auf natürliche Weise intensiv und unterstützt so das Haarwachstum.

Denn: ohne Entschlackung des Haarbodens kein neuer Haarwuchs!🚫
Das Ergebnis: schönes und kraftvolles Haar voller Volumen und beneidenswerter Spannkraft!💁‍♀️

Probiert es selbst aus – Ihr werdet begeistert sein.

➡️Hier geht’s zu weiteren Informationen rund um SkalPuro: https://www.p-jentschura.com/de/produkte/skalpuro/

🕵️‍♂️Unser Shopfinder hilft Euch bei der Suche nach Händlern in Eurer Nähe: https://www.p-jentschura.com/de/haendler/


🫠😲Ihr kennt das bestimmt: Der Haushalts- oder Arbeitstag war anstrengend und die Kinder wollten nicht ins Bett. Kurz: Ihr hattet keine Minute Zeit für Euch!
Am Abend fällt das Einschlafen schwer und nachts wälzt Ihr Euch von einer Seite auf die andere.🫣😬

Bei Schlafstörungen 😓😴bleibt leider auch der Säure-Basen-Haushalt auf der Strecke, da die fehlende Regenerationszeit und der durch den Schlafentzug entstandene Stress die so wichtige Balance aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt.

👉Doch das muss nicht so bleiben: Eine basenbildende Ernährung und basische Anwendungen können hier schnell Abhilfe verschaffen.

Außerdem haben wir noch ein paar einfache Tipps für einen erholsamen Schlaf! 😊😴

🔺 Lüftet vor dem Zubettgehen. Eine Zimmertemperatur zwischen 17° und 19° C sorgen für optimale Schlafbedingungen.
🔺 3 Teelöffel WurzelKraft am Tag sind nicht nur gesund und lecker, sie fördern auch die so wichtigen Regenerationsprozesse, die besonders über Nacht zum Tragen kommen.
🔺 Autogenes Training, eine Runde Yoga oder Progressive Muskelentspannung können Wunder bewirken.
🔺 Ein kurzer Spaziergang oder andere leichte körperliche Tätigkeiten fördern auf natürlichem Weg unser Schlafbedürfnis.
🔺 Ein warmes Vollbad mit MeineBase bei einer Temperatur von 36 - 38° C für mindestens 45 Minuten entspannt und macht müde.

Wir wünschen Euch einen guten Schlaf!🛌✨

Weitere Informationen zu uns und unseren Produkten findet Ihr unter:

🛒Unser Shopfinder hilft Euch bei der Suche nach dem nächsten Händler in Eurer Nähe: https://www.p-jentschura.com/de/haendler/


Belebender Start in den Tag 🙌🤸🏽‍♂️

Kennt Ihr das? Bereits kurz nach dem Aufwachen tauchen die ersten Gedanken auf, was noch alles zu erledigen ist. 😏🫣

Unsere Empfehlung gegen Stress am Morgen lautet: „basisches Wecken". Wie das geht? Ganz einfach: Recken und strecken wir uns nach dem Aufwachen. 🤸‍♀️🙆🏼‍♂️ Danach trinken wir ein großes Glas Stilles Wasser und starten im Badezimmer mit dem basischen Tag!

👉 Die Profi-Massagebürste oder EnergieBürste reinigt und vitalisiert die Haut.
👉 Das Duschgel BasenSchauer mit pH-Wert 7,5 befreit die Haut von Nachtschweiß.
👉 Euer Lieblingshandtuch trocknet Euch nach dem Duschen sanft ab.
👉 Und MiraVera erfrischt und sorgt für die Extraportion Sauerstoff.

Mehr Infos findet Ihr bei uns im Netz unter
www.p-jentschura.com 📲💻

Startet gut und basisch in den Tag!😊

MiraVera Skin Tonic - You in Focus Products 09/27/2022

Hospital Study Shows that Covid-19 Can be Prevented with Hydrogen Peroxide
Covid seems to be over but winter/flue season is coming for sure!

I have a great tip to amour up against any virus.

There is a study that shows that “Daily mouth rinse, gargle and nasal rinse with dilute hydrogen peroxide solution can prevent Covid-19”. https://vitalitymagazine.com/article/hospital-study-shows-that-covid-19-can-be-prevented-with-hydrogen-peroxide/?mc_cid=bf3b20876d&mc_eid=5508d38257

If you ever wondered why Dr. Jentschura's skin tonic MiraVera (latin “true miracle”) contains 21 essential oil and high-purity Hydrogen Peroxide. Now you get the idea. The inofficial function of MiraVera is exactly this: some quick sprays into mouth and nose area with MiraVera during the day help you to stay fit and healthy.

Learn more about Dr. Jentschura's MiraVera here https://youinfocusproducts.com/portfolio/miravera-skin-tonic/

MiraVera Skin Tonic - You in Focus Products It contains a carefully selected, powerful combination ...


Dr. Peter Jentschura from Germany is a world renown researcher, book author and inventor of the triple jump to purification. His research on the human biochemistry helped millions of people in about 30 different countries. You can support your body to cleanse in alkaline full and foot bath with AlkaBath, detox drinking AlkaHerb tea with 49 organic herbs and plants, and deeply nourish your body with organic food products like MorgenStund, Tischlein and Wurzelkraft.

His newest project is to build a NaturKunde Akademie, an academy for the science of nature.

“The purpose of the Jentschura NaturKundeAkademie is to consistently pass on our knowledge of human metabolism and our products and their use in order to make a lasting contribution to well-being, beauty and joie de vivre. And we want to enthuse people for a natural, healthy way of life and inspire them to preserve nature and the diversity of creation in their divinity” Dr. Peter Jentschura.

The new building is supposed to be finished in autumn 2022. Congratulations!


"Staying young - lifestyle beats genes"

I found this article in the German manager magazin and enjoy the inspiration.
We can influence life in such a way that it not only brings us more years of life, but that we maintain our mental and physical agility and thus stay young longer. Five tips on how to achieve this.
Knowledge about maintaining health has never been so easily accessible as it is today. And there is broad agreement that regular exercise and a predominantly plant-based diet are the basis for a healthy lifestyle. Nevertheless, the morbidity is increasing. Morbidity means the ratio of sick people to the total population. This means that we are getting older, but if we do not take care of ourselves, we will be sick longer. It doesn't have to be.

We don't have to put up with the increasing complaints of old age. We age the way we live. The aging process is inevitable and starts with birth. But our body and our brain are adaptable, able to adapt dynamically to a healthy lifestyle. We can therefore actively do something to maintain our health, flexibility and performance. According to various European studies, a maximum of 30 percent of our health depends on genetic predisposition. This means that we can influence at least 70 percent of our physical and mental fitness through what we do. With our lifestyle. Lifestyle beats genes. And this lifestyle begins with our attitude, the attitude towards a self-determined and healthy life.

Stay young with exercise, nutrition and the right attitude.
Below, I'll introduce you to five strong attitudes. Attitudes that shape your personality and make it easier for you to live a healthy lifestyle. I also make small suggestions for implementation for each attitude. But a positive basic attitude is the indispensable basis for a sustainable success of the implementation. Without mental strength, without sustained willpower, most resolutions fail. I therefore recommend that you make my personal principles yours and internalize them on a daily basis.
1. I am young

2. I am responsible

3. I exercise every day

4. I eat healthy

5. I love challenges and grow alive.
1st attitude: "I am young"

Think young, because aging starts in the head. Those who feel old do not dare to do so.

Scientists have been able to show that how old you feel has a major impact on lifespan and health. With a positive view of aging, diseases can be avoided and biological age can be influenced. Because those who feel young are more willing to actively do something to maintain their fitness.

People with an affirmative outlook on life are more successful at maintaining their wellbeing than people with an "At my age I won't start this anymore" attitude. Those who have positive expectations of their own life are also ready to do something for these expectations to materialize. If you think you are young, you are more willing to change your lifestyle, for example to embrace new diets, eat less meat, more vegetarian food, maybe even go vegan for a while and test what that does to you.

Those who view aging negatively, on the other hand, are less open to doing something to stay young, for example to exercise more. "I'm already sixty", the emphasis on age is the mental door opener for many things that make people old and sluggish. Already so old, the results of such debilitating thoughts are usually the loss of physical abilities, the associated limitations and the resulting frustration. A tapering and faster turning negative spiral. Anyone who accepts illnesses as due to old age and thus given, is mentally already with one leg in the box. Does not have to be.

If you think yourself young, however, then you are increasingly making decisions that are youthful. As a young-minded person, you often decide in favor of running shoes and against the sofa. You choose to go to the theater in fancy clothes instead of watching the television in a house suit. And you go to dance school yourself instead of just watching "Dance with the stars". That is why you make "I am young" one of your strengthening attitudes.

2. Attitude: "I am responsible"
The conscious acceptance of responsibility also makes you strong. Because this attitude implies that you can do something for your future yourself. Diseases of civilization such as joint pain, high blood pressure and immobility are multiplying rapidly. They are seen as troublesome but inevitable. This fateful attitude is a convenient but utterly false view of things. Rather face personal responsibility. Because diabetes has something to do with high sugar consumption, gout not infrequently with too much animal-based foods and high blood pressure with a lack of exercise and junk food. You can control all of this and much more yourself. A truly empowering thought.

On the other hand, the thought that the doctor will fix it is unfortunately wrong. Recognize the doctor as a repair shop for the scratches on your lifestyle. But he won't teach you how to park properly. You have to take over the parking of your habits yourself. You see, medicine is simply about identifying diseases and treating them as best as possible. And our doctors are really good at that. But our doctors do not learn how not to get sick in the first place, it is not part of their training. As a result, you will be prescribed medication in the doctor's office to relieve symptoms rather than prescriptions for your everyday healthy diet. A diet that won't make you sick in the first place. And orthopedic surgeons prescribe insoles instead of guided running courses in which you learn the ABC exercises that strengthen the muscles of the foot and thus lay the foundation for avoiding injuries from excessive stress.

Therefore, make yourself aware every day that you are responsible for the health in your life. And recognize this responsibility as an opportunity. Because whoever accepts responsibility with the strengthening attitude "I am responsible", it is much easier to take the strengthening measures. And through the daily repetition and awareness of this responsibility, you will be able to give less and less space to weak thoughts. Because willpower can also be trained with daily training, not just your foot muscles.
3rd attitude: "I train daily"
"I only train on days when I also eat or drink". This is my admittedly somewhat provocative standard answer to the question of whether I train daily. And I really want to provoke with it, namely the thought that training should really be something everyday.

Daily movement is in our nature. Just like eating, drinking and sleeping every day. All of this after tiring physical work every day. All of this has made us humans in the last million years what defines our talents and dispositions today. I don't have to show you what our everyday life looks like in reality. Rather, raise awareness with two numbers. People in western civilization only walk around 700 meters a day on average. Our predisposition allows and our body expects daily trotting over about 20 kilometers.

My wife Gisela (born 1965) does indeed run every day. 20 kilometers only now and then, but at least three kilometers. I myself "only" run about five to six days a week. I need and enjoy my day off because I not only jog, but also train hard and my body demands intensive recovery. Still, I train every day. When I'm not running, I do relaxed yoga or vigorous athletic training. I train daily because I feel that these forms of movement help me to alleviate the effects of sitting for several hours every day, unfortunately due to work.

I can feel your frown as I write these lines. But please read on. Because daily training is less a question of time and more a matter of attitude. In addition to sport, recognize the many everyday opportunities to be active. Recognize an opportunity to be active in every staircase. In the office or in the train station, for example. Recognize the chance of leaving your car behind when you go shopping and taking your bike instead. Recognize everyday habits as an anchor to tie up small sports units here. For example, I do some push-ups every time I wash my hands. Washing your hands three times a day at home means doing push-ups three times a day. Assume that you too would do ten push-ups each, then this would be thirty a day, 210 a week and an unbelievable 11,000 push-ups per year, which you would not have done without this "strange" habit in the best sense of the word. And push-ups train your stability and help to avoid the back pain caused by relieving posture (sitting is the new smoking).

Therefore, if you make "I exercise daily" your attitude, you will more often see a walk during your lunch break or the walk to your colleague as an opportunity to be active. And if you want to flank these daily routines with a training plan for running or walking, then of course this is the best possible decision you can make.
4. Attitude: "I eat healthy"
Changing diet is by far the most challenging task that civilized people can face today. Anyone who manages to permanently abandon the pleasures identified as debilitating vices will experience great effects on mental and physical fitness. But the way there is very, very arduous. Shedding cherished habits is difficult enough in itself. If then taste, enjoyment and addiction are added, then this is impossible for most people. Bad habit is best combated with strengthening habits, but before that comes the mind. So here are some explanations of where the cause of most "age-related" diseases lies.

With increasing age, the probability of a noticeable loss of performance increases. The reason for this lies in the cell renewal, which unfortunately works more slowly and no longer fully as the years of life increase. Cell renewal means the building metabolism, which creates the body's own substances from nutrients. Here are a few figures: Humans consist of around 100 trillion body cells and around 50 million body cells die every second, but are rebuilt by the building metabolism. For a better understanding: During football or marathon running, cartilage in the knee joint is broken down, but it is built up again through the building metabolism. But only if we eat healthy. However, if, in addition to age-related restriction of cell renewal, there is poor nutrition, i.e. too few building materials or metabolic disturbances such as industrial sugar or alcohol, this hinders cell renewal and accelerates the loss of personal fitness and performance. The loss of cartilage gradually turns into osteoarthritis. And that is exactly what we can actively avoid.

Fortunately, the body is malleable through our lifestyle and metabolism. In addition to daily exercise, our tools for this are, above all, everyday nutrition. In this way, we can offer cell renewal with fresh fruit, salad and vegetables every day, large amounts of nutrients and vital substances and thus offer the best building materials to become more beautiful, more athletic and more productive.

Therefore, eat predominantly plant-based, reduce animal products, avoid industrial sugar and alcohol as much as possible, season with herbs and spices instead of table salt and avoid processed foods. Because dietary supplements only soothe the guilty conscience, but in the rarest cases are beneficial to health and distract from recognizing where the cause of malnutrition actually lies, in everyday nutrition. All these changes begin with your attitude, ideally with your willingness to make yourself anew every day: "I eat healthy".
5. Attitude: "I love challenges and grow up with life"
The first described attitudes, to feel young, to take on new responsibilities, to do sport every day and to optimize the diet, presuppose the basic willingness to want to change. When I hear statements like "I won't start this at my age" or "This is only for young people", then I recognize beliefs that definitely make people appear old and thus make them old. Of course you can't chase after your own youth. It is also understandable that at seventy you - possibly - no longer feel as comfortable in hot pants as you do at twenty. And whether you have to get to know apps like TikTok at fifty, I would also like to leave that open - in this case, admittedly as an ignoramus. But those who do not dare to use tablets or smart phones, who believe that colored clothing is the fashion of young people and beige is the appropriate shade for senior citizens, who avoid contact with young people because they are concerned about being compared, risk being left behind and lost getting old.

On the other hand, be willing to learn new things:
Instead of just going for a walk also try Nordic walking,
Instead of riding a classic bicycle also test a mountain bike,
Buy smart watch and post your training on social networks,
Be ready to visit a new country after twenty years of vacation in the same location,
Try a new vegan restaurant in addition to the favorite restaurant around the corner,
The ones, who dare to accept small and large changes, grows alive and are sure to stay longer young.

Changes can mean pain, even if it's just the pain of separating from the unfortunately unhealthy nut nougat cream. But changes can also be enriching, such as discovering a new sport like rowing on a home rowing maching. One of my favorite realizations is that those who keep experiencing small successes are really successful. If these are achieved, you pay into the self-confidence account. Our personality largely determines whether we remain young or grow old. If we strengthen our personality, we can change the living conditions. We can live colorfully. We can stay up to date with technology, we can lose weight and build muscles. And we can counter unchangeable aging processes with aids such as glasses and hearing aids. We can stay young longer with the attitude "I love challenges and I will grow alive".

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